
15 Natural Immune-Boosting Foods to Add to Your Diet

Your immune system is what protects you against nasties like bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins and even pollution. It’s a complex system of various cells, organs and proteins that all work together to give you front-line defense to battle invaders.

Your body’s immune system has two main parts. The innate immune system, which you’re born with, and the adaptive immune system, which you develop over time as your body is exposed to the world around you.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) that causes COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) is considered a novel – or new – pathogen. That means that your body’s adaptive immune system isn’t able to battle it alone if you’re unvaccinated. However, having a solid innate immune system is critical, vaccinated or not, as it will help avoid severe symptoms. Bolster it with the correct diet, including superfoods and natural supplements, like CBD products derived from hemp plants, to give your body the best fighting chance.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to 15 immune-boosting foods and supplements that you need to immediately start including in your diet.

1. Garlic: According to research from the University of Copenhagen, garlic contains sulfurous molecules capable of inhibiting the defense mechanism of bacteria. It has also traditionally been used as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent.

2. Yogurt: Plain yogurt is excellent for you, thanks to the vitamins, protein and probiotics it contains. A great source of lactobacillus, this probiotic will help improve gut health and bolster your immune system as a result.

Sautéed Scallops with Mushrooms and Spinach

3. Spinach: This is a versatile leafy green that you can eat in salads, lightly steamed and add to smoothies. It’s rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and beta carotene, increasing your immune system’s infection-fighting ability.

4. Papaya: This sweet, soft fruit hails from Central America but is now grown in tropical regions worldwide. It’s a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C and Vitamin E, all essential antioxidants. In addition, the fiber is good for gut health and the folic acid in papaya converts potentially harmful homocysteine into less harmful amino acids.

5. Lobster: This delicious gift from the ocean is rich in zinc, which is great for boosting immune cells’ effectiveness. Best prepared in salted boiling water, be sure not to overcook your lobster as it will become tough and chewy.

6. Oysters: These shellfish are high in zinc like lobsters. They also contain selenium, a potent antioxidant that helps lower oxidative stress in your body. That means lower inflammation and increased immune response.

Red Capsicum and Hazelnut Pesto

7. Bell Peppers: Did you know bell peppers contain more vitamin C than most citrus fruits? That’s good news since vitamin C is an essential micronutrient that is involved in microbial defense.

8. Chicken: Chicken is a lean protein that will help boost your immune system in a heart-healthy way. There’s a good reason why chicken soup is so popular when we’re sick and need extra comfort. It also contains arginine, which helps with healing functions and fighting infection.

9. Almonds: A great addition to any diet, almonds are packed with vitamin E that will protect cells in your body from damage. That vitamin E is building a more robust immune system! Almonds are available raw, roasted, in nut butters and even as almond milk, giving you many ways to add them to your diet.

Bohemian Baked Vegetable Bowl

10. Hemp: The hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, has been used by various cultures worldwide for thousands of years. One specific derivative, cannabidiol (CBD), is being researched for its anti-inflammatory effects and benefits for the immune system. CBD can be added to your diet through simple-to-take CBD gummies or as CBD drops in your morning coffee or smoothie.

11. Ginger: This potent root vegetable is renowned for its flavor and ability to spice up an otherwise bland dish. Ginger has numerous health benefits, including bolstering immune response due to antioxidant activity and the stimulation of probiotics in the gut of those who eat it regularly.

12. Matcha: This specially ground green tea powder originated in Japan. This warm drink has been widespread and regularly consumed for thousands of years. In addition to providing the drinker with a slight caffeine boost, it is also rich in antioxidants which may reduce the damage done to cells in the body due to free radicals. Rich in catechins, matcha is being researched for its ability to combat metabolic disorders and boost immune health.

13. Turmeric: Best known in its bright yellow spice form, turmeric starts its life as a root much like ginger. It also contains high amounts of curcumin, which aids in the management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions. It can be incorporated into the food you eat or taken as a supplement in capsule form.

14. Kefir: You might not be familiar with this fermented milk drink, made from kefir grains which are a mesophilic symbiotic culture. This drink’s probiotic nature has been studied for its ability to modulate the immune system’s ability to suppress infections from viruses like Zika, hepatitis C and influenza.

15. Citrus Fruit: A class immune booster, popular citrus fruits include lemon, grapefruit, limes and, of course, oranges. But there are many others like pomelos, yuzu and sudachi, which are cultivated in various parts of the world. Whether eaten whole or as a juice, citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C and folate, essential to healthy immune cells and reducing inflammation.

Other Ways to Stay on Top of Viruses

You indeed are what you eat, and a healthy diet is important, but other measures can ensure you keep a healthy body. Additionally, taking precautions, so you don’t introduce the coronavirus into your system to begin with, is a great idea. We recommend the following:

  • Wash your hands regularly and use a high quality hand sanitizer that doesn’t dry out your skin.
  • Wear a mask when in public, especially while in enclosed or crowded spaces.
  • Get 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise or activity per day.
  • Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of clean, filtered water.
  • Avoid things that will damage your immune system like junk food, smoking cigarettes and alcohol.

Ten Ways to Find Light and Hope in Challenging Times + Recipes 

It’s been an incredibly challenging year for many. We’ve been thrown many curveballs in both our business and personal lives. For some, it feels a bit like a game of dodgeball that never ends.

So, today, I’m sharing some simple daily practices and rituals that when I'm feeling in a frazzle, lift my spirits and support my mind and body in the hope that they may just do the same for you.

Before I dive in, I'd love to draw your attention to a couple of quotes that have been inspiring me lately. 

Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle says this: 

“This moment that humanity is living through can be considered a door or a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the door is yours. If you consume information 24 hours a day, with negative energy, constantly nervous, with pessimism, you will fall into this hole. But if you take the opportunity to look at yourself, to rethink life and death, to take care of yourself and others, you will go through the door. Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual home. When you take care of yourself, you take care of others at the same time"

You can read more of the quote here.

For many of us who are in lockdown in states across Australia, our freedoms have been compromised, the ability to see extended family and friends, travel outside our local government areas and live our usual lives has been taken away. 

I have found Vedic meditation to very helpful in these times, my teacher Anna Young Ferris says "Freedom, from a Vedic perspective, is seen from a much deeper viewpoint and true freedom is actually none of these things. True freedom is our natural state of bliss, beyond the identification with our physical body and our mental tendencies, thoughts and the drama". For more about Vedic meditation, here is a free online intro talk.  

Freedom can be as simple as switching off the news and social media, not buying into social pressures, respecting the choices of others with compassion, remaining in a state of balance and equanimity no matter what the external circumstances are and being ok living in uncertainty.

When times are difficult both externally and internally, I have found creating a self-care toolbox to dive into when needed can be helpful. I’d love to know what’s in your toolbox and what’s helping you lift your spirits right now? If we share these things collectively, we can help bring light into dark times. 

Here are ten things that I include in my self-care toolbox that can help in challenging times. I hope that they may help or resonate with you. 

  1.     Tick off Your Values Daily

This year I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on what I value. If I tick off my values every day, I know I’m on the right track to living a life that inspires and excites me.

My top three values are:

  1.   Health (I know, how original?). I tick off my health value by moving my body and eating nourishing meals, and getting enough sleep. 
  2.   Personal development. I tick off personal growth through daily Vedic meditation and reading things that inspire me. 
  3.   Connection. I foster my relationships through speaking to friends or family members every day. I also make sure to listen to and support my friends during this time. Today is Are you ok day?, which serves as a gentle reminder to regularly check in with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours to make sure they are ok. 

What are your values, and how can you integrate them into your daily routine? Maybe yours include creativity, balance, truth, faith, kindness, ambition, or trust? 

Whatever your values may be, think about one thing you can do that aligns with your three highest values daily. While it seems relatively simple, if you don’t do anything but just tick off these three things each day, you know that you’re using the tools you have to live a life aligned with your values. Anything else is just a bonus.

  1.     Have a Morning Routine 

I’m not so strict with what goes into my morning routine, but it usually includes: 

  • Vedic Meditation

If you’ve read this blog here, you’ll know that I love meditation; it’s helped me through some of my most challenging times. Meditation isn’t about stopping my thoughts, becoming a monk, or levitating (although that does sound pretty good to me!). It’s about dropping into the present moment. Meditation has had a profound impact on my mental health, and I couldn’t recommend it enough.  

  • Movement 

Whether it’s a walk with my dog, online yoga class, movement is essential to get my energy going, especially in the morning. Maybe for you, it’s a walk in nature, a swim in the ocean or simply a stretch.

  • Other Morning Routine Features

I also love breath-work, journaling, reading a book, and listening to an inspiring podcast. 

  1.     Create a Schedule 

It can be tempting to roll straight out of bed, put the kettle on, make a cup of tea and do work in your pyjamas the whole day, but creating some sort of schedule will excel you in terms of productivity and make you feel better.

So, I recommend you:

  • Get dressed as if you’re going to work.
  • Set yourself a start time and end time.
  • Write the three most crucial things you have to do each day. 
  • Prepare your meals and snacks the night before.
  • Take a lunch break.

  • Stock up on your favourite drinks. I’ve been making a big batch of my Turmeric Toddy to sip on all day. And I make this Lockdown Gut Immunity smoothie daily, it's got all the rainbow colours and lots of health benefits too.
  • End your lunch break with a walk around the block.
  • End your day with the third space.
  1.     Invest in the Third Space 

 Hang on, the third what? 

The third space is the transitionary space between work and home life, and it allows us to move between the two. Usually, this space is the drive or ride home from work. However, when you’re sleeping, living and working in the same room, it can be challenging to create a third space, making it hard to move out of work mode and into home mode.

Some of my favourite ways to move into the third space are:

  • Take a dance break to your favourite song.
  • Take a shower and wash off the workday.
  • Go for a walk when you finish work.
  • Do a micro meditation.
  • Put your work stuff away. (This one really helps!)
  1.     Boundary Setting 

 While the term boundaries gets thrown around a lot, many of us don’t know how to set clear boundaries.

If you need some help, think about your boundaries with the following:

  • When do you work, and when is it time to switch off?
  • What’s your relationship like with your phone? Is there a time at night that you should turn it off?
  • How about social media? 
  • When do you connect with your people? Is it at a time that works for you, or do you take calls midday when you get a phone call? 

Regardless of what your boundaries are, it’s essential to write them out and aim to stick to them to avoid any possible feelings of resentment, conflict or anxiety.

  1.     Enjoy the Simple Pleasures

Connecting with nature and living in alignment with it is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. It helps put things into perspective, activates your parasympathetic nervous system response (that’s your rest and digest system) and clears the mind. Some ways to connect with nature are;

  • Gardening: Plant a tree! Getting my green thumb on is one of my favourite ways to connect with nature. Head here for the 411 on growing your own veggies. I also just ordered and put together two new vegepods and planted them out for spring. I've planted edible greens, lettuces, spinach, rocket, kale, cucumber, basil, sage, coriander and capsicum. Roll on spring and summer greens!

  • Grounding: Do you remember the feeling of having the sand or grass in between your toes as a kid? It’s pure bliss. Little did seven-year-old you know, grounding or earthing can increase feelings of alertness and energy. Why not try it today?
  • Ocean swimming: if you’re near an ocean, jump in! Swimming is excellent for the immune system and is completely rejuvenating. Plus, it’s the ultimate mood booster. 
  • Becoming the conscious observer: learning to witness events and feelings without identifying or judging them is crucial in becoming an observer and not getting caught up in emotions. Becoming an observer is key to turning on your inner flashlight. Maybe go for a walk in nature or to a nearby park and tune into the sounds of the birds, the rustling of the trees, the sound of the earth underfoot. I promise you, you'll feel better for it.
  1.     Declutter Your Space

If I weren’t a clinical nutritionist or author, I would be a Marie Kondo-er. There is nothing I love more than a good old spring clean. I do a wardrobe clean-out every few months you can find my tips on this here.

But perhaps, maybe it’s time to declutter your digital space.

You could try the following:

  • Clean out your computer or phone and delete the things you don’t use or need anymore.
  • File everything in a way that serves you.
  • Delete any paid subscription services you don’t use (I mean, who needs five streaming services?). 

  1.     Cook Meals that Nourish You 

As I’m not a professional declutterer and food is a passion, my favourite ways to live with more joy and lightness is to cook meals that make me feel (and others when not in lockdown) good. 

  • Chocolate and Coconut Roughs: we all need something sweet now and then, and who could argue with chocolate’s antioxidant benefits (not me, that’s for sure!). My Chocolate and Coconut Roughs are a crowd favourite (and by a crowd, I mean me, because, well, #lockdownlife)
  • Antioxidant-Rich Salad: nourish yourself from the inside out with this Antioxidant-Rich Salad

  1. Get in Touch with Your Spiritual Side 

Life isn’t predictable; there are many ups and downs. These ups and downs can make it hard to keep the faith, and that’s okay; it’s part of being human. Having a spiritual belief or connection with something greater than you, whether that’s God, community, the universe, can help put things into perspective and help you lean into trust. 

You don’t need to have blind faith; a spiritual practice for you might look more like being in conversation with the universe or God. Trusting in the spiritual is primarily the work of creating a connection with something greater than yourself.

There are lots of ways to create a conversation with your spiritual side.

I recommend trying:

  • Closing your eyes and simply breathing
  • Meditating with a mantra
  • Praying
  • Honouring your intuition
  • Spending time in solitude
  • Writing down your thoughts

It’s easier to find trust in something bigger than you when you’re doing your part, not just patiently waiting for things to improve.  

10. Exercise your Creative Muscles 

 A fun way to ignite your light is to exercise your creativity. When you do this, remember that it’s more important to enjoy the process than worry about how the outcome looks. 

Some of my favourite ways to exercise creativity are:

  • Writing poetry
  • Painting
  • Taking up pottery 
  • Sewing
  • Knitting – I’m currently knitting Red Cross Trauma Teddies for my local Red Cross. You can get involved here.
  • Colouring in

One of the biggest challenges of being alive is witnessing the injustices of the world and not allowing them to consume our light. When we are guided by intuition and learn to tune into our inner guidance, we can be true to ourselves and live from a place of gratitude.

What I have found is that it's important to look at ourselves honestly and check for negative or dark spots, traumas, or parts of our lives that we keep hidden and then address them in a way that is most comfortable for you, that may be by speaking to a friend, a family member, a medical professional. 

Letting go of fears or narratives that are holding us back, means we can look at the world with a different perspective. One where we can start to live with more lightness and compassion and move towards self love and self-reflection. Living from this place, rather than from pain or fear, opens us up to evolving into the best versions of ourselves, and it’s from this place that we can help others.

It's when we live in the light that personal and planetary transformation can occur.

I would love to know how you are finding light and hope at the moment? 

Let me know in the comments below! xx

COVID-19 Vaccine Protocol

Yes, you read that title correctly. *Cue a protest in the comments section. *

But seriously, your body is truly incredible. Every single day, your immune system fights off hidden bacteria, viruses, and parasites to keep you safe. 

Regardless of how strong your immune system is, it won’t always be able to stop you from getting sick; that’s where traditionally, vaccines have come in. I believe everyone is entitled to their own choices, and I’m not here to judge, but whether you’re pro or anti-vax, the truth is, vaccines are here to stay, so it’s essential to be across what they are and how they work, that way you can make informed choices and decide what is best for you. You can use this protocol whether you are vaccinated or not the choice is up to you.

What is a vaccine, and what does it do to the body?

A vaccine is a biological product that induces an immune response to protect the body against infection and disease. There are a variety of vaccines that work in different ways. 

What are the different COVID-19 vaccines available, and how do they work?

COVID-19 has urged the scientific community to find solutions quickly. Mostly, the technologies used to create these vaccines have been around for several years. Here are some of the more common vaccines you might have heard of broken down simply.

AstraZeneca (viral vector type)

AstraZeneca is a modified, low-pathogenic virus that functions as a vector to shuttle pathogenic antigens into host cells, inducing an immune response against the target pathogen. In this case, the target pathogen is SARS-CoV-2.1

Pfizer (mRNA type)

Pfizer is a nucleic acid-based vaccine consisting of mRNA sequences that help proteins in the body induce an immune response and code for a COVID-specific antigen.

The cells use the instructions contained in the RNA to produce the spike protein (SARS-CoV-2). Immune cells recognise the spike protein as foreign and initiate an immune response against it. 

The data indicates that Pfizer is up to 90% effective by day 21, reducing COVID-19 infections and decreasing symptom severity.3 However the latest research shows that the effects of waning immunity may be beginning to show in Israel and more time and investigation is needed.

Moderna (mRNA type)

Moderna has just been approved in Australia, and Dolly Parton donated $1 million to help fund it, so you know it must be good. Like Pfizer, Moderna is a synthetic mRNA vaccine. It uses a genetic code that triggers the production of the coronavirus’s protein in the body, which helps immune cells fight it.3

Novavax (sub unit protein type)

Coronavirus is studded with spike proteins that it uses to enter human cells. The Novavax uses recombinant nanoparticle technology, which teaches the immune system to make antibodies to the spike protein. So, if someone were to receive Novavax and then get exposed to the virus, the antibodies would lock onto the spike proteins, and coronavirus won’t be able to enter cells, blocking the infection.12

In one clinical trial, adult participants conferred over 89% protection against COVID-19 after two doses of the Novavax vaccine.12

Johnson & Johnson (viral vector type)

Johnson & Johnson is a viral vector vaccine, where a vector enters the cells in the body and uses the cell’s machinery to produce a spike protein. The cells then display the spike protein on its surface, and the immune system recognises it doesn’t belong there. This triggers the immune system to begin producing antibodies and activating other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. In the end, the body learns how to protect itself against future infection. 

Unfortunately, Johnson & Johnson is only 66.3% effective at preventing COVID-19 infections in clinical trials.13 

What are the side effects of the vaccine?

Side effects are common with vaccines and more adverse reactions are being recorded. Most adverse effects associated with these vaccines have been transient, lasting up to 72 hours. They include pain at the injection site, headache, fever, fatigue, and muscle aches and pains.4

However vaccine injury is becoming more apparent. You may have heard, AstraZeneca has been linked to blood clots (thrombosis) and low levels of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia).11 While the risk of either of these is low, it is estimated to be higher in those under 60. 

If you are unsure and want to find out more about the possible risks of vaccinations, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) records and investigates adverse effects. You can read more about it here.

I recommend speaking to your doctor or trusted health professional to find out what method is suitable for you, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions.

What can you do to protect your body before, during, and after the vaccine? 

If you choose to vaccinate, supporting your immune system through specific practices, such as a healthy diet, can enhance the efficacy of a vaccine and reduce your chances of experiencing potential side effects. 

The Weeks Prior: 

To stay well, actively supporting your immune system is essential. Optimising your physical and psychological health every day is the single best thing you can do to help your immune system before a vaccine. 

Gut Microbiome

The state of the gut microbiome can impact the immune system’s response to COVID-19. The research indicates that adverse reactions to the vaccine can be due to an imbalance of bacteria in the gut.5 So, before you receive the vaccine, support your gut health as much as possible. Head here for a gut health 101.

Nutrient-Rich Whole Foods

While there’s not enough research to indicate that a nutrient-rich diet will make the vaccine more effective, in general, eating a nutritious diet supports the immune system. Focusing on increasing your intake of anti-inflammatory foods is vital for helping the immune system thrive. Here’s the 411 on inflammation. 

The Day Before: 

As a qualified clinical nutritionist, one of the most regular questions I’m asked about in my clinic is whether there is a specific protocol for vaccinations. 

My COVID-19 Vaccine Protocol can help prepare your body for any potential side effects. If you choose to go down this road, I recommend implementing the following;

1.     Stay Hydrated 

It’s no secret that hydration is important for your health. Natural side effects of dehydration include fatigue, headaches, and muscle cramps, which are also common side effects of the vaccine. By avoiding dehydration, you can help reduce these side effects from occurring. Aim for eight glasses of water a day, and add one more for every cup of coffee, alcohol, and caffeinated tea.  

2.     Increase Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an integral role in regulating immune function and can help neutralise infections by stimulating white blood cells.6-7 Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher levels of bodily inflammation and fewer antibodies to fight infection, which may exacerbate adverse reactions to the vaccine. 

The best way to increase your vitamin D intake is through spending time in the sun. You can also obtain vitamin D from salmon, egg yolks, sardines, and mushrooms that have been exposed to natural sunlight. I recommend getting your vitamin D levels tested to assess whether supplementation is necessary. 

3.     Prioritise Sleep and Rest

While the jury’s still out on the effectiveness of hitting the hay before the COVID vax, short sleep duration before other vaccinations have proven to result in lower antibody responses to the vaccine, making it less effective.8 Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep before the vaccine. My Pumpkin Almond Bake is mood-lifting and sleep-enhancing, making it a perfect side dish to try the night before vax-day.   

4.     Manage Your Stress

Stress is a no-go when it comes to preparing for your vaccine. While acute stress impacts the liver, which affects our mRNA expression, chronic stress impacts the microbiome, leading to less effective vaccine metabolism.8 Head here for ten of my favourite ways to manage stress.

5.     Zinc is Zinc-credible! 

Zinc is one of the most underrated immune-boosting minerals on the planet. It’s involved in several aspects of the immune system, helping to guide the normal development of immune cells.9 It can also improve the metabolism of the vaccine. 

Unfortunately, zinc is deficient in most modern diets. Increase your zinc intake by consuming oysters, seafood, beans, nuts, whole grains, and seeds or supplement if necessary.

6.     Emphasise Omega-3 

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, which means our body cannot produce it by itself and needs to be consumed through the diet. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that work together to fight inflammation, which may help reduce COVID-19 vaccination side effects. Find EPA and DHA in fish, krill and algal oil supplements and oily fish, such as salmon, herring, and sardines. 

Unlike EPA and DHA, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is a short-chain acid found in flax, chia, and hemp seeds. ALA is not biologically active and must be converted by the liver into EPA and DHA for the body to use. Unfortunately, this conversion process is relatively inefficient, with approximately 5% for EPA and 3.8% for DHA.10 So, consume ALA-rich foods with EPA and DHA-rich foods. 

7.     Favour Fulvic Humic

Fulvic Humic helps carry nutrients into the cells and makes cell membranes more permeable, which may help in improving the metabolism of the vaccine to improve its effectiveness.14 Fulvic Humic also allows for a higher volume and more usable form of nutrients to enter the body, crucial for replenishing the gut microbiome and immune system. As the vaccine causes immune dysregulation, Fulvic Humic Concentrate is a welcome addition.

Current research indicates that Fulvic Humic is incredibly anti-inflammatory and beneficial for the immune system.14 Dilute up to 3 drops of Fulvic Humic Concentrate 3 times a day in your water bottle for maximum impact. 

After experiencing covid or Vaccination

1.     Win With Water

Ensure you’re well-hydrated to reduce any possible side effects. Aim for at least eight cups of water a day. 

2.     Prioritise Sleep and Rest

The vaccine can trigger fatigue, so if you can, take it easy the day after your vaccine and prioritise rest.8 Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep and watch your stimulant intake. If you want more tips on how to up-level your sleep routine, click here

3.     Nourish your Body

Continue to nourish your body with colourful, anti-inflammatory fruit and vegetables. I know you'll love my antioxidant-rich salad.

4. Quercetin and Vitamin C

Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid) which has promising signs when it comes to symptoms. It's safe and in combination with vitamin C, could aid in improving the severity of vaccine side effects. It displays a broad range of antiviral properties which can interfere at multiple steps of pathogen virulence -virus entry, virus replication, protein assembly- and these therapeutic effects can be augmented by the co-administration of vitamin C15.

For the Second Shot:

Repeat this protocol for the second shot. It typically takes two weeks after the second vaccination for the body to build protection against COVID-19, so focus on hygiene and rest. 

As always, this information is general. I recommend speaking to your healthcare practitioner to help you figure out what’s most suitable for you.

  • It’s also important to get tested MyBioSource if you are feeling flu-like symptoms or have recently been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Business owners can do their part by providing business COVID testing in Columbus and other US cities to protect their employees and help prevent an outbreak at the office.

After having covid this year, I used this protocol to recover:


1Rauch S, Jasny E, Schmidt KE, Petsch B. New vaccine technologies to combat outbreak situations. Front Immunol. 2018 Sep 19;9:1963. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01963.

2Zhang C, Maruggi G, Shan H, Li J. Advances in mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases. Front Immunol. 2019 Mar 27;10:594. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00594.

3Mahase E. Covid-19: Israel sees new infections plummet following vaccinations BMJ 2021;372:n338 doi:10.1136/bmj.n338.

4Kaur, S. P., & Gupta, V. (2020). COVID-19 Vaccine: A comprehensive status report. Virus research, 288, 198114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198114

5BMJ 2021;372:n149

6Fisher SA, Rahimzadeh M, Brierley C, Gration B, Doree C, Kimber CE, et al. The role of vitamin D in increasing circulating T regulatory cell numbers and modulating T regulatory cell phenotypes in patients with inflammatory disease or in healthy volunteers: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2019 Sep 24;14(9):e0222313. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222313.

7Manzano-Alonso ML, Castellano-Tortajada G. Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection after cytotoxic chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar 28;17(12):1531-7. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v17.i12.

8Zimmermann P, Curtis N. Factors that influence the immune response to vaccination. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2019 Mar 13;32(2):e00084-18.: 10.1128/CMR.00084-18.

9Braun L, Cohen M. Herbs and natural supplements: an evidence-based guide. 3rd ed. Sydney (AU): Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone; 2010. p. 1037-51.

10Gerster H. (1998). Can adults adequately convert alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3)?. International journal for vitamin and nutrition research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitamin- und Ernahrungsforschung. Journal international de vitaminologie et de nutrition, 68(3), 159–173. 

11Australia’s Vaccine Agreements. Australian Government Department of Health. 2021. 

12Saddof, J., Gray, G., et al. (2021). Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2021, 384.

13Saddof, J., Gray, G., et al. (2021). Safety and Efficacy of Single-Dose Ad26.COV2.S Vaccine against Covid-19. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2021, 384.

14Winkler, J., & Ghosh, S. (2018). Therapeutic Potential of Fulvic Acid in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Diabetes. Journal of diabetes research, 2018, 5391014. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5391014

15 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2020.01451/full

How to Eat More Colour + an Antioxidant Rich Salad

Eat the rainbow; it’s one of the first things I recommend when someone sees me in my clinic and one of the most common health tips you’ll probably ever read.  

But before you ask, no, I’m not referring to skittles, M&M’s, or fruit loops (nice try, though). 

What I’m talking about is eating an abundance of fruit and vegetables made of various colours. 

The number one reason I’ll tell you to eat colourfully is that it’ll make your food pictures pop. 

Just kidding (kind of).  

My second reason is that it’s likely that you’re currently not consuming enough fruit and vegetables. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 96% of Australian’s don’t eat enough vegetables!1 While most of us know that vegetables are crucial for a healthy digestive system, they’re also associated with a reduced risk of developing diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. So, focusing on increasing the colours on your plate will inevitably help you eat more fruit and veg. You’re welcome. 

The other reason to start eating more colours is that each colour offers a different health benefit. For example, blue fruits may help protect against heart disease, and orange vegetables are vital for eye health.  

If you want the specifics (I know you do), read what each colour offers and where to get more of it below. 


The deep blues, purples and reds of eggplant and blueberries are brought to you by anthocyanins – a supercharged antioxidant. Anthocyanins are excellent for protecting cells against damage, promoting a healthy heart and sharp memory, and reducing overall bodily inflammation.2

You can increase your blue and purple intake through:  

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Eggplants
  • Figs 
  • Prunes
  • Plums
  • Grapes

BTW you seriously have to try this roasted fig, walnut and goat’s cheese salad


Carotenoids give our orange and yellow fruit and vegetables their vibrant colour. A well-known carotenoid, called beta-carotene, promotes healthy eyes, supports immune function and is crucial for strong joints and bones. My favourite benefit of beta-carotene is that it protects the skin from sun damage and pollution.3 I know – what can’t it do? You can read more about my love for beta-carotene here. 

To increase your orange and yellow foods, include the below in your diet. 

  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Carrot
  • Corn
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon 
  • Mango
  • Nectarines
  • Oranges
  • Papayas
  • Peaches
  • Pineapple
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet potato

Get the recipe for these sweet lemon thyme roasted carrots here.


While all colours offer different health benefits, green vegetables are (not so secretly) my favourite. Green vegetables contain a range of phytochemicals that protect the body from damage, restore vitality, aid tissue healing and provide digestive enzymes. Plus, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli offer an excellent folate source – a nutrient vital for pregnant women to prevent congenital disabilities. 

I also love green broccoli and Brussels sprouts because they’re part of the cruciferous vegetable family, enhancing immune function and assisting liver detoxification.4

Get your greens here: 

  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Bok choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Celery
  • Collard greens
  • Cucumber
  • Green beans
  • Green cabbage
  • Kale
  • Kiwi fruit 
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Mustard greens
  • Okra
  • Peas
  • Rockmelon 
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Spinach
  • Sugar snap peas
  • Watercress
  • Zucchini

Swap out your noodles for zoodles (zucchini noodles) in my chocolate chilli beef zoodles here.

Red & Pink  

Ever wondered what makes that red tomato of yours so red? It’s because of a natural plant pigment called lycopene. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that’s great for the heart, improves the skin’s appearance and quality, and supports healthy eyes. Some research indicates that lycopene may even protect against certain cancers.5

Increase your red and pink fruit and vegetables through the following:

  • Apple 
  • Beetroot 
  • Cherries
  • Cranberries
  • Grapes
  • Capsicum
  • Rhubarb
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelon 

My strawberry and chia roll-ups are delicious for kids and adult-like kids. 


I know what you’re thinking – Lee, what are you doing? White isn’t a colour! 

I know that technically white is a shade and not a colour, but I wasn’t going to call this blog – how to eat more colours and shades of white, was I? So, do me a favour and play along for a second 😉

White fruit and veggies support bone health, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation and help balance hormones. These guys also contain phytochemicals such as allicin, found in garlic, which has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties.6 They’re worth including in the rainbow conversation.  

Increase your white foods through:

  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Mushroom
  • Onion
  • Parsnip
  • Potato
  • Shallots 

My go-to immune booster is this thick and creamy garlic bisque

So, how can you start to eat more colour? 

An excellent way to track your colours is by creating a daily rainbow calendar, where you can tick off when you’ve eaten a specific colour. While this idea is excellent for kids and parents, anyone could find it beneficial. If you prefer, keep it in the notes section of your phone. 

Make a tropical rainbow fruit salad at the beginning of the day to serve up at snack time. You may like to include red apples, green kiwi fruits, yellow bananas, blue blueberries and orange mango. 

Do you love stir fry? Well, next time you’re making one, diversify it by including carrots, broccoli and red onion. 

Make a nourish bowl with deliciously nourishing colours, grains, nuts, and seeds, like my vegan roasted sweet potato with basil pesto and chopped salad.

This colourful lunch idea is so delicious! It's my brand new Antioxidant-rich salad.

Antioxidant-rich salad

Serves 2
How to Make It

Place the following in a large baking dish

  • 2 carrots sliced into batons with 1 tbs maple syrup
  • 1/2 butternut pumpkin chopped into cubes with 1/2 tsp cumin and coriander, a sprinkle of sesame seeds
  • 1 zucchini roughly chopped with 1/2 tsp lemongrass and ginger and one tbs tamari
  • Drizzle olive oil on top of all of the veg and season to taste
  • Bake vegetables in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 25 mins

Whilst the carrot, pumpkin and zucchini is cooking make up the salad with handfuls of Cos lettuce, rocket, or any salad greens you have

  • Add two radishes sliced
  • Add 1/2 cucumber sliced
  • Drizzle with your oil of choice, I used Sacha inchi oil mixed with my Golden Gut Blend 

I’d love to know - how are you going to include more colour into your diet?

Let me know in the comments below.

Lee x 


1Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018 

2Khoo, H. E., Azlan, A., Tang, S. T., & Lim, S. M. (2017). Anthocyanidins and anthocyanins: coloured pigments as food, pharmaceutical ingredients, and the potential health benefits. Food & nutrition research, 61(1), 1361779. https://doi.org/10.1080/16546628.2017.1361779

3Schagen, S. K., Zampeli, V. A., Makrantonaki, E., & Zouboulis, C. C. (2012). Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging. Dermato-endocrinology, 4(3), 298–307. https://doi.org/10.4161/derm.22876

4Guan, Y. S., & He, Q. (2015). Plants Consumption and Liver Health. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2015, 824185. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/824185 

5Story, E. N., Kopec, R. E., Schwartz, S. J., & Harris, G. K. (2010). An update on the health effects of tomato lycopene. Annual review of food science and technology, 1, 189–210. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.food.102308.124120

6Bayan, L., Koulivand, P. H., & Gorji, A. (2014). Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects. Avicenna journal of phytomedicine, 4(1), 1–14.

Mastering Menopause Bundle Offer

If you're experiencing peri-menopause or menopause symptoms and are looking for a natural approach to managing it, I'm sharing a wonderful bundle offer for you today.

Many of my clients struggle with sleep deficiencies, hormone imbalances, hot flushes, irritability and other often unexplained symptoms. We all know menopause happens, but you don't need to just deal with it!

The Mastering Menopause Bundle is a digital collection of the latest trainings and tools to help you take control of your health before, during and after menopause so that you can live with energy, clarity, calmness and vibrancy.

The Mastering Menopause Bundle has a large amount of up-to-the-minute resources to help you better understand and balance your hormones. It also includes my cookbook Flourish and Nourish Through Menopause which is part of a 6 -week Flourish and Nourish Through Menopause eCourse. The course is run by qualified healthcare practitioners, my good friend and naturopath Belinda Kirkpatrick and myself as a qualified clinical nutritionist. Between us, we’ve helped thousands of women to optimise their health and feel their very best.

In the Mastering Menopause Bundle you'll find a library of fantastic resources that will help you to understand what changes your body is going through, and information to help you address the root causes of your sleep issues. Other symptoms that can be improved are mental health during menopause, skin and hormone health and energy and weight. 

When you buy the Mastering Menopause Bundle, you’ll get access to:

  • 7 eBooks
  • 11 eCourses & summits
  • 10 printable packs & workbooks

It's really great value too as you can get it all ($1000 worth of products) for just $37. The sale is on for the next 5 days.

If you'd like to take part, just click on this Mastering Menopause Bundle and be guided to all of the materials. 

The One Thing You Should Be Eating for Your Immune System + a Seedy Loaf Recipe

Over 2000 years ago, Hippocrates suggested that all disease begins in the gut, and you know what? I have a gut feeling he was onto something. 

We know the gastrointestinal tract houses almost 70% of the immune system and is impacted by the microbiome, diet, and stress levels.1  

If you’ve ever been stressed about an important meeting or presentation, drank a few too many coffees, and then fallen sick a couple of days before your big moment, you’ll know this to be true (and highly inconvenient!). Science says that stress, along with an imbalanced diet, can trigger inflammation and lead to a cold or flu.  

Luckily, a balanced diet with minimal stress helps reduce inflammation and regulate immunity.  

What can you do to support a healthy immune system?

Along with stress-busting activities that you can read about here, there are plenty of ways you can naturally support your immune system. 

Eating a nourishing and balanced diet is my preferred way to support your immunity. I recommend you focus on functional foods, which act as a form of preventative medicine.2

One of my favourite classes of functional foods is called polyphenols, which naturally support immunity, regulate the gut response, and decrease allergic symptoms.3 Polyphenols are some of the most abundant chemicals in the plant kingdom and are produced by plants as their own medicine to help them protect against stress (how’s that for a bit of iso trivia?).  

Plants also use polyphenols to protect themselves against pests, diseases, and UV light. The healthier, more diverse the soil, the higher the polyphenol number, which is good news for our plants. That’s another vote for plants being grown organically rather than chemically with fertilised soil.

But I know you’re not here to talk about foliage (or, maybe you are. In that case, check out my plant!) 

Green thumbs, unite!

Luckily for us, polyphenols have a similar impact on human health, and, like plants, the healthier the soil (or, in our case, our microbiome), the more polyphenols can be used.   

While polyphenols may sound like a bit of a fancy-schmancy trend, you’re likely sipping on polyphenols right now; they’re not hard to find. Tea, coffee (you can buy plain kraft sleeves to make coffee even easier to drink, so you get polyphenols in your body, but also an effortless drinking experience), vegetables, and fruit are all rich in polyphenols. Examples of polyphenols are flavonoids found in herbal tea, cacao, chia seeds, ellagitannins in pomegranate, and resveratrol found in red wine. 

How can we absorb polyphenols? 

Polyphenols are too big to be absorbed directly by the gut, and our gut can’t break them down into smaller fragments.

So, what can we do? 

Nothing. I just thought I’d share this information with you! 

Thanks for reading the blog; I hope it was worthwhile. 

Just kidding. 

While polyphenols can’t be absorbed in the small intestine, they can travel down to the part of the gut inhabited by trillions of microbes. These microbes can break it down (insert DJ noise here) into smaller absorbable molecules which can enter the bloodstream and exert their health-promoting effects throughout the body.4 Isn’t the body capable of incredible things? 

So, what exactly are these health-promoting effects, you ask. 

Pomegranate is a good source of polyphenols. Indian Chicken with Pomegranate

Health Benefits of Polyphenols


Polyphenols are antioxidants that contribute to the prevention of immune diseases.4 Polyphenols promote immunity by removing foreign pathogens to fight infection and bacteria and signal pathways that initiate immune responses.4 Evidence has found that polyphenols are effective in regulating the immune system response, decreasing symptoms of allergic disease, and even inhibiting tumour-related activity.4

Asthma, allergies, and eczema, and related disorders, can be associated with overactive immune cells  and studies indicate that Fulvic Humic Concentrate can act as an anti-inflammatory by reducing the release of pro-inflammatory mediators from cells. 

Gut Health

Polyphenols are excellent for gut health as they modulate bacteria in the gut microbiome. Specific polyphenols can increase or inhibit the growth of particular bacteria, which can change the composition of the gut microbiome and reduce pathogens.5,6 And we know that a balanced digestive system is key to a healthy immune system, so this is the news we needed to hear!  You can also try our Love Your Gut powder or capsules to help balance your digestive micro flora and modulate bacteria. 

Where can you find polyphenols?

The best way to consume polyphenols is through the diet. 

You can find polyphenols in:

  • Chia seeds: get bready for my Chia and Flaxseed Loaf down below! 
  • Nuts: go nuts for my Sweet Spiced Nuts.

  • Turmeric: these delectable fudgey Turmeric Fudge pieces will surprise and delight. 

What else can you do to support the immune system?

  • Eat a variety of plant foods daily and ensure you have enough fibre, as this is required to digest polyphenols. 
  • Prioritise rest and aim for at least eight hours of sleep a night.  
  • Move your body regularly in a way that works for you. 
  • Try to manage your stress levels. 
  • Focus on maintaining hygiene.  

And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for: My Chia and Flaxseed Loaf

Chia and Flaxseed Loaf

Makes One Loaf

This is my daily polyphenol hit in the form of a slice of toast. Use it for a blissful open-top sandwiches or a mouthwatering and satisfying toasted sandwich. 


  • 350 g (12 oz/21/3 cups) gluten-free self-raising flour
  • 30 g (1 oz/1/4 cup) ground flaxseeds
  • 20 g (3/4 oz/1/4 cup) chia seeds
  • 115 g (4 oz/3/4 cup) mixed sunflower seeds and pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 4 organic eggs
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons melted unsalted butter
  • 80 ml(21/2 fl oz/1/3 cup) tablespoons additive-free coconut milk
  • 1 tsp maple syrup or 6 drops stevia liquid
  • 125 ml (4 fl oz/1/2 cup) filtered water


  • Preheat the oven to 175°C (345°F/Gas 3–4) and grease and flour a 20 x 9 cm (8 x 31/2 inch) loaf (bar) tin.
  • Combine the flour, flaxseed, chia, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and salt in a bowl and mix until combined.
  • In a separate large bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the eggs for about 2 minutes – they should be pale and fluffy.
  • Stir in the apple cider vinegar, butter, coconut milk, maple syrup or stevia and water. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with the flour mixture and stir well to combine.
  • Spoon the mixture into the prepared loaf tin and bake in the oven for 40 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre of the loaf comes out clean.
  • Turn out onto a wire rack to cool.

This loaf will keep for one week in the fridge or two months in the freezer. 


1Vighi, G., Marcucci, F., Sensi, L., Di Cara, G., & Frati, F. (2008). Allergy and the gastrointestinal system. Clinical and experimental immunology, 153 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), 3–6. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2249.2008.03713.x

2M. del Cornò, B. Scazzocchio, R. Masella, and S. Gessani, “Regulation of dendritic cell function by dietary polyphenols,” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 737–747, 2016.

3Sujuan Ding, Hongmei Jiang, Jun Fang, “Regulation of Immune Function by Polyphenols”, Journal of Immunology Research, vol. 2018, Article ID 1264074, 8 pages, 2018.https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/1264074

4Filosa, S., Di Meo, F., & Crispi, S. (2018). Polyphenols-gut microbiota interplay and brain neuromodulation. Neural regeneration research, 13(12), 2055–2059. https://doi.org/10.4103/1673-5374.241429

5Rastmanesh R. High polyphenol, low probiotic diet for weight loss because of intestinal microbiota interaction. Chem Biol Interact. 2011;189:1–8.

6Duenas M, Munoz-Gonzalez I, Cueva C, Jimenez-Giron A, Sanchez-Patan F, Santos-Buelga C, Moreno-Arribas MV, Bartolome B. A survey of modulation of gut microbiota by dietary polyphenols. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:850902

Five Herbal Infusions that can Supercharge your Smoothies

If you're a lover of smoothies, but bored with the same old bananas, berries or greens, I've got some great news for you. If you're keen to switch things up and supercharge your nutrition even further, then read on...

I'd love to introduce you to our brand-new resident herbalist and naturopath Sulin Sze who'll be sharing some wonderful information about herbalism and naturopathy.

You can read more about Sulin and her qualifications here.

Over to you Sulin...

Using herbal medicines in your cooking and smoothie making is a simple and fun way to turn your everyday smoothie into a super-healer. So I’m going to introduce you here to my top five healing herbs to use in smoothies, and show you what parts to use and how much. Exciting right?

Everybody can make a herbal infusion. They’re prepared by adding fresh or dried herbs to a liquid like water or milk. Sometimes they’re made with oils as well, but often that’s more as a way of preparing ointments and creams. I use infusions ALL THE TIME (#infusionqueen) in my kitchen, as medicines, in drinks and in foods as well. For example the gluten-free seed loaf below uses a base of Nettle infusion so it’s even richer rich in minerals, vitamins and protein. Sound good?

Read on and I’ll tell you all about Nettle and more.

Photo credit: Sulin Sze (2019)

One of my favourite ways to use infusions is in smoothies. Simply replace the water or milk in your recipe with a cooled infusion and you’re ready to go. It’s as easy as that!

So let’s look at my top herbs to use in infusions and get you started. I’ll be breaking down the best way to prepare each one in an infusion to maximise your extract quality. Not all herbs like hot water. Some like it cold, some like milk. Anyone interested in learning more on infusion techniques can check out my dedicated infusions webinar here.

In this post we will be exploring different smoothie themes:

  • Boosting your Beauty with Stinging Nettle
  • Boosting your Brains with Ginkgo biloba
  • Healing your Digestive System with Calendula
  • Calming your sweet soul with Chamomile
  • And a glow-inducing Women’s health booster with Shatavari

Now it’s time to ramp up your smoothie repertoire!

Photo credit: Sulin Sze (2019) Stinging Nettle is great in smoothies, consider adding the fresh herb or an infusion of the dried leaves to your next morning smoothie for a green multivitamin booster.

  1. Beauty with Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle (leaf)

Benefits: Detoxifying – Antioxidant – Blood Sugar Lowering – Nutrition Boosting

Let me introduce you to one of my favourite nourishing, anti-aging herbs that also happens to cleanse your blood and support healthy blood sugar regulation. It’s Stinging Nettle, and it contains a plethora of vitamins including vitamins A, B, E, C, K and P along with the minerals selenium, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium.

It also contains lots of protein (in effect, lots of amino acids) to help you build your neurochemicals like dopamine and serotonin. Along with the ample protein content, the herb contains coumarins, fatty acids, antioxidants that fight free radicals and the amazing quercetin (which is thought to inhibit the activity of elastase and collagenase, enzymes that break down collagen and reduce skin elasticity. And we don’t want that!)

I prescribe Nettle regularly to clients in clinic for a range of conditions from acne, rheumatism and hair loss to pre-diabetes. A 2019 systematic review of nettle in diabetes revealed the herb can assist in control blood sugar levels in type two diabetic patients. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 1.2 million Australian reported having diabetes in 2017/2018 with the condition contributing to 11% of deaths nationwide during that time. Bringing in a herb that fights ageing and helps manage blood sugars is a good thing!

Try adding 1 Tbsp of dried Stinging Nettle leaves to a cup of water. Leave it in the fridge overnight to infuse slowly. No need to use hot water. However, if you’re pressed for time, pop the leaves into hot, boiled water and sit for 15 minutes, then cool in the fridge until you’re ready to make that beauty boosting smoothie.

I recommend Nettle infusion + Spinach or Kale leaves + Pineapple (fresh or frozen) + vitamin C powder + Collagen powder

  1. Brains with Ginkgo biloba - (Ginkgo) leaves

Benefits: Antioxidant – Cognition Boosting – Memory Enhancing

Who wouldn’t love a little more focus, memory and cognition? I’m a full-time parent and worker and I couldn’t live without my Ginkgo! It keeps me clear-headed and helps me get through my daily ‘to do’ list with grace 😊

Herbalists use the leaves of the Ginkgo tree to enhance memory and cognition and to reduce oxidative damage to the brain. So this herb is perfect for a morning smoothie with a cleansing action that might also include celery, greens, chlorophyll and a touch of dates (because well, sweet dates ground the blend and your brain thrives on a little natural sugar in the morning.)

Ginkgo improves brain function by acting as an antioxidant and protecting cell membranes from reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause the breakdown of important neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, which play a role in memory and cognition. Depletion of acetylcholine is associated with conditions like Alzheimers and Dementia. High level scientific evidence suggests that Ginkgo is an effective herb in improving cognitive health in Alzheimers and Dementia, and is safe and useful when taken long term (6 months and more).  Infuse 1 Tbsp dried Ginkgo leaves in hot water and steep for 15-30 minutes. Strain and store in the fridge until you’re ready to make your smoothie. If you take blood thinning medication, check with your Doctor before taking Ginkgo as it theoretically can slow blood clotting.

Ginkgo infusion with celery, apple, dates and pear

I suggest Ginkgo leaves infusion + celery + apple + chlorophyll + dates in the morning. You could also do celery + apple + dates + pear.

  1. Gut healing with Calendula officinalis (Calendula)

Healing – Lymphatic booster – Anti-inflammatory – Anti-microbial

You really step into the realm of gut healing with you start working with Calendula. This plant is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and mildly anti-microbial, and has a resinous, sweet and warm taste. It’s the perfect soothing addition to any gut smoothie, particularly a sweet one because the quality of sweet has an affinity with the digestive system, which is where we want to send those delicious healing nutrients.

Calendula contains chemicals in its volatile oil that fight bacteria and fungi like Candida albicans (a pathogen that causes thrush). A 2000 study of Calendula on various fungal pathogens demonstrated efficacy similar to standard antibiotics, while a 2016 trial found Calendula cream provided longer term benefits in thrush compared to conventional anti-fungal applications. Other chemicals in the plant like the saponins and flavonoids reduce inflammation and calm the gut lining, as well as supporting healthy immune function.

The flavonoids calm down angry, inflamed and damaged mucous membranes, helping them repair. The lining of the gut is central in gut health for harbouring healthy bacteria and flora, protecting the gut lumen against damage and participating in the exchange of nutrients into and out of the digestive tract. Issues with mucous membranes such as damage or breakage, can translate into conditions like leaky gut, ulcerative colitis and immune dysfunction. Even if you don’t have a gut condition, you can enhance and support your gut health with herbs like Calendula to harness your inner glow.

To make Calendula infusion add 2-3 Tbsp dried flowers or petals to hot boiled water. Cover (to retain the volatile oil) and leave to infuse for 15 – 30 minutes. Then strain and store in the fridge until you’re ready to make your digestive system healing smoothie.

I recommend Calendula flower infusion + strawberry+ cucumber + apple/pear + coconut yoghurt + L-Glutamine powder + your favourite probiotic powder.

Photo credit: Sulin Sze (2019) I LOVE Chamomile lattes, and what better way to use them than in a super luxurious smoothie the next day! Consider preparing a Chamomile milk before bed to help you sleep, and putting aside half a cup for your smoothie the next morning.

  1. Calming with Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile) flowers

Soothing – Digestion enhancing – Sedative (mild) – Anti-inflammatory

Chamomile is an aromatic hug for the digestive system, so call on it whenever you experience digestive cramps, sluggishness, diarrhoea, nausea, anxiety or stress. The latter can aggravate and trigger digestive symptoms. Herbalists use Chamomile to relieve inflammation and spasm, likely due to the flavonoids and coumarins that the plant contains. Other nutrients this warm and slightly bitter plant provide include vitamin C, iron, zinc and calcium.

However, Chamomile also has a volatile oil that is popular worldwide in topical products for its calming action. (Note: don’t ingest the essential oil or add it to your smoothie.) Other medicinal actions of Chamomile include anti-oxidant, analgesic (pain relieving) and anti-bacterial.

I love Chamomile for its relaxing and digestion-soothing qualities and this is in part due to its magnesium content. So I recommend using Chamomile in an afternoon smoothie, especially good for kids. Use 1 Tbsp of dried Chamomile flowers in hot boiled water, leaving covered to infuse for 15-30 minutes. Strain and then pop in the fridge to cool until you are ready to make your smoothie.

Chamomile is a bitter herb so if you leave it to infuse for more than 30 minutes, use half the amount. If you’re like me and you prefer to luxuriate in your smoothies, then pop 1 Tbsp Chamomile flowers into a saucepan with 250 mL of your favourite gut loving milk (oat, almond, whatever you like) and gently warm on medium heat for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally and keep covered as much as possible. Strain and store in the fridge until you’re ready to make your smoothie.

I suggest trying Chamomile milk + Banana + Mango + Honey + Yoghurt

  1. Women’s health booster with Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) in milk

Rejuvenating – Women’s Tonic (“Queen of the Herbs” in Ayurveda) – Adaptogen (Adrenal enhancer)

A lot of my clients are women looking to be the best version of their 40 and 50 something selves. I work with them on balancing and boosting hormonal health, particularly in perimenopause and beyond, because by this time of our lives, we’ve often run our adrenals pretty hard. Even if you’re not feeling like you need a booster, you can still enjoy the harmonising benefits of this ancient Ayurvedic herb! I’m talking about Shatavari (translated from the Sanskrit as something like ‘woman with a hundred husbands’). You get the idea!

Shatavari is rich in compounds called steroidal saponins and they have a beneficial effect on steroid hormone health in humans, especially women. Herbalists use Shatavari partly to improve stress response, and is useful in peri-menopause and menopause where women are at a higher risk of anxiety, sleep disturbance, mood swings and depression. Fear not! We have Shatavari.

It’s also rich in plant oestrogens known as isoflavones (think along the lines of soybeans with their beneficial effects in menopause) along with the minerals zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium and selenium. Sounding a bit of a miracle plant so far!

I love so much about Shatavari, and I use it to boost adrenal function, improve hormonal status, reduce the symptoms of depression and support new mums.  A 2011 study revealed that daily use of Shatavari in nursing mothers increased their prolactin (and thus milk production) levels three-fold, proving the ancient use of this herb as a lactation booster. I also love the nutty, sweet taste of this herb which blends superbly in milk with a dash of honey.

I suggest adding 2 tsp of Shatavari powder to 2 cups of milk and warming gently on the stove in a small saucepan. Strain and its ready to drink. Drink one cup if you like, and pop the other cup in the fridge so that it can cool down for your next smoothie. It’s best in the morning and loves a lashing of cinnamon powder on top 😉.

Shatavari milk smoothie with cacao, banana and mango

I suggest trying Shatavari milk + Banana and/or Mango + Avocado + Cacao powder + Collagen powder + Chia seeds

I hope I’ve inspired you to break out into the world of herbalism with your smoothies routine. They are powerful healers and a great example of where simple is best! Enjoy!

X Sulin

Special Offer:

Feeling inspired? Want to take your infusions to the next level? Find out how in “Art of the Infusion” the only webinar that is specifically based on infusion making, at wildmedicineacademy.com bringing together my expert knowledge of herbal medicine, formulating and of course, infusion preparation. www.wildmedicineacademy.com


Bourgeois C, Leclerc ÉA, Corbin C, Doussot J, Serrano V, Vanier JR, Seigneuret JM, Auguin D, Pichon C, Lainé É, Hano C. Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) as a source of antioxidant and anti-aging phytochemicals for cosmetic applications. Comptes Rendus Chimie. 2016 Sep 1;19(9):1090-100.

Semalty M, Adhikari L, Semwal D, Chauhan A, Mishra A, Kotiyal R, Semalty A. A comprehensive review on phytochemistry and pharmacological effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). Current Traditional Medicine. 2017 Dec 1;3(3):156-67.

Kianbakht S, Khalighi-Sigaroodi F, Dabaghian FH. Improved glycemic control in patients with advanced type 2 diabetes mellitus taking Urtica dioica leaf extract: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clin Lab. 2013 Jan 1;59(9-10):1071-6.

Ziaei R, Foshati S, Hadi A, Kermani MA, Ghavami A, Clark CC, Tarrahi MJ. The effect of nettle (Urtica dioica) supplementation on the glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Phytotherapy Research. 2020 Feb;34(2):282-94.

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Low Carb Fisherman’s Pie

With Sydney lockdown in full swing and searches for how to lose “COVID kilos” at an all time high, I’ve been keen to make ‘healthier’ versions of my favourite hearty comfort dishes. Speaking of weight, it's important to remember that weight is bound to fluctuate during these times, and when you're out of your usual routine, change is almost inevitable. A good thing to understand when it comes to body changes is that when you experience feelings of guilt and shame, these can be worse for your health than noticing a few extra kilos on the scales, so be kind and gentle with yourself and practice self love.

Speaking of scales, I'd love to share with you my low carb fisherman’s pie. It’s the ultimate comforting dish to warm the heart and fill your tummy. 

In this version, instead of the traditional white sauce, topped with creamy mashed potato, I’ve opted for a coconut cream and fluffy cauliflower mash as a topping. If you prefer to lower the fat content you can also switch from coconut cream to coconut milk or stock.

I’ve also swapped the cheese for nutritional yeast flakes, to impart a cheesy nutty feel and I've added peas, because as they say, it's good to speak your truth or forever hold your peas.

This adaptable fish pie recipe has so many variations available, which means that you can do the whole DIY thing entirely.  If you prefer to add more vegetables you can add spinach, carrot, and leek. Also, some traditional fish pies use boiled eggs, an ingredient that you may like to include in yours.

A fish pie can be created with different varieties of fish, I’ve used basa and salmon for a dash of pink, but you could use any mixture of cod, barramundi, or your favourite firm white fish.

Please enjoy this fish pie pie-ping hot as a weeknight or weekend dinner. It’s a great freezer friendly dish that can be perfect for the whole family. I served mine with mix of pumpkin and potato chips to mop up all the deliciousness.

You can watch a video about how to make it here...

I’d love to know what you think?  Let me know in the comments section below.

 Low Carb Fish Pie

Servings 4


  • 1 large cauliflower chopped into florets
  • 2 tbs olive oil or butter
  • 4 spring onions sliced finely
  • 3 sticks celery
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2/3 cup coconut cream/coconut milk or stock
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 1 skinless salmon fillet (250 mg)
  • 300 gms white fish fillet (ling, snapper or basa), cut into 3cm pieces
  • 2 tbs lemon juice
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • Large handful chopped flat leaf parsley plus extra to serve
  • Sprinkle nutritional yeast on top and add golden gut blend or love your gut powder
  • Potato or pumpkin chips, to serve
  • Lemon wedges, to serve


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius

Place the florets in simmering water and cook covered until tender. The florets can be verging on soft but shouldn’t be falling apart. Transfer the cauliflower to a blender or food processor and add the olive oil or butter if using, and a pinch of sea salt and a few grinds of black pepper. Blend until smooth and fluffy. Set aside.

Meanwhile in an oven proof saucepan or casserole dish/pie dish heat olive oil in the pan on the stove top. Add the spring onions, celery and garlic and sauté over a medium heat until caramelised.

Pour in the coconut cream/milk or stock if using and simmer for a couple of minutes then add the peas, fish, lemon juice, parsley and mustard and stir for a few minutes

Carefully remove from the heat and cover with the cauliflower, dragging a fork across to make little trenches. Top with nutritional yeast flakes.

Bake uncovered in the oven for 15 minutes

When crispy on top remove from the oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Garnish with a few springs of flat leaf parsley and serve with greens or pumpkin fries 

Lee xo

Gut Friendly Salmon Chowder

salmon chowder

If you haven’t tried my salmon chowder recipe yet you’re in for a soFISHticated treat. Holy mackerel it’s good. I've been making this alot during our (extended) lockdown in Sydney, it's such a comforting dish and you can store all of the ingredients in your freezer and pantry.

Bursting with flavour and anti-inflammatory fats, this creamy, hearty dish tastes just as good as if served in a restaurant, but being completely additive-free it’ll leave you feeling satisfied without the digestive storm aftermath.

Eating an anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce inflammation in the body and even reduce the symptoms of certain conditions that are either caused by or worsened by inflammation, such as heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, asthma, and arthritis. Best of all, many anti-inflammatory foods are often classed as “superfoods” in that they are nutritionally dense and offer a number of additional benefits, including disease prevention, weight loss, and boosting energy levels. Such a diet can support cognitive health, which is particularly beneficial for individuals receiving memory care services. Integrating these superfoods into their diet can help enhance brain function and potentially slow cognitive decline.

Chow down on this chowder to experience the gut-healing effects of salmon, one of the best foods to consume for its anti-inflammatory properties. The Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon have been linked with protection against several gastrointestinal diseases, through their anti-inflammatory activity and their ability to boost healthy microorganisms in the gut. It's also a great skin booster to plump up skin cells and avoid any need for a plastic Sturgeon. (more…)

Foods to Eat While Taking Birth Control Pills

While it continues to be a controversial topic, the birth control pill has offered women the opportunity to have more control over their reproductive health and choose the time when they are ready to have children. However, in recent times, science has also shown that taking birth control pills comes with some very real risks.

Blood clots, cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer are just some of the potential side effects of taking hormonal birth control pills. Studies are also now showing that these pills may have an effect on gut health as well.

What Birth Control Pills Do to the Body

Birth control pills introduce hormones into the body to prevent pregnancy. However, since the natural function of the body is to maintain hormonal balance, any introduction of hormones causes a disruption.

Here are some ways birth control pills affect the body:

Deplete antioxidants

Antioxidants protect us from free radicals, which are molecules that cause DNA damage. They are also anti-aging because they are able to protect and repair cells. However, birth control pills may deplete us of important antioxidants. Two of these major antioxidants are vitamin C and vitamin E.

Deplete Essential B Vitamins and Key Minerals

The birth control pill is known to deplete us of vitamins such as folate, biotin, pyridoxine (B6), and cobalamin (B12). Selenium, zinc, and magnesium are some minerals that may also be depleted while on the pill. Deficiencies in these vitamins and minerals may lead to conditions such as depression, mood disorders, and anxiety.

Affect Gut Health

According to studies, oral contraceptives affect gut flora as well as the metabolism of estrogen. As a result, the gut’s health is affected and women on the pill have reported experiencing conditions such as:

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain
  • Mental fog
  • Constipation
  • Acne
  • Indigestion
  • Acid reflux

Love Your Gut powder, capsules and Fulvic Humic Concentrate can help with gut related issues.

What to Eat While on the Pill

If you are currently on the pill, there are a few things you can do to negate some of the side effects and mitigate vitamin and mineral deficiencies through a healthy and conscious choice of nutrient-dense foods to heal our gut. Take a look at some of them.


The vitamin B6 in bananas boosts serotonin levels in the brain. Higher serotonin levels counter mood swings caused by birth control pills. Bananas are also high in potassium, a great energy source.


Curd is made by curdling milk with an edible, acidic substance such as vinegar or lemon juice.  

Curd is very rich in probiotics and vitamin B. It helps reduce feelings of nausea and headaches.

Citrus Fruits

Damage to skin and hair can occur when one is nutrient-deficient. You can reverse this damage by consuming citrus fruits, which are high in vitamin C. This vitamin can also be found in other foods like strawberries, bell peppers, pineapple, tomatoes, kiwi, and broccoli. 


Avocado is probably one of the healthiest fruits in the world. It is rich in folate and omega-3 fatty acids, and is a tasty source of magnesium. It helps regulate hormonal imbalances by reducing absorption of estrogen while boosting testosterone levels.


Hair loss may be one side effect of taking the pill. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish is believed to help regulate the body’s functions. In the process, it triggers hair growth, nourishes hair follicles, and promotes hair strength.


Aside from providing fibre, whole grains are a rich source of magnesium. This is a great way to replenish the magnesium and other minerals lost by taking birth control pills.


Free radical damage on the skin may cause premature aging. Almonds are rich in antioxidants, and may help negate this effect.

Taking oral contraceptives is a personal choice. If birth control pills are a necessary part of your life, work on incorporating foods like those listed above into your diet as often as possible so your body can mitigate any potential side effects.

Ten ways to simplify your life + a cozy Green Soup for lockdown

We're halfway through 2021, and I wanted to write this blog as a bit of a check-in. I'm writing this in the middle of a Sydney COVID-19 lockdown and I'm using it as my reminder to look back at 2021 new year resolutions (remember those?) and assess what I've achieved, what's happened so far and how I've been feeling.

My goal throughout this year has been to simplify my life, both physically, mentally and emotionally. 

That’s it.

I know.

Simple, right? 

Well, I've downsized homes, gotten rid of a lot of stuff I didn't need or use, tidied up my finances and my relationships to spend time working on underlying trauma.

Doing so has left me feeling alot more balanced and calm and helped me erase the exterior to focus on my own needs and desires, not the needs and desires of everyone around me.

Let me say that one more time for the people at the back: focus on your own needs and desires, not the needs and wants of everyone around you.

So, here’s a list of ten of the ways I’ve simplified my life this year. You may resonate with one, all or none of these, but it’s time to tune into your own radio station and figure out what you want, what you need and what you can leave behind. 

  1. Downsize your Environment 

At the beginning of this year, I moved out of the bustling eastern suburbs of Sydney to the calm and quiet of Palm Beach, also known as Summer Bay, for those who watch Home and Away. As someone who’s lived close to the city for most of their life, I didn’t truly understand how your external environment can make your heart beat faster and increase the rate of your breath until I left.

While everything here runs on Palm Beach Mean Time rather than Stressed City Time (commonly known as AEST, haha), I've grown to love it. People here aren't rushing from one thing to another; when you go for a walk, everyone moves slowly and greets you. I live with my daughter and Oscar our dog and Tinkerbell the cat love it too. 

While I know everyone can’t move home, it’s worth looking at how your external environment impacts your internal environment – your mental health, stress and anxieties and seeing how you can downsize and simplify it.

2. Minimise your Things

If your wardrobe looks like your clothes are at war, begging for room to breathe, this one’s for you!

When I moved homes, I had to take my stuff with me, and there was more than I had realised that had accumulated. As someone who considers themselves somewhat minimalist, I was surprised at how much unnecessary stuff and clutter I still had. So, I went on a decluttering mission. 

I sorted my clothes into yes, no and maybe piles. 

My no pile went into bins to be sold or donated, and my yes pile went into my suitcase. I then asked myself if I needed and wore the maybe items. If the answer was yes, I kept it. If not, it went into my donation pile. 

Now I have a capsule closet – I only have one or two of everything in my closet and stick to the basics. As hard as it may seem to say goodbye to the thirteen identical black pants from your corporate days, I can honestly tell you that you won't miss them, and you'll know they're in a new, good home where someone wears them. 

The same theory goes for my beauty products. I have a couple of products that do more than one thing, like tinted sunscreen or an oil cleanser.

Simplifying my clutter has helped me make room for other things that I value more.

3. Live in Alignment with Nature

Have you ever been praised for being busy or for doing it all? Or perhaps, you’ve peered into someone else’s life and couldn’t understand how they do everything.

If someone looks like they're doing a brilliant job at juggling it all, they're probably not juggling everything at all. If someone is saying yes to every work opportunity or event, perhaps they're saying no to their health or time with their loved ones. While things can look easy from the outside, the hustling lifestyle many of us lead can't last forever without some burnout and unwanted compromise.

As a previous juggler (not in the circus, in real life), I’ve transitioned to living a life more attuned to nature’s rhythms. I wake with the sun, walk in nature, meditate next to the ocean and rest when I feel the call to do so. While it’s not exactly the hustling lifestyle advertised by every entrepreneur on Instagram, living this way has calmed me down, gotten me back to basics and helped me focus on what I find most important.

I’ve also spent lots of time with my dog and cat to put me in touch with cycles and seasons. Their needs are simple – they need care, love, food and walks outdoors, and I’ve realised, as humans, we don’t really need much more than that. 

4. Simplify your Diet 

I've cut down on the fancy mushrooms, superfoods and exotic foods and focused on the foods and supplements that help me feel best and are easy to prepare. I use Love Your Gut Powder for gut health and Fulvic Humic Concentrate for energy.  I shop at my local farmers market and only head to bigger grocery stores for essentials. I've been eating at fewer restaurants and instead focus on cooking foods I enjoy. We've been enjoying this Green Eggs No Ham Frittata lately.

When I feel like a slow-cooked delight, I’ll pop either my hearty lamb shanks with root veggies or low FODMAP hearty meatball stew and slow-cooked ham hock soup  in the slow cooker and let it sit all day while I work. When it’s time for dinner, these meals are ready and waiting for me to savour and enjoy.

I'm also sharing my easiest lockdown green soup recipe below, just scroll down for the video. It's a great recipe if you haven't got much in the pantry and want to eat something nutritious and calming.

I’ve also upped my smoothie game. I mean, is there anything easier than a smoothie? I think not. If you’re looking for some smooth smoothie inspiration, my top three smoothies at the moment are my vegan edible smoothie, microalgae green smoothie and pretty in pink smoothie.

5. Daily Meditation 

Vedic meditation came into my life last year, a time when I needed it most. That said, I wish I added it into my routine twenty years ago. Meditation has been one of my most significant catalysts for simplifying my life and has come with many benefits.

Vedic meditation has helped me:

  • Turn inward and work on my trauma.
  • Live in the present.
  • Increase my creativity.
  • Sleep better and have more energy.
  • Increase my intuition and awareness.
  • Decrease my anxiety and stress.
  • Turn inward and stop seeking external validation.
  • Understand my place in the world and my purpose.

I meditate daily and can say it’s been a life-changer.

If you want to find out more about Vedic Meditation, you can read about it here.

6. Create a Budget

Is money a dirty word for you? Does the idea of a budget make you cringe? 

Money can feel overwhelming, tedious, and like it's meant for someone else and yet, to others, money can help them create freedom and live more in alignment with their values. If you want the latter, it's time to simplify your relationship with money.

When I took the time to understand my income and outgoings and how they balanced out, I created a budget that I can stick to which makes me more conscious of where I spend my money. For example, I enjoy making my own homemade sticky chai above, instead of buying one out.

Perhaps it's time to make a budget, have a look at where most of your money goes or simplify your superannuation. 

7. Downsize your Relationships and Media Time 

The more work I've done on myself, the more I've realised that I am responsible for the time I spend on things that aren't working for me.

I've distanced myself from friendships that were no longer serving me to make way for new and deeper relationships that make me laugh, feel supported and who fill my cup rather than take away from it. 

The same goes for my social media and email list. I’ve unfollowed and unsubscribed from people and businesses who don’t inspire me or make me laugh. I’ve limited my time online to make time for enjoyment.

I also close all of the tabs on my computer at the end of the day – I find it easier to start each day with a blank screen and focus on one thing at a time. I spend less time overworking and more time looking after my mental health.

8. Create a Routine and Stay Open to Learning

Creating physical distance from my previous life has helped me think about what serves me and what doesn't. As a result, I've started to make more firm boundaries about living in a way that fits me. I have a routine that brings me joy and fulfilment.

As an introverted word nerd, I make time to meditate, cook balanced meals, read books at home, play card and boardgames like cribbage and backgammon, garden and learn. I've also completed my advanced diploma in clinical nutrition this year which was four years in the making. There is always time to learn more about nutrition and the things that interest you.

What does your routine look like, and how can you simplify it to suit you more?

9. Learn How to Say No 

The more you say yes to other people, the less you say yes to yourself. Sit with that for a second.

Where in your life are you saying yes when you really want to say no?

I've said yes to other people for a long time and found it the ultimate energy drainer. 

I now ask myself what I want before I mindlessly reply yes to keep everyone else happy; this goes for anything from business invitations or time with friends. While it's not always easy, if something doesn't feel right, I'll say no.

Let's leave people-pleasing in 2020. Thank you, next.

   10. Trust the Process and Don't Give Up

If you’ve read this blog, you’ll know that last year was one of the most challenging years I've ever had, and I know I'm not alone in that. While I'm so lucky to live my life, it hasn't always been easy. I've had to let go of my grasp of what I know to be true and trust that everything will fall into place.

When I loosened my grip a little, it made me realise that I needed to move away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and let go of friendships and things to make way for new ones, and so far, it’s been the change I needed.

I’d love to know – do you resonate with any of these? Let me know in the comments what you have done or want to do to simplify your life.

I'd also love you to try this delicious and very easy to make Green Soup that I've been making in the recent Sydney lockdown.

You can watch a video of how to make it here.

Lock Down Green Soup 🌿 🌿 🌿

Serves 2-3

  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 1 cup frozen beans
  • 1 cup frozen broccoli
  • Any fresh greens in crisper drawer such as broccoli/ snap peas/ zucchini (optional)
  • Handful fresh rocket/ spinach
  • 2 sprigs fresh coriander
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • 2 tbs tamari
  • Squeeze of lemon
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • Nutritional yeast flakes and coriander to serve
  • Olive oil if using


  • If using fresh greens place in a tray in the oven drizzle with olive oil and bake for 20 mins
  • If using frozen green veg place in saucepan and warm through, adding any other cooked greens you have plus rocket and coriander
  • Add a squeeze of lemon
  • Pour in vegetable stock and stir and bring to the boil and cook for 5 mins
  • Add tamari and stir
  • Pour in coconut milk
  • Place in blender and whizz until smooth
  • Pour into a bowl and top with nutritional yeast, coriander and stir in some Love Your Gut Powder to serve 🌿

Enjoy the recipe 🙂

Lee xo 

Healthiest Beans and Legumes to Eat + Black Bean Burgers with Lemon and Garlic Aioli

While beans may be famed for being the musical fruit, there’s a lot more to them than meets the ears/nose/eye. 

Let’s face it, beyond the stockpiling of beans that happened at the beginning of a certain P-word last year, many of us had never picked up a can of beans in our lives. When we did, many of us didn’t know what to do with them. Sound familiar?

Let me tell you that beyond being the backbone of hummus, delicious Mexican chilli and my favourite dish ever, Supercharged dahl, legumes are nutrient-dense and rich in fibre, B vitamins and protein. Plus, they’re beneficial for the health of our heart, gut and waistline.

So, it’s time for the battle of the fittest: Today, I'd love to share with you which bean or legume is the healthiest. 

First up, we have chickpeas.


Pros: Firstly, hummus. That’s all we need to know (only kidding). Chickpeas are full of fibre and 19g of protein per 100g. They reduce our blood sugar level, reduce our risk of severe diseases and send our LDL cholesterol into a decline. Plus, the water tinned chickpeas swims in is called aquafaba, which is extremely fun to say and great for replacing whipped egg whites.

Cons: Canned chickpeas can contain a hefty amount of sodium and sugar. To avoid this, opt for canned chickpeas with no added salt or boil them yourself.

How to consume them: Make hummus or use them in my Vegetable Marrakesh Casserole recipe here.


Pros: Lentils offer a decent amount of protein, weighing in at 9g of protein per 100g. They also have 3.8g of fibre per 100g serve. Our gut and heart love lentils, as they help improve bowel function by slowing our stomach emptying rate while reducing LDL cholesterol. Lentils also contain antioxidants that can minimise vascular stiffness.

Cons: They’re not as high in protein or fibre as chickpeas. Plus, large amounts can cause bloating and gas and exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

How to consume them: Dah, try dahl.


Pros: Peas, please. Peas are high in fibre, low in fat and contain no cholesterol. Peas are small but mighty, helping to reduce blood triglycerides and increase fullness. 

Cons: Green peas aren’t as high in protein as other legumes, weighing in at only 5g of protein per 100g. 

How to consume them: Have a smashing time with my Crispy Salmon with Saffron, Aioli and Smashed Green Peas

Kidney Beans

Pros: Coming in at a whopping 24g of protein and 25g of fibre per 100g, kidney beans are the dark horse of the legume world. Kidney beans are high in the mineral’s magnesium, zinc and calcium too. They help slow the absorption of sugar into the blood and reduce blood sugar levels. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, kidney beans are used for their ability to tonify blood and yin, clear heat and resolve dampness – sounds pretty cool to me. 

Cons: Like most legumes, improperly cooked kidney beans can cause flatulence, bloating and gastrointestinal issues. 

How to consume them: Jazz up your dinner with my Vegetable and Bean Casserole


Pros: Did you know soybeans, i.e., the bean that tofu is comprised of, is edamame beans! I know! I’ll give you a minute for your mind to be blown. Okay, ready? Soybeans are rich in antioxidants, particularly an antioxidant called isoflavone, which is wonderful during menopause, as it helps mimic the effect of oestrogen in the body. Plus, soybeans help reduce your risk of heart disease.

Cons: While soybeans have an awful reputation for causing man boobs and breast cancer, the jury is out on this one. 

How to consume them: Natural and non-GMO soy products – like tofu, tempeh and edamame beans – are perfectly safe and, dare I say it, good for you to consume in moderation. However, please stay away from soy isoflavone supplements and foods made with soy protein isolate. Tempeh is the star of the show in my Vegan Caesar Salad

Black Beans 

Pros: Black beans contain 8.9g of protein per 100g, and in one serve, 64% of our recommended daily intake of folate and 20% of our intake of iron. They’re also a great source of fibre, antioxidants and excellent for our gut and blood sugar levels.

Cons: All beans, including black beans, contain complex sugars that the body can struggle to digest if we lack certain enzymes – causing gas and GI discomfort. 

How to consume them: Did someone say Black Bean Burgers?

All beans are excellent and beneficial in their own way. If you’re new to beans, I recommend incorporating them into your diet slowly and seeing how your body reacts to avoid untoward effects. 

If you’ve bean (sorry, I couldn’t resist) waiting for a recipe to get you started, I’ve got the perfect one for you. My Black Bean Burgers with Aioli are deliciously nutritious and a total win on the taste factor; even the biggest carnivores won’t know what’s missing.  

Black Bean Burgers with Lemon and Garlic Aioli 

Serves 4

These burgers are also delicious served with a pesto or wholegrain mustard. If you don’t have time to make your own aioli you can use a store bought one.


Marinade for mushrooms

  •    60 ml (2 fl oz/1/4 cup) coconut aminos or wheat-free tamari
  •     1 teaspoon coconut sugar
  •     1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  •     4 large portobello mushrooms


  •     20 g (3/4 oz/1/2 tightly packed cup) rocket (arugula), washed and dried
  •     4 thin slices of red onion
  •     2 tomatoes, sliced
  •     1/2 cucumber, sliced 

Black Bean Patties


  •     75 g (23/4 oz/1/2 cup) sunflower seeds
  •     75 g (23/4 oz/1/2 cup) pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
  •     1 carrot, grated
  •     400 g (14 oz) tinned black beans, rinsed and drained
  •     1 brown onion, chopped
  •     1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  •     1 teaspoon ground cumin
  •     1 teaspoon ground coriander
  •     1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  •     1/2 chilli, chopped
  •     2 tablespoons cold-pressed
  •     extra virgin olive oil
  •     sea salt and freshly ground
  •     black pepper, to taste

Lemon and Garlic Aioli


  •     2 egg yolks
  •     4 large garlic cloves, crushed
  •     1 tablespoon lemon juice, plus extra as needed
  •     1 tablespoon water
  •     310 ml (103/4 fl oz/ 1 1/4 cups) light olive oil
  •     sea salt, as needed


  1. To make the aioli, beat the egg yolks and garlic in a small bowl with a wooden spoon.
  2. Add the lemon juice and water and keep beating. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil, beating continuously, until the mixture has the desired consistency. 
  3. Add more lemon juice and sea salt to taste if needed. (Alternatively, prepare in a food processor.) 

The aioli will keep in a sterilised, tightly sealed jar in the fridge for up to 7 days.

Once the aioli is made, preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F) and lightly grease a baking tray.

To make the patties

  1. Pulse the sunflower seeds and pepitas in a food processor until coarsely chopped. 
  2. Add the carrot and pulse for 10 seconds. 
  3. Add three-quarters of the black beans, the onion, spices, chilli, olive oil, salt and pepper, then pulse again for 10 seconds. Stir the remaining beans into the mixture. 
  4. Using your hands, shape portions of the mixture into four small patties and place them on the prepared baking tray. 
  5. Bake for 20 minutes. 
  6. Meanwhile, make a marinade for the mushrooms by mixing the coconut aminos, coconut sugar and vinegar in a small bowl until the sugar has dissolved.
  7. Put the mushrooms in a large frying pan, generously spoon over the marinade, then place over medium heat until cooked through.

To assemble the burgers, place one mushroom on each plate, lay a black bean patty on top, then add the rocket, slices of onion, tomato and cucumber, and top with the aioli.


If you prefer not to eat eggs, try this version of the aioli.

Egg-Free Lemon and Garlic Aioli


  • 80 g (23/4 oz/1/2 cup) raw cashews, soaked in filtered water for 2 hours
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • pinch of sea salt
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon filtered water 


  1. Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until creamy. This keeps for 4–5 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

Why not give this recipe a try and let me know what you think on my Instagram page @leesupercharged or down below 🙂


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