
4 Ways To Fit A Healthy Diet Into A Hectic Lifestyle

The world seems to move faster these days and if you feel that way too, then it can be difficult to find the time to prepare healthy foods. So, how can you live healthy when you’re on a hectic, packed schedule? These are the options that we recommend you consider. 

Ten Minute Meals 

A great way to get everything that you need from your diet without putting too much pressure on your schedule is by focusing on quick, time friendly, ten minute meals. This might sound like microwaveable junk, but there are actually quite a few different types of meals that you can cook for yourself in under ten minutes.

One great example would be stirfrys. You can put whatever you like into a stir fry which ensures that they never feel dull or boring. 

Prepared Food Delivery Services

Perhaps you are interested in more wholesome meals but you don’t have the time or even the energy to prepare them? If that’s the case, then you should think about exploring a food preparation delivery service. As the name suggests, this means that your food comes ready and prepared to be booked.

You won’t have to slice it and dice it or measure out the different quantities. That’s all done for you and this can work like a subscription service where food is delivered to your home each week. It’s great for busy working professionals who want to ensure that their family are getting full, nutritious meals. Also meal delivery services are great.

Make Smoothies

One of the easiest ways to ensure that you are eating well even when there’s a mad rush to get out of the door each morning is to make smoothies. Smoothies allow you to pack everything you need from your diet into something that is easy to digest which can be consumed readily throughout a busy day. You can even make smoothies for the kids to take with them to school or for you if you are spending the day at the office. You can get all the produce you need for a top homemade smoothie from a fruit and vegetable shop. Then, you can use a few guides online to make some delicious treats that you are sure to love. Additionally, taking ImmunoG PRP from NuMedica can complement your smoothie routine, providing essential nutrients and supporting your immune system for added health benefits throughout the day.

Slow Cooking 

You might also want to consider using a slow oven to prepare food that takes longer to cook. A slow cooker will allow you to throw all the ingredients together at the start of the day and leave them cooking while you are at work. This is a great way to ensure that healthy options like a casserole is available for you and the rest of the family when you get in at the end of the day. It also saves you from eating too late in the evening. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the steps that you can take to fit a healthy diet into a busy or hectic lifestyle. Exploring the right options here will guarantee that you do get everything that your body needs even when you feel as though you are constantly in a rush. 

6 Tips to Get More Fibre in Your Diet

The typical American diet is low in fibre, a plant element that’s vital for physical wellbeing. Fibre passes through the digestive system mostly intact, but along the way, it supports healthy gut bacteria and lowers cholesterol levels.

High-fibre diets also support healthy bowel movements and make people feel full, which can help them maintain a healthy weight. For these and other health reasons, it’s important to incorporate adequate fibre into your diet.

Adding fibre into your diet is easy. Here are six tips for getting started:

1.   Ask Yourself This Question

Because fibre is found in plants, there’s an easy way to identify foods that are good sources of fibre. Simply ask yourself this question: Does this food grow outside? If the food item is plant-based and grows out of the ground, it has some form of fibre.

The next time you go grocery shopping, take a moment to survey your shopping cart. How many of the items you’re purchasing can be grown? How many elements of your boxed foods are plant-based? What items in your cart aren’t grown, and what function do they serve in your diet?

2.   Create a Fibre Battle Plan

Meal planning is an incredible way to strategise your fibre intake. Instead of buying what looks good, start choosing foods that treat your body well. As you adjust to healthy levels of fibre, you’ll start to feel better, and your taste buds will adjust to enjoy healthier foods.

Nutritionists suggest that the average adult eats between 25 to 38 grams of fibre a day. Too much fibre can lead to side effects like bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. However, because most American diets have chronically low levels of fibre, overdoing it is not usually a problem.

3.   Switch out Processed Foods

Processed foods are typically stripped of their natural sources of fibre. For instance, refined white flour is missing most of its nutritional value and fibre. Another example is healthy juices – although these products contain many nutrients, the fibrous parts of plants are processed out during the juicing process.

Replacing processed foods with raw or cooked whole foods will reinstate fibre back into your life. For example, you could buy whole wheat bread or flour instead of white, processed grains. Instead of eating processed cereal, consider having oatmeal or adding bran to your cereal bowl.

4.   Pick a High-Fibre Meal

If adding fibre to your whole diet seems overwhelming, try eating one fibre-packed meal a day. Changing even one meal can improve your whole diet and significantly increase your fibre intake. You could even adapt one meal a week until you become more familiar with fibre-filled recipes.

High-fibre options for breakfast include oatmeal, chia seeds, almonds, avocado, and berries. Lunch is the perfect opportunity to introduce fibre-rich greens such as kale and spinach into your diet. Add bulgar wheat to salads for an extra fibre boost. Dinners can include legumes like split peas and beans and high-fibre vegetables like broccoli and carrots.

5.   Snack on High-Fibre Foods

Snacking is often mindless and tends to center on foods that are convenient rather than healthy. Prepping high-fibre snacks can help you cut these unhealthy foods out of your diet. In addition, healthy snacks will put fibre within easy reach throughout the day.

Great snack-sized sources of fibre include chopped fruits and vegetables. Switch out different types weekly for variety and added nutritional value. Other fibre-dense snacks include nuts and seeds like almonds, pistachios, peanuts, chia seeds, flaxseed, and poppyseeds. In addition to fibre, nuts and seeds are a source of healthy fats.

6.   Make Sure You’re Chewing

Foods with high levels of fibre require a lot of chewing. Think of a rabbit eating their daily meal – all that chewing is breaking down fibre-filled plants so this animal can access the nutrients integrated into the plant material. The same thing is true for you!

The next time you eat, pay attention to how much you need to chew. If most of your food is soft or in liquid form, you’re probably not getting enough fibre in your diet. In addition to benchmarking fibre intake, chewing can also improve digestion and increase feelings of fullness.

A Fiber-Rich Diet

Fibre is incredibly good for your body, regulating important physical functions and helping you to feel satisfied after meals. In addition to improving your digestion, fibre-rich foods also include many vitamins and minerals that will boost your mood and strengthen your body.

Many Americans don’t eat enough fibre, but incorporating fibre-rich foods into your diet is easy. Follow these six tips to increase your fibre intake and reap the many benefits of a fibre-rich diet. If you struggle to consume enough fibre through your diet alone, incorporating a fiber supplement like Colonbroom can be a convenient and effective solution. Colonbroom supplements are specifically formulated to provide the necessary fibre intake, promoting healthy digestion, regular bowel movements, and overall gut health. By including Colonbroom supplements in your daily routine, you can ensure you're meeting your fibre needs and supporting your overall well-being.

Three Wise Christmas Salads to Light Up the Table

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a brand-new player, hosting Christmas lunch or dinner can be a little stressful.

If you’re two steps away from choosing which restaurant will be catering your Christmas table, hold your metaphorical horses. I’ll be sharing three Christmas salads that are fit for a king and queen. 

Firstly, choosing what to cook, can be challenging when almost everyone you know has an allergy or some sort of dietary restriction. And then, you need to consider how to make your table look beautiful and feel merry.

But fear not, hosting a fabulously festive Christmas lunch or dinner need not be stressful or take up too much room in that lovely brain of yours. With the right plan, and a little help from me, you can put in less effort and still pull off a memorable and delicious event.                                                               

Let me help you cruise through the planning so you can focus on enjoying the party you and your guests deserve.  

Before we get into what food to cook, it’s essential to set the stage with a beautiful tablescape.

Choose and stick to a theme to make sure your table looks cohesive. I love a garden theme and love to use flowers and pots on the table as a decoration. Like any good Instagrammer, I use upcycled jars to place things like dressings and toppings on the table, too. 

One of my other favourite ways to decorate the table is letting the food do the talking, and by that, I mean providing the colour. Spreading citrus fruit, pomegranate, and pumpkins on the table is an excellent way to bring vibrancy to your table naturally. If you need some more tips on creating a tablescape, this blog here is for you as it has all the tips and tricks and ins and outs.

To ion out any bad vibes, make sure to light candle.  I often use my negative ion candle. Negative ion candles purify the air, elevate serotonin levels and look absolutely stunning on the dinner table, making it an essential piece of the Christmas table puzzle. 

Now, let’s get onto the delicious part, the food.

These days, one main meal never fits all, especially when you’re cooking for a few. You might be catering to a vegetarian, flexitarian, dairy-free, grain-free, vegan, keto, or carb-free crowd, making it almost impossible to choose what to make.

Do yourself a favour and take the pressure off by choosing one main meal and letting the sides do most of the heavy lifting. It’s the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure meal and great for when you’re hosting a bunch of people. I mean, why fuss over a big roast when everyone loves the sides? There, I said it; because let's face it, someone had to!  

My foolproof Roast Turkey with all the Trimmings plus a Homemade Cranberry Sauce and Christmas Stuffing Balls, is here if you want a main on the table that feels traditional but is surprisingly easy to make.

Every holiday main deserves a salad by its side.  

Having mix-and-match salads will ensure your meal is family-friendly and scalable. There are a few different options here, but you can pick your favourites and leave (or should I say leaf) the rest behind. 

  1. Kale and Blood Orange Salad 

This Kale and Blood Orange Salad is a one-stop shop for all your antioxidant needs. In this tasty salad, I’ve paired the green goodness of kale with a unique crimson coloured orange that brings a delightful twist to the old green salad. Plus, it’s full of fibre that your gut microbiome will love you for, especially after one too many pieces of Christmas cake. For more gut-loving goodness this holiday season, don’t forget to stock up on Love Your Gut Powder.

  1. Kaleslaw with Creamy Dressing

My Kaleslaw with Creamy Dressing is light, healthy and full of serious flavour. It’s fibre and sulphur-rich, making it a liver-loving food that supports our natural detoxification pathways. 

It’s sweet and tangy and goes well with just about anything. Oh, and don’t be fooled by the dressing name – it tastes like a traditional creamy dressing but is packed full of whole food ingredients, like sesame seeds, sugar-free mustard and cashews.  

  1. Eggplant, Pomegranate and Minted Quinoa Salad 

Eggplant has vitamins and minerals in spades. It’s rich in manganese, folic acid and all-important thiamine, the mineral that helps convert blood sugar into glucose for energy. Eggplant also contains a rare antioxidant known as nasunin. Found under the eggplant’s skin, nasunin protects brain cells from free-radical damage.

I hope you’ll love this wise salad, and the colours inspired by the three wise men, a perfect nativity scene for your Christmas table.

Serves 4


  • 1 zucchini (courgette), sliced
  • 1 eggplant (aubergine), cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 4 garlic cloves, whole
  • 80 ml (21/2 fl oz/1/3 cup) cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, plus extra, for drizzling
  • Celtic sea salt
  • 270 g (91/2 oz/1 cup) cooked quinoa
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • 1 bunch of mint, leaves only, plus extra, to serve
  • 1 bunch of coriander (cilantro), leaves only, plus extra, to serve
  • 1 pomegranate, seeds only
  • 2 avocados, peeled, stones removed and sliced into wedges
  • 4 small spring onions (scallions), chopped 
  • 125 g (41/2 oz/1 cup) slivered almonds


Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6).

Place the zucchini, eggplant and garlic on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and roast for about 35 minutes.

Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.

Meanwhile, place the quinoa in a bowl with lemon juice and zest and olive oil. Combine well.

Place in a salad bowl with all the other ingredients and serve topped with extra mint and coriander leaves.

After the year we’ve had, Christmas is the perfect time to spend time with the ones you love the most and enjoy the festivities.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Lee xo 

Supercharge your Plant-Based Lifestyle with Iron Friendly Foods

Did you know iron deficiency is the most common mineral deficiency globally, affecting 1.6 billion people? 

That’s a heck of a lot of people! 

Unfortunately, people on a plant-based diet and women of reproductive age are among the most at risk of being iron deficient (I know what you’re thinking – haven’t we endured enough?).

Whether you’re a lifelong vegan, a flexible vegetarian, or simply immersing your toes in plant-based waters, it’s essential to supercharge your diet with iron friendly foods.

Luckily, there are plenty of foods rich in iron that you can choose from. For example, antioxidant-rich dark chocolate is one of the most iron-rich treats available; it's also tasty and vegan! Then, you also have numerous greens, tempeh, nuts, grains. There's a lot of variety  when it comes to iron-friendly foods.

While everyone will benefit from increasing their iron intake, people who experience the following symptoms will mainly gain (read: thank me a million times over) when they supercharge their iron intake:

  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Reduced cognitive and physical capabilities
  • Brittle or weak nails

Why iron?

If you’re still not convinced that iron is for you, you may be surprised to know iron plays an essential role in the body. Iron is responsible for the transport and storage of oxygen. It acts as a cofactor for proteins and enzymes, synthesises collagen (hello, wrinkle-free skin), creates energy, and supports the immune system. 

So, where can you get iron?


I’m sure you’ve read enough blogs telling you to eat leafy green vegetables for many a reason, so I won’t leaf you feeling bored ;). I mean, we all know the power of green vegetables; they’re full of vitamins and minerals, including our new best friend, iron, and yet, most of us aren’t eating enough of them.

So, if you need one more reason to eat your greens, let it be that your energy and your skin will thank you.

Looking for a recipe that will make your friends green with envy?

My cozy green soup above, is a winner. That was smooth, am I right? Do you know what’s smoother than that line, though? My microalgae green smoothie. It's super smooth!


Ask any nutritionist what vegetarians need to eat more of, and they’ll likely tell you greens (tick) and nuts.

While greens are a no brainer, there seems to be a bit of confusion around nuts and whether they’re healthy. So, let’s address the elephant in the room: yes, nuts are high in fat, but that doesn’t mean they’re unhealthy! We need fat for a healthy diet, as it helps keep us fuller for longer.

When eaten in moderation, nuts are excellent for satiation and hold an abundance of vitamin E, protein, zinc, fibre, and iron.

If you’re nuts for nuts, you’ll love my Pumpkin and Almond Bake. This supercharged bake is full of mood-lifting and energy-balancing foods, making it an excellent side dish.  

Love Your Gut Capsules

The standard American/Australian diet (also known as SAD – haha) is commonly comprised of processed foods and deficient in necessary vitamins and minerals. Luckily, diatomaceous earth contains minerals including magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium, essential for wellbeing.

But Lee, why are you talking about some weird earth food?

I thought you’d never ask. My Love Your Gut Capsules are solely made of diatomaceous earth and contain over 17 essential minerals. Love Your Gut Capsules are natural, vegan and offer gut health and energy on the go. Take that, coffee.  It also comes in a powder form to add to juice and smoothies. Discover Love Your Gut powder here.


One of the best things about writing a blog is that I get to write about stuff that makes me excited—the stuff I want to speak about each day. And today, I want to talk about grains.

Grains and pseudo-grains alike can get a bit of a bad rep in the holistic health world, but they’re a crucial part of any diet, particularly plant-based ones. For example, brown rice is rich in many minerals, including iron, but it is also high in fibre, which is terrific for digestion and lowering cholesterol levels.

I share my love for brown rice in this Pumpkin, Mushroom and Sage Brown Rice Risotto recipe here.  


Why is tempeh soy complicated?

Well, it’s because soybeans are rich in isoflavones (plus a hefty dose of iron) which mimic the effect of oestrogen in the body. This is an excellent thing for women in menopause, but when eaten in excess, not as good a thing for men.

So, when eating soy products, choose the natural, non-GMO and organic varieties, and you’ll experience the iron-boosting and protein-rich benefits. I know I’ll be able to tempeh-t you with this Vegan Caesar Salad.  

Beans and Legumes

While we’re on the topic of beans, I’ve bean waiting to share this point with you. All beans are excellent and beneficial in their own way, which you can read more about here.

Beans and legumes contain the plant-based trifecta - iron, protein and vitamin B12 – making them the ultimate go-to plant-based food. If you’re looking for a new legume recipe, pop over here for my famous Black Bean Burgers.  

So, you’ve eaten iron. Now what? 

To make sure you’re getting the most out of your iron, supercharge your iron absorption with the following tips:

  1. While eating iron-rich foods is excellent, there’s no point if you’re unable to absorb them properly (sorry, not sorry). Love Your Gut Capsules and Love Your Gut Powder assist the absorption and digestion process so you can get the most out of your iron foods. Fulvic Humic Concentrate is another plant based supplement that is a good iron source.
  2. Coffee and tea can reduce iron absorption, so wait at least two hours between caffeinated tea or coffee and your iron-friendly foods.  
  3. Consume iron with vitamin-C rich foods to maximise absorption. For example, add some capsicum (vitamin C) to your leafy green salad (iron). 

So, how are you going to supercharge your plant-based lifestyle with iron-friendly foods? Let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear from you.

Lee xo

Delicious Recipes For Fuelling Your Workouts

If you love training, you’ll know that there’s nothing more important than the food you put in your mouth. What fuels you matters. 

However, if you’re serious about getting fit, you can’t just chow down on empty calories and expect that to get you to where you want to be. Instead, you must eat consciously, providing your body with the nutrients that it needs to rest and repair after training. 

The problem is this: most pre- and post-workout meals focus too much on macros, and too little on taste. And there’s no real reason for it. In fact, many of the ingredients that make food taste great are also highly beneficial for your health. Take herbs, like basil and parsley for instance. There’s no reason why you can’t add them to your meals for flavour. Not only do they taste great, but they also support your recovery too. 

As a rule, recipes for fuelling your workouts must follow some basic criteria. These include: 

  • Being quick to make
  • Containing enough energy to help you recover from training
  • Taste delicious 
  • Use a variety of ingredients so you don’t get bored
  • Easily eaten the next day

Check out the recipe ideas below. 

Roasted Chicken And Veg In A Pan

Roasting isn’t something you should reserve for Sundays only. Instead, you want to be doing it every day of the week – or as much as is convenient to you. 

Why is roasting so good? Two main reasons: first it makes food taste great. And second, it’s easy. You just chop up some meat and veg and throw it in a pan. 

The veg you choose is also something that you can vary from day to day and season to season. Mixing things up a little helps to keep it interesting. Roasted veg tastes good reheated in the microwave, retaining all its rich flavours the next day. 

Chickpea And Vegetable Stew

If you’re looking to make a quick recipe that will provide multiple meals, then look no further than chickpea and vegetable stew.

This dish contains both beans and greens and, again, allows you to experiment. The basics are always the same: curry powder, stock and chickpeas. It’s then up to you which vegetables to add to it. Practically any veggies will do, particularly cauliflower, spinach and potato. If you want it to taste more like Indian authentic curry, add garlic and onion. 

Wholewheat Gnocchi And Mushrooms

You might find it challenging to locate wholewheat gnocchi at the store. But if you can, you’re in luck. It’s one of the most delicious foods out there, particularly when you combine it with the right ingredients. 

Mushrooms are a great food to eat while you’re training because of their high protein content. Fungi are different from regular veg and offer an alternative protein source to meat.

To make gnocchi with mushrooms, begin by boiling the gnocchi in water. Then fry mushrooms in butter and combine in a bowl with fresh chopped basil, capers, fresh chopped parsley, olive oil, salt and Parmesan shavings. 

Stir Fried Tempeh With Peanut

Continuing the veggie theme, we have stir-fried tempeh with peanut sauce. Again, this is something that’s incredibly easy to make and, if you store it correctly, actually tastes better the next day. 

Start with a big block of tempeh – which is just packed, fermented soybeans. Chop it into cubes and cook it in the pan over a medium heat until you warm it through. Then add any other vegetables you want to eat with the dish – pak choi, sugar snap peas, broccoli, cabbage, bell pepper – and anything else you think that you might need. 

Then move onto making the peanut sauce. The trick to making a great peanut sauce is to include all the essential elements – sweetness, fat, acid and salt.

To do this in a healthy manner, combine dates, peanut butter, rice wine vinegar and miso in a high-powered blender with some water. Chop all of the ingredients finely until they create a sauce. Then simply boil some noodles and rice, and serve. 

Steak Fajitas With Chilli And Lime

If you’re looking to tone up but also need plenty of protein to fuel your workouts, then you’ll want to try delicious chili and lime fajitas.

Start with a beef joint and pop it in the oven for the required time (based on the weight). When, once it finishes cooking, take a sharp knife and cut it into slices, with the middle hopefully being a delicious shade of pink.  Then fry some peppers and onions with lime and chilli and serve in tortillas with a sauce of your choice. 

Mushroom And Asparagus Tofu Pie

If you currently take Saxenda, this mushroom and asparagus tofu pie is your friend. Unlike conventional pies, it doesn't contain large globs of fat. Instead, the bulk of the pie is just bean curd from soy. 

Making this type of pie is incredibly simple and something that anyone can do. Start with a wholemeal pie crust base and fold it into your pie tin. Then put your tofu in a blender until you break it down into chunks that you can spread. Add mushrooms and asparagus shoots to the base already in the tin and then cover with the tofu mixture. Cook in the oven until golden brown.

Greek Pasta Salad

Greek food is delicious. But it is also a great cuisine for using up all your leftovers. 

To make a Greek pasta salad, take all the opened olive, pepper and sundried tomato jars from your pantry and cut up these ingredients. Then find any cooked pasta you might have lying around and put it in a bowl. Mix all of the ingredients together, adding herbs where appropriate. You can also add little pieces of chopped meats, including chicken and beef. Then drizzle with olive oil and crumble feta cheese on top. 

Baked Sweet Potatoes With Chickpea Filling

Baked potatoes and beans are a classic lunchtime staple – easy for practically anyone to make in a few minutes. Unfortunately, it’s not super high in nutrition. The beans provide protein, but other than that, it is somewhat lacking. 

The trick here is to keep the same easy format, but slightly change the ingredients. Swap out the regular white potato for a sweet potato instead. These offer more vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and have a lower impact on blood sugar levels. Also, get rid of the tinned beans in sugary tomato sauce and replace them with chickpeas in a homemade tomato sauce instead. It’s incredibly easy to make and guaranteed to power you through even the most gruelling workouts. 

Slow-Cooked Casseroles

If you work during the day, it can sometimes be challenging to prepare meals from scratch when you get home in the evening. There’s so much chopping and washing up to do. 

Fortunately, you can get around this by putting your ingredients in a slow cooker in the morning before you go to work. By the time you get home, you’ll have a delicious meal waiting for you. 

Slow-cooked casseroles are easy to serve up. You can either put potatoes in with the meat and vegetables, or you can bake them separately once you get home. 

If you decide to slow cook, don’t forget to use a good stock. You might also want to add some butter to keep it rich and delicious. Herbs can help infuse the gravy and make the dish taste even better when served. 

So, which of these recipes will you use to fuel your workouts? You can try these gummies too. 

Let me know in the comments section below 🙂


7 Healthy Leafy Greens to Add to Your Meals

Adding leafy greens to your plate is an excellent way to improve your diet and overall health. However, some greens are more nutritious than others. For instance, iceberg lettuce may be popular in salads, but it pales in comparison to kale or spinach. That’s because dark, leafy greens often contain more nutrients, including iron, protein, calcium, and fibre. Get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals by incorporating these healthy greens into your meals.

1. Spinach

Spinach is one of the most versatile leafy greens out there. Add it to salads, omelettes, sandwiches, wraps, pasta, and more. Your options are practically endless. The best part is that spinach is chock full of antioxidants like kaempferol, which can reduce your risk of cancer. It also triggers the release of satiety hormones to help you feel more full and satisfied after meals. Enjoy at least three cups a day to support brain and eye health, fend off heart disease, and manage blood pressure.

2. Watercress

Popular in Australia and Europe, this salad green isn’t so common in the U.S. Yet, it’s more nutrient-rich than romaine or regular old leaf lettuce. A single serving contains nearly a full day’s value of vitamin K, a nutrient that promotes oral health and increases bone density. Because it’s 95% water, watercress can also promote hydration, which inevitably benefits every cell in your body. Add this green to salads or puree it into a soup for an extra dose of nutrition.

3. Collard Greens

If a dish needs some crunch, reach for collard greens. This nutritious, leafy green makes an excellent addition — in both texture and taste — to stir fries, soups, meaty braises, and casseroles. You can even use the leaves as a wrap instead of tortillas and pita bread. Collard greens have all of your daily vitamin K, plus some vitamin C and E, so they’re sure to boost your health regardless of how you prepare them.

4. Kale

Broccoli, kale, and cabbage all originated from the same species, so they share similar nutritional qualities. That means if you don’t like broccoli or cabbage, you should be adding a bit of kale to your plate. This way, you still get your daily dose of phytonutrients, calcium, and vitamin K. While kale is delicious raw or cooked, it’s easier for your body to digest if you sautee or bake it first. It also pairs well with fall foods like squash, nuts, seeds, and beans.

5. Mustard Greens

Mustard greens are peppery and a little bitter, making them an excellent addition to salads with sweet ingredients and dressings. They’re also excellent sauteed with olive oil and herbs or ground into a fresh pesto with pine nuts and parmesan cheese. One cup of this leafy green fulfills almost half your daily vitamin C requirement and all of your vitamin K. Plus, it contains folate, a nutrient that helps form new blood cells to improve overall health.

6. Swiss Chard

Like many other leafy greens on this list, swiss chard has plenty of vitamins C and K. However, this delicious veggie also contains a good amount of vitamin A, which helps maintain eye and skin health and protects you from infection. Swiss chard tastes similar to spinach, so you can use it in many of the same ways. Because its leaves are bigger, however, you may also turn them into wraps or even taco shells in a pinch.

7. Beet Greens

While beet bulbs get most of the attention, their greens are equally delicious, not to mention versatile. Sauteed beet greens are delightful on sandwiches, in slaws, or mixed into grain, egg, and pasta dishes. Because they become more tender when cooked, they make a great alternative to crunchier varieties like kale and chard. Beet greens are packed with nitrates, protein, calcium, zinc, and fiber, so they’re healthy no matter how you eat them.

Getting Creative in the Kitchen

If you’re unfamiliar with pairing and preparing healthy leafy greens, pick up a recipe book, do a bit of research, and experiment in the kitchen. Get creative as you add these nutritious vegetables into breakfasts, snacks, appetizers, and more. There are endless possibilities for cooking and combining ingredients, so think outside the box and let your tastebuds lead the way. The more you do, the more willing you’ll be to add leafy greens to your meals.

Healthy Diets for Every Budget + Meal Prep + Wholefood Recipes

Supercharge Your Day with These Amazing Foods

As a fitness enthusiast, you soon come to learn that sugar-filled drinks aren't always the most efficient way of getting the much-needed energy boost you crave during the day. If anything, these foods often do more harm to your body than good.

There are actually other more helpful food products that can get your energy levels up and supercharge your day.

Besides providing you the energy you need for the short-term, these foods also have other long-term benefits. And while adding a wallpaper of your favorite foods from https://www.photowall.co.uk/wall-murals/our-favourites can sometimes get your salivating glands tingling, you still need the actual foods to give you the kick you need to get through the rest of your day.

For that, we compiled a list of the top foods you should take to supercharge your day with the much-needed vitamin, fibre, and minerals.

  1. Salmon

Salmon contains vitamin B12 and Omega 3 fatty acids, which have great energy-boosting qualities. The fatty acids are great for reducing inflammation in the body that can cause exhaustion. On the other hand, vitamin B12 stimulates the body to produce more red blood cells that, in turn, increase your energy levels.

Generally, eating fish is always beneficial and qualifies for a great fast meal. Many families prefer to eat salmon because of its mild and savoury taste. Plus, it cooks up very quickly. Check out my One Pan Salmon with Greens healthy dinner recipe for a simple salmon main dish.

  1. Beans

Beans are jam-packed full of minerals and vitamins that your body can convert into fuel very easily. They are even more efficient than sugar or caffeine. Beans, like salmon, also reduce inflammation-related exhaustion and are always a quick way of giving your body the energy boost it needs. We all have different body types and nutrition is key. 

Beans are also relatively easy to prepare and make a yummy and quick meal. Simply put it in your Instant Pot and let it cook. You will have a ready meal that supercharges your system for the better part of the day. You might also like to try my Vegetable and Bean Casserole.

  1. Avocado

The healthy fats and fibre in avocado are absolutely essential and make it one of the best superfoods for long-lasting energy stores. Avocado also contains several B vitamins that are essential for red blood cell count. These vitamins help regulate the iron levels in your body, giving you the energy you need for the rest of the day.

Avocado is just super tasty and makes for a great recipe to add alongside any meal. You don't have to prepare complicated meals to enjoy this amazing superfood. You can even enjoy it in this Avocado Lassi.

  1. Eggs

Many nutritionists and researchers have dubbed eggs the perfect food to give you the energy boost you need. And for a good reason, because eggs are just packed with protein power that will supercharge your system.

The protein in eggs provides the type of energy that doesn't spike your insulin levels as other energy sources do. These proteins also last much longer and have many other health benefits. Therefore, it's no surprise to find multiple types of B vitamins in eggs.

Perhaps the best part of making eggs is just how fast they cook. They are the perfect meals to prepare, especially when you're in a hurry, and are perfect for any time of the day, whether it is for dinner or breakfast.

So, get your extra energy boost today to make it through the rest of the day. A simple breakfast casserole is the perfect meal for you. You could also try this Hoppers with Egg and Peanut Sauce

  1. Brown Rice

You have always been told repeatedly that brown rice is better for your health than white rice. But why is that? Well, white rice is often refined and tends to burn quickly like many other refined sugars. White rice also spikes insulin levels and can cause your system to crash.

On the other hand, brown rice is packed full of lower glycemic index sugars and fibre that don't spike your insulin levels. As such, they provide your body with energy that burns slowly for longer periods. And the best part is that you don't have that sugar crash.

Brown rice is full of vitamins and minerals that also help to create good health. And the best part is that you can substitute white rice with brown rice for pretty much any recipe. One of the best meals that go with brown rice is stuffed peppers. If you take this meal in the morning, you can be sure of having a supercharged day and have plenty of energy to take you through the night. You can also add it to Nori rolls here.

Get More Energy with Long-Term Benefits

The superfoods mentioned above are great options for providing you with the energy you need and better substitutes for coffee and other sugary treats. Preparation is the best way to combat tiredness and keep you energized throughout the day.

You can now enjoy your favourite foods without worrying about their health benefits.

Halloween Monster Mash + Six Pumpkin Recipes

They did the mash, they did the monster mash, the monster mash, it was a graveyard smash!

Even though "trick or treating' may be off the cards for many this year, I've got some spooky 'evilcado' toast to celebrate Halloween.  

These Dracula and Frankenstein treats are simple for the kids to make (get mum or dad or caregiver to help with the chopping) and they'll keep the kids occupied and locked in to the Halloween spirit!

Don't forget to dress up and post some pics too! Just because you're at home doesn't mean you can't put on your spookiest, funniest costume. I'm looking straight at you white sheet! But I know you can do better than that, get creative with home made costumes to really tickle your funny bones.

And for the treats...

All you need is:

  • 2 slices of bread toasted for face
  • 2 sheets seaweed for hair and mouth
  • 2 cashews for ears
  • 1 TBS fresh mozzerella for eyes
  • 3 blueberries 
  • 1 small Roma tomato (ends cut for eyes)
  • 1 small capsicum 
  • 1 pumkin seed kernel for nose


Toast the bread, meanwhile smash the avocado in a bowl 

Smooth avocado over the toast

Cut out the Dracula and Frankenstein hair and teeth

Cut two circles of mozzerella for eyes

Slice capsicum for mouth and fangs

Once all the ingredients are prepared decorate as you like!

Happy Halloween!

And if you're looking for ways to use up the excess pumpkin, I've put together five delicious tricks for pumpkin treats here !

Or try these tried and tested tricky treats...

My Golden Gut Pumpkin and Nut Loaf

My Raspberry Studded Pumpkin Pie  

Pumpkin Porridge

Lamb and Pumpkin Salad

Oven-Roasted Pumpkin Chips

This chunky Root Veg Mash from my gut-supercharging and life-altering book, Supercharge Your Gut, is a great side to any mains. It’s a smooth way to get your roughage in too and its loaded with fibre and prebiotics!

This delicious vegie mash is suitable for vegans, but you can also replace the vegetable broth with the Gut Healing Turmeric Chicken Broth for some extra gut love. 

Chunky Root Veg Mash 

Serves 4

  • 2 large carrots
  • 2 parsnips
  • 1/2 butternut pumpkin (squash)
  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 1 whole leek, white part only, washed well and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, unpeeled
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 125–250 ml (4–9 fl oz/ 1/2–1 cup) Vegetable Broth or Gut Healing Turmeric Chicken Broth.
  • 1 tablespoon nut butter (optional, if tolerated)


Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F). 

Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Peel the carrots, parsnips, pumpkin and sweet potato, if you prefer, then roughly chop. Place in a large bowl with the leek and season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Drizzle the olive oil over and rub it in with your hands, until the vegetables are well coated.

Spread the vegetables on the baking tray, add the garlic clove and bake for 35–45 minutes, or until all the vegetables are roasted and caramelised, checking now and then and removing the vegetables as they are cooked.

Leave to cool slightly.

Slip the garlic out of its skin, into a high-speed blender. Add the roasted vegetables, lemon juice, 125 ml (4 fl oz/1/2 cup) of the broth, and the nut butter, if using. Whiz until you achieve a mash-like consistency, adding more broth if required. (Alternatively, for a coarser texture, you can mash the mixture together with a fork.)

Transfer to bowls and enjoy. 

Lee xo 

5 Tips to Spice Things Up and Get More Creative in the Kitchen

Cooking at home is the perfect way to elevate your diet and eat more healthfully. You control what goes into each dish and can modify recipes to suit your tastes and nutritional needs. You can also save considerable cash over ordering takeout.

However, things can get stale when you get stuck in a rut, eating the same dishes week after week. How can you bring more excitement to mealtime? Here are five tips to spice things up and get more creative in the kitchen.

1. Try a New Plant-Based Dish

Have you made friends at your local farmer’s market yet? It is the harvest season. Why not go on a mission this weekend to find the most unusual plant-based food you’ve never tried and add it to your dinner menu?

For example, you can fry some lotus chips instead of the traditional potato to pair with your mackerel or cod. You’ll still get a heaping serving of fiber with a uniquely nutty flavor. Fiddleheads are delicious as a side dish, especially when paired with a bearnaise sauce the way you might asparagus — the taste is similar. Jicama strips sound exotic but add a slightly sweet, tangy and satisfying crunch to wraps and salads.

2. Reach for the Salsa

What elevates many restaurant meals from ordinary to extraordinary? The secret often lies in the sauce.

If you’re trying to cut calories, salsa makes a fabulous alternative to butter and sour cream as a baked potato topping — why reserve it for chips? You can also ladle it over chicken for a spicy kick.

Heart-healthy olive oil makes an excellent base for other sauces. You can go with an avocado lime for topping fish or a french sauce for marinating cauliflower steaks.

3. Experiment With Different Pairings

You might treat your kitchen like a gourmet restaurant, but you don’t have to follow every rule. While hearty reds such as cabernets traditionally pair with meat dishes, who says you can’t enjoy a glass of the full-bodied stuff with a lighter meal? Experiment a bit. An earthy pinot noir pairs perfectly with a mushroom pizza — but a chardonnay can also create an intriguing contrast.

Wine isn’t your only choice when it comes to marrying your main dish with a beverage. You might enjoy a rich and citrusy IPA with a meal like lobster mac and cheese. Nor must you go with an alcoholic drink. If you prefer tea, a light chamomile pairs beautifully with white fish, while floral varieties like passionflower and lavender set off acidic dishes like pasta.

4. Get Out Your Foraging Basket

Is your grocery budget a bit tight? You might have noticed prices at the store creeping up of late. Why not leave your wallet at home and hit the wilds with your foraging basket to see what local goodness you can add to your meals?

You might not have to look much further than your backyard. Dandelions have long played a role in food and even wine, and all parts of the plant are edible. Do you live in the desert southwest? Prickly pear fruit makes an incredible jam or chutney, and it contains compounds that can lower your blood pressure.

If you learn a bit about wild greens, you can make an entire salad from what you find in waste areas. Be sure to avoid any regions your community might treat with toxic pesticides — the idea is getting back to nature, not falling ill.

5. Bring a Little Fusion Magic to the Table

Fusion dishes wed two or more diverse cuisines into one to create a new, eclectic and altogether delicious dining experience. Celebrity chefs such as Ignacio Solano gain fame and fortune by uniting food cultures in a fabulous burst of flavour.

Why not take inspiration from such masters and incorporate fusion principles into your kitchen? You could pair Spanish rice with tandoori chicken for a unique and spicy meal. Instead of using Kashmiri chiles in that curry, why not substitute jalapeños for a Mexican twist? Make taco Tuesday unique by stir-frying veggies in a wok instead of stuffing them with ground beef.

Spice Things Up and Get More Creative in the Kitchen

Cooking at home is one of the best ways to improve your health, but you don’t want to get stuck in a rut. Try one of these five tips to spice things up and get more creative in the kitchen tonight!

Lets us know how you go, in the comments section below.

Intermittent Fasting, My Day On a Plate + Recipes

Spring has arrived in Sydney, and a fresh and new change is in the air.  Spring is a good season for us to be in the fresh air, take in some vitamin D and witness the awakening of nature.

When it comes to spring eating, I like to keep it light and fresh so with that being said, today I'm sharing my "Day on a Plate"- Intermittent Fasting style and including some delicious recipes. Tracking can also be very helpful so that you can see your progress. You can use user-friendly and simple applications like DoFasting as your intermittent fasting tracker. 

If you’re worried that intermittent fasting may look like drinking endless amounts of celery or beet juice, there's no need to worry. You may be surprised by how many delicious foods you can eat while doing intermittent fasting. So, that’s why I’m sharing a sneak peek at my intermittent fasting day on a plate to inspire you, just in case you'd like to give it a try.

As you probably already know from reading my blog, I’m a little gut health obsessed. After tackling some personal health issues, healing my digestive system was key to helping me get my health back on track. Once my gut lining started to repair itself and my gut flora became balanced, every aspect of my health improved. 

One of the things I learnt through this experience was that the digestive system, like you and I, sometimes needs a little rest to function optimally; this is where intermittent fasting comes in.  

Most people who want to try an intermittent fasting approach are;

  • Tired of feeling tired
  • Keen to hop off the diet rollercoaster for good
  • Eager to lose weight and keep the weight off
  • Wanting to improve their gut health
  • Desiring to rev up their metabolism
  • Ready to have more vitality and improvement in their day to day energy levels

If any of the above sound like you, then you might like to consider intermittent fasting. If you’re looking to dive right into intermittent fasting (IF), check out my life-changing fast your way to wellness online program here. I've also written a book with lots of information, meal planners and delicious IF recipes called Fast Your Way to Wellness.

I practice intermittent fasting to give my digestive system some well-needed TLC. Before you panic and hit the red x at the top of your screen, intermittent fasting doesn’t mean you have to stop eating altogether, deprive yourself of food or starve. Intermittent fasting is simply eating less and focusing on nutrient-rich and easy to digest foods.   *And, a big exhale from the crowd.

I follow the 5:2 method, where I eat fewer calories two days a week, but various fasting methods are available that can suit your unique needs and lifestyle. As a guide, the daily total calorie intake on fasting days should be around 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men. But there are other IF protocols where calorie consumption is higher. Just do what works for you and find your own number.

When it comes to  breakfast, I usually make...


Layered Blueberry Pistachio Parfait

In a hurry? Not a worry. The parfait can be made ahead of time and refrigerated for 4 hours or overnight for the chia seeds to reach full volume. It fills you up and keeps you energised which is helpful when doing (IF). This recipe comes in at 202 calories per serve.

Serves 4


  • 125 ml (4 fl oz/1/2 cup) coconut cream
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • stevia, to taste (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons black chia seeds
  • 310 g (11 oz/2 cups) blueberries
  • 20 pistachio nut kernels, optional
  • finely grated zest of 1/2 lime, optional


In a medium bowl, mix the coconut cream, lime juice and stevia.

Add the chia seeds and stir to combine. Set aside for 15 minutes to thicken.

Take half the blueberries and distribute them evenly between four glasses.

Distribute the coconut cream mixture evenly between the glasses. 

 Add another layer of blueberries to each glass. 

Top each with five pistachio kernels and a pinch of lime zest, if using.

Serve at room temperature, or refrigerate for 30 minutes to set, then serve. 

Supercharged Tip: For juicier blueberries, place them in a small saucepan with two tablespoons of water and cook for 1–2 minutes over low heat until they start to soften. 

Drink Throughout the Day

By choosing to intermittent fast, you give your body the gift of healing, regenerating and detoxifying, so you’ll need to drink adequate fluids to help out these processes. Aim to drink at least 2L of water during the day.

Some of my favourite ways to increase your water intake include:

  • Bringing a bottle of filtered water with you wherever you go.
  • Sipping on herbal tea throughout the day.
  • Infusing your water with mint, berries, cucumber or whatever else tickles your fancy to make you want to drink more water. 


At lunchtime I usually go for a protein based meal...

Minty Zucchini Fritters

Makes 8

To get your metabolism going, these fritters are wonderfully light, delicious, and high in nutrients and thermogenic ingredients such as chilli and paprika. They’re gluten-free, and the addition of mint also makes them very soothing on the digestive system. Make a batch before your fasting day, then warm one up in the oven for lunch. Each fritter is 103 calories.


  • 405 g (14 1/4 oz/3 cups) grated zucchini (courgette)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped chives
  • 15 g (1/2 oz/1/4 cup) chopped mint
  • 1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • finely grated zest of 1 lime
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 2 medium eggs, lightly whisked
  • 155 g (5 1/2 oz/1 cup) brown rice flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin coconut oil or coconut oil spray


Using your hands, squeeze any excess liquid from the zucchini, then put it in a large bowl. 

Add the chives, mint, chilli, paprika, lime zest and juice, and eggs. Stir to combine. 

In a separate medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, salt and pepper. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well.

Heat a few drops of coconut oil in a medium frying pan over medium heat, then drop heaped tablespoons of batter into the pan. 

Cook on each side for 3–5 minutes, or until golden. Repeat with the remaining batter.

Dinner is generally a veggie heavy meal with lots of flavour.  I tend to eat earlier around 5pm or 6pm, then have breakfast later the next day.


Sweet Sicilian Caponata

Caponata is a glorious Sicilian dish that consists of eggplant, other vegetables, celery, olives and capers in a divine sauce. It’s the perfect dish to round out a fasting day and weighs in at 138 calories per serving. 

Serves 2


  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 350 g (12 oz) eggplant (aubergine), cut into dice
  • 125 ml (4 fl oz/1/2 cup) filtered water, plus extra as needed
  • 1 small zucchini (courgette), cut into dice
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped
  • 1/2 large brown onion, diced
  • 1 large tomato, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon capers, rinsed
  • a small handful of green olives, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • a handful of basil leaves
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste


Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. 

Add the eggplant and cook for 5–6 minutes, or until soft. 

Add the water, a little at a time, to prevent the eggplant from sticking to the pan.

While the eggplant is cooking, put the zucchini, celery, onion and tomato in a saucepan with a large splash of filtered water. 

Cook for 15–20 minutes until the zucchini is tender. Add the cooked eggplant with the capers, olives, apple cider vinegar and thyme, then cook for a further 5 minutes.

Serve topped with basil and pepper. If you’re ready to take the fasting leap, but still a little sceptical about the benefits of intermittent fasting, I’ve got your back! Research studies show intermittent fasting can;

  • Reduce triglycerides and LDL cholesterol
  • Reduce inflammation and heightened blood pressure
  • Reduce free radical damage
  • Increase fat burning and your metabolic rate
  • Improve the bacteria in your gut
  • Lower your blood glucose and normalise insulin levels
  • Normalise ghrelin (the hunger hormone) for better appetite control   

I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me! 

Not only does my Fast Your Way to Wellness program include delicious healing recipes like the ones above, but it also contains critical tools to show you how to implement intermittent fasting and self-care routines into your weekly life. 

Over the six-week plan, you’ll discover:

  • What your cravings mean and how to knock them back.
  • Self-care practices that work.
  • How to practice portion control.
  • My tips on cleaning out your pantry and enjoy foods that benefit your health without restriction.
  • How to re-wire your brain for complete wellness. 

And so much more!  

If you’re ready to heal your gut, brain and body and give it time to reboot and recover, head here to join Fast Your Way to Wellness.

We recommend taking this intermittent fasting quiz to find out which method is the best for you.

Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? What’s your favourite method and did it help you? Let me know your experiences in the comments below.

How to Level Up Your Energy and Stay Motivated Plus a One Pan Salmon with Greens

Does this sound familiar? 

Your third alarm for the morning goes off. You feel groggy and have a dull headache. 

Why? Well, you ended up going to bed later than you had anticipated, thanks to that new show you’re hooked on (yes, Netflix, I’m still watching. Don’t judge me!), and now, you’re suffering the consequences. Your brain feels foggy, your body aches all over, and you feel like you’re running on empty. You roll out of bed and head straight to your local to pick up your coffee (extra strong, please!) and something sugary to get you going. And there it is, that sweet, yet momentary, relief.

Then, a couple of hours later, you feel that mental and physical exhaustion start to creep in, so you dive straight into another coffee or espresso and munch on something deliciously sweet. 

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Most of us think having low energy levels and feeling tired are standard parts of life. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they’re not, and the good news is that they don’t need to be.

Let’s uncover why you may have low energy levels and strategies to help boost your energy levels and up your motivation naturally. 

Drivers of Low Energy:

  1. Poor Sleep 

Let’s start with the lowest hanging fruit: poor sleep.  

Poor quality sleep, combined with a short amount of time spent asleep, is one of the biggest culprits behind low energy levels. If you’re not sleeping deeply or for a long enough time, your circadian rhythm, or sleep/wake cycle, which regulates feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness, will be disturbed, causing low energy levels.1

  1. Elevated Stress

Chronic fatigue and decreased energy levels can cause prolonged stress.2 In 2017-2018, an estimated 2.4 million Australians reported high or very high levels of psychological stress, which may explain why everyone at work is complaining about being tired.3

  1. Imbalanced Gut Bacteria

The gut microbiota regulates several processes in the body, including the absorption and digestion of nutrients; this plays a significant role in sustaining energy levels.4 So, things that impact the balance of the gut microbiota, such as broad-spectrum antibiotics, can dysregulate the gut and disturb normal energy levels. 

  1. An Inflammatory Diet and Caffeine

Excess dietary consumption of foods high in fat and refined carbohydrates may alter sleep quality and quantity, leading to low energy levels.5

Ways to Up Your Energy:

  1. Enhance Your Sleep

Sure, poor quality sleep is associated with low energy levels, but it’s also linked to weight gain, hormonal dysregulation, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and reduced overall well-being.6

Here are some of my simple own sleeping tips: 

  • Set a consistent bedtime and wake time.
  • Create a bedtime routine to prime your body to help you fall asleep.
  • Sleep in a completely dark, cool and quiet room.
  • Expose yourself to bright light, preferably the sun, as soon as you rise.  
  1. Try Exercise Snacking

If you’re tired, the last thing you may feel like doing is an exercise class, but the research shows that low to moderate activity may be just what you need to increase energy and reduce fatigue.7 If you’re low on energy, you may want to skip the HIIT class and choose something like a light jog, brisk walk, Pilates or yoga class. 

So, what’s exercise snacking? Exercise snacking is a promising strategy where someone breaks down exercise into short bouts performed a few times a day.8 Doing ten squats while you wait for the kettle to boil or going for a few walks around the block a day are just two simple examples of exercise snacks.

  1.     Manage Your Stress

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (if so, hello! I’m glad you’re here! Fancy a cup of tea?), I’m sure you’ve experienced some level of stress over the last few years. Unfortunately, we know that experiencing high amounts of stress for an extended period can lead to many health consequences. 

Some of my favourite ways to reduce stress are:

  • Taking a few deep breaths.
  • Moving your body
  • Eating nourishing foods.

For more tips on ways to instantly destress, click here.

  1. Fulvic Humic Acid

In Ayurveda, the Indian traditional medicine system, they use fulvic acid as a health rejuvenator. It holds adaptogen qualities, which means it helps the body adapt to stress. I drop Fulvic Humic Concentrate (or, as the cool kids call it, FHC) into my water daily; it promotes mental health, enhances gut healing, and supports the integrity of the gut lining.9

  1. Eliminate Energy Robbers

Be warned: this is the point no one wants to hear, but it’s one of the most important.

I know when you’re tired, you’re likely to grab that cup of coffee and a sugary snack for some energy, and sure, that will give you a quick energy boost; however, the research shows that a few hours later, you’ll have less energy than before your treat!10

I feel more vibrant since cutting out coffee several years ago, but I know that cutting out coffee altogether isn’t for everyone. 

So, if you do want to continue your sugar or caffeine hit, and you don’t experience too many adverse reactions, I recommend the following: 

  • Keep to one coffee a day before midday. 
  • If you’re consuming a higher in sugar food, add a quality source of protein to slow down a possible blood sugar spike. 
  1. Foods to Eat

So, if high-sugar and caffeine food and beverages are a no-go, what can you eat? Well, unless you’re intermittent fasting, which you can find out more about here, I recommend consuming three regular meals a day with plenty of healthy protein, fats and lots of salad. This will help keep you satiated and keep your energy stable. Plus, vegetables deliver vital nutrients that support balanced blood sugar for regulated energy levels. 

  1. Regular Hydration

Here’s a simple thought: are you drinking enough water? Water is essential for maintaining blood volume and transporting nutrients throughout the body. Aim to consume around 2L of water a day, and add one glass of water for every cup of coffee, caffeinated tea or alcohol you drink. 

  1. Watch Out for Nutrient Deficiencies

If you’ve been struggling with low energy, it may be a good idea to get some basic blood testing done to see if a nutrient deficiency is the underlying cause of your fatigue. 

Some important markers to ask your healthcare practitioner to check include:

  • Iron 
  • Complete blood count
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Thyroid panel 

One of my favourite nourishing meals that will elevate your energy is this one-pan salmon with greens. It’s so clean and pure in flavour, and one of my ideal energy giving protein sources, both for its health benefits and its luxuriousness when presented simply.

This pan-fried salmon with asparagus, fresh herbs and sweet tomatoes is a lovely, fresh and incredibly easy lunch or dinner.  Seek out wild- caught salmon for its superior quality and flavour. 

One Pan Salmon with Greens

{ SERVES 1 } 

  • 40 g (11/2 oz) butter or 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus extra as needed and for drizzling 
  • 1 x 150–180 g (51/2–61/4 oz) salmon fillet or cutlet, skin on 
  • 6 large sage leaves
  • 6 asparagus spears, woody ends trimmed 
  •  large handful baby English spinach leaves 
  • 8 small tomatoes, halved if large 
  • handful mint leaves sea salt, to taste
  • 1/2 lemon (optional) 


  • Heat the butter in a medium frying pan over medium heat. Add the salmon, skin side down for a fillet, and the sage leaves, then cook for 3–4 minutes.
  • Turn the salmon over, add the asparagus, and fry the other side for 2 minutes, or until cooked to your liking.
  • Remove the sage from the pan once it is crispy and the asparagus when cooked through, with brown patches but not burnt. Add the spinach and tomatoes to the pan with a little extra butter if needed (but there should be enough pan juices).
  • Meanwhile, tear the mint leaves and spread them on a plate. Top with the tomatoes, drizzle over a little olive oil and season with salt.
  • Add the salmon, spinach and asparagus, and squeeze lemon juice over the top, if using.
  • Garnish with the fried sage leaves.

No matter the cause of your low energy levels, enhancing your diet, adding in more movement, and reducing stress will always benefit your life.

I’d love to know – what will you do today to improve your energy levels? Lee x

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