
The Gut: Can the Food You Eat Affect Your Mental Health?

No matter who you are, you eat food. Every human needs to eat food to survive. But, what we eat varies greatly between individuals. 

While we often think of the foods we eat as having implications on our physical health, it is not often that we consider the mental health ramifications of consuming certain foods. 

The study of food choices on mental health has developed into a new subspecialty of psychiatry, called nutrition psychiatry

Various mental health disorders - anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, depression, etc. - have become much more commonplace in society. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, states that around 50% of Americans will be diagnosed with some kind of mental health disorder at one point in their lives. 

In fact, mental illness is the third most common cause for hospital admission in the United States among adults aged 18 to 44. 

The high rate of mental disorder diagnoses, when considered in conjunction with poor diet in the United States, caused scientists to postulate that there is some sort of connection between diet and mental health. 

Exploring the Relationship Between Food and Mental Health

Over the past ten years, there has been much research conducted regarding the link between food choice and mental wellbeing. 

Studies have shown that the risk for depression in teens increases dramatically when a low quality diet is consumed compared to a high quality, whole food diet. 

Additionally, the risk of acquiring ADD (a term used to describe what is now known officially as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD) doubles for teens when consuming a low quality diet. 

Why does diet matter so much?

Most contemporary research studies have focused on the interrelatedness of diet and mood disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.). 

To this day, there has not been any direct evidence linking any particular diet with mental health. 

But, scientists are working hard to find this link. Even without a direct, proven link, it’s clear that a balanced diet can be beneficial for both mental and physical health overall.

As of now, scientists and physicians are aware that consuming a healthy diet positively impacts the brain in the following ways:

  • Aids in brain development so that you may cognitively function in a normal manner. 
  • Increases production of neurotransmitters by altering brain proteins/enzymes. Neurotransmitters are chemical signals that make connections between nerve cells.
  • Promotes healthy gut bacteria. This decreases inflammation, which can affect mood and cognition. 
  • Elevates serotonin, which contributes to a good mood. 

While diets consisting of rich and diverse nutrients can change brain proteins that lead to improvements in brain cell connectivity, diets consisting of large amounts of saturated fat and sugars cause the opposite effect. 

These poor diets can be destructive for brain proteins and lead to poor cognitive functioning. Also, high sugar and high fat diets tend to destroy healthy gut bacteria, which can decrease the body’s ability to prevent severe inflammation. 

How to Improve Your Diet    

If you would like to eat healthily to promote good brain health, and mental health by extension, there are certain foods you might want include in your diet. 

The following nutrients can be added into your diet whenever possible:

  • Omega 3s. These can improve mood, improve memory, and improve cognition.
  • Zinc. Too little zinc has been linked to depression.
  • Vitamin B12. Low B12 levels increase risk for cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain atrophy.
  • Iron. Anemia (too few healthy red blood cells) caused by iron deficiency contributes to depression.
  • Vitamin C. Low Vitamin C intake in older adults is associated with depression.
  • Fulvic Humic Concentrate. Re mineralises the body, energises and improves leaky gut.

Takeaway: Diet and Mental Health are Linked

Choosing to eat foods - such as whole grains, vegetables with colour, beans, fruit, and fish - that are dense in nutrients will promote physical and mental health by giving your body the fuel it needs to function at its best.

Eating well helps your brain operate at its best, in particular, and has the potential to improve your mood, energy levels, patience, and willingness to participate in activities.

All of these factors combined with the confidence that comes with taking good care of yourself can help you live as happy and as full of a life as possible.

A Healthy home + How to Prepare Your Crawl Space Against Harmful Moisture and Odors

When it comes to a healthy home and keeping it dry and clean, it’s important to pay attention to all of the areas including storage areas and crawl spaces.

You may choose encapsulation to prevent moisture problems in your crawl space. Even in a new home, problems can occur in the crawl space. Humidity in some environments can contribute to moisture buildup, for example. When you choose encapsulation, you must have the space prepared properly, or moisture can become trapped inside, damaging your home. A professional may spend time pumping out water and dehumidifying a crawl space before applying the plastic sheeting. Electrical wires and pipes must also get checked before encapsulation. It's always a good idea to hire a reputable company to make sure your crawl space gets clean and dry before sealing it off with encapsulation. 


A dehumidifier can help remove moisture from the air in your main living area, basement, or crawl space. You may need to keep a dehumidifier in your crawl space even after you have it encapsulated. Humidity in your crawl space can also cause humidity in your home. This change can lead to an uncomfortable temperature and high electric bills. Since high humidity signifies moisture in the environment, have a thorough inspection to discover the source of high humidity in your crawl space. 

Drain Water Out

If you have standing water in your crawl space, you may have a foundation problem. Standing water can lead to mould, rot, and pests.  You may need crawl space repairs in Winston Salem before you can move forward with the encapsulation. You may also need a foundation repair to prevent water damage to your home and property. If water remains persistent in the crawl space, have a plumber check the pipes for leaks. The crawl space must remain dry to proceed with encapsulation. 

Electricity and Plumbing

You may have electrical wiring and pipes in your crawl space. Your crawl space must remain safe and dry for the encapsulation to happen. After the inspection you should get notified of any loose wiring or broken pipes. Get these repaired before moving forward with the encapsulation. If your crawl space has water in it, have a professional dry it out quickly. Electricity and water in the same area can become a dangerous situation. You may need extensive electrical repairs, as well. 

Clean It Up

Plenty of debris can settle in the crawl space. It can save a lot of time to encapsulate the crawl space when you first build the home. This way pests and debris do not have a chance to take hold of the area. 

You can enjoy a cleaner and safer crawl space by having an encapsulation. This upgrade can also raise the value of your home. Hire a reputable basement or crawl space expert to help you prepare the space. You may also need help with electrical, plumbing, or foundation repairs. If your crawl space has water damage, take the time to have it dried out and restored properly before encapsulation. With proper preparation and repairs, you can enjoy a clean, dry crawl space for many years. 

The link between gut health and mental health. It’s a thing!

It’s honesty time.

  • Have you ever gone to the bathroom a few too many times before a big meeting, presentation or exam?
  • Do some situations make you feel like butterflies (read: eagles) are floating around in your stomach?
  • Can you think of an experience where you felt your stomach drop?

If you’ve nodded your head in agreeance to any of the above scenarios, you’ve experienced the impact of the gut and brain connection.  

The what? 

Let me explain.

We know that the brain is responsible for the interactions we have with the external world, enabling us to see, feel, hear and smell. Our gut, however, governs the way we interact internally, specifically the way we digest, absorb and utilise nutrients. The gut and brain mirror and influence each other every single day.1

Let’s take a deeper deep into this intricate connection. 

How does our gut affect our brain?

If you’re new here and not used to talking all things gutsy (hi!), here’s a bit of a breakdown: 

The gut microbiome represents the hundreds of trillions of bacteria that make up our intestines. These microorganisms protect our gut from foreign invaders and have close contact with the body's primary information-gathering spaces, including the immune, endocrine and nervous system.1 Emerging research indicates that the gut can positively or negatively influence these areas depending on its balance of bacteria. 

You can also read my Gut Health 101 here

The gut-brain axis

There’s a bidirectional communication link between the gut microbiota and brain, known as the gut-brain-axis.This means when the gut is in balance, we’re more likely to feel calm and positive. Conversely, an inflamed gut is linked to several mental illnesses, including anxiety and depression.1

Interestingly, some research demonstrates that having certain microbes in the gut can affect the brain's structure and function.1

So, we are what we eat, but, perhaps more importantly, we are what we digest and absorb.  

How does the brain affect our gut? 

Imagine you’re feeling upset about a particular situation (I’m looking at you, men on Married at First Sight). This sadness travels to the gut and causes an uncomfortable symptom, such as abdominal pain. 

But how?

Well, neurons, the cells found within the brain and central nervous system, tell the body how to behave. And while we have over 100 billion neurons in the brain, the gut contains around 500 million neurons, which is pretty astounding when you think about it!1

So, the brain and gut communicate through neurons via the vagus nerve.1 If you’re unfamiliar with the vagus nerve, think of it as the body's LinkedIn – it connects and sends messages from the gut to the brain and vice versa. Whatever is going on in the emotional part of the brain causes a reaction in the gut through the vagus nerve.

The gut and brain are also connected through chemicals called neurotransmitters. The brain produces neurotransmitters that create different feelings and emotions, which we now know can cause several gastrointestinal symptoms. Many neurotransmitters are made in the gut – including gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which controls feelings of anxiety and fear.1

It’s critical to look after the gut and the brain for stabilised moods and minimal gastrointestinal upset.

How can we support the gut and the brain?

For optimal communication between the gut and the brain, we need the brain to feel safe and the gut to be balanced. Some of the ways I recommend helping them include:

  • Look at your diet: Emerging research says that a healthy diet – one rich in vegetables, fruit, lean protein and healthy fats – can improve our gut and, therefore, the state of our mental health.2 This research consistently shows us that a more diverse gut is linked to better health, so eat various plant foods each week. The fibrous and antioxidant-rich nature of plant foods helps promote the beneficial gut bacteria we need. I recommend aiming for five to seven servings of vegetables daily. 

  • Become a pro of the biotic: Probiotics have the potential to restore microbial balance and improve mental health. A 2017 research study assessed the impact probiotics have on chronic stress. They found those who took probiotics had an overall happier mood, improved energy and were more clear-headed with less anxiety and depression than those who didn’t.3 I recommend including probiotic-rich fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut and kefir. You can also support your gut health by introducing Fulvic Humic Concentrate into your life; it goes beyond probiotic supplementation by strengthening the gut lining’s integrity and tightening its junctions whilst acting as a prebiotic and replenishing the gut microbiota.  

  • Manage your stress: Even if you’re eating the healthiest foods and eating probiotics on the reg, if you’re experiencing stress daily, you’re sabotaging your gut. I recommend incorporating relaxation techniques and mindfulness-based stressed reduction activities into your routine. As I’ve said before, Vedic meditation changed my life, but you may want to try other ways to manage your stress, or bring about more self love at Kegglers.

  • Watch out for diet negativity: A diet laden with sugar and processed foods harm the gut barrier and increase its leakiness, causing energy shifts and mood changes.2 The more we eat these foods, the more we displace the healthy foods our gut and mind love. I recommend limiting your intake of refined sugar, alcohol, gluten and processed foods. Instead, fill your plate with gut-nourishing foods. 

  • What can you tidy up? A little like Marie Kondo, tidying up my space helps bring me to a state of calm. To tidy up internally, I choose to use Love Your Gut and Golden Gut Blend; they help sweep away the internal cobwebs to make way for improved nutrient absorption and more energy. 

I’d love to know; how will you look after your body’s most important connection – your gut and brain?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Lee x 


Wang, H. X., & Wang, Y. P. (2016). Gut Microbiota-brain Axis. Chinese medical journal, 129(19), 2373–2380. https://doi.org/10.4103/0366-6999.190667

Turnbaugh, P. J., Ridaura, V. K., Faith, J. J., Rey, F. E., Knight, R., & Gordon, J. I. (2009). The effect of diet on the human gut microbiome: a metagenomic analysis in humanized gnotobiotic mice. Science translational medicine, 1(6), 6ra14. https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.3000322

3 Clapp, M., Aurora, N., Herrera, L., Bhatia, M., Wilen, E., & Wakefield, S. (2017). Gut microbiota's effect on mental health: The gut-brain axis. Clinics and practice, 7(4), 987. https://doi.org/10.4081/cp.2017.987

5 Creative Ways to Infuse CBD with Food in Your Diet

CBD or Cannabidiol has created a buzz in the wellness and health market over the past few years. People across the globe have been in search of naturally occurring remedies for their health ailments.

CBD has been able to fill that gap and be an excellent alternative to help treat physical and psychological disorders. While CBD is associated with marijuana, people often get confused and refrain from considering CBD. But CBD is one of the 113 compounds present in the Cannabis plant that does not contain any psychoactive properties. CBD has shown its effectiveness by offering a variety of potential benefits which are proving to be a very positive effect on your health.

Due to the rise in popularity, CBD supplement manufacturer USA has been producing more CBD products to meet demand. Today there are several methods available to consume CBD.  Some popular methods include, CBD oils, capsules, tinctures, creams, CBD infused drinks, and for people who prefer to smoke, vaping e-liquids.

Sublingual is most popular type of CBD products, however, they're not for everyone. Since it has an earthy, grassy, and bitter taste to it, first-timers may find it difficult to swallow. While there are several flavoured CBD products available in the market, they can help you consume CBD easily.

It's important to note that every CBD product differs in concentration, quality, and effectiveness. So if you are planning on trying it, ensure that your products are third-party tested and approved by your local authorities. Flavoured CBD eliminates the grassing, raw taste and enhances the taste. 

CBD-infused drinks such as coffees, teas,  and wines are starting to trend in the market. If CBD is widely accepted in your community, you'll probably find CBD products at baristas, restaurants, and even spas!

If you're someone who loves to cook, cooking with CBD can be an excellent option. You can use CBD to make your regular snacks and easy recipes. Try CBD-infused foods and add them to your daily routines as you travel, at work, or help you sleep at night. It also is an excellent option in introducing CBD into your family’s lives. 

CBD edibles are widely accepted by people as it allows them to enjoy their CBD products. These edibles have been modified into many versions and can be anything from candies to brownies. Another great benefit of CBD edibles is to allow first-time users to get use to the cannabinoid and notice any allergies or other changes related to it. You can buy CBD Vegan Gummies for Pain at JustCBD. (more…)

New seafood reforms: An aim to improve Buying Process & Food Demand  

Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) are a type of private regulation that uses seafood distribution networks to decrease the ecological effects of fishing in some of the world's most vulnerable fisheries. 

Such FIPs are driven by business, while non-governmental organisations support others. They are used in both high- and low-income areas, and they cover a wide variety of fishery species at FishMart & other places. 

Their variety is noteworthy, as is their widespread distribution. FIPs are a central aspect of the international fisheries governance landscape, based on their rapid development.

NFI and FMI – The Food Industry Association have released new techniques to standardise and streamline the seafood purchasing process. The aim is to simplify and streamline the terminology and requirements for each fishery product to make it easier for distributors to comply with demands and fulfil them.

What are the standards that must be met?

According to the rule, the goods must be labeled appropriately, with proof of origin and the necessary health certificates, so you must check the labels and look for the certification, especially when buying the imported fish. 

Although there is a lot to remember, the following section will provide you with an outline of the most relevant considerations. Meeting all standards starts in your home country. Your government enforces these conditions by a relevant authority.

  1. Accreditation of the country and processing facilities is required.
  2. You must have the ability to make sure that the fish and seafood processed there follow food quality standards and do not pose a risk to yourself.

Growing the amount of food available from the sea in a sustainable manner

These reforms outline four significant pathways for increasing food supply from the ocean: 

  1. bettering wild fisheries management; 
  2. introducing marine policy reforms periodically; 
  3. developing feed technology for feeding mariculture; and
  4. changing demand, which influences the quantity supplied from all three development sectors.

Sustainable Growth- Forecast 

Overexploited populations can be rebuilt by fisheries management, which can improve long-term food production from marine stocks. While wild fisheries production is nearing limits, mariculture output is well below them and can be enhanced by policy changes, technical advances, and increasing supply.

This will necessitate widening current opportunities for underutilized stocks. This will require the adoption or improvement of management practices that discourage overfishing and encourage declining stocks to regenerate in overfished markets.

Wrapping Up 

Global food consumption is on the rise, and soil supply is rife with questions about the atmosphere and health. Seafood is nutritious, rich and removes or reduces terrestrial food production's environmental impact and is exceptional in contributing to food supply and future global food and nutrition sustainability. 

The forecast of sustainable food production indicates significant prospects for the potential expansion of wild and marine fishing. The capacity for improved global wild fish productivity depends on the maintenance of fish stocks close to their most viable levels.

By avoiding and eliminating environmentally destructive mariculture activities and allowing ecologically friendly growth, better policies and execution will increase the food supply.

How to Spoil Your Favourite Female + a Nourishing Mother’s Day Bundle


This Mother’s Day, who are you looking to nourish and send love to?

Is it your favourite (person, dog, cat, plant or other) mum? Perhaps you’re a new mum or mum-to-be and want to treat yourself? Or maybe there’s a person in your life who needs extra support at this sensitive time?

Whatever the reason and whoever the person, at Supercharged Food HQ, we believe it’s the perfect day to shower some of the most deserving women among us with love.

So, I’ve put together a list of things to help nourish someone special.

  1. A Nourishing Day Starts with Breakfast, Always

Whether you decide to face the busyness of bustling cafes or make something yourself, the perfect way to start this day is with breakfast. I prefer to skip the queue and bring the café style breakfast home with my Café Style Smoked Salmon, Eggs and Asparagus. Or nourish their hair, skin and nails with my Pretty in Pink Smoothie. It’s hot pink and ready to drink.

  1. Book in a Luscious Treatment

Who can say no to a foot massage? As a mum myself, I love nothing more than being whisked away and treated to something just for me. Whether you decide to go for a matching mani-pedi or give a gift certificate for someone to use in their own time, there’s something extraordinary about giving someone permission to pamper themselves.

  1. A Voucher for a Yoga Studio or New Gym

This one’s great for the active mums out there! If mum has a yoga studio she usually goes to, why not gift her a free class? Or maybe she’s trying to get into a healthy routine at a new gym. If time isn’t on her side, there are also many great studios doing online classes.

  1. Give the Gift of Words

As a self-confessed word nerd, I love gifting and receiving books. Books are unique presents because they’re personal; they show that you care enough to pick something that you’d think they’d like. Whether it’s a book you read a while ago that made you laugh, one that inspired you or a new book by an author you know they love, books are spectacular for the reader in your life. Oh, and if mum is looking for books to inspire her to improve her health, I think I may know someone. 😉 here’s my latest recipe book Supercharge Your Life.

  1. Lock in Time Together

If this mum’s love language is quality time, I know they’ll appreciate the opportunity to spend good ol’ fashion time with you. Why not go for a sunset stroll or spend the morning together over tea? If you’re unable to be together this year, book in a zoom dinner date, gift an IOU lunch voucher or even lock in a future weekend away together. It's time to get those creative juices flowing!

  1. Create a DIY Spa Treatment with the Nourishing Mother’s Day Bundle

This Mother’s Day, we’ve created a Nourishing Mother’s Day Bundle that provides everything you need to ensure nourishment from the tip of her head to the ends of her twinkly toes. If mum loves a DIY treatment, my Supercharged Food Earth Mask and Scrub combine minerals and clay's healing powers to beautify and soften the skin. This face mask and scrub is rich in sensational silica and helps give a more youthful appearance by reducing the appearance of age spots, rosacea and pigmentation.

And hey, why not play some soothing music and light a Negative Ion Candle to keep her mind relaxed and calm? Negative ions are little packets of energy from the earth that elevate your mood by increasing serotonin levels, purifying and cleaning the air and counteracting the positive ions in your environment. 

For in-and-out beauty, be sure to throw in the Super Nourished Hair, Skin and Nails for good measure. It’s a berry flavoured collagen beauty supplement to enhance the health of her hair, skin and nails to improve strength, shine and appearance. It has a natural berry and beet flavour for an easy-drinking, light taste that mixes into water, smoothies or juices.  

Our special dealio on this bundle will save you 20% off the recommended price.  Shop the Nourishing Mother’s Day Bundle here. Too lazy to DIY? You can just head over to the guys at Afya Skin and Body Clinic and book a fantastic facial for yourself and your mum.

To mums, mums to be, those who have lost mums, mums who have lost children and those with strained relationships with mothers, I’m sending you a whole lot of love today and every day, and I'm leaving you with a delicious pampering Pretty In Pink Smoothie to enjoy.

Pretty in Pink Smoothie 

Serves 2



  • handful fresh raspberries to decorate  
  • Handful seeds 
  • Mint leaves 
  • Cacao nibs  

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Remove from blender and place in a glass or bowl then topple your favourite toppings on top!

Lee xo

Six Benefits of Eating and Drinking Greens + Microalgae Smoothie

We all know greens are good for us, yet most of us aren't eating enough of them. While this can be frustrating to my fellow nutritionists out there, I can understand why. Why would you choose a green salad over a burger at lunch with your friends? I mean, there's lettuce between the buns, so that's good enough? Right? 

If that sounds familiar, you're not alone. Often, it comes down to convenience, price and taste. But, there's something else that should be motivating you: your health.

Besides greens being full of vitamins and minerals, they can also help regulate our bowel movements (which gets a big tick from us here at Supercharged Food HQ). While you don't need to choose the green salad over the burger every time, the more you do, the better your health outcomes will be.

If you need some more convincing, here are six of my favourite benefits of greens:

  1. They love your liver

Our liver's primary role is to metabolise the nutrients we eat, cleanse the blood and convert toxins into waste. While the liver naturally cleanses itself (even though ads for skinny teas may tell you otherwise), it may not be able to do its job adequately if it's constantly trying to detoxify alcohol, sugar, medication and external toxins.

This can cause us to feel sluggish, tired and can even contribute to weight gain. But, don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. Cruciferous vegetables, such as rocket, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, can help support stage two liver detoxification and reduce oxidative stress to assist liver clearance.

You can learn more about the art of cooking these types of vegetables here and get my recipe for Oven Baked Broccoli and Cauliflower Steaks

  1. Improved cognitive ability 

Forget words with friends or sudoku (although they can be good too); if you want to keep your brain thriving as you age, leafy greens may be the answer.

According to a 2018 research study, one serving of leafy green vegetables a day may help slow down age-related cognitive decline.1 Getting even one serving of greens in can increase mental agility and support cognition. 

  1. Boost your energy 

If you're tired of feeling tired, greens may be the answer. Dark leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamin B, which help convert the foods we eat into energy. They're also rich in iron, calcium and vitamins A, C, K and E so they cover a lot of nutritional bases.

  1. Hello, glowing skin

While there are plenty of antioxidants out there, carotenoids are one of my favourites. I know what you're probably thinking?,  – why would these be relevant? Well, carotenoids are antioxidant-rich and help neutralise free radicals to create glowing skin.

One of the most popular carotenoids is beta-carotene. Kale is one of the top sources of beta-carotene, which is sure to leaf your skin glowing. 😉

  1. Support your immune system 

Our nose, mouth, ears and small intestines all make up part of the body's first line of defence against infection. What do all of these body parts have in common? They all secrete mucus (I know, sounds gross, but hear me out). Mucus helps help clear bacteria and pathogens from the body. If these mucus membranes are disrupted, pathogens can enter the body and cause colds and flu.

Luckily, green vegetables, such as spinach, dandelion greens and broccoli, can help repair these mucus membranes so you can help your immune system do its job. 

  1. They shower your gut with love 

Raise your hand if you've ever struggled with a leaky gut or food sensitivities? Me too! If your hand's raised, you'll likely benefit from increasing your green vegetable intake.

Green veggies can inhibit pathogenic bacteria and support the growth of good bacteria. Plus, the fibre within green veggies can assist digestion and absorption.

Fulvic Humic Concentrate is another natural way to promote good gut health and support you eating more greens, as it goes beyond probiotic supplementation, by supporting the integrity of the gut lining and strengthening its tight junctions, (it's great for IBS and leaky gut) whilst replenishing microbiota, nutrients and enzymes. This super nutrient food aids the absorption of important nutrients, decreases acidity and enhances your cells use of antioxidants and electrolytes.

Sounds great, but how can you actually eat more greens? 

  1. Green Powders and Gut Supportive Ingredients

You may have heard of "superfood" green powders that include wacky-sounding ingredients such as chlorella and spirulina, but what you may not know is that these foods can act as powerful probiotics. 

Spirulina is comprised of more than 70 per cent protein, as well as vitamin E, chlorophyll and fatty acids. Chlorella is a green microalga filled with chlorophyll, protein and carotenoids. Chlorophyll, found in both spirulina and chlorella, is a powerful probiotic in the gut. You can mix these powders into a glass of water or add them to green smoothies.

The best way to have them is with my Love Your Gut powder or Love Your Gut Capsules which not only keep the gut cleaned and toned but also they'll allow the body to absorb more of the good stuff that you're eating or drinking. 

  1. Soups

Making homemade vegetable soup doesn’t need to be tricky and can quickly become a crowd favourite, especially when it tastes as good as My Sweet Potato, Broccoli and Ham Soup pictured above. This soup is so delicious and easy to throw together. It’s also great to freeze, for use as a quick midweek work meal. You can add any amount of greens to it too. 

Look at this greened up pesto!

  1. Pesto

Okay, seriously, who doesn’t love pesto? The best part about pesto (besides the fact it rhymes with presto, and it too is a bit like magic) is that you can make it with literally any dark green vegetable and herb you have.

I’ll add kale, basil or mint into my blender with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper and presto – you have pesto! If you’re looking for inspiration, here’s my Basil Pesto recipe

  1. Smoothies

If you want to trick increase your loved one’s intake of vegetables, smoothies are my go-to. I add a handful of spinach, kale or celery (or, sometimes, all three) to my smoothie to boost my nutrient intake. 

My favourite gut-friendly green smoothie is this Microalgae green smoothie. I would consider this a mid-level green smoothie, packing a green punch with spinach, cucumber and celery. Don't worry; it's still sweet and creamy with the help of frozen banana and blueberries. 

Give it a whirl and let me know what you think about it in the comments section below. 


Serves 2



Blend in a high-speed blender until smooth.


1Morris, M. C., Wang, Y., Barnes, L. L., Bennett, D. A., Dawson-Hughes, B., & Booth, S. L. (2018). Nutrients and bioactives in green leafy vegetables and cognitive decline: Prospective study. Neurology, 90(3), e214–e222. https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000004815

Bunny Bark for Easter

Calling all chocolate lovers, families and friends, I have a lip-smackingly-good homemade treat for you, just in time for Easter.

Today I'm giving you a signed permission slip to eat chocolate. 

No questions asked, or strings attached. 

Are you surprised? confused?

Let’s take this back a step. Have you ever wondered what chocolate is and where it comes from?

Well, cacao is grown on trees in tropical areas of the Amazon. Cacao comes from beans that grow on the cacao tree. These beans are harvested and processed into cacao and cocoa products. Cacao powder is the raw version of cocoa and is full of essential vitamins and minerals. 

Cocoa was traditionally used for its healing benefits, which is vastly different from the indulgent way we consume it nowadays. So, where did they get this idea from, and more importantly, how do we start eating more chocolate… for the health benefits… of course. 

Here are my five favourite reasons to eat chocolate (not that you needed any 😉

  1. Cacao is packed full of antioxidants, which helps reduce bodily inflammation and fight off oxidative stress. Cocoa contains 50mg of polyphenols per gram; this means a single-serve of cocoa contains more antioxidants than the average person eats in a day! It turns out you can have your chocolate and eat it too.
  1. Chocolate improves your mood, and not just because it’s delicious. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a brain chemical released when we experience an emotional pleasure. No wonder we reach for the chocolate bar when we’re feeling down - it’s a natural pick-me-up!
  1. Against popular belief, dark chocolate can help with weight loss. Cacao is associated with suppressing our appetite and increasing fat oxidation. Frequent chocolate consumption is associated with lower body weight, which may be related to the antioxidant effect of chocolate. I’m not saying it’s time to scoff down several chocolate bars daily, but having a few squares of dark chocolate can be beneficial to your health and your waist-line.
  1. If you’re someone who struggles with sleep, chocolate could be your saving grace. Chocolate contains magnesium, a mineral that’s commonly deficient. Magnesium serves over 300 biochemical processes in the body, including looking after our bones, heart and energy levels. Magnesium is also beneficial for sleep, fatigue and muscle soreness. 
  1. One of the key research areas with chocolate is its impact on cardiovascular health. Chocolate offers a rich source of antioxidants, that can be protective against damage to the lining of the arteries, improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure. In one study, women who were consuming 1-2 servings of chocolate per week had significantly lower rates of heart failure hospitalisation compared to those who didn’t eat chocolate.

Now that you’re officially convinced, it’s time to reap the benefits! Celebrate your love of chocolate... oh, and Easter, with my Swirly Easter Bunny Bark!  It's full of essential fatty acids and antioxidants, and this chocolate bark is one for the whole family to love and enjoy. 

These shards of deliciousness may not look perfect but I can absolutely guarantee that they taste amazing!  It has something to do with the frozen berries I think, they make it incredible.

So why not marshall the troops at home, and hop onto this one, I promise you won't be disappointed with the outcome.

There will be no more hot cross bunnies in the house once they get their lips around this one, I can assure you.

Watch a video about how to make it here.

Swirly Easter Bunny Bark

Note, if you are cutting down on sugar/dairy or have allergies, you can make your own chocolate if you prefer.  There is a recipe for white or dark chocolate here.


  • 1 big block milk chocolate 70%
  • 1 big block white chocolate
  • 1/2 cup mixed nuts
  • 1 tbs hemp seeds
  • 1 tbs chia seeds
  • 1 tbs pumpkin seeds
  • 3 x tbs frozen berries
  • Large pinch sea salt


Kids ask mum, dad or an adult for help with this first bit…

Bring two pans of water to the boil and add a bowl on top and melt the chocolate, the water should be simmering underneath. Stir each bowl using two spoons or spatulas to remove any clumps

Kids can line a small baking tray with baking parchment paper

Adults spoon the dark melted chocolate into the tray and spread it out evenly leaving about an inch space around the edge of the tray. Then repeat the process with the white chocolate

Kids you can now get a chopstick or skewer and swirl it around back and forth to make a pattern or whatever shapes you like

Now its time to add your toppings, you can scatter over the nuts, berries and seeds and sea salt, then once it is finished place in fridge to set, if you’re in a hurry to eat it you can put it in the freezer to speed things up

Decorate with extra Easter decorations if you like!

To eat, ask an adult to chop it up into pieces

This keeps for 2 weeks in the fridge if it lasts that long!

Make it and let me know what you think below 😉

Happy Easter!

Lee xo

7 Incredible Ways To Drive More Traffic For Your Food Blog

Just like any other business, the constant struggle for blog owners is driving traffic to their website. Whether your passion is fashion, travel, or automobiles, some niches are trendy while others are timeless.

One industry that I'm passionate about is food blogging. Starting a food blog is fun but as easy it is sounds, blogging requires special skills as there are millions of people across the globe in search of interesting food ideas that cater to different diets and so working on the content that people want to read and access is key..

As much as mastering your cooking skills and perfecting recipes is important, so is keeping your audience entertained and satisfied so creating great content will make your blog alot more appealing to them.

There are several techniques you can implement to drive more traffic to your food blog and I'd love to share with you today my top 7 things you can consider to increase the popularity of your blog.

Know your Niche 

When building a website, having a clear theme that will be constant in all your web pages and blogs is important. When you recognize your niche its easier to create content that reaches the right audience and generates traffic.

A food blog can consist of a variety of topics such as recipes, restaurant reviews, food product reviews, cooking techniques and so much more. There is no right and wrong when it comes to blogging but in order to drive traffic to your website, paying attention to your audience and comments is helpful. 

Be consistent 

Consistency is something that bloggers end up taking lightly which can amount to a loss of online visitors. The more regularly you update your blogs with relevant content, the more traffic you'll receive. People are always in search of sites that have new and updated content. This improves your site’s credibility, so ensure that you stick to a particular schedule and maintain consistency. Outdated blogs can increase the bounce rates of your site and impact your website ranking on search engines. Creating fresh and unique content will keep your subscribers interested and your blog more appealing.

Take Great Photos 

One of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog is through high-quality images. Most smartphones can deliver good quality photos that can make your food look so tasty! 

Some food bloggers who have made blogging their career like to invest in good equipment to enhance the quality of their photos and videos to attract more people to their website.

A good rule of thumb is to do your research and pick up tricks and tips on how to capture the food you create in the most creative way, natural light always works best.  This will improve your exposure and reach to enabel to you find a wider audience. 

Food blog SEO

As most of you may already know, SEO is the heart and soul of increasing visibility on search engines. Not only does it help in brand awareness but also builds a strong online presence.

With the food industry being so vast, optimizing your food blog with SEO is essential so that you can drive more traffic.

The first thing to do is familiarise yourself with different SEO techniques and find ways to implement them in your food blog. 

  • Keywords: The foundation of any SEO strategy is keywords that will boost your visibility and drive traffic to your blog. Small, medium and long-tail keywords that are less competitive can increase the chances of your blogs being seen on search engines. 
  • Optimize Images: As much as high-quality images are useful, adding the right alt text and inserting the appropriate image size can increase the visibility of your blog.
  • Linking: Earn backlinks from authoritative sites and internally link to your past blogs can increase web traffic to your food blog and makes your site more trustworthy. 
  • Web host provider: An excellent hosting service will provide great website speed, security, web design, and so much more that can be quite useful for a food blogger. Hosting Foundry has reviewed some of the best hosting services that can work best for your food blog. 

Creating the Right Content 

As mentioned before, the industry is vast and a variety of topics to choose from, bloggers often wonder what kind of content to put up on their site.

While some bloggers focus on a single particular topic that is local and effective. Whereas others focus on a wider genre of food topics that cater to all foodies across the globe.

Creating engaging and interactive content that has high-quality value will have people flocking to your site.

Try out different recipes that are attractive to your target audience, create listicle pieces, giveaway posts, quality foods, images, and videos to make your blogs look great.

Writing guest blogs is another great way to bring traffic to your website. Just make sure that sites you write for are relevant to your niche or else you will be writing for audiences that are not interested in what you offer. 

Social Media 

Social media can be your best bet in promoting your food blogs and building awareness. It also gives you an opportunity to engage directly with your followers and interact with them on a personal level.

Grow your social profiles by uploading your blog posts with attractive and high-quality images. Allow social sharing on your profiles so once your followers share your post, it will be able to reach a wider audience and attract more people to your profile.

Update your profiles with all necessary information in regards to your blog such as website link, blog name, contact information, and so on. By doing so, people will not only visit your social channels but also look further into your website.

Mobile-friendly Website

In today’s digital world, every website on the internet must have a mobile-friendly website. Search engines have made it a crucial ranking factor, so if you want to drive traffic to your website, you must have a mobile-friendly website.

For those who love looking up recipes and cooking, it can difficult to be in the kitchen with a laptop or a desktop, right? This is where smart devices come in handy. With modern technology, you can easily access the internet through your smart devices and look-up for favorite recipes.

It is important to note, optimizing your mobile site must have good readability, great speed, easy website navigation, and much more.

Remember, no matter what technique you invest in your food blog, nothing happens overnight. It takes time and patience to consistently make necessary changes that work best for your blog.

Monitor, track, and re-test different strategies until you find the best tactic that drives more traffic to your website.

How to repurpose leftovers + Vegan Roasted Sweet Potato with Basil Pesto and Chopped Salad

Does this sound familiar? 

Sunday: This week, I’ll finally eat healthily! I’ve just done a grocery shop so, I’ll make delicious and nourishing dinners every night with fresh produce, create vegetable-filled lunches every day, and I know that I’ll feel amazing, have so much energy, and suddenly, my skin and life will be problem-free. 

Ideal you on a Monday evening: I’ve just printed out this recipe for Lee’s Kale and Orange Salad. I’ll make that with dinner and then create the Chocolate Chilli Beef Zoodles for tomorrow’s lunch. 

Real you on a Monday evening: It’s 8 pm. You’re tidying up the dinner you made, and the last thing you feel like doing is making a whole dish for lunch tomorrow.

Tuesday night: Takeaways it is.

If you ever have lovely intentions to cook and use all of the food you buy in a week, and then find it’s Friday night and you’ve had takeaway every night this week, you’re not alone.

But, let’s get one thing straight – cooking, eating healthily and not wasting produce doesn’t have to be so complicated, time wasting (or expensive). 

Let's go through some tips to understand how to use and store leftovers. Trust me when I say that the future you will thank you!

  1. Plan your meals. I know it may sound a little dull or like it takes effort, but think about what you want to eat at the start of the week. Then, think about how you can use those leftovers. It’s a time and budget saver in the long run. For example, if you prepare double the vegetables you need for dinner; you’ll then be able to eat them for lunch the next day or cook them in a soup another night.
  2. Store food in clear glass containers. Using a glass storage container makes it easier to see what’s inside so, you’ll be more likely to use the food you already have. 
  3. If you’re freezing foods, use a zip-lock bag and put the date on a piece of tape, so you know when it was made.
  4. Before you serve dinner, put some away in a container for lunch the next day. We often just eat what’s in front of us so, if you put some away beforehand, you’re more likely to be left with enough food for leftovers. 

Here are my favourite ways to repurpose your foods. 

  1. Homemade Stock 

You know what they say – one man’s trash is another man’s vegetable stock. Instead of throwing away perfect vegetable scraps, like the ends of onions or a tomato core, stow them away for delicious homemade vegetable stock. Keep a stock container in the freezer and add to it whenever you cook something new to use in future recipes.

Here’s my delicious Best Ever Vegetable Stock recipe. 

  1. Soup

Soup is an excellent way to use up leftover vegetables. Whether you have leftover carrot, potato, tomato or greens, throw them all into your next soup.

If you’re looking for soup-er inspiration, try my Oven Baked Veg and Garlic Soup, Cauliflower and Pumpkin Soup or my Sweet Potato, Broccoli and Ham Soup. There is soup for just about every occasion. 

  1. Baked Vegetable Bowl

While this one sounds a little fancy, it’s just a bowl filled with deliciously nourishing ingredients you have lying around. These flawless bowls are bouncing with whatever vegetables you have leftover, any protein you like, grains, greens, nuts and seeds. Everything and anything goes.

For inspiration, you can’t go past my Bohemian Baked Vegetable Bowl.

  1. Bone Broth

Have you ever cooked chicken for a family of four and accidentally cooked enough for a whole village? Same.

If you’ve roasted an entire chicken, turkey, pork, lamb or fish, and have too much leftover, why not cook it into a warming broth?

Whenever I have leftover chicken, I’ll throw it into my slow cooker with celery, carrots and spices to make a gut-healing broth.

Depending on the week, I’ll either portion it out into containers and keep it in the freezer or just store it away in the fridge and drink it as is. I love my Beef Pho Broth, and my Gut Healing Turmeric Chicken Broth is forever a winner. 

  1. Family Pizza

If you’re looking to healthify your favourite food, why not turn your leftover eggplant, wrap, sliced sweet potato or mushroom top into a pizza base?

I love spreading tomato sauce over any of these vegetables, adding leftover veg, some cheese and protein and baking it in the oven for 10-12 minutes. If you want to make your own fancy base and add leftover vegetables on top instead, head over here for a pizza recipe the whole family will love. Or it's easy to buy a gluten free pizza base to use as well.

  1. Stir-Fry

Whenever I make a stir-fry for dinner, I always tell myself to do it more often because it’s just so quick and easy. Making a stir-fry with leftovers is one of the simplest things you can do and is perfect for lazier nights.

If you're wondering about the cheats quick and easy version, all you need to do is just sauté whatever protein you have, leftover vegetables, ginger and spices in a pan with tamari, serve it with rice or quinoa, and you’re ready for a delicious meal in less than thirty minutes. If you want to diversi-fry you’re stir-fry, my Beef Stir-Fry with Peaches is one that’ll impress even the harshest of critics.  

  1. Smoothies

If you’ve been around here long enough, you’ll know that I love smoothies because of their chuck-in-abilities (I know that’s not a word, but just roll with me).

My favourite smoothies always happen when I just randomly throw fruit, leafy greens, chia seeds, water or milk and gut-healing powder (I’ve heard Love Your Gut powder or Golden Gut Blend is great ;)) into your blender and watch a smoothie swirl to life.

Right now, I’m loving this smoothie. 

  1. Wraps

Okay, okay, maybe it’s time to wrap it up. I may not be the best rapper, but at least I’m a great wrapper.

To make a delicious homemade wrap, use either a leftover wrap, nori or lettuce leaf and fill it with leftover veggies, protein and a homemade sauce. Try my Vegetable Nori Wraps here.

  1. Banana Bread 

This is a petition to stop throwing good, ripe bananas in the bin!

Ripe bananas are ideal for banana bread, and banana bread is ideal for everyone. When my bananas start to brown, I’ll either use them in this banana bread recipe.

Or I’ll peel and store them in a glass container in the freezer to use for future banana bread or banana-based smoothies like this one which is a great Gut Immunity Smoothie.

  1. Pesto 

Do you know what I love about pesto? You can make it with literally any dark green vegetable or herb you have – coriander, kale, basil, or mint can all be turned into a scrumptious pesto. Just blend up your herbs, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and some salt and pepper. I use pesto as a dip or add it to my pasta, salad or protein of choice. 

If you’re looking for a delightful new recipe to utilise your leftover vegetables, you can’t go past my Vegan Roasted Sweet Potato with Basil Pesto and Chopped Salad. It’s a perfectly adaptable recipe that shines excellently on its own.

While this one sounds a little fancy, it’s just a bowl filled with deliciously nourishing ingredients you have lying around. These flawless bowls are bouncing with whatever vegetables you have leftover, any protein you like, grains, greens, nuts and seeds. They remind of the amazing Veestro meals. Everything and anything goes.

Vegan Roasted Sweet Potato with Basil Pesto and Chopped Salad

Serves 2


  • One sweet potato halved lengthwise 
  • 2 tbs olive oil plus extra for dressing salad (or use olive oil spray)
  • Pinch sea salt 

Chopped Salad

  • 2 cups leafy greens 
  • 1 cucumber chopped into cubes
  • Handful of cherry tomatoes halved
  • 4 baby capsicum (optional) chopped into cubes
  • Handful of seeds such as pepitas and sunflower seeds

Basil Pesto (makes one jar)

  • 1 cup pine nuts
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 cups packed basil leaves
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice plus a small bit of zest
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
  • ⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • ¼ tsp Celtic Sea Salt

Sweet Potato


  1. Heat oven to 185 degrees Celsius.
  2. Place sweet potato on the baking tray, spray with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt.
  3. Place in the oven for 45 mins or until tender.
  4. Half way through cooking, use a fork to make grooves along the sweet potato.

Basil Pesto 


  1. Place basil in food processor and process. 
  2. Add nuts, garlic, lemon and nutritional yeast flakes and salt and pulse. 
  3. Slowly drizzle in olive oil until consistency is as you like it. 
  4. Add more olive oil if necessary.

Chopped salad


  1. Place leafy greens in a bowl and add remaining ingredients, sprinkle with seeds and add a drizzle of olive oil and lemon if preferred.

Serve all together and store the leftovers for lunch the next day. 

Why not give this recipe a try and let me know what you think in the comments section below?

Lee x

Enjoy an Energy Lift with CBD Products

Many people know how frustrating it can be when you feel like you have no energy. The thing is, we all have days like this, and it can make getting in with your day very difficult. For those who lead active lives and have a lot to do each day, it can cause a lot of problems. However, there are ways in which you can boost your energy levels and give yourself a well deserved energy lift! One in particular is my Fulvic Humic Concentrate which you can read more about here. 

Another product that can prove very effective in terms of helping you to maintain higher energy levels is CBD. You can use CBD products such as full spectrum CBD gummies to help you to benefit from this energy boost, and it can make a big difference on those days when you feel zapped. You can choose from many CBD products, and this makes it easier to find the perfect one for your needs as well as your budget.

So you might be wondering how CBD can give you the energy lift that you need? I've broken it down below, and you can read more about CBD at CFAH.org

How CBD Helps to Boost Energy

There are various benefits that come with using CBD products, and many of these can help to give you an energy boost. Some of the ways in which it does this include:

A Natural Energy Booster

CBD is known as a natural energy booster, so it can give you an energy lift over the course of the day. In order to achieve this, you simply use it in small doses throughout the days. If you take part in sports activities or you simply have a very busy schedule, this is a great way to keep you going without your energy levels suddenly falling through the floor. You can also avoid the energy spikes followed by periods of fatigue that some other energy products result in.

Getting Enough Sleep

Getting proper sleep is also vital if you want to benefit from increased energy levels during the day. However, a lot of people have difficulties when it comes to getting to sleep, and this can cause a myriad of problems. Lack of shut eye can affect not only your energy levels the next day but also your health, mood, and overall wellbeing. Using CBD products provides an effective solution that can help to boost serotonin levels to aid proper sleep. This then means you have adequate energy to get through each day without feeling exhausted.

Aiding Mental Wellbeing

Your mental wellbeing can have a huge impact on your energy levels. When you feel anxious, low, or stressed, you often feel as though you do not have the energy or motivation to get things done. Fortunately, CBD can aid your mental wellbeing, as it helps to reduce anxiety and stress, lifts a low mood, and aids relaxation. This then makes it easier for you to have the motivation and energy you need each day.

As you can see, there are various ways in which CBD products can help to provide you with more energy so that you can get on with your day and shine bright!

FYI For Your Inflammation + a Vegan Edible Smoothie


I’m sure you’ve heard the term before, but do you know what it means?

Well, for your inflammation, inflammation is a mechanism the body uses to respond to a foreign agent, infection or injury.

Inflammation activates the immune system and begins the process of healing. In acute cases, like when you scratch your knee, inflammation is beneficial, short-term, and essential to protection.

Inflammation can become problematic when it turns into chronic inflammation – when the body is under a constant state of inflammation or inflamed for an extended period of time with no threat of a foreign invader.

Chronic inflammation can lead to a whole host of health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, arthritis and accelerated skin ageing (yikes!).

What causes chronic inflammation?

There are a number of things that can contribute to the development of chronic inflammation such as...

  1. Poor diet: I’m sure no one is surprised that this is number one on my list. A diet high in refined sugars and carbohydrates, processed meats, alcohol, poor-quality dairy, trans fat and lots of gluten can increase inflammation.
  2. Compromised gut health: A healthy gut is vital for reduced inflammation. Unfortunately, our ability to provide an anti-inflammatory environment for our gut microbes, with a strong barrier, declines as we age. When the gut's lining is compromised, endotoxins and undigested food can pass through easily and enter the bloodstream, triggering inflammation. If you want to strengthen the lining of your gut, this is what I use, it's called Fulvic Humic Concentrate and it's excellent if you're suffering from gut issues or leaky gut. Scientists now know that gut microbes influence immune cells and that reducing inflammation levels within the gut is a key driver to overall good health.
  3. Inadequate omega-3 intake: Omega-3 decreases bodily inflammation so, it’s time to up your oily fish, eggs, chia seeds and flax seeds intake.
  4. Nervous system imbalance: High amounts of stress, causing ongoing cortisol, is a one-way ticket to inflammation town. You can read more about my ten ways to manage stress over here.

FYI: Here are seven foods that reduce inflammation...

As a food-first clinical nutritionist, I believe one of the best and easiest tools we have to reduce inflammation is food!

If you’re looking to lower your inflammation, aim for a balanced diet based on whole foods. Below are some of my favourite anti-inflammatory ingredients and recipes you can incorporate into your diet today.

1. Bone Broth

Bone broth helps heal and seal the gut lining, reducing levels of inflammation. My Gut-Healing Turmeric Chicken Broth is rich in minerals and helps the medicine inflammation go down! It’s charged with anti-inflammatory turmeric, fresh ginger and a whole chicken. A cup of broth is just what the doctor ordered.

2. Salmon

Salmon is full of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. It’s also rich in protein, antioxidants and minerals. Feast on salmon in my Crispy Salmon with Saffron, Aioli, and Smashed Green Peas. It’s a deliciously fresh meal full of anti-inflammatory salmon and antioxidant-rich herbs and veggies. Perfection!

3. Cruciferous Vegetables

Crucife-what? You know those vegetables you love but can sometimes you leave feeling a little bloated and, well, gassy? They’re part of the cruciferous vegetable family. Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, brussel sprouts and cabbage, have been shown to lower inflammation.

I recommend introducing these vegetables into your diet slowly, and make sure you cook them before eating them to help your body adapt to their fibrous nature! Adding spices such as turmeric to the cooking process helps too! My favourite cruciferous vegetable recipe at the moment is my Oven-Baked Broccoli and Cauliflower Steak.

4. Chia Seeds

Let’s all cheer for chia seeds. Chia seeds contain an antioxidant called caffeic acid, which helps fight inflammation in the body. They’re also rich in anti-aging omega-3 fatty acids that help keep your heart and gut happy. If you've never considered making your own jam, why not try out my Raspberry Chia Jam. You can thank me later 😉

5. Flaxseeds and Flax Oil

Like chia seeds, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fibre. Flaxseeds can help you reach your omega-3 target while keeping your digestion running smoothly (literally)! Up your omega-3 with my Omega Cheese Crackers.

6. Brightly Coloured Berries

Do you know what’s berry good? Berries. Berries are rich in polyphenols; specifically an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which can help lower inflammation. The richer the colour of the berry, the higher the anti-inflammatory effect.

If you’re after my favourite berry recipe, it happens to be a Homemade Berry Crumble. PS: you don’t need to be rugged up around the lounge with cute winter socks to enjoy a delicious crumble; it deserves to be loved no matter the weather.

7. Golden Gut Blend

No anti-inflammatory list is complete without my Golden Gut Blend. Containing bioactive and ginger turmeric, both shown to reduce inflammatory markers, Golden Gut Blend is an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antioxidant-rich powerhouse – now that’s upping the ante ;). Plus, diatomaceous earth makes Golden Gut Blend a cleaner and primer for your insides. It’s the superstar in my Golden Gut oatmeal cookies and nice cream.

And now for a magnificent anti-inflammatory meal in a glass. This Vegan Edible Smoothie is bursting with lively, activated nutrients and a beautiful, tangy and delicious berry zing. It's the perfect way to spruce up your day.

Vegan Edible Smoothie

Serves 1


  • 185 ml (6 fl oz/3/4 cup) almond milk
  • 30 g (1 oz/1/4 cup) raspberries
  • 40 g (11/2 oz/1/4 cup) blueberries
  • 35 g (11/4 oz/1/4 cup) strawberries, hulled
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon organic almond butter (see note)
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseeds
  • 1 teaspoon alcohol-free vanilla extract
  • zest of 1 small lemon
  • 1 teaspoon Love Your Gut powder


Place all the ingredients in a glass jar and place in the fridge overnight. In the morning, pour the ingredients into a blender and process until completely smooth.

Note: If you don’t have almond butter, substitute with 1 tablespoon raw almonds.

Supercharged Tip

If you’re pressed for time and in a rush to get out the door in the mornings, make your smoothies the night before and place in a sealed jar in the fridge.

I’d love to know – what’s your favourite anti-inflammatory ingredient? Let me know in the comments below.

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