
How to Kick-start your Immune System, plus a Roasted Garlic Bisque

Are you sick of taking sick days? Is your immune system battling and rattling? Do you need to add some munitions to your immunity?  If this sounds like you, I’ve got you covered. 

There’s nothing worse than trying to power through the day when you have a sniffle, scratchy throat, or throbbing headache that would give a jackhammer a run for it's money . 

While there are a gazillion cold and flu tablets on the market, I’ve found that one of the best ways to improve your immune system is through diet. Eating fresh and unprocessed foods containing essential micronutrients and cutting back on alcohol, sugar and processed foods, will help look after your immune system and give it the kickstart it needs. 

Today I’m sharing the low-down on how to keep bugs at bay and give your immune system some loving, to keep it functioning well and to keep you in tip top shape.

When we’re not at our optimal health, our immune systems struggle to keep up. If you have chronic stress, digestive issues or a poor diet, the first place to look is inside and the question to ask yourself is how is my immune system travelling and what can I do to improve it?

 Some basic principles to uphold for general wellness include:

-      Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

-      Finding ways to manage stress.

-      Eating good-quality and fresh ingredients.

-      Including exercise into your routine.

-      Enjoying a moderate amount of time in the sun to increase Vitamin D levels. 

As with the whole body, the health of your immune system relies heavily on the health of your digestive system, in fact the gut has its own immune system.  Immune cells are allies with good gut flora and they work together to keep you healthy.

Your gut is your first entry point for pathogens and bacteria, and the good flora that resides in your gut helps to reduce harmful substances from entering, and being absorbed through the gut lining, it also regulates and stabilises your digestion and trains your immune system to communicate with your brain.

If you're looking for that extra little boost, get your hands on my Love Your Gut Powder. If you're travelling and you're worried about getting sick, you can take Love Your Gut capsules too!

When we’re talking about immune boosters, they will often also include foods that are great for our gut health. If you need a hand with this one, you’ll definitely want to grab my book, Supercharge Your Gut

If you need an extra boost, there are specific things that you can eat to help your immune system along. Antioxidant-rich foods help fight oxidative damage and free radicals, reducing our risk of disease. Vitamin A, C and E are our antioxidant fighters. Berries are an example of a delicious antioxidant-rich food as it’s high in Vitamin C. Berries are also low in sugar and delicious.

As a blogger I’m not meant to have a favourite, but my Raw Chocolate Tart with Berry Sauce definitely takes the cake as my favourite berry recipes.

Other antioxidant-rich foods include leeks, garlic, onion, eggplants, grapes, pumpkins and carrots. Try including these foods at least once a day to receive the benefits. My prebiotic tray bake is a great one to enjoy for both prebiotics and fibre.

Now that we’ve fought off oxidative damage, it’s time to look at controlling inflammation. Consuming anti-inflammatory rich foods is essential when it comes to the immune system. To ensure you’re eating enough anti-inflammatory rich foods, up your intake of vegetables and fruits.

The aim is to include at least five different vegetables a day, but I say, the more the merrier. One of my favourite anti-inflammatory ingredients is turmeric. I add it to everything. Seriously. The compound in turmeric known as curcumin holds a plethora of benefits. If I have a cold coming on, my go-to is my Anti-inflammatory toddy and another scoop of Golden Gut Blend. Or try this Golden Gut nice cream. Here are some more ways to use it too. 

I like to think of zinc as the absolute underdog of the immune system pyramid. Eating foods rich in zinc is vital when it comes to looking after your immune system, as well as your gut. Foods rich in zinc include grass-fed beef, oysters, lamb, activated pumpkin seeds and spinach. My Supercharged Moussaka is a one-stop shop for all of your zinc needs (you can do lamb or lentil, your choice and they are both zinc-afied!) 

My final tip for kick-starting your immune system is to stay hydrated. Water helps carry oxygen around the body to specific cells, which ensures it functions optimally. It can also help remove toxins from the body, having a positive impact on the immune system.

For an extra immune hit, try warm lemon water in the morning first thing - if you're concerned about your teeth, just drink it through a straw to not destroy your enamel. The Vitamin C, and potassium and folate in the lemon will help to boost your immune system.

Aim for at least 1-2L of water a day and more if you’re exercising, sweating or breast feeding.  You can also make multi-coloured smoothies or soups using a food processor.

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my ultimate immune-boosting recipe. Garlic, sweet, sweet garlic. Garlic has been coined as a natural antibiotic, fighting off germs and viruses due to its antiviral and antimicrobial properties, and it's a promising candidate for maintaining homeostasis of the immune system.  

Check out my Roasted Garlic Bisque from my supercharged book all about gut health, Supercharge Your Gut. 

Roasted garlic bisque

This thick, creamy, garlicky darling will provide comfort and beckon you to stop, rest and enjoy. Garlic is a wonder ingredient for rebooting your immune system, which may be compromised in cases of digestive issues or autoimmunity. The crushed macadamias add texture, but they’re optional.

Serves 4


  • 4 garlic bulbs, unpeeled
  • 60 ml (2 fl oz/14 cup) extra virgin olive or coconut oil (or oil of your choice)
  • 1 brown onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 leek, white part only, washed well and roughly chopped
  • 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cups) good-quality chicken stock or bone broth, such as the Gut-Healing Turmeric Chicken Broth
  • 3 parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 3 free-range egg yolks
  • 2 pinches of ground nutmeg, or to taste
  • 100 g (312 oz) macadamia nuts, dry-roasted and roughly chopped or crushed
  • 2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf (Italian) parsley, to serve


Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F).

Cut about 5 mm (1/4 inch) off the tops of the garlic bulbs to expose the cloves. Place the garlic bulbs in a small baking dish, add 1 tablespoon of the oil and toss to coat. Turn the garlic cut side up, then cover the dish tightly with foil.

Bake for 30–35 minutes, or until the garlic skins are golden brown and tender. 

Leave to cool, then squeeze the garlic out of the skins.

Heat the remaining olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Sauté the onion and leek for 3–4 minutes, or until softened.

Add the roasted garlic, stock and parsnip. Reduce the heat to low, then cover and simmer for about 30–35 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

Leave to cool slightly, then purée the soup using a food processor or hand-held stick blender.

In a small bowl, whisk the egg yolks. While the soup is still warm, and with the food processor or blender still running, add the egg yolks and whiz until combined.

Season to taste with the nutmeg, and sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

If you need to warm the soup to serve, stir gently over low heat until heated through, but no longer than 1–2 minutes, or the yolks will curdle.

Ladle into bowls, top with the macadamias and parsley and serve.

Back to School Lunchbox Tips plus Chocolate Popsicles

Whether you’re a mum, dad, grandparent or carer (or perhaps a kid yourself), my aim is to inspire you and the family to enjoy healthy recipes to supercharge ALL your lives.

Being a mum and step-mum, it’s that time again when you're getting ready to send the kids back to school, which means for me and many parents and caregivers... busy schedules and challenging lunchbox fixing!

If you’re looking to supercharge your child's lunchbox and get creative I'd love to share some of my simple tips, that have really made life easier in the kitchen.

Being an ex English teacher, I've really seen the impact that nutritious meals can have on students, a nutritious lunch can really make a big difference to their mental clarity, focus and behaviour in the classroom.

When it comes to packing and presenting lunchboxes that your kids will enjoy and devour, much of the battle will be in communication and variety. Unfortunately, taking the “You’ll get what you’re given” approach that many older generations may have experienced, is a sure fire way to ensure that kids are removed from a relational experience of food.

My Fruit Scones for lunch in a healthy lunchbox, image by Hannah Phillips

What we're all aiming for is a place where children are able to freely and creatively engage in the process of making healthy food choices, and learn how to take responsibility for what they're eating. By opening up a relevant two way conversation about the importance of eating real foods, and giving them the opportunity to make some choices about what they may be able to have in their lunchbox, will more likely result in an empty container on their return home from school.

Some of the things I've figured out along the way are:

Let your child be involved in the purchasing of their lunchbox, make sure it's sturdy with a strong lid, insulated or comes with an ice pack... no parent likes to find a black mushy banana on the return trip home!. If they choose one that they love, they won’t mind toting it around, hey you can never be too cool for school! If you’re using plastic then BPA free makes a good choice too.

Choose a lunch box with separate pockets or sections and make sure it is large enough to hold a flask or drink bottle.  Using smaller lidded containers will protect the lunchbox and its contents and alleviate the need for foil and cling wrap. They're useful for dips, salads, fruit, wraps and casseroles.

When attempting to expose your kids to new, more nutrient dense real foods, it’s a no brainer that a dull, monochromatic spread of food is unlikely to entice their taste buds. Not only do we eat with our mouths, but first and foremost with our eyes; so presenting a visually appealing, colourful lunchbox is a must.

A nutritionally balanced lunch box should contain an array of food from various food groups.  Avoid a mid-afternoon dive by including plant-based treats like fresh juice or smoothies, chopped up veggies and hummus and seeds, smash up blueberries and strawberries instead of jelly and sugar rich jams.

Use different types of fruits and vegetables, seeds, coconut flakes, full fat calcium rich dairy foods, protein rich foods such as meats, eggs, seed butters, pulses and tuna and oily fish.

If your child is gluten free, there are a bunch of really healthy bread options in my book Supercharged Food for Kids  or the eBook version here, things like wraps, breads and tortillas which will be a good source of long term energy.

Here’s a Supercharged Tip: Make a “rainbow salad” with different coloured ingredients such as purple cabbage, red tomatoes, green snow peas, orange carrot and yellow capsicum.

There are a few simple swap outs you can make that will improve your child’s diet enormously.  If you’re in doubt remember to try and choose wholefoods, which are as close to their natural state as possible.

Eating seasonal fruit and vegetables that are in abundance will be less of a strain on the purse strings. Buy dried beans they are more economical than canned. Swap margarine for real butter, use full fat dairy in place of low fat, which is often compensated with sugar and additives, choose real cheese instead of plastic cheese slices, try and choose organic meats where possible.  Major supermarkets now carry very affordable organic meat.

Using real food will teach your child to appreciate food’s natural flavours and develop an understanding of what real food actually tastes like.  If you can, skip the sugar-filled, artificially flavoured yoghurts in the supermarket and instead opt for full cream plain yoghurt with mixed fresh berries in a fun container with an animal shaped spoon.

You can make chocolate yoghurt with cacao powder and a touch of natural sweetener, or avocado and chocolate mousse using an avocado, a banana, two tablespoons of cacao powder and sweetener of your choice. Adding Chia seeds to yoghurt, which are flavourless will provide sustenance as well as essential protein, calcium, vitamin C, iron, potassium and Omega 3 essential fatty acids. You can add seeds to nibble mixes too, along with coconut flakes, Vitamin c rich goji berries and dehydrated fruit.

Making kids lunches interactive and less soggy is also important. Separate dry and wet ingredients such as dressings, sauces, spreads and slices of tomato for crackers and sandwiches in mini containers, and let them engage in some of the construction of the food.

Mix up textures of smooth yogurt with crunchy pumpkin seeds, or gluten free sandwiches with contrasting fillings of creamy avocado, “hairy” sprouts crunchy slithers of celery with a homemade mayo.

Soups can be frozen in single portions and then heated and placed in a thermos for lunchbox use. Incorporate leftovers into lunch the next day.  Grains, meats, vegetables, eggs and undressed salads make excellent additions to a lunchbox.

When it comes to drinks, rather than providing a reconstituted fruit juice, why not try a “green monster”, blending green veggies such as spinach, celery and cucumber with apple, pear and lemon juice for an exciting, eye catching addition or try a green slushie. If you child doesn't like anything green, then flasks of chocolate milk can be made at home with rice or oat milk or banana smoothies help them feel full for longer too.

My favourite smoothie to make for the kids is a Very Berry Shake. It's also a good one when you need breakfast on the run. This shake will provide ample energy when time is short.

Very Berry Shake

Serves 1

  • 125 g (412 oz/1 cup) fresh or frozen mixed berries
  • 12 banana, peeled and frozen
  • 250 ml (9 fl oz/1 cup) oat milk
  • 4 ice cubes

Whizz all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Always remember to encourage your child to drink water, it hydrates, regulates body temperature, and helps prevent constipation and urinary tract infections. It is also important for your child’s oral health, their immune system, digestion and weight management.  Make it fun for them and give them a straw, add some ice and squeeze fresh lemon in to or a mint leaf give it a hint of flavour. You could even drop a couple of frozen berries in.

Investing in a water filter is preferable to tap water. If you’re still having trouble getting your child to drink more water set a pee challenge!  The lighter the pee the better.

Here’s a Supercharged Tip: Keep pre-cut sticks of celery, carrot, cucumber, and capsicum in the fridge for incredibly quick last minute snacks or as a colourful addition to lunch boxes.

For healthy lunchboxes it’s a good idea to always keep a variety of fresh fruit and veggies in stock. Having raw fruit and veg that can be simply cut up is the easiest way to ensure that kids are snacking on fresh, nutrient rich foods.

I’d love to hear about what you put in your healthy lunchboxes, so over to you guys!

You can purchase my Supercharged Food for Kids book here or the ebook version here.

And for a delicious after school snack that the kids will love, why not try my Chocolate Popsicles, they're a big hit at home! I hope you guys love them as much as we do :).

Chocolate popsicles

Makes 4

  • 2 bananas
  • 65 g (214 oz/14 cup) nut butter
  • 60 ml (2 fl oz/14 cup) coconut milk or coconut water
  • 2 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon honey or sweetener of choice
  • 4 iceblock (popsicle/ice lolly) moulds and sticks

Whizz all the ingredients in a food processor to combine.

Pour into the ice block moulds and add the sticks, then freeze until set.

Happy lunchbox fixing! And I'd love to hear some of your favourite things to include in your school lunch boxes below.

Five gut friendly snacks plus Celeriac Fries and Plantain Chips

The world of health can be excruciatingly confusing. Some health experts tell us to eat one meal a day, while others say it’s imperative to eat a minimum of nine. Yikes!

While there are generally agreed upon rules like:

-      Eat your vegetables, especially the green ones.

-      Limit your intake of processed foods. 

-      Eat till you’re satisfied, not stuffed.

The rest of it can be somewhat mind-boggling.

Snacking is one of those topics that many health experts disagree on. While some say snacking is futile if you’re trying to lose weight, others say it’s essential for blood sugar regulation. If you’re confused about where to turn for advice, there’s only one person you should be listening to – and that is yourself. 

Yep, that’s right. You’re in charge. Not me or anyone else.  

We’re all different shapes and sizes, have different schedules, exercise at varied levels and have different goals we’re trying to achieve. All of these things play a part when it comes to deciding whether snacking is a good option for you.

In a nutshell, the most important thing is that you’re getting enough of the nutrients you need to fuel your body and make it work and feel well. If that means eating three larger meals a day, that’s good. Or, if that means eating three smaller meals and a few snacks, that’s the way to go for you. 

If you’re choosing to snack, my advice is to avoid highly processed foods as much as possible. Eating processed foods, more than the act of snacking, is the problem we’re facing with our modern diets. These foods can wreak havoc on our hormones, waistlines and energy levels; the highs and slumps. 

To paint a clearer image, let’s imagine your gut and your brain have just started dating. They swiped right, went on a first date and it felt like the stars were aligning, destiny was playing out, etc etc. Instead of texting, the gut and the brain communicate through their master communication hormones, known as leptin and insulin. If the gut is continuously fed excess sugars and refined carbohydrates, it can send mixed messages to the brain, hindering their ability to communicate effectively. This can overload the brain, making it resistant to the messages. This can then impact our gut’s ability to maintain a healthy weight and regular appetite. 

One of the best ways to help their communication and reignite their connection, is by avoiding excess sugars and too many refined carbohydrates. It’s time to stop giving them mixed signals! If you want to know how to improve their connection, and along the way, help out your hormone regulation, reach a healthy weight and show your gut some love, check out my book, Supercharge Your Gut

If snacking works for you and you want to cut back on refined sugars and carbohydrates, what kinds of foods are the best to turn to? 

Below are my top five gut-friendly snacks plus a couple of new ones that won’t spark or spike your blood sugars but rather, give you sustained energy and keep your gut happy too... 

One of the most underrated on-the-go snacks of all time is a piece of fruit. Yep, it really can be that simple. If you do want to supercharge that snack and add in a gut-friendly hit, why not add in some fibre-rich chia seeds? If you want to wrap your fingers around something that’ll chia your digestion up, you can’t go past my Strawberry and Chia Roll Ups.  

If you’re in need of something a bit heartier than a piece of fruit, there’s nothing better than sipping on a smoothie. When I’m on the go, I pour single-serve portions of smoothies or smoothie bowls in a glass jar, so I’ve always got access to a wholesome snack. My two favourite smoothies at the moment are my Hello Vera Smoothie for some extra-gut loving and my Chocolate and Raspberry Smoothie Bowl if I’m in need of something sweet and need to boost energy levels. I like to chew my smoothies rather than slurp them up in one go to make them easier to digest.

Sometimes, all I feel like is a hearty slice of bread, but I don’t just want any piece of bread. I want a full-dose, gut-loving, crunchy, aromatic piece of bread filled with pumpkin, spice and everything nice. When that’s the case, my Golden Gut Pumpkin and Nut Loaf is my go-to. If you haven’t tried it yet, what are you waiting for (seriously, go do it now!)? I love combining it with nut butter for an energy hit. I always make sure to keep some in my freezer pre-sliced, so I can defrost it and enjoy it any day of the week. 

You know when you’re hungry and bored… but you’re more bored than hungry and just really want something to do with your hands. Bring on my Apple Cider Gummy Bears.

They’re a supercharged treat that are extremely palatable and contain loads of gut-healing ingredients including gelatine and apple cider vinegar, making them great for our immune system, gut and overall well being.

If you’re hunting for some munching, I’ve got just the things to get you crunching. Celeriac fries and Plantain Chips!

I’m not sure why these vegetables aren’t more well-known, but let’s keep them as our little secret, shall we? I have two chip recipes for you that’ll fry your mind. 

Celeriac isn’t the prettiest of veggies, but its performance makes up in taste what it lacks in beauty. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these fries make a delicious snack. 

Plantain is like a less sugary banana that requires cooking. It offers a great dose of Vitamin A and C, zinc, magnesium and potassium. They're now available in supermarkets too, they look like bananas but bigger! Plus, they’re just extremely delicious. 

Try out these two recipes and let me know what you think 🙂

Celeriac Fries

Serves 2—3

  • 3 large celeriac, peeled and cut into 4 cm (11/2 inch) 
  • 1 tablespoon cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil
  • Celtic sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F).

Toss the celeriac fries in the olive oil and add a pinch of salt and pepper.

Place in a baking dish and roast for 30–35 minutes, turning them once or twice, until they are crispy.

Note: The thinner the fries, the crisper they will be. 

Plantain Chips 

  • 1 plantain, sliced thinly on the diagonal (a mandolin is great for this) 
  • 1–2 tablespoons oil of choice (I use light olive oil or spray them with macadamia oil)
  • 2 tablespoons hemp seeds or sesame seeds and sea salt, for sprinkling 

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). Toss all the ingredients together and spread on baking trays. 

Bake for 15–20 minutes, or until crisp, flipping the chips over halfway through. 

Enjoy warm, or leave to cool, then store in an airtight container for up to 1 week. 

Why fad diets aren’t good for the gut microbiome plus Gut Buck Crackers

To get fit and feel better, we can push ourselves to our limits at the gym, leave eight hours between our low-carb, low-fat and scarily high amounts of protein meals, and drench them with a side of celery juice. Oh, and don’t forget about getting into ketosis and only eating green vegetables with the added bonus of feeling starved, exhausted, hangry and never satisfied with your body! 

Sounds like a great time… said no one… ever. 

Fad diets. Urghhh.

Fad diets are the ones that praise eliminating certain foods, or only eating particular foods. While they promise quick weight-loss, this weight-loss is not usually sustainable and can often wreak havoc on our minds, bodies and gut microbiome.

You and the planet are much better off with a high plant based flexitarian approach with diverse ingredients. And for all the strict vegans and people worried about climate change there is an interesting article over on the Guardian here  which suggests that unless you’re sourcing your vegan products specifically from organic, “no-dig” systems, you're actively participating in the destruction of soil biota, promoting a system that deprives other species, including small mammals, birds and reptiles, of the conditions for life, and significantly contributing to climate change.

Diet plays a key role in regulating the health of the microbiota. Eliminating certain food groups or following a specific elimination diet can starve good gut bugs, ruining our microbiota and intestinal lining.

Having healthy, diverse and happy gut bugs ensures we’re protected against pathogens, helping to regulate our immunity and absorb all the nutrients we ingest.

Let’s start with carbohydrates. Ahh, the low-carbohydrate diet, a classic one followed by many. Before we start, let’s get one thing straight. There are two different types of carbohydrates – digestible carbohydrates that we’re able to, as the name suggests, digest, such as sugar and starch, and non-digestible carbohydrates such as fibre. Fibre is accessible to the gut and is vital for digestion, absorption and transportation of nutrients. 

Carbohydrates are essential for maintaining the health of our microbiome, energy stabilisation and hormone regulation. With limited carbohydrates, we have limited gut diversity which is never a good thing and starving ourselves of essential fibres and prebiotic rich ingredients.

When it comes to carbohydrates, it’s important to include a variety of different sources for microbiota diversity and anti-inflammatory effects. Choose nutrient-dense carbohydrates, such as whole grains like oats, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and brown/red rice, legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils, fruit and starchy root vegetables like pumpkin, sweet potato and beetroot. 

Some of my favourite gut-friendly and carbohydrate-loving recipes include:

Waffles with Fresh Strawberries and Coconut Yoghurt

Vegetable Marrakesh Casserole

Golden Gut Pumpkin and Nut Loaf  

There’s a lot of talk about cutting out fat to lose fat, but generally fats don’t make us put on weight. They’re essential for hormone balance, the health of our skin and nutrient absorption.

On the other side of the scale lies the high-fat diet. One of the biggest diets going around at the moment is the ketogenic diet, a high fat and low carbohydrate approach. The ketogenic diet was initially developed to treat epilepsy, but it’s reached fame for its ability to quicken up weight loss. The aim of the ketogenic diet is to reach a state of ketosis, which can help with weight loss and lowering blood sugar levels.

Recent studies have indicated that being in the state of ketosis can cause an increase in the gut bug Akkermansia muciniphila, a bacterial species that can cause harm (1).

While the jury’s not quite out yet on this one, many people are now having to relook at their gut health after taking up the keto approach.

When it comes to what to eat, it’s more important to have a balanced diet and eat a moderate amount of high-quality fats such as avocado, hemp seeds, nuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds and oily fish.

For all of your gut-loving delicious recipe needs plus the latest gut health research and information, get your hands on my latest book, Supercharge Your Gut.

Some of my favourite gut-friendly recipes rich in good-quality fat include:

Salmon and Coriander Fish Cakes

 Turmeric Seeded Loaf 

Supercharged Egg Hoppers with Peanut Sauce  

Dietary changes can cause imbalances in the diversity of your microbiome, causing gastrointestinal dysbiosis and potentially causing irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel disease, asthma and more.

If you're looking out for your gut, the best piece of advice I can give you is to follow an approach that looks after the health of your gut, a diverse high plant based approach with all the necessary amounts of fibre, protein, good carbohydrates and good fats. 

If you're not sure where to start, it helps to begin with a clean, toned and efficient gut. For people who don't have the time to start from scratch when it comes to cleansing the gut, try my Love Your Gut powder. It's a vegan, gluten-free whole food that can improve digestion and nutrient absorption, and reduce gas and bloating and help your gut to work more efficiently and productively. 

I’d love to know – which fad diets have you tried? Have you noticed how they’ve affected the health of your gut? 

If you’re looking for a gut-friendly snack that’s full of goodness, these tasty crackers are on regular rotation at our house, where they’re affectionately known as ‘buck cracks’.

Simple and quick to make, they’re a convenient snack when you feel jelly legs coming on.

If you’re looking for more information on the best way to feed your gut, my book Supercharge Your Gut is definitely one to add to the book shelf.  

Gut Buck Crackers


  • 100 g (3 1/2 oz/1 cup) almond meal
  • 35 g (1 1/4 oz/1/4 cup) buckwheat flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
  • 100 g (3 1/2 oz/1/2 cup) flaxseed (linseed) meal 
  • 1 tablespoon dried mixed herbs
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
  • 1 free-range egg (optional and if you are vegan, it can be replaced with 1 TBS ground flax to 3 tbs water and mix until absorbed)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


Preheat the oven to 175°C (340°F).

Grease a large baking tray.

Combine the almond meal, buckwheat flour, salt, flaxseed, dried herbs and lemon zest in a bowl.

Whisk the egg  (or flax mixture if using) in a small bowl, then slowly whisk in the olive oil. Pour the egg mixture into the dry ingredients and mix to form a dough. If it’s too dry to roll out, mix in a little water.

Roll the dough out on a sheet of baking paper, to a thin rectangle measuring about 25 x 35 cm (10 x 14 inches). Place the baking tray face down over the top, then invert the two together so the dough is on top. Peel off the baking paper.

Using a sharp knife, cut the dough into 5 cm (2 inch) triangles or squares. (Alternatively, you can leave it whole and break into pieces once cooked.)

Bake for 12–15 minutes, or until crisp, turning the crackers over halfway through. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely before serving.

The crackers will keep for up to 1 week in an airtight container in the pantry.

(1) https://translational-medicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12967-017-1175-y

Ten tips to glowing skin plus my Collagen and Flax bars

It's 2020, let's glow things up!

I'm sure you've heard by now that your skin is a reflection of what's going on inside. If you're experiencing acne, eczema, dermatitis or rashes, it's likely there’s an underlying imbalance.

Skin imbalances can be caused by stress, substandard gut health, liver dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, diet and lifestyle. If you’re looking for that desired glow, there are several things you can do to look after your skin and take it from drab to fab.

Here are my top ten tips for glowing skin. Plus, stay tuned for a skin-friendly treat that will make your skin shine, gut happy and taste buds sing. 

  1.  One of the most underrated, yet essential, things we can do for ourselves is to drink more water. I couldn’t write a list of tips for glowing skin without it! Staying hydrated is key to maintaining a fresh glow, as well as helping assimilate and process the nutrients in the food you’re consuming. The aim is to drink at least 1 1/2 litres of water a day, and more if you’re exercising, sweating or breastfeeding. Other gut-friendly liquids to embrace are herbal teas, such as ginger, fenugreek, lavender and fennel, get my recipe here. Plus read my post about soothing drinks to set you up for a good gut day here. Looking for other ways to incorporate spices simply? check out my full spice guide here

  1. If you’ve ever seen my blog, you know I have a bit (okay, a lot) of a love affair with gut health. The skin can tell us a lot about what’s going on internally. For example, if you suffer from a sluggish digestion or toxicity, it can manifest as acne on the cheeks. If you’re looking to cleanse your gut to help with the glow of your skin, you may like to try my Love Your Gut powder or my Love Your Gut capsules for a convenient gut dose on-the-go. Love Your Gut powder is made of 100% food-grade diatomaceous earth and helps clear out bacteria, viruses, pesticides, fungi and more, which may be interfering with optimal digestive function and your skin. Another gut-friendly tip is to consume enough fibre. Fibre is abundant in plant-foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, wholegrains and seeds. Some of my favourite fibre-rich recipes include:

    Nourishing Breakfast Bowl

    Oven-Baked Broccoli and Cauliflower Steaks

    Chocolate and Raspberry Smoothie Bowl  

3. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for glowing skin. These come in the form of fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines, flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds and hemp seeds. Omega-3 reduces bodily inflammation and protects the health of the cell membrane, helping combat lines, wrinkles and even acne. If you’re looking for a delicious way to increase your omega-3 intake, you’ll have to check out my delicious bars down below. I love including fish into my daily meal rotation. One of my favourites at the moment is my ginger seared tuna

4. Collagen exists in every bone, skin, blood vessel and tendon in the body. It helps maintain tissue integrity and the elasticity of the skin. Collagen also heals and seals the gut lining, helping us out with tip number 2 about gut health. While collagen is naturally formed in the body, it reduces with age, which can lead to wrinkled skin and loss of cartilage in the joints. If you’re looking to up your collagen intake, it can be found in my Gut Healing Turmeric Chicken Broth and Supercharged Lamb Bone Broth . Other sources of collagen include eggs and meat or hydrolysed marine collagen powder.

If you're vegan and collagen isn't easily accessible, you can include some of these alternatives; soy products- tempeh, tofu, and soy protein, beans such as black and kidney beans, many other legumes and also sprinkle on some seeds like pumpkin, squash, sunflower, and chia. Try to include nuts in your diet too such as pistachio, peanut, and cashew.

5. Your skin is your largest organ so, whatever you put on your skin, your body ingests. If you won’t eat chemicals, why put them on your skin? To keep your skin glowing, try to use products that are as close to their natural state as possible. This includes make-up and products you use for dermal hygiene, such as face wash and exfoliants.

Opt for products that do not contain harsh chemicals, as they will end up causing skin irritations and other problems. Instead try using products that are mainly made of natural ingredients such as aloe vera, calendula, coconut oil, tea tree oil, goat milk. For instance, if you have dry skin you can try natural goat milk soaps that contain fatty acids which replace missing oils and prevent skin from dryness. However, for those who have oily skin, soaps that contain aloe vera can be helpful as they gently remove excessive oils without causing any skin irritations.

Always make sure to use sunscreen in the morning and use unscented and natural cleansers to keep the skin clean. Control the urge to squeeze, rub, scratch or pick your pimples, wash your make-up off before bed and use natural skincare products, such as my Supercharged Food Earth Mask & Scrub.

  1. Glowing skin represents what’s going on internally. If you’re not receiving enough nutrients, your skin may be struggling to glow as a result. Two major dietary deficiencies that are linked to poor skin health are zinc and vitamin A. Zinc is essential for skin healing and immune regulation. Similarly, a Vitamin A deficiency can contribute to acne. Vitamin A can help reduce sebum production under the skin and therefore, improve skin health. Increase your consumption of foods rich in these vitamins. Nuts and seeds, whole grains, legumes, shellfish, meat and eggs are high in Zinc. Foods rich in Vitamin A include orange vegetables such as sweet potato, pumpkin and carrots, and dark greens like kale, spinach, swiss chard and collard greens. Try on my Nourishing Bowl Breakfast Bowl for size. 

7.    Our hormones can play a huge role when it comes to the health of our skin. If we have an excess of hormones, our livers may be unable to detoxify them, causing a build-up. Hormonal imbalances, particularly excess oestrogen or testosterone, often manifest as acne on the chin and jaw. To assist the liver in doing its job, we need to be eating foods that help the liver detoxify hormones effectively. Cruciferous vegetables contain a compound which naturally support liver detoxification. Cruciferous vegetables include cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, rocket, cabbage and kale. You can't go past my Oven-Baked Broccoli and Cauliflower Steaks.

8. Superstar ingredients for reducing inflammation and helping the skin shine are foods rich in anti-inflammatories. When you think of anti-inflammatories, think of foods that are very rich in colour, such as kale and turmeric (I know, if one more blogger says to eat these two foods, you’ll go crazy, but please just listen!). Turmeric is rich in curcumin which helps reduce inflammation. If you do want an easy way to get more turmeric into your world, check out my Golden Gut Blend.  Other great examples of anti-inflammatory foods include leafy greens, berries, fatty fish and extra virgin olive oil. Or try my Turmeric Seeded Loaf - it’s amazing and wonderful for breakfast with your favourite spreads.

9. When it comes to skin health, sometimes it’s not about what we ingest but about what we don’t. Alcohol, excess caffeine, refined sugar and dairy can all impact the skin and dull your glow. While I won’t say to cut your intake completely, consider reducing these and having them moderately from time to time. Or, try this delicious energy promoting mocha and banana smoothie bowl and swap out the coffee for dandelion tea if coffee isn't on the agenda for you!

  1. While stress plays a common role in our daily lives, it can impact the health of our gut, liver and hormones, which can all impact the skin. One of the best ways to combat stress is by doing activities that help calm you down. You may like to try meditating, walking in nature, reading a book or spending time with your family. One of my favourite ways to unwind is by baking so, I’ve shared a recipe down below that’s sure to calm you down and make your skin glow!

Beauty is an inside job, so get ready to glow things up for 2020!

Collagen & Flax Bars

Makes 14

The most abundant protein in our bodies, collagen is found in our muscles, skin, bones, blood vessels and digestive tract, and is incredibly important for nourishing a leaky gut back to a healthy state. These chocolate bars are a super healthy and indulgent way to benefit from the blessing of collagen and are also an excellent post-workout snack to help repair muscles. 

You can buy collagen online or from health food stores; look for collagen derived from grass-fed sources. 


  • 3 tablespoons organic coconut butter 
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil 
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseeds (linseeds)
  • 3 tablespoons powdered collagen 
  • 2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • pinch of Celtic sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons rice malt syrup or raw honey, or sweetener of your choice 


Line a very small square cake tin, loaf (bar) tin or dish with baking paper. In a heatproof bowl set over a small saucepan of simmering water, gently melt the coconut butter and coconut oil, stirring until combined. Place the flaxseeds, collagen, cacao powder, vanilla and salt in a food processor or high-speed blender and pulse until combined.

Add the melted oil mixture and your chosen sweetener and whiz again, adding more flaxseeds if needed; the consistency should be like a paste. Spoon the mixture into your lined tin or dish and refrigerate for 1–2 hours, until set.

Cut into 3 x 10 cm (1 1/4x 4 inch) bars to serve.

The bars will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 4–5 days.

Mediterranean Fish Dish for Christmas Eve

‘Twas the night before Christmas and everyone was wondering what to eat. But fear not, I’m putting the ‘sea” in Christmas this year! I’ve got you covered with the perfect fish dish for a Christmas Eve feast.

You don’t even need to make a fish stock for this wonderful dish — the aromatics and anchovies add a great depth of flavour. Even if you don’t like anchovies, use them. The dish doesn’t taste like anchovies at all!

All the experts agree, the Mediterranean diet is the best one to adopt for ongoing health. Plus it’s so quick and easy to make so there is more time for you to relax, kick off and enjoy the festivities!

Mediterranean Fish Dish for Christmas Eve

Serves 4

  • 4 large garlic cloves, peeled

  • 4 anchovy fillets

  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 large brown onion, chopped

  • 1 celery stalk, chopped

  • 1 fennel bulb, with fronds; dice the bulb and reserve the fronds for serving
800 g (1 lb 12 oz) tinned chopped tomatoes

  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste (concentrated purée)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika

  • pinch of saffron threads (optional)
  • 500 ml (17 fl oz/2 cups) filtered water

  • 4 thyme sprigs, tied in a bundle with kitchen string

  • 700 g (1 lb 9 oz) firm white fish, such as ling or cod, pin-boned, skin removed, and cut into large pieces
  • juice of 1 lemon


Using a mortar and pestle, mash the garlic cloves and anchovies into a paste. Set aside.

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Sauté the onion, celery and fennel for 3–4 minutes, or until softened.

Add the mashed garlic and anchovies. Cook, stirring, for about 1 minute,
or until the mixture is fragrant, then add the tomatoes, tomato paste, paprika and saffron, if using.

Cook, stirring often, for 10–15 minutes, or until the tomatoes have cooked down a bit and the mixture is aromatic.

Stir in the water and thyme sprigs and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to low, cover partially and simmer for 30 minutes.

Add the fish, then cover and simmer for about 4 minutes, or until the fish is just cooked through.

Remove from the heat and remove the thyme sprigs. Add the lemon juice and season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Serve immediately, scattered with the reserved fennel fronds.

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve,

Lee xo

Hale Pule Ayurvedic Cooking Course

If you’re interested in learning how to incorporate Ayurveda, particularly, Ayurvedic cooking, into your everyday, there's a course in the Bay Of Islands in the North Island of New Zealand that helps you do just that.

Hale Pule Ayurveda & Yoga offers a 100-hour cooking program that teaches you how to incorporate the principles of Ayurveda into your life and the lives of others around you. If you're not sure what I mean by Ayurveda and would like a quick Ayurveda 101, you can head to my blog here, or, if you want to read about the program in general, go here to discover more about it. Once you’ve had a read, come back here.

Are you all caught up?

Okay, great.

As soon as I heard about Hale Pule, I booked my flights before my dog, Oscar, could even bark. I had previously studied Ayurvedic nutrition in Kerala, during my safari of India, so it wasn't a totally new "concept" to me; plus I've been "gradually" incorporating the main principles of this five-thousand year old medical system into my life over the past five years with positive results.

So, anyway, the next thing I knew, after a swift three-hour flight across the Tasman, I had arrived in the land of the Long White Cloud. I was picked up and greeted warmly by fellow retreat-goers at the airport and we all excitedly clambered on a bus heading to the unique and picture-postcard location. We drove for about an hour through the winding green hills of New Zealand from our original destination of Keri Keri, or, as the New Zealanders say, Kirikiri!

It's safe to say that we were all full of trepidation and expectation for what was to come.

As we chatted on the bus and got to know one another, most of us were concerned and little a anxious about the sleeping arrangements. Was it going to be dorm-style, or would we have our own rooms and bathrooms?

It was then that the driver piped in and mentioned that the last group who had been on the retreat the week before had remarked on a pair of snorers in the room. It was then that a hush descended upon the van, so much so that you could almost here a pen drop (NZ joke ;)) and then after a few seconds, someone had the magnificent idea of doing a quick ask around to see if anyone would admit to said 'known nocturnal noises'. As you do... 

Once we arrived we were shown to our "room" and introduced to the spaces and the grounds. Kelsey hailing from Canada, was our lovely program manager and she quickly allocated our bunk beds in the dorm room – all the women were together and the boys were in another part of the farm. This could have posed a problem for the one married couple who had signed up, but they didn't seem to be concerned about it and were just going with the flow. They had just been to India so were very relaxed about it all. 

Looking around the minimalist environment, it did feel a bit like going back to school camp! It was the first time many of us had slept in a single bunk beds since we were single digits!. It was spartan and confined and definitely an arrangement that would put hairs on your chest. The first thing to do was to leave any modicum of privacy at the sliding door, and get used to sharing!

In the room there was one bathroom to eight people, and another bathroom up the hallway which was closed out for periods of time and also being used by the staff.  Luckily everyone seemed ok with it or if they weren't it wasn't evident.  It was then that I thought, I need to chill out a bit! Or maybe a lot!

They are in a transitional time as they've recently relocated from Hawaii to New Zealand and so are in the process of acquiring a new property to set up their educational and healing centre, hence the temporary accommodation being a bit more rustic than they will offer in the future.

The course was made up of all ages and a cross section of people who had travelled from all over the world to be there.  There is a strict interview process to do it and you need references to be accepted. By the end of the course we were so used to sharing the space with one another it was a transformative experience and we all got along really well. I know I have made some lovely lifelong friends.

The other areas of the farmhouse we studied in overlooked stunning green hills and views, and the grounds were home to pigs, horses, dogs and a even a natural swimming hole. The grounds were very rustic and authentic, allowing for fantastic ramblings in and around the property. We also had the opportunity to work on the farm and the vegetable gardens.

In the cooking sessions we used a lot of fresh produce and herbs from the garden. I've never seen cabbages this big before!

One of the things that I loved about the property were the bathtubs full of backyard herbs and vegetables.  It's so neat that you can grow veggies in this unique garden bed. If you're keen to try it for yourself, all you need to do is find an old bathtub, fill it with nutrient rich soil and ensure proper drainage.

Once we were settled into our room, it was time for a full induction and a review on all of the ins and outs (in detail) about how the training was going to run.

While each day changes slightly, on the course a typical day schedule consists of:

  • 4.30 a.m. Wake up and do tongue scraping and use a neti pot (nasal saline irrigation therapy) 
  • 5:00 – 6:15 a.m. Morning practices (fire ceremony, pranayama, meditation)
  • 6:30 – 7:30 a.m. Yoga asana class with Kelsey
  • 7:30 a.m. Breakfast and break
  • 8:00 a.m. End of silent time
  • 8:30 - 11:45 a.m. Lecture, then kitchen practicum.
  • 12:00 p.m. Lunch and break
  • 2:15 – 5 p.m. Lecture, then kitchen practicum
  • 5:00 p.m. Dinner and break
  • 6:15 p.m. Meditation (approximately 30 minutes)
  • 7:55 p.m. Agnihotra (fire ceremony)
  • 8:30 p.m. Exit common areas/finished with bathrooms, into bedrooms
  • 9:00 p.m. Lights out and silent time

Following this, Kelsey explained the underlying philosophies of the course. We were going to be shown how to work and manage energy and use consciousness throughout the training.

If you haven't already twigged by now, this course is much more than a cooking program, in a nutshell, it's a period of time that gives you the opportunity to, on reflection, learn about yourself and how you react when placed in different situations, some of these comfortable and familiar, and others completely out of your comfort zone! The other thing is that you will also learn a heck of a lot and the quality of the information is top notch. 

During the beginning stages of the course, our minds were periodically cast back to the bunk bed situation, but then collectively, we all slowly dropped our shoulders and expectations. There came a point where we realised that; we are here, we are in the moment, and we had to either embrace and stay open to it or resist it and have to deal with it internally.

Over the next couple of days, once we settled into our daily routine, our nervousness started to dissipate, and our minds started to calm down and enjoy the process.

On the first day we were introduced to Myra who is the creator of Hale Pule.  As she entered the room, her passion and commitment to her style of Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic lifestyle was immediately evident. She truly believes that we all have the power within us for healing and health. Hale Pule is an extremely holistic course that Myra founded and runs. It explores looking inside for answers and cultivating your inner-most connection, and the benefit that has for yourself and others.

She also has the cutest dog who would often swing by in the afternoons and smile at us during afternoon lectures!

One of the main purposes of the course was learning how to cook with spiritual principles and how to incorporate these into your cooking. Initially Myra asked us what our intentions were and our reasons for being there in order for us to think more deeply about what this course meant to us and how we were going to apply it in the outside world.

We also learnt about how the five natural elements work together with tastes to bring about harmony and healing in the body. We learnt a lot throughout the course, with the lectures ranging from a review of the principles of Ayurveda, to food combining, food presentation, ways to connect with food through life-force, and so much more!

At its heart, the cooking course uses a holistic approach to wellness and the union of food, prana (the Ayurvedic term for energy) and thought. We were given examples throughout the course on how thought is paramount and can deeply impact how you feel, how you digest and how you assimilate what you are eating. 

Cooking up an Ayurvedic Storm!

Food at its core is a part of our interaction and connection to nature, this is something impossible to ignore especially when you’re surrounded by the beautiful greenery of New Zealand. We were amongst fifty shades of green everyday and we studied to a chorus of birds tweeting, and a backdrop of clear skies and fluffy white clouds. 

Each day, we were guided through a colourful meditation that focused on observation of the self. We were invited to tap into how we felt around other people and how we carried other people’s energies. Myra guided us on how to clear other’s energies too – it got very intense at times... get out your sage sticks everyone! 

By now, I think I might know what you’re all thinking?  "Wait, Lee, what does this have to do with cooking? I want to make curry!"

I'm getting there, I promise!

But it's important to understand that all of the energies you feel, and have ever felt, align with the cooking process.

Overthinking and gathering too much energy from other people is the same as putting too much spice in a meal, or in other words aggravating the pitta or vata dosha ;).

Dinner time was always a time when the group came together, helping each other out with chopping and prepping and spicing.

One of the other big question's on everyone's lips at lunch and dinner was, 'Who's turn is it to make the ginger appetiser?'. A great way to stimulate digestion we are told.  

I've never made these kinds of appetisers before, but it's super easy to do.  All you need is a thinly sliced or match stick piece of ginger drizzled with one drop of lime or lemon and a pinch of salt. And I kid you not, it’s tastier than you’d think.

We also washed it down with a buttermilk drink containing ghee, cardamom and ginger. Very tasty! And we all took it in turns to make the drink with our own variety of spices. 

Finished product and enough for 12 people!

Kitchadi,  one of the Ayurvedic main meals was a fun dish to create from scratch.  This dish featured whole basmati rice, split mung beans, slices of zucchini and we topped it with earthy flaxseed meal. 

Each night we ate around a communal table and chatted about our day and cooking adventures. We also had to guess the elements of each dish we took turns to prepare for the others. This led to some spicy dinner table conversations.  

During dinner we were instructed that the conversation needed to be directed through Myra, there were no side conversations allowed and if this happened you would be met with a stern gaze. There is a reason for this - and that is to keep a sense of sattva, or peace and harmony at the dinner table.

Inevitably when a bunch of people sit down together, there can be lots of diverse conversations happening and people end up shouting over one another to get their point across, and then the space doesn't feel calm anymore. The idea is to eat peacefully so your digestion will function optimally. Plus it's nice to hear what everyone has to say. 

Once Myra had finished eating we were then all allowed to leave the table and complete the task of washing and drying up and cleaning the kitchen. This was also a good way to learn how to relinquish control!

Once the cleaning had been done, it was back up to the main area and we were introduced to the practice of agnihotra (a fire ceremony), where cow dung was burned, and an offering was made.

Practiced at sunrise and sunset all over the world, agnihotra is a powerful healing ceremony for all of nature, including the human being.

It's said to harmonise and expand the consciousness of all aspects of our being and helps to promote mental calm and inner peace as well as purifying the atmosphere, thus reducing the effects of radiation and pollution, and enhancing the conditions of soil, water and air, to allow for balanced and robust plant growth. 

I must admit I was shocked when Myra then laced the meals with her special ingredient - cow dung ash… it’s a lot less weird and feels more meaningful when you’re there, I promise!

Myra with her ladle!

Agnihotra is a way for us as human beings to give back to mother nature, and to honor the life giving and transformative energy of surya, the sun.

As we sat for agnihotra, we attuned to the opening of energies in the morning and closing down of energies in the evening. We attuned to nature's rhythms. The fire represents healing and protection to the body. It can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, and guidance is free of charge.

The agnihotra set up

The cow dung is burned in a copper pyramid of specific dimensions with a mantra, known as a sacred sound. At the timing of agnihotra, an offering of rice and ghee is made as the mantra is chanted. All of these components together create a unique and powerful transformation in the air for the person partaking, and the substances burning in the fire. The ash from the fire is then used as "powerful medicine" for internal and external healing.

And now back to the cooking, one of the highlights was that we also made cookies which were cow dung ash-free! Here's Georgia from GV Meditation creating magic!

The next day started at 5am (no snooze alarms allowed) with another fire ceremony, breathing exercises and yoga asana which focused on foundational poses. 

Kelsey from Hale Pule teaches raja yoga, which is the 'royal' path, containing all of the 8 limbs of Patanjali. This holistic approach leaves no aspect of living unaddressed.

The eight limbs of Yoga is the foundation, offering guidance on the yamas (how we behave in the world), niyamas (how we treat ourselves), asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (management of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (union with the Divine).

Kelsey from Hale Pule

All of the yoga involved incorporates the principles of Ayurveda, which is known as the sister science of yoga. In terms of the asana, Hale Pule teaches sustainable yoga asana. The teaching utilizes the most balancing aspects of these various methods of practice to support a long-term yoga practice.

Two of Kelsey's poses I brought home with me were a "sit down, stand up" movement practised on a chair 25 times each morning (it's great for mobility) and also a "shoulder shimmy" which involves shimmying your shoulders for three minutes straight. Shimmies are not only for the dance floor, they're also a fun exercise for toning your waist and shoulders! 

During the course we were taken through the three Ayurvedic doshas, vata, pitta and kapha, these are basically energies that circulate around your body and can highlight aspects of your constitution. Through this learning, we uncovered how these dosha’s feel when they’re in balance and out of balance.

We also took part in a series of breathing exercises (pranayama) daily and because our hands hold energetic points that relate to the elements we incorporated different hand postures or mudras into our practices. 

During the course, we discussed Agni, the fire of life or the digestive fire, which is essential in Ayurveda. Keeping Agni functioning well is paramount to balanced health. Some of the things that help keep Agni functioning, are consuming the right combinations of food, not overeating and leaving four hours between meals. No wonder I love intermittent fasting.

All of the meals we created were balanced according to Hale Pule's Ayurvedic principles of 60/40 - this is a balance of 60 percent augmenting and 40 percent extractive foods eaten at each meal of lunch and dinner and also a balance of the six tastes.

Augmenting foods are those that nourish and ground your body and mind. They build tissue and replenish what is lost. These foods are generally sweeter in taste – things like rice, carrots, pumpkin and avocado. Eating augmenting foods gives us vitality and energy. 

Extractive foods are those that are cleansing in nature. They ask your body to give something up in order to digest them and are essential in breaking down healthy fats. They are often bitter or astringent in taste – foods like kale, collards, legumes and nuts. 

Towards the end of the course, we did a test and handed in our assignments!

It was incredible to see how much we gained, beyond the incredible cooking skills, and how much valuable information was given. 

For the final cooking exam, I created an Ayurvedic meal based on a Mexican Wedding, which involves the union of the mind, body, senses and soul. Mexican 'Mole' with kale, sweet potatoes, guacomole and salsa verde with decorations from the garden. 

We also had a special day when we cooked a lovely Love Loaf which was alluded to throughout the course, so we were all looking forward to it immensely.

One of my favourite components of the course was cooking in the large country kitchen. We made dishes that focused on augmenting and extracting foods to put the body back into balance. 

Most of the meals were tridoshic, meaning they were suitable for all different doshas, which is great when it comes to family cooking at home. We also made a wonderful home-made stove-top bread, and chapatis.

I found this retreat such an eye opening experience and would recommend it to anyone wanting to expand their Ayurvedic knowledge. This is not a "retreat" in the traditional sense of the word, but you do get out what you put in and come away with a brand new perspective and knowledge on Ayurveda that will stay with you for life!.

The next chef training is being held from April 6th - 20th, 2020. There is also a second training which runs from November 1st -14th, 2020.

At the moment, the accommodation is transitional, but they’re hoping to be in a permanent location in November 2020.

Once you’ve completed your stay, you’ll leave with an Ayurvedic chef training certificate that you can use professionally or personally.

If you want to learn more about Hale Pule, you can read more about them on their website here and tune into their podcast here.

I'm sharing some of my favourite recipes we learnt how to cook too...

Zucchini kitchadi recipe

Serves 4 

The most basic form of kitchadi is simply rice, split mung and ghee, with no vegetables and fewer spices for easier digestion. This is best if you are recovering from illness, injury or surgery. Try a day or two with plain kitchadi and work your way up to simple kitchadi with vegetables.


  • 3/4 tsp. cumin powder
  • 3/4 tsp. coriander powder
  • ½ tsp. brown mustard seeds
  • 1 ½ Tbs. ghee
  • 3/4 cup basmati rice
  • 1/3 cup split mung beans (if split is not available, use whole and cook well)
  • 1 strip kombu cut into small pieces
  • 6 cups water, more as needed
  • 1/8 tsp. asafoetida
  • ½ tsp. rock salt
  • ½ Tbs. fresh grated ginger root
  • ½ tsp. turmeric, fresh or powder
  • 1/2 tsp. cardamom powder


Simmer the cumin, coriander, and brown mustard seeds in half of the ghee until the aroma comes up. Add rice, split mung, and kombu. Stir together for a couple of minutes. Add 4 cups water and simmer for 45 minutes in a pot on the stove. If you are using a pressure cooker, bring to pressure and cook for 18 minutes.

Put the remaining ghee in a small pan over medium heat. Add salt, ginger root, asafoetida, turmeric and cardamom. Simmer together a couple of minutes until the aroma comes up. Add to main mixture and let sit for five minutes so the tastes can become friends. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Sushi recipe

60/40 Chirashi Sushi


Sushi rice

  • 1½ cups sushi rice (augmenting)
  • ½ tsp. ghee
  • ½ tsp. mineral salt
  • 2½ cups water

Mung beans:

  • 1 cup whole mung beans, soaked overnight (extractive)
  • 2 Tbsp. ghee
  • 1½ tsp. cumin seeds 
  • ½ tsp. coriander powder 
  • ¼ tsp. asafoetida powder
  • 1 tsp. mineral salt
  • 1 strip kombu, cut into pieces
  • 4 cups water

Coconut carrots:

  • 3 cups carrots cut into thin strips (augmenting)
  • 2 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger
  • ¼ cup chopped coconut meat

Gingered asparagus

  • 3 cups asparagus, chopped (extractive)
  • 1 tsp. ghee
  • 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger
  • 1 tsp. turmeric powder
  • ¼ tsp. ground black pepper 
  • 2 tsp. sesame seeds
  • 4-6 nori sushi wrappers (augmenting)
  • 2 Tbsp. basil, chopped (extractive)
  • 1 avocado, sliced (augmenting)
  • Method:

Prepare the rice by rinsing until water runs clear then soak for 30 minutes. Bring water to a boil. Add rice, mineral salt and ghee. Cover and simmer for about 25 minutes. You can also use a rice cooker.

Meanwhile, prepare the mung beans by heating ghee in a pot. Add cumin, coriander and asafoetida and cook 1-2 minutes until the aroma comes up. Add the mung beans and stir to coat. Add the water, salt and kombu and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 45 minutes or until beans are soft. You can use a pressure cooker to speed up cooking to about 20 minutes. 

When the rice and beans are nearly done, heat 2 tablespoons coconut oil in a saucepan. Add the ginger and simmer until the aroma comes up. Add the carrots and coconut and stir to coat. Add water to ¼ inch the height of the carrots, cover and cook gently until carrots are tender.

Heat 1 teaspoon ghee in a saucepan for the asparagus. Add turmeric, black pepper and sesame seeds and cook until the aroma comes up. Add chopped asparagus, then water to ¼ inch the height of the asparagus. Cook on a light simmer for 2-3 minutes or until asparagus is tender and bright green – be careful not to overcook.

Serve with sliced avocado, fresh basil and nori sheets (for softer nori, place sheets on top of the warm rice until it is wilted).  

Beginners guide to meal prepping plus Raspberry and Chia Overnight Brekkie Jar

If you’re looking to start making changes to the way you eat, one of the easiest ways to simplify the process is by pre-preparing meals. Now, I’m not talking bodybuilder-style containers of cold chicken, steamed broccoli and sweet potato ;). 

Meal preparation surpasses any food trend, it’s seriously handy and means you get to eat homemade food frequently. The fact that it's grab-and-go but healthy also makes a big difference to your daily routine and long term health goals. 

Preparing meals and making meals ahead of time, ensures you’re eating foods that are better for you, healthier and more likely unprocessed. Basically, it means you’re less likely to run down to the store during a break and come back with three packets of chips, two slabs of chocolate and a family pizza with all the trimmings, for one. 

By packing your own meals, you can ensure that they’re portion controlled and not from a packet, saving you, your wallet and the environment. If this all sounds a little overwhelming to you don’t worry, I’ve got you! 

Let’s talk about easy ways to start meal prepping so you can get the most out of it and enjoy the process - just think of it like a meditation practise; you’re in the moment and before you’ve had time to think the job is done!. 

If you’ve ever looked at the Insta feed of a famous foodstagrammer, I’m sure you’ve noticed fancy recipes prepared for each meal of the day. While that’s great, that’s not the aim of meal prepping. Meal prepping is done to make your life easier so, you don’t stress. Rather than starting to prepare gourmet, five-star meals for every day of the week, start with recipes you already know or, very simple ones.

The first thing I recommend doing is picking a day to prepare. Pick one or two days a week that you can set aside some time to prepare meals. Maybe this is a day you have off work, away from the family or just have some extra time. I like meal prepping on Sunday and Wednesday night as I have some time off then, but choose the days that work for you. 

The second thing to do is pick the meal you want to create. If you never have time to make breakfast, start with that. I've got a great breakfast bowl here and more tips on how to meal prep here.  If you’re usually stuck without lunch, try that. Or, if you come home late and can never be bothered to cook once you get home, that’s your meal prep meal. 

If all of these sound like you, start off with one and slowly build up so you don’t get overwhelmed by the process. 

Before you do your grocery shop, ensure you include everything you’ll need for these meals. You may choose to focus on one simple meal like roast chicken and cook enough so it can be portioned out for a few days. If you’re cooking with your oven, use it to its fullest potential, even if that means cooking with multiple oven trays to get it done. If you don’t want to create specific meals that’s okay too. My favourite way to meal prep is to cook separate bits and pieces to create meals the night before. I like to think of it as a choose-your-own-adventure. 

For example, if you have fresh vegetables on hand, chop and prep them and enjoy them with some of my other recipes such as:  

Bohemian Baked Vegetable Bowl

Salmon and Coriander Fish Cakes

Cauliflower Rice

And then mix-and-match what you want to eat the night before. If you are cooking dinner throughout the week, I recommend cooking double and then adding it to your meal prep selection for the next few days. Preparing your meals and snacks in advance will save you time and money in the long run. 

If you’re into renewable meals, read this post from my eBook The Renewable Table on how to build a renewable table-  that means to cook once and let that food stretch. By cooking in larger batches and creating a ‘base meal’, you can reclaim it to make delicious meals that can live on for another meal or four. You can create chicken schnitzels for dinner that turn into a schnitzel and broccoli salad the next day and a delicious schnitzel wrap here.  

I’ve also created an ultimate guide to batch cooking which will give you everything you need to know about building a menu, the cooking day, preparation tips, baking and roasting tips, what ingredients to use, labelling and how to store them. 

Speaking of roasting, if the oven isn’t your thing, I also love a good slow-cooker or crock-pot recipe for ease and convenience. Two of my favourites are my Supercharged Lamb Bone Broth and Rosemary and Thyme Chicken Stew.

When you’re storing away your food, make sure you have enough containers. I recommend ones that are BPA-free, stackable, reusable and air-tight to avoid leakages. 

If you’re looking for a new breakfast recipe to add to the meal rotation, there’s nothing easier than a chia brekkie jar. Chia seeds are high in a plethora of nutrients, including fibre, to help keep you fuller for longer. If you’ve never used chia seeds before, they absorb water and turn into a jelly kind of consistency. Chia’s to that fun time. 

And there you have it, meal prepping for the beginner. I’d love to know, do you practice meal prep. If so, what do you like to prepare in advance?  

Raspberry & Chia Overnight Brekkie Jar

Cut these ingredients the night before and take the hectic out of the morning rush hour.


  • 1 small handful of fresh or frozen raspberries, plus extra to serve
  • 1 small handful of fresh or frozen organic blueberries, plus extra to serve
  • Pinch of vanilla powder
  • Pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons coconut flakes
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1 tsp Love Your Gut powder
  • 250ml (1 cup) non-dairy milk of your choice; almond milk is nice
  • 1 tablespoon nut butter (optional)


Combine the berries, vanilla, cinnamon, coconut, love your gut powder and chia seeds in a mason jar. Gently mash the berries, then stir in the milk. Pop the lid on and leave in the fridge overnight. Serve topped with the nut butter and extra berries.

Healthy Holiday Hacks book, a gift from me to you for the holidays

Hello friends, I have a FREE gift for you…

It’s time to put some hacks in your sacks this festive season! (Alright, I know I’m not the best copywriter but please cut me some slack….it is Christmas time afterall ha!

Ok are you ready for Santa's little helper? I’m giving back a stack of healthy hacks that will help you over the holidays.

I’ve created a FREE Healthy Holiday Hacks eBook which includes delicious gut-friendly dishes that are all gloating and no bloating!

A happy gut is a gift that keeps on giving. It's like Christmas for your body all year long and now you can hold onto your health whilst still letting go of everything else 😉

If there's one good thing you do for your body over the holidays (and we hope there's more than one!) it should be to look after your gut.

A clean, toned gut is the way to make the more of the holidays - more energy, less bloating; more nutrient absorption, less build-up of waste in your system.

It's hard though to maintain good gut habits over the silly season. That's why I've written a gut guide that's packed with hacks.

As a nutritionist I make it easy for you with real-life tips, real-world information, real food that's really good for your gut. And it really is totally FREE! 

The Healthy Holiday Hacks eBook contains:

  • 5 in-depth articles about gut health
  • Loads and loads of tips and hacks to keep your gut healthy and happy
  • Information on how Love Your Gut can help
  • 11 Supercharged gut-loving and totally delicious recipes!

Grab your FREE copy here.

ps. Please share this book with a friend, it makes a great virtual stocking stuffer!

Best CBD For Sleep: Can You Mix CBD and Food at Night?

Do you sleep less than eight hours a day? Tossing and turning and have counted hundreds of sheep to no avail? If so, you might be experiencing insomnia.

Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder, appearing in about a third of the population sampled in one study. It’s often associated with different diseases and illnesses, such as diabetes, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), asthma, allergies, etc., as well as some mental issues, like anxiety, stress, and depression.

However, if you’re sleep-deprived for no apparent reason, you’ve got a more serious problem in your hands.

What if you can do something about it that doesn’t require you taking any medications? Would you consider drinking chamomile and lavender tea, using aromatherapy oil in your bedroom, or changing your mattress, perhaps? In case you are thinking of getting a new mattress, this buying guide from Sleep Standards is a great resource that will help you select the most suitable twin mattress.

Or better yet, would you even consider going the unconventional route, like CBD, that doesn't pose any side effects compared to traditional medications?

What’s CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the 113 cannabinoids produced by cannabis plants. Unlike some cannabinoids of the cannabis family that affect the minds (depending on the dose), like Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), CBD has not been known to have intoxicating effects. In fact, the World Health Organization reported that CBD doesn’t pose any threat of being abused, and there has been no evidence of it causing any health issues and vulnerability.

Nevertheless, CBD still doesn’t have the most pleasant reputation due to the fact that it’s linked to weed, which is still not legal in most states in the USA. However, while it’s a vital component of Marijuana, its primary source is another relative plant called hemp.

Can CBD Be Mixed With Food To Induce Sleep?

It has been proven that CBD helps you fall asleep and can address different sleep issues, such as improvement of sleeping habits, excessive naps during the day, as well as grogginess.

Among the sleep-enhancing CBD products, Buba Kush stands out as a popular type. Bubba is an Indica CBD flower strain that produces intense relaxing effects, helping with medical conditions such as insomnia. To explore the other different health benefits that provide the strain you can check out the reviews here: https://www.drganja.com/bubba-kush-cbd-flower

There are several forms of taking CBD nowadays, and they include edibles, pills, vape concentrates, and oils. But the question is, can you actually take CBD by mixing it with your food to address insomnia? Sorry to burst your bubble, but as of now, the answer is NO.

While CBD can be consumed in various forms, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to allow it to be a food additive. According to the FDA, the main reason is that they’ve already approved CBD as a treatment for pediatric seizures (Epidiolex); hence, it cannot be allowed as food additives or dietary supplements. It also still needs further research about whether it’s beneficial when taken with food.

How Do You Get The Most Out of CBD?

As mentioned, since CBD is available in different forms, like capsules, gummies, oils, tinctures, lotions, among others, how these forms are taken will be the basis of their concentration when manufactured. But, which method of consumption is more effective and the most bioavailable, especially when dealing with sleep issues?

If talking about 100% absorption in the body, intravenous administration is the best route as with any other type of medication and supplementation. However, it’s not recommended for CBD’s case as oil does not do well in the body and may result in thrombosis. Besides, not a lot of people would want and can tolerate needles.

So, what are the alternatives? The following are the bioavailability rate of each consumption method:

  • Oral (4% to 20%) – This method applies to all edible and other forms by way of the mouth, such as gummies and capsules.
  • Sublingual (12% to 35%) – This can be done for lozenges, tinctures, and sprays.
  • Vaporized (34% to 56%) – CBD via vape pen and vaporizer device are by far the most effective alternative.

Many people would complain about not being able to see any difference in their sleeping habits after trying out each of these three forms. If you’re going to expect that CBD will work like sleeping pills, you’ll be disappointed because it doesn’t work that way.

Instead of promoting drowsiness, CBD targets anxiety by calming your nerves to help you fall asleep. So, don’t fret when you don’t get your desired effect immediately or not at all.

Each individual has a different tolerance level when it comes to the dosage, or it could be that you have other underlying issues that are not anxiety-related. It’s best that you seek help from your primary healthcare provider for proper treatment options. It find one that you are comfortable with like Flawless CBD.

Other Benefits of CBD

While the world may still seem to have divided opinions about CBD and cannabis in general, many have shared their testimonies about their benefits.

Apart from addressing your sleep issues, the following are some of the other notable benefits you can get from consuming CBD:

  • Helps in relieving pain
  • Can aid in the reduction of depression and anxiety
  • Has the ability to lower blood pressure
  • Reduces the likelihood of diabetes
  • Can be used in treating epilepsy and other neurological disorders
  • Can reduce sebum production that causes acne
  • May help minimize cancer treatment side-effects and other symptoms

Parting Word

Insomnia can pose a lot of risks, especially in the way you conduct daily activities, which can affect your quality of life. When you’ve done everything and still unsuccessful in getting that elusive good night’s sleep, perhaps it’s high time to change your mind and start considering CBD.

With CBD, you don’t get to worry about the potential harm you get from medications in the long run. And most of all, you can get that much needed “fix” without getting the “high.”

Three savoury meals to make in a muffin pan plus my Savoury Cupcakes with Pumpkin Mash

Are you a sweet or a savoury person?

I used to be all about the sweet. I could never pass up on my gutmeal, pancakes or a smoothie bowl for breakfast. But recently, I’ve found myself craving something else. I’ve become bored of sweet foods and I’m ready to take the train to savoury station.

But, I’m not one to settle for plain old boiled eggs or a soggy piece of bread with overripe avocado. I want something bite sized that I can grab when I’m in a rush. I want decadence with a side of nutrients. 

When I hit one of these moods, I bring out the muffin pan. 

If you don’t think you can get tasty savoury muffins, you know nuffin’ about the muffin

Muffins can be savoury and exploding with nutrients. They’re a great on-the-go meal for when there’s not enough time to think. I like making a batch of muffins and freezing them for when I need a pick-me-up ASAP.  

Muffins are a great way to sneak in extra goodness. I pack them with a whole load of vegetables, protein and healthy fats to help keep me (or whoever’s lucky enough to get one from me) going until my next meal. I also add a spoon of Love Your Gut Powder for the gut health benefits! 

One of my first explorations into the world of savoury muffins were my Spinach and Carrot Muffins back in 2013. To this day, these muffins are constantly on rotation in my house. If you’re worried by the S-word in the title, don’t worry, you can’t taste the spinach. Spinach adds a plant-based source of iron that you won’t even know exists. These muffins also contain flax seeds which are rich in omega 3, making them great for helping to reduce inflammation. 

Next up are my Mini Salmon Frittatas. These cute little muffins are perfect for all age groups. I’ve kept the ingredient list simple and cooking time short to reduce your time spent in the kitchen (oh, and the mess too). They’re incredibly moist and contain a powerful nutritional hit. 

My final savoury meal to make in a muffin pan are delicious Savoury Cupcakes with Pumpkin Mash from  Supercharge Your Gut. They’re a perfectly balanced meal, containing beef or lamb for protein, and eggs and almond meal for quality fats. They’re also loaded with vegetables to ensure that breakfast fulfils its criteria of being the most important (and delicious) meal of the day.

I’ve even added my mouth-watering pumpkin and cauliflower mash to this recipe for some added sweetness. Think of it as your bonus from me. You’re welcome. If you’re following a low FODMAP approach, swap out the cauliflower for the green part of the spring onion, and two large carrots. Read more about FODMAPS here.

These muffins contain garlic and onion, two anti-microbial vegetables part of the allium family. The allium family are known to kick our immune systems into gear and help control blood pressure. 

These muffins are truly glorious and will be the envy of children and adult lunch boxes everywhere. Just be sure to keep an eye on them so no one happens to grab yours ‘accidentally’. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

These muffins are quick, simple and offer a delicious breakfast or snack. What’s my favourite way to serve them? Warm with a drizzle of tamari. 

All that stands between you and these muffins is half an hour. My work here is officially done!. Ps If you’re a busy working parent without a lot of time on your hands there are great fresh alternatives for affordable meal kits such as Hello Fresh too.

Savoury Cupcakes With Pumpkin Mash 

Makes 6 Large Cupcakes

Who says cupcakes need to be sweet? These savoury ones save the day with their deliciousness. Serve warm with a drizzle of wheat-free tamari.


  • extra virgin coconut oil, for greasing
  • 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) minced (ground) beef or lamb
  • 1 onion, finely grated
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 25 g (1 oz/1/4cup) almond meal
  • 1 tbs Love Your Gut Powder 
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1 tablespoon mixed dried herbs of your choice, such as rosemary, sage, parsley, basil
  • 2 tablespoons wheat-free tamari or coconut aminos.
  • 1 quantity warm Pumpkin & Cauli Rosemary Mash  (below)


Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). Grease a large six-hole 250 ml (9 fl oz/ 1 cup) capacity cupcake tin with coconut oil.

Place the beef, onion, eggs, almond meal, garlic, herbs and tamari in a large bowl. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, then use your hands to mix and thoroughly combine. 

Using your hands, scoop the mixture into six even portions and shape into balls. Press the balls into the cupcake holes.

Place the cupcake tin on a baking tray, transfer to the oven and bake for 20–25 minutes, or until the cupcakes are browned on top. 

Remove the cupcakes from the oven. Using a piping (icing) bag or a spoon, pipe or dollop the warm mash on top of the cupcakes. If you like a crunchy topping, place them under a hot grill (broiler) to crisp them up a bit. 

Serve warm. Leftovers will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 2–3 days. 

Pumpkin and Cauli Rosemary Mash:




  • 1/2 small jap or kent pumpkin (winter squash) 
  • 1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets (For a FODMAP-friendly version, use the green part of the spring onion, and two large carrots instead of the cauliflower.)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut cream
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin coconut oil 
  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 1 tablespoon chopped spring onion (scallion)
  • 1 teaspoon fresh chopped rosemary or dried rosemary 
  • pinch of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons nut butter (optional, if tolerated)
  • nutritional yeast flakes (optional, if tolerated), for sprinkling 
  • small rosemary sprigs, to garnish 

Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut into 2–3 cm (1 inch) cubes. Steam the pumpkin and cauliflower together for 15–20 minutes, or until the pumpkin is soft and you can poke a fork through the cauliflower florets. While the steamed vegetables are still hot, place them in a food processor or high-speed blender. Add the coconut cream, coconut oil, mustard powder, spring onion, rosemary, salt and nut butter, if using.

Whiz together, stopping and scraping down the sides of the blender 

if necessary, until all the ingredients are well incorporated and smooth. Serve warm, sprinkled with nutritional yeast, if desired, and garnished with rosemary sprigs.

Six spices for sensational gut health plus a mango and ginger kvass cultured drink recipe

If you wanna get good gut health, you’ve gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, digestive health never ends. 

If you’re wondering what the digestive system and the spice girls have in common, you’re in for a wild ride. 

There’s a plethora of things that affect the state of our gut microbiome, including our diet, our lifestyle, stress levels, physical activity, whether we smoke or drink, our weight, relationships and chemical exposure. When you first start looking after your gut, these factors can seem extremely overwhelming. 

The best advice I can give you is, instead of allowing yourself to get overwhelmed, start slowly. With just a sprinkle of this and a dash of that, you’ll be on your way to gut health glory. Adding in a spoon of my Love Your Gut Powder can help too 🙂 

This is where my love of the spice girls (but mostly, just my spice rack), comes into play.

While you can eat all of the fruit and vegetables in the world, there’s one simple thing that you can include every single day to take your gut health to the world stage. I’m talking about the sensational world of spices! 

If you want to up-level your spice game, you gotta have some fun with spices. Below are six of my favourite herbs and spices for digestive health, plus a cultured mango and ginger kvass recipe that’ll convert even the biggest soft drink fanatic you know. Please pass this recipe onto them.

  1. If you want to spice up your life, get a hold of fennel seeds. These carminative seeds can reduce digestive cramping, gas and bloating as they have an anti-spasmodic effect on the smooth lining of the stomach (1). Fennel seeds can be effective for treating various conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel disease and intestinal candidiasis. They’re also anti-viral, can protect the liver and are antimicrobial to prevent infections. To keep the spice love going, try out my Fermented Turmeric and Fennel Cauliflower recipe here


  1. Zingy, bold and bound to put a spring in your step, everyone loves ginger spice. The nanoparticles within ginger can prevent against alcohol-induced liver damage and create beneficial microbiome bacteria. Ginger extract and Ginger can promote tissue repair of the gut lining to reduce symptoms of colitis, an inflammatory reaction in the colon that occurs commonly in autoimmune conditions and infections (2). Ginger is often used to reduce nausea in pregnancy as it’s safe and has minimal side effects. The gorgeous spice can be found in my magical mango and ginger kvass recipe below. 
  1. You better stop… and admit your love for this herb. Mint is widely loved and used as a digestive aid. Not only can it help relieve symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome, it can also decrease digestive symptoms such as dyspepsia and nausea. Traditionally, mint was used to treat colic in infants, flatulence, diarrhoea, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and morning sickness (3). If you want a refresher, use fresh mint in my Pan-fried Pineapple with Fresh Mint and Coconut Yoghurt.

  1. Am I cheating if I include my favourite golden spice in here? Maybe, but I’m going to do it anyway. Turmeric is an active anti-inflammatory that will help keep your beautiful gut blossoming. While turmeric has a pungent taste, it actually acts as a carminative to reduce bloating and support the liver. Terrific turmeric is great for your tummy, and can be found in my Eggplant Bharta and Indian Dosas, Delicious Turmeric Seeded Loaf and my Nourishing Breakfast Bowl. If you want to get some extra tummy-loving turmeric into your life, try out my Golden Gut Blend– a delicious, gut-loving addition to any drink or meal that’s rich in iron, silica and plenty of other minerals. 

  1. I don’t want to get carried away here, but let’s talk about carraway. This savoury spice can help heal the digestive system, ease stomach cramps and safely expel gas from the bowel to prevent fermentation from occurring in the stomach. Carraway has also been found to help reduce a loss of appetite, relieve constipation and kill off negative bacteria in the body due to its antimicrobial effects.  
  1. While this herb doesn’t make a big deal of itself, I think it’s the real dill. Dill is used as a sedative, reducing flatulence, cramping and the growth of negative digestive bacteria. If you want to get the kids involved in dill-eating, try out my Cucumber Sailing Boats and my Brainy Salmon Pate

Cultivate your inner ecosystem with this friendly ferment, designed to enhance your digestion and boost immunity. My Mango and Ginger Kvass from Supercharge Your Gut  is a probiotic-rich drink that’s sweet and tart in all the right places. Move over Coca-Cola, this kvass is about to give you a run for your money!

Mango and Ginger Kvass

Makes about 500ml (17fl olz) or 2 cups 

A refreshingly nourishing blend of probiotic and enzyme-rich sweetness and tartness, kvass is a fantastic alternative to soft drinks. You can vary the flavour using different fruits, such as apples, berries and pineapples. Bottoms up! 

The culture starter is optional if using tap water and can be purchased online or from a health food store.  


  • 2 ripe mangoes, peeled and chopped
  • 2.5 cm (1 inch) knob of fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • culture starter (optional, if using tap water; check the packet instructions for the recommended quantity to use)
  • filtered water, to almost fill the jar 


Place the mango and ginger in a sterilised 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cup) mason jar and drizzle in the honey. Add the starter culture, if using. 

Pour enough filtered water into the jar to cover the mixture, but leaving about 2.5 cm (1 inch) of breathing space at the top of the jar, to allow the pressure to build. 

Cover the jar with plastic wrap, then screw the lid on tightly. Leave to sit on the counter for 2 days, shaking the jar periodically. 

After 24–48 hours, you should notice some bubbles. After 24 hours, you can ‘burp’ your brew by opening the lid carefully and then retightening it. This will allow carbon dioxide to be released, so you don’t have an explosion! 

On day two, check your fruit to ensure it is bubbling. It should taste slightly tangy. 

Strain the fruit, pour the kvass into a sterilised glass bottle and store in the fridge. It will keep for 3–4 days. 


Most fruits can be left to ferment for up to 7 days, but so􏰏 fruits such as banana, mango and papaya can be ready in 2 days. It’s best not to over-ferment them, as they can become very sour. 


(1)  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4137549/

(2) https://www.the-scientist.com/the-literature/molecules-found-in-ginger-remodel-the-microbiome-65369

(3) http://www.jonnsaromatherapy.com/pdf/PeppermintOil_LongwoodHerbalTaskForce_2000.pdf

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