
Lucie’s Day on a Plate Day 7


Hello everyone,

Yesterday marked a week on the program for me so I wanted to share my day on a plate and how I’ve been feeling with you.

First of all, I’m still amazed at how NOT hungry I am. This is very unusual for me and I think it all comes down to two things: One, I’ve been eating foods that my body can digest and therefore I’m assimilating all the nutrients my body needs so it doesn’t feel malnourished anymore. Two, I’m listening to my body and stop eating even if there’s still food on my plate, which is hard sometimes as all the recipes I’ve tried so far are delicious!

So, this is how my day went yesterday.

All was well when I woke up; tummy was happy, the sun was shining. I dry-brushed my body, drank my usual lemon-chlorophyll water, massaged my belly with a tennis ball (sounds weird but I find it very helpful to get things moving) and then: drama. I had no berries left in the freezer!

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day; it’s sacred for me, I’m not joking. I get to grumpy if I don’t have a satisfying, proper breakfast.

Sometimes I even go to bed thinking about what I’m going to have for breakfast the next day! Whilst on the program, I’ve decided to avoid grains and eggs for at least the first couple of weeks, as my gut seems to find them particularly hard to digest.

So my breakfast options are a bit limited and I’ve been having smoothies every day and loving it! So you can imagine my despair when I realised I was out of berries. What was I going to eat?!

I looked around and saw my boyfriend’s bananas and kiwifruits he uses in his oatmeal. Bananas were out because of their high sugar content. Kiwifruits, although not ideal for now, are pretty low in fructose.

Hmmmm what to do? Having a kiwifruit in my smoothie felt like cheating. I’m a perfectionist-type A-personality-all-or-nothing kind of gal so the smallest lapse always feels like a total failure to me.

But then I remembered what Lee always says: this is not about being perfect and hard on ourselves and I’m doing the best I can. So I decided to give myself some slack, have a kiwifruit in my smoothie, be a grown-up girl and not make a big deal out of it!


Well, let me tell you, it tasted Ah-mazing, I enjoyed it without guilt and my tummy didn’t complain one bit.

Lucie 1 – Candida 0

I was working from home again so I made the Aromatic Curry Leaf Tisane. It was surprisingly delicious!

I worked away on my laptop then started feeling slightly hungry. I looked at the time and it was 3pm! Crazy. I used to get hungry by noon!


Because I wasn’t very hungry, I wanted something light so I made the Lettuce and Coconut Soup. I used Cos lettuce instead of iceberg and added some turmeric as I love the taste and colour the spice gives to any dish. plus, it’s anti-inflammatory and wonderful for my leaky gut.


Right before eating, I stirred in a few pieces pieces of nori sheets. They soften when heated and add a delicious flavour to soups.

Lettuce and coconut













Four hours later it was already dinnertime and, again, I wasn’t very hungry so I chose to make the Zucchini Soup. I sprinkled some dulse flakes on top. It was creamy, tasty and delicious.













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For dessert I had some Aloe Vera jelly. I’ve been drinking a shot of Aloe Vera juice after dinner lately but yesterday I decided to make some jelly for a change.

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Aloe Vera Jelly

Click here for the recipe or...

To make it, simply heat up 350ml of Aloe Vera juice on the stove, add ½ tsp agar-agar and stir to dissolve. Continue stirring for a couple of minutes. When the mixture starts to boil, remove from heat, add some liquid stevia, vanilla extract, chopped mint or whatever spice you like - even berries would be nice – then pour into an ice cube tray. I topped mine with some shredded coconut. Put in the fridge until set.


It’s very refreshing at the end of a meal. Don’t eat too much of it if you have a tendency to have diarrhoea as it is a mild laxative. It’s also very soothing for your digestive tract.













I'm loving the program so far, it’s much easier than I expected it, unlike diets or cleanses I’ve done in the past, which makes me think that I’m doing the right thing for my body right now.

And as long as my body and gut are happy, I’m happy too!


Lucie xo



Daikon and Endive Salad with a Creamy Spiced Dressing

daikon and endive salad

It’s that time of the year again in Australia. When spring comes around, everybody seems to be “going on a detox”. It’s on the cover of every magazine, a billion celebrities are bestowing it's virtues and it’s very tempting to want to “spring clean” your body and jump on the band wagon.

Although I don’t advocate going on a strict juice detox, I like to naturally support and assist my body's detoxification process by eating specific detoxifying and digestion-enhancing foods.

So today I'm sharing a recipe that will improve your digestion and cleanse your body once you have Healed Your Gut, so you can enjoy for vibrant and energized spring, as opposed to a depleted, post fad detox one!

This recipe is a delicious, fresh salad of daikon and endive, two very powerful vegetables when it comes to digestion and I have topped it off with a spoonful of creamy spiced dressing.

Daikon, a giant white radish and a cousin to red radishes, is used abundantly in Japan and Korea to aid digestion and cleanse blood.

Raw daikon is rich in digestive enzymes, similar to those found in the human digestive tract (amylase, diastase and esterase), which makes it the perfect addition to any meal, especially for people with a weak digestive system as the enzymes assist with the digestion of heavier foods, such as oils and proteins.

To reap all of its super powered digestive benefits, raw daikon is best eaten grated and consumed immediately, as almost half of the enzymes are lost after just thirty minutes.

Other benefits of daikon include:

  • diuretic properties (daikon activates the kidneys tor release excess fluids)
  • decongesting properties
  • good source of vitamin C, and other anti-oxidants to help fight free radicals and boost immunity

Endive, also known as witlof, is another interesting vegetable that will gently cleanse your body and improve your gut function.

As its rich in fiber it helps to flush waste and toxins out of your body to support the detoxification process.

Its bitter taste will enhance the body’s digestive function by stimulating the bile production in the liver, which in turn will help the digestion of fats.

The yoghurt and tahini dressing, with its Indian and middle-eastern spices, turns this salad into a bowl of creamy deliciousness.

Try this recipe and let me know how you like it...

Daikon and endive salad with a creamy spiced dressing

Serves 4

Salad, ingredients:

  • 4 cups daikon, peeled and freshly grated
  • 2 endives, chopped
  • 2 carrots, peeled and grated
  • 2 tablespoons fresh coriander, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons fresh mint, chopped
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon rice malt syrup
  • ½ teaspoon Celtic Sea salt


Dressing, ingredients:

  • 1 cup goat’s or sheep’s milk yoghurt (or coconut yoghurt for dairy free)
  • ½ cup tahini
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons rice malt syrup
  • zest of one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of cayenne pepper
  • crushed hazelnuts, fresh coriander and fresh mint to serve



  • In a bowl, mix daikon, endive and carrots.
  • In another small bowl, whisk together lemon, rice malt syrup, salt, coriander and mint.
  • Mix together with the daikon, endive and carrots and let marinate for 15-30 minutes.
  • In the meantime, prepare the dressing. In a bowl, whisk together the yoghurt, tahini, lemon juice and zest, apple cider vinegar and rice malt syrup. Add the cumin, coriander, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Combine well. Store in the fridge.
  • When ready to eat, serve over the daikon, endive and carrot mixture.
  • Mix well.
  • Serve with some crushed hazelnuts, fresh coriander and mint.

To find out more about my Heal Your Gut four week program, click here.



Lucie’s Day on a Plate Week One HYG



I’m Lucie, I’m doing the program too so I wanted to say hello and share what I’ve been eating and how I’ve been feeling with you all.

I started the program because I’ve been feeling fatigued and my digestion has been really out of whack lately.  I decided to start with a fasting day consisting of warm water with lemon and liquid chlorophyll, organic vegetable broth, homemade chicken stock and chamomile tea. I drank a lot. Like, A LOT. And surprisingly I didn’t get hungry once. Weird. I think my digestive system really needed the rest.

This morning I felt light and motivated to dive into the program.  I must say the flatter stomach – which hadn’t happened in months - hello five-month-pregnant look on a daily basis! – helped with the motivation.

After my usual warm water with lemon and liquid chlorophyll, I made the Blueberry Smoothie with added hemp protein powder.  I tend to get hungry pretty quickly in the morning if I don’t add protein to my smoothies and I also added a pinch of slippery elm to make the smoothie a bit thicker.  I like to eat mine with a spoon. I also added some gelatine to soothe and repair my gut lining. It was delicious and the perfect low-fructose, alkaline breakfast to replenish my body after fasting yesterday

 Bluebs Smoothie

Apologies about the not-so-appetising picture but hemp protein makes everything look brownish!.

Throughout the morning, I sipped on homemade mint and ginger tea. I simply put some fresh mint leaves and slices of ginger into a teapot, poured boiling water over, let sip for ten minutes, strained and added a few drops of liquid stevia. It tasted yummy and very soothing for the digestive track.

I didn’t get hungry until 2pm, which, again, is SO not like me. For me, this program is all about re-learning how to listen to my body and I’m already amazed. I too often eat out of habit, boredom, anger, sadness and years of doing so have weakened my digestive system.

When I first embarked on the program, I promised myself to eat whenever I was hungry and never feel deprived.  I used to be a chronic dieter and don’t want to go back there.  I also told myself that I would only eat when I was physically hungry, to turn inward and pay attention to my body’s cues. Lee really emphasises this on the program and I feel like it is really helping me to differentiate between real hunger or whether I am having an emotional craving.  No I’m only two days in the program and it’s pretty clear to me that I very often eat more than my body actually needs!

For lunch, I made the Anti-Inflammatory Cauliflower Soup, which totally hit the spot. It was creamy and comforting, yet very tasty with all the warming spices: ginger, turmeric, cumin and curry. I also loved the bright colour that turmeric gave to the soup. I'll definitely be making this one again soon!

Cauli soup 1

The two main challenges for me when it comes to eating are being mindful and chewing. I’m pretty good at eating slowly and chewing properly when I’m eating with someone but when I’m by myself, it’s a complete different story. It’s like Instagram is calling my name and I MUST.CHECK.IT.NOW...

I have in the past found it impossible for me to focus one hundred percent on the act of eating. It makes me so angry and I tell myself I won’t do it again, yet, at the next meal, it’s the same story all over again.

So today, as I’m working from home, I put my phone, laptop, the book I’m currently reading and my notebook and pen in the bedroom.  I never watch TV so it’s not a problem for me either.  This really helped by not being tempted to “look at it just for a minute”, which always turns into the entire meal that I finish in under 10 minutes, wondering where it all went.

It was an interesting experience. I felt bored and a bit uncomfortable. I think I’m going to have to keep treating myself like a four-year old at each meal until I feel more settled and connected to myself and the food I’m eating! As we all know, this is paramount for good digestion and I really need all the help I can get!  I read Lee’s newsletter about mindful eating and this really helped me to put my eating into perspective.

As I had a late lunch I didn’t feel hungry until 7pm. That’s when I put some spinach and kale in a pan with coconut oil, added some garlic, cumin, curry and salt and pepper and one cup of almond milk. I purposely made it pretty thick, more like a mash than a soup and served it with dulse flakes. It was delicious and I may or may have not eaten too much of it 🙂

Spinach mash 1

I made large portions of each recipe that I cooked today. This means that I’ll be eating the same breakfast, lunch and dinner two days in a row but I’d rather eat the same delicious meals, knowing that I’m giving my gut all it needs to heal than having to spend each evening cooking three different meals to bring to work the next day or stress about not finding a suitable option in the food court. This is a personal choice but it works for me.

I hope you enjoyed my “Day on the Plate”.

All in all it was delicious and pretty easy.  I’m actually surprised how comforting and satisfying blended food is! I also thought that I would be hungry all the time but it was quite the opposite really.

I’ll be back in a few days to report on my experience. In the meantime, enjoy your soups, mashes and bowls but most importantly, as Lee says, please listen to your body! If it’s telling you it needs solid food, more animal protein or a warm breakfast, do as it says. Your body knows best.

Lucie 🙂

HYG for Vegetarians and Sneaking More Protein into Your Meals


Welcome to all of our lovely vegetarians on the program, I know there are a large number of you so I wanted to address the protein elephant in the room 🙂

If you’re vegetarian and want to increase your protein intake whilst on the elemental diet you have a few options that you can implement to help you during the first four weeks:

  • Add one cup cooked quinoa to your soups, which will provide you with adequate protein (8g per cup) and nine essential amino acids.
  • Remember to choose protein rich options such as green peas (one cup contains 7.9g), broccoli (8g per cup), artichokes (6g per cup) and leafy greens.
  • Use nut milk in your smoothies (almond, cashew and pistachios are the highest in protein).
  • Take spirulina tablets or add spirulina powder to your smoothies. Spirulina is one of the highest known protein sources on Earth, containing 70% complete protein. Steak consists of only 25% protein once cooked!).
  • Add hemp powder to your smoothies, which has 10g of protein per 3 tablespoons.
  • If they agree with you, and your tummy can handle them, why not add a sprinkle of chia seeds to desserts (you will get 5g per 2 tablespoons).
  • Make the Chocolate mousse in the recipe section of the portal, as the cacao will provide you with protein, but please remember that cacao contains caffeine so should be eaten in moderation while on the program and earlier in the day is best.
  • If you’re not vegan, bee pollen can be sprinkled on top of smoothies, porridge or desserts for a healthy protein boost.

Also, if you can tolerate them and don’t have candida symptoms, after the first couple of weeks you can add lentils, chickpeas, white beans and pinto beans, which are high in protein.   Please always remember to soak them overnight and rinse them well so that they are easy to digest.  Adding some seaweed like kombu in the cooking water, will make them more bio-available and easier on the tummy. Add to soups with ¼ cup of quinoa for maximum protein absorption and blend.

Did you know that a little less than one tablespoon of nutritional yeast supplies the adult recommended daily amount of Vitamin B12. So enjoy a warm bowl of Turnip and Cauliflower or Broccoli, Kale and Mint soup.  I also want to let you know that if you have candida symptoms, eat nutritional yeast in moderation and monitor your reactions.

Animal protein can be hard to digest for many of us, so, even if you’re not vegetarian, consider limiting your consumption of meat, fish and eggs in the next few weeks and see how you feel. You may be worried about removing those foods from their diet but very often feel great when limiting them to two to three serves per week.

Lee xo


Liver Cleansing Dip

liver cleansing dip

It’s time to show your liver some love.  Your liver is your largest internal organ and responsible for a variety of very important functions, including supporting your digestive system and detoxification process.


One of the most important tasks that your liver attends to is breaking down everything that enters your body: food, liquids, supplements, medicines, and chemicals. The liver also produces bile, an important substance for detoxifying your body and breaking down fat.


But when the liver is clogged up and overwhelmed with toxins it cannot do its job effectively and we can become tired and stressed.


Because, your liver is similar to a filter, all the foods you eat, drink and breathe pass through it. Although your body has its own detoxification process, assisting it by eating the right foods, can greatly improve your health and well-being.


I’ve created an all-round delicious dip recipe packed with many as ten liver cleansing ingredients all whilst keeping it creamy and delicious!


Spread this on Spinach bread, or Lemony Herb Crackers, and eat alongside a daikon and endive salad for a thoroughly cleansing meal and liver loving meal.


Liver cleansing dip



  • 1 large avocado, mashed
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ½ small red onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • ½ cup Brazil nuts + a few for garnish
  • 2 firmly packed cups of raw baby spinach
  • 1 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
  • Freshly cracked black pepper
  • chili flakes to taste
  • 1 tablespoons coriander, finely chopped + a few leaves for garnish
  • Optional: 1 tomato, chopped



  • In a bowl, roughly mash the avocado with a fork.
  • Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt, pepper, chili flakes and chopped coriander.
  • In a blender, add the onion, baby spinach, Brazil nuts and garlic along with 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil. You want the dip to be on the chunky side so you might want to use a “chop” setting.
  • Add the mixture into the bowl and mix with the avocado.
  • Cover and store in fridge until ready to use.
  • Serve with crushed Brazil nuts and fresh coriander.
  • If using, add chopped tomato just before serving.

Try it let me know what you think in the comments section below!


Have you heard about my four week Heal Your Gut Program?  Registrations are open now.  Course starts on Monday 8th August 2016.  Find out more here.


Lee xo

Heal Your Gut Four Week Program

happy girl

I’m so excited to let you know about the launch of my brand new Four Week Heal Your Gut program.  

If you’ve been feeling bloated, gassy, foggy or tired lately or  getting sick more often than usual, then this program can help. Or if you’re suffering from a condition that can be aggravated by diet and a poorly functioning digestive system, food allergies or intolerances, rashes, acne or IBD, IBS, Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, leaky gut, inflammatory issues, thyroid problems, neurological disorders, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia or other auto immune conditions my Heal Your Gut program will appeal to you and put you on the right path to better health.

As many of you already know, six years ago I was diagnosed with a non-specific autoimmune disease and fibromyalgia. I spent the first two years going from doctor to doctor, taking immuno-suppressants, antibiotics, steroids, anti-cancer drugs, anti-inflammatories and the list goes on, in fact I was taking up to twenty pills a day, whilst not feeling any better. I felt nauseous, exhausted and foggy almost every day and was crippled by food intolerances and arthritis. Sick of being constantly sick I looked inside and found that the health of my gut was responsible for many of my symptoms.

Once I started healing my gut, I was better able to absorb the nutrients from the food I was eating, and getting a lot more nourishment, which in turn supported my healing process.  I began by including lots of easily digestible foods in my diet to give my digestive system a chance to heal and recover. I stayed on this elemental diet for four weeks and the results were nothing short of incredible.  After I started repairing and replenishing my gut, I was able to reintroduce more foods and by then I was actually absorbing more nutrients and my health started to greatly improve.

The gut protocol that I followed has changed my life for the better and I now live an energetic, full and healthy life.

Many of you already have my eBook Heal Your Gut, and have been enjoying great results from the program and now even more people have come to me asking for help with their digestive issues. There’s so much conflicting information out there, I know how confusing and frustrating trying to be healthy can be.

That’s why I’ve decided to bring the program online so that you have all of the information in one place and 24/7 access to help from myself and my dream team of experts including integrative medical practitioners, nutritionists, naturopaths, kinesiologists, meditation and mindfulness experts and scientists.  The program is also suitable for vegetarians.

You desperately want to heal yourself and feel vibrant again but you don’t know where to start. I have been there!

That’s why I’ve created a program where I share all the knowledge and information I’ve gathered during those years spent investigating and overcoming my own health issues.

Your gut is the gateway to a healthy brain and immune system. Approximately seventy to eighty percent of your immune tissue is located within your digestive system, which is why it needs to be thriving and healthy in order to avoid illness.  The health of your digestive system directly impacts the functioning of your brain.  Which is why a dysregulated gut is linked to the development of a range of illnesses from autism and depression, to autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s, inflammatory bowel disease and type 1diabetes.

As you can see, having a healthy gut has a great impact on your overall health.

This program is for you if you have been suffering from any of the following:

  • digestive disturbances such as bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea, new sensitivities to foods eaten regularly
  • stress
  • chronic fatigue, lethargy, brain fog
  • depression
  • muscle and joint pain and fibromyalgia
  • autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma or multiple sclerosis
  • low immune system
  • acne
  • skin and allergy problems
  • oral and vaginal thrush, urinary tract infections

You'll also benefit from the program if you are:

  • eating a diet high in sugar, carbohydrates, preservatives and additives (the typical modern diet)
  • taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS), steroids, antidepressants, statins, laxatives and antacids
  • taking the birth-control pill
  • drinking tap water, which contains chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine
  • exposed to and absorbing toxins (conventional beauty and household products)

The Heal Your Gut program will provide you with information and a healing gut protocol along with easy to make, anti-inflammatory and easy to digest delicious recipes.  By following the protocol you’ll feel more vibrant and alive and have energy to burn.

Although changing the way you nourish your body and following the Heal Your Gut diet will have a major role in healing your gut, this program is not only about telling you what to eat and what not to eat. Food can nourish or harm your body but other factors can have the same effect too.

If you are sleep-deprived, hate your job, constantly argue with your partner and overload your body with toxins and chemicals, your health will suffer as well.

This is why I will share with you a holistic approach to healing your gut where I will encourage you to look at all areas of your life and reconsider what being healthy means.

I will teach you self-care, stress-relieving practices and ways to avoid toxins in your body, house and emotional life.

To see long-lasting results, you need a holistic approach that goes beyond eating a good diet only. The simple changes I will show you during the program will impact your health in such a positive way, your body and mind will thank you for it.

The program starts on Monday 8th August 2016 and runs for four weeks where you will be supported every step of the way. 

Once you sign up, you’ll be able to log onto the private Heal Your Gut portal where you’ll have access to: 

  • Heal Your Gut treatment protocol
  • 100 delicious, healing recipes
  • Printable meal planners
  • Shopping list
  • Information on gut-healing herbs and natural antibiotics and anti-microbials
  • Yoga poses for digestion
  • Latest research and scientific findings
  • Reading list
  • Information on how to safely reintroduce food after completion of the program
  • The Heal Your Gut eBook
  • Resident experts in their fields who will share their knowledge on specific gut-healing topics
  • Information on dealing with cravings, managing detox reactions, avoiding chemicals in your house and beauty cabinet, how to eat get organised

As a Heal Your Gut participant, you will also:

  • receive regular emails and videos where I will share additional tips to support and enhance your gut healing process
  • be invited to the Heal Your Gut private facebook group where you’ll be able to share your experience and ask questions
  • have access to 24/7 support for any questions, concerns or needs you may have
  • be able to participate in weekly giveaways 

If this sounds like it would benefit you, click here to find more information about the program. 

Or watch my video here.


If you’re sick of being sick and ready to heal your gut once and for all and get your health and vitality back, I would love to have you on the program.

Join me here for four weeks of deep healing and self-care!

Let’s Do This…


Intermittent Fasting and My Day on a Plate

Image from Gourmet Traveller

Image from Gourmet Traveller

As many of you are probably already aware, I’m all about gut health. One of the most important steps in my personal recovery was healing my digestive system and as my gut lining started repairing itself and my gut flora became balanced, every aspect of my health dramatically improved.

It’s fascinating what an astoundingly accurate reflection of our emotional state our gut is. Conversely, if we take care of our digestive system, our emotions and mood will be affected in a positive way.

So if you want to feel great physically and emotionally, your best bet is to look after your gut to ensure that it is performing optimally. This means nourishing it with organic, natural, wholefoods, hydrating it with pure, filtered water and green juices, giving it a little boost with some probiotics and fermented foods and supporting it by eating slowly and mindfully, chewing thoroughly and keeping stress and negative emotions at bay.

However, your digestive system, the same as you, sometimes needs a little rest to be able to function at its best. That’s when intermittent fasting (or IF) can be really helpful.

Twice a week, I do IF to give my digestive system some well-needed restorative time. IF doesn’t mean that you have to stop eating altogether and starve yourself for the entire day. You can simply eat less and focus on nutrient-rich and easy to digest foods.


Blueberry and Pistachio Pancakes

Blueberry and pistachio pancakesPancakes stack up to be one of the most versatile breakfast foods, sweet or savoury, thick or thin, plain or filled and topped with all sorts of deliciousness.


Since they’re straightforward and speedy to make, they end up as a firm favourite upon my breakfast table on lazy weekend mornings. But the flipside of pancakes is their unhealthy reputation, think refined white flour, white sugar, additives and homogenised milk.


But not all pancakes need to be filled with questionable ingredients. Enter coconut flour, blueberries and pistachios, a combination of ingredients that collide effortlessly; the sweetness and freshness of blueberries complemented beautifully by the crunchy, earthy, nuttiness of the pistachios all resting delicately upon a fluffy, finely balanced base.


Both blueberries and pistachios are nutritional livewires and including them both in your recipes will enhance your health.



  • Are rich in antioxidants: anthocyanidin, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium, zinc.
  • Contain phytonutrients, which decrease harmful free radicals levels in the body, protecting it against aging, degenerative diseases and infections.
  • Are good for lowering blood sugar levels because they contain chlorogenic acid.
  • Can help prevent bladder infections by preventing bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder, according to the National Institutes of Health.
  • Catechins found in blueberries have fat-burning properties to assist with abdominal fat loss. According to research at Tufts University, regularly ingesting catechins increases abdominal fat loss by 77 percent and double total weight loss!
  • Have a high fibre content.

Remember that berries are heavily sprayed with pesticides so choose organic when possible. Organic frozen blueberries are a very good option as the berries are picked at the peak of their season and quickly packed after they are harvested, preserving their vitamins and mineral content.


Pistachios are one of my favourite tasting nuts and one of the few nuts that contain most of the nutrients that are required by humans for complete health.


Anti- inflammatory pistachios contain nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fibre, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, vitamin B-6, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin K.  They’re also protein rich and have been shown to reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol after only a short period of regular consumption.


A healthy immune system requires adequate intake of vitamin B6, which pistachios abound in. Vitamin B6 found in pistachios also helps the body make healthy red blood cells, and maintain the health of lymphoid glands, ensuring the production of white blood cells that defend the body from infections.


My latest pancake batter is very adaptable and stays fresh in the fridge for at least three days. The blueberries and pistachios can be replaced with strawberries and pecans or walnuts or whatever you have in your nut stash.


If nuts aren’t on the agenda for you, omit them altogether and replace with shredded coconut.


Just remember to have fun with it!  I often serve mine with a respectable dollop of chai spiced coconut whipped cream and I’ve included the recipe for this below.


Serves 4





  • 4 eggs
  • 1 ½ cup almond milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • stevia to taste
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 2/3 cup pistachios, finely chopped
  • coconut oil for frying


Chai coconut cream

  • 1 can of coconut milk
  • ½ tsp ground cardamom
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • stevia to taste


Pancakes, method

  • In a medium bowl, beat the eggs until frothy.
  • Add the milk and vanilla until and mix well.
  • Sift the flour, baking soda, salt and stevia into the wet mixture and stir until combined.
  • Fold in blueberries and pistachios.
  • Grease the pan with coconut oil over medium heat. Once the pan is hot ladle ¼ cup of the pancake mixture and cook until golden brown. Flip and cook until golden. Repeat with remaining batter.


Chai coconut cream

  • Place the can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight (or even up to 24 hours).
  • When you open the can, scoop out the thick layer of cream on top. Take only the cream and leave the coconut water (use in your next smoothie!)
  • Place the coconut cream in your blender or hand mixer and whip on high for 1 minute.
  • Add in cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract and stevia and whip for another couple of minutes or until you get a whipped cream consistency.


To serve:

  • Stack the pancakes on a plate and top with chai coconut cream, fresh berries and a few pistachios. Drizzle some rice malt syrup over the stack.
  • Enjoy!

Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

PS: Have you heard about my new four week Heal Your Gut program yet? It starts on Monday 8th August 2016.  Find out more here.

The Vitality Show is Coming!

Vitality is a fresh new experience coming to Sydney this spring. A haven from the hustle and bustle of the city and a place to indulge yourself in a spot of retail therapy, pampering, hair styling, fitness classes, education and much more.

Come and take part in my gentle Hatha Yoga classes at Vitality on 11 October at 2.30pm and Sunday 12 October at 4.00pm. Plus bring along a girlfriend for free with my special ticket offer!

Simply enter in promo code ‘SUPER’ when purchasing your tickets and receive 2 for $20.

Visit www.vitalityshow.com.au for more details.


Over 80 brands

  • Dermalogica Treatment Zone
  • ghd styling bar
  • Vitality Nail & Pamper Bar
  • The Canon Main Stage
  • Empowerment Stage
  • Fitness & Yoga Zone
  • Sexual Health & Wellness Zone
  • Cooking & Nutrition Stage

With over 90 demonstrations and presentations across 3 days, make sure you purchase your ticket to Vitality and glow inside and out!

Teriyaki Chicken Bowl

chicken teriyaki (2)

When I fall in love with a dish, I always want to reach for my thinking cap and create a healthy version of it.  This may sound to you like culinary madness but this week my mission in the kitchen has been to create a simple Japanese Chicken Teriyaki recipe, filled with nutritious ingredients yet still full of flavour and one that genuinely looks the part. Mr Miyagi? Yes Daniel son!

Stir-fries are great options for mid-week fuss-free meals especially if you’re time-poor yet want something nourishing and filling. My latest recipe can easily be converted to a slow cooked version by skipping the marinade and placing chicken and your choice of vegetables in your slow cooker, pouring the sauce on top and slowly cooking it for about 6-8 hours on low.

Eating healthily doesn’t mean depriving yourself or eating less, it just means eating better and smarter.  The main ingredients to step away from when crafting a healthy home-made Teriyaki marinade are modified corn starch, sunflower oil, breadcrumbs and supermarket processed Asian sauces which are usually full of preservatives and sugar.  You can still enjoy a robust salty taste with a hint of sweetness from a low sugar, low sodium version, just by including ingredients like wheat free tamari, rice malt syrup and coconut oil.

The benefit of stir-fries is that you can veg them up and showcase seasonal ingredients by including anything you have lying about in your fridge. I used broccoli and red and green capsicum which are high in vitamin A and C, as well as potassium, which is important for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs in the human body. When in doubt just let your healthy ingredients crowd out other ingredients and add lots of greens or colours of the rainbow.

This recipe is a corker for the whole family and the richly infused Teriyaki sauce is a nutrient boosting box and dice sauce which can be used to take dishes up a notch.  Slap it on top of grilled chicken wings or legs for game day snacks or pan fry salmon with it and position on top of a sky high crunchy slaw.

Try my Chicken Teriyaki Bowl, bursting with goodness and vitality and let me know what you think?


Chicken Teriyaki Bowl


Serves 4


Ingredients to make the chicken marinade
  • 4 chicken breast fillets cut into bite-size pieces or strips
  • 2 TBS wheat free tamari
Ingredients for stir fry
  • 11/2 TBS coconut oil
  • 2 cloves garlic sliced
  • 1 inch ginger grated
  • 1 small red capsicum sliced thin
  • 1 small green capsicum sliced thin
  • 1 small head broccoli chopped
  • 1/2 small red chili deseeded and diced fine
  • 3 spring onions, chopped (reserve some for garnish)
  • 1 TBS toasted sesame seeds
 Yummy Teriyaki Sauce
  • 1/4 cup wheat free tamari
  • 3 TBS rice malt syrup or sweetener of choice
  • 2 TBS apple cider vinegar
  • 1 1/2 heaped tsp arrowroot flour
  • 1 TBS coconut oil (melted)
  • Place chicken in a medium bowl and pour the tamari over the top to cover. Stir if needed.  Set aside for 1 hour to marinade
  • Heat a large wok or frying pan over medium heat
  • Add 3/4 TBS coconut oil and swirl the pan to coat
  • Add garlic, ginger and chicken and cook until lightly browned and cooked through
  • Transfer to a bowl and set aside
  • Add remaining coconut oil to the pan and then add capsicum, broccoli, chili and spring onions, (reserving some spring onions for garnish) stirring until cooked about 5 minutes
  • Meanwhile whisk all sauce ingredients together in a medium jug
  • Return the chicken to the frying pan and pour sauce over the top stirring until sauce thickens, about a minute
  • Spoon into waiting bowls and top with toasted sesame seeds
  • Serve alongside brown rice

Find my recipe books here.

5 Ways to Spring Clean and Heal Your Gut

happy girlIf the words internal spring clean have you anticipating a week of ingesting bottles of cayenne pepper, lemon and maple syrup and it gives you the dreads then read on.

There are less gentler expungement methods of releasing the sluggishness of winter and enjoying an internal spring clean than dramatic master cleanses.  You don’t need to live off roughage and rabbit food or partake in faddish five day juice detoxes and down slippery elm to enjoy the benefits of healing your gut simply and in your own time.

Here are five simple and effective ways to gently give your gut a good seasonal clean and alleviate gastrointestinal anguish.

Maintain a healthy balance of gut flora

A healthy gut flora balance should include approximately eighty five percent good bacteria to around fifteen percent bad bacteria. However the modern diet that is high in sugar, carbohydrates, preservatives and additives is the perfect breeding ground for promoting an overgrowth of bad bacteria that will kill off your healthy gut flora very quickly.

Other causes of this imbalance include the intake of modern medicines such as antibiotics, or drinking tap water; which contains chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine. If you suffer from acne, low energy, digestive problems, or low immunity; chances are that you have an imbalance in your gut flora that needs to be rectified.

Cutting down on sugar, increasing your intake of dietary fibre, anti-inflammatory healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil and avocadoes, and increasing antioxidant rich foods will help to eliminate bad bacteria. Probiotic and fibre rich foods and an abundance of fresh vegetables including leafy greens will sweep out bad bacteria from your system and have an alkalizing effect on the magical universe within, promoting a healthy gut flora balance.

Rest your tummy twice a week

It’s not difficult to plant your gut in repair mode pronto.  Giving the digestive system a rest a couple of times a week is not rocket science and it will help to fast track your gut lining rebuilding.  Evidence is stacking up towards the benefits of intermittent fasting.

I don’t agree that you need to “fad fast” with no food at all to promote great gut healing.  On your fasting days you can consume a delicious array of health promoting soups that not only fill you up but provide you with beneficial vitamins and minerals.  It’s important not to fast in an extreme way whereby you fall into the trap of not eating at all and then having free reign the following day to gorge out on too much food.  It will become a counterproductive mind trip and will set you up for failure.


Celery, Leek and Thyme Soup

Celery and Leek Soup

I’m back. Apologies for my lack of recipe posts lately. I’ve been working on bringing my Heal Your Gut eBook to life in the form of an online program which starts next month (October) and a print book published mid next year.

This self imposed exhile has been a great excuse to sip on soupy creations, served warm in tea mugs whilst beavering away.  Today I want to share with you one of my particular favourites.

Although it may not be the ultimate eye candy, consider this soup as a bowl of anti-inflammatory goodness. You don’t need potatoes to herald a comfort factor. The combination of celery and leek brings with it a mellow flavour and creaminess without the use of heavy cream.

Celery is best known for its ability to lower blood pressure, but it also helps protect against inflammation within the digestive tract, and aids in digestion. Combined with leeks, which are high in vitamins and minerals, this recipe is a great option to include when you feel like having a belly good holiday.

Leeks contain kaempferol, a natural flavonol that's also found in broccoli, kale, and cabbage. Numerous preclinical studies have shown that kaempferol have a wide range of pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, antidiabetic, anti-osteoporotic, estrogenic/antiestrogenic, anxiolytic, analgesic and antiallergic activities. That’s a lot of big words which basically mean it’s eat it, cause it's good for you!

This soup is adaptable and can be used as a base for whatever veggies you have hanging about in the fridge.  You can omit the cashews and add one cup of coconut milk instead if you prefer.

Here’s how to create my magically gut healing Celery, Leek and Thyme Soup.



Serves 4


  • 1 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 1 leek chopped
  • 1 1/2 heads celery, sliced into 1/2 cm chunks (Throw in a few leaves too if you’re keen)
  • 2 cardamom pods, seeds only
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 litre vegetable stock
  • 2/3 cup cashew nuts
  • ½ cup coconut milk


  • In a heavy based pan heat oil and add garlic and leek
  • Add celery and cardamom and thyme and cook for a further 5 mins
  • Add stock and bring to the boil then lower heat and cook until celery is tender
  • Remove and place in a blender with cashew nuts and blend until smooth
  • Return to pan add coconut milk and warm through
  • Ladle into bowls

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