
Green Eggs No Ham Frittata

Ever looked in the fridge and wondered, what can I make for dinner tonight? It’s a question that comes up regularly in kitchens across the world. I know it’s the most repeated question in our house! Especially at a time like this when many people are in self-isolation because of Corona Virus.

In these instances, when I’m not sure what to make and I’m looking for a fool-proof, easy meal with a big hit of vegetables, I always go to my ‘fall-back favourite’, the trusted frittata.

It's also affordable to make at $3.25 per serve (6 people) plus you have leftovers too!

This high protein, green filled meal is not only supercharged, but also perfect for vegetarians. It’s a great way to get a big hit of vegetables in one go, just my style!

What I love about frittatas is that you can easily mix and match ingredients and basically use whatever you have sitting in your crisper drawer or even use frozen vegetables if you don’t have access to fresh right now. Having a couple of packets of snap frozen vegetables in your freezer will still make this recipe work. Stock up on edamame peas, spinach, broccoli and green beans and you’ll have handy healthy ingredients to throw into the mix. Check out my free 14-day Healthy Shopping List and Kitchen Plan here.

I usually pair a slice for dinner with some greens and a side of Savoury Smashed Root Vegetables, then we store the remainder in an airtight container for the following day. I call it supercharged stockpiling!

The frittata leftovers are then sliced into wedges to pack for lunches, another dinner option, or snacks. It’s also a viable option if you are travelling into work at this time, as it’s wonderful eaten as a cold dish, plus it’s perfectly easy to warehouse.

When creating supercharged meals, think about adding different herbs, spices and flavours and different textures and temperatures, as this will give you variety and the sense that you’re not eating the same meal over and over.

I’ve used garlic in this dish, as it’s a winning ingredient because not only does it intensify a dish and impart rich flavour, it’s also an all-rounder when it comes to promoting health. Garlic is a strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent, which is why getting stuck into it during cold and flu season, can help you stay healthy.

When you start by sautéing onion or garlic at the beginning of your cooking story, you’ll find they’ll unleash a powerful flavour that lends itself to releasing the aromas of other ingredients in your dish. Some people like to add it in towards the end of a dish; it’s entirely up to you. What is so good about the strong flavour profile is that it will only increase the longer you wait to eat it. That’s why it’s perfect to include in a dish you plan on reheating the next day.

Frittatas lend themselves to the use of different herbs and spices, adding a delicious aroma to your meal in addition to loading your dish up with health-promoting properties. This is especially important for families who need to satisfy the taste buds of their children or partners.

Discovering the different flavours and aromas of herbs and spices already in your pantry can be the difference between your family pushing their plates away and eating their meals with delight.

If the thought of herbs and spices gets you into a muddle and tarragon and oregano sound like American states, I’ve created a wonderful reference guide which includes all of the most common and some uncommon herbs and spices here. I’ve detailed thirty-seven of my favourite herbs and spices to zest and flavour your meals and give them a whole new lease on life.

A Supercharged tip is to store dried herbs and spices in a cool, dry place preferable not above the oven. This will keep them in peak condition. Dried or dehydrated herbs keep fresh for a year but it’s helpful to write use by dates and label them just to make sure.

I always try to stock some good quality sea salt or pink Himalayan salt in the pantry, which contain minerals to add even more nutrition and great flavour to your cooking.

Adding sweet vegetables such as frozen peas to your meals will give you the fibre needed for good gut health, one of my key principles for health and they taste wonderful in this frittata.

If you don’t have fresh tomatoes on hand as I’ve used in this recipe, you can still add sweetness and a richness of flavour to your meal by using tinned tomatoes. They’re a versatile and low-calorie product good to have on hand in your pantry and can be used at a moments notice.

I always cook this frittata in my trusted Chasseur Casserole Buffet Pan, it’s not just for frittatas, and you can use it for just about everything on the stovetop. I love that it gives the frittata a lovely evenly cooked result, plus its oven friendly. I recently teamed up with Everten, an Australian family business that have a great range of kitchenware and cookware from leading brands across the world as I am really keen to support local businesses at this time. They send it packed in recycled materials with 100% biodegradable air pillows to protect it, and you can then add them to your compost or garden bed by adding a small amount of water. Basically you are feeding yourself and the garden at the same time!

There’s always a certain amount of egg-xiety when it comes to frittata making, no one wants to look down on their plate and find a spongy overcooked or runny undercooked mess, but this pan just seems to nail it every single time. This dish slides out of the pan effortlessly and cleanly, because the pan is double coated, enamelled cast iron, which is the preferable one to use. A thick cast iron base gives a more even heat distribution & fuel-efficiency to make cooking easier & more economical. Plus a tip is to slide it out of the pan immediately after it’s been grilled that way it comes out easily.

I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve when making a good frittata. One is to monitor the stovetop heat (medium to low) and then crisp and fluff it up under the grill until puffy. I also think the right cheese makes a difference and Fetta or goat’s cheese is the key here, you want the right amount of saltiness but not too much!

I’ve served it on my favourite Ecology Oatmeal Speckled dinnerware.

The range has an environmentally friendly production process (no coal furnaces are used in manufacturing). It has a lovely organic shape with a dimpled tactile finish giving it an earthy wholesome feel.

Enjoy my Green Eggs No Ham Frittata hot or cold and in any kind of weather. Putting it under the grill will give you a golden brown with a crusty top.

And another little tip from me, make this recipe in a muffin tin, and when cooked they can be stored in the fridge for four to five days.

Green Eggs No Ham Frittata


  • 6 eggs
  • 2 garlic cloves chopped
  • handful chopped herbs, I used mint, parsley, rosemary, coriander, thyme and basil
  • splash of oat milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • handful of kale
  • pinch chili flakes
  • 2 cups frozen minted peas
  • 6 small truss tomatoes halved
  • ½ cup goat’s cheese or feta


Whisk eggs in a bowl and add garlic, herbs and milk

Heat oil in a buffet pan and add kale, sautéing for a couple of minutes then sprinkle with chili flakes

Stir through the peas on a gentle heat

Add egg mixture to the pan and add tomatoes and cheese

Cook over a low to medium heat for 8-10 minutes or until almost set

Place under a grill for 3-5 minutes until puffy on top

Serve with fresh greens

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

My Lockdown Gut Immunity Smoothie Video

I’d love to introduce you to the smoothie I’ve been having on the regular for the last few weeks. It helps to clean and prime the gut, it repopulates your good bacteria, feeds them with healthy prebiotic rich fibres and also provides the amino acids needed to repair and rebuild the intestinal wall, strengthening it, so that you can absorb more nutrients from the foods that you’re eating.

Did you know that a whopping 80% of your immune tissue and cells reside within your gut?

This means the gut is essential when it comes to having a strong and robust immune system. A clean, healthy and loved gut ensures the best environment for disease-fighting (good) bacteria to thrive. Good bacteria are allies for your immune cells and communicate with them to keep you healthy.

Your gut is your first entry point for pathogens and bacteria, and the good flora that resides in your gut helps to reduce harmful substances from entering, and being absorbed through the gut lining, it also regulates and stabilises your digestion and trains your immune system to communicate with your brain.

Your gut really is your gateway to your immune system.

Today I’m breaking down my Supercharged Gut Immunity Smoothie piece by piece so you can look at why these gut friendly ingredients are useful:

  • Celery: Has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties and its seeds are useful in the treatment of bronchitis.
  • Carrot: A prebiotic, can inhibit the growth of undesirable bad bacteria, without negatively affecting good probiotic species
  • Cucumber: Promotes hydration and removal of waste products.
  • Rocket (Arugula): is natural anti-histamine and being alkaline, it helps to balance your body's optimal pH, which is vital for a healthy digestive system.
  • Kale: Studies show kale is rich in vitamins (A, K, C, folate), essential minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium), and dietary fibre.
  • Blueberries: are rich in anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and may alter the gut microbiota
  • Banana: When just under ripe they serve as good prebiotics for the digestive system and when ripe they help with bloating
  • Mango: Contains a combination of polyphenols and fibre. This is the kind of fibre which is effective in relieving constipation
  • Kefir or yoghurt: Rocket fuel for good bacteria in the gut.
  • Golden gut blend: Is a cleaner and primer for the gut with the addition of turmeric, which has potent anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Plant based protein powder: Beneficially impacts the intestinal environment to enhance digestion.
  • Collagen: Your villi along the intestinal wall are made up of collagen and its amino acids can help seal the gut and support connective tissue.

If you don’t have access to fresh vegetables it’s ok to use whatever you have frozen. I’m growing kale and rocket in the garden at the moment and I put it into the freezer and use that. It’s easy to grow even it you have it in a pot. Don’t forget that it’s ok to freeze your greens like spinach, kale and rocket too. If you're in need of a FREE 14-day shopping list and tips how to stock your fridge, freezer and pantry you can get it here. This well works in a high speed blender.

For more ideas on how to support your immune system, click here and here.

Love Your Gut powder, capsules and Golden Gut Blend gently clean your gut. Their pH of 8 keeps it nice and balanced, eliminating harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites and ensuring you have the right balance of good and bad bacteria.

Think of it like brushing your teeth - if you skip a brush you can feel the bacteria and plaque on your teeth. It's the same with your gut.

Keep it clean so it can do its work alongside your immune cells to keep you strong and healthy.

Please enjoy this delicious smoothie and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

My Lockdown Gut Immunity Smoothie

Serves 2


  • 2 sticks celery
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • Handful rocket
  • Handful kale
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 1/4 cup kefir or yoghurt
  • 1/2 tsp ginger (optional)
  • 1 tsp golden gut blend
  • Scoop plant based protein powder
  • Scoop collagen
  • 1/2 cup water


Place in bender and whizz until smooth

Lee xo

Self Isolation Can Be Cannelloni, Try my Delicious Pantry Pasta (Tuna and Red Lentil)

As the coronavirus (Covid-19) is impacting people all across the world, many people are turning to their pantries and discovering new ways to cook with shelf-stable staples.

I’d love to share with you my quick as a flash, Supercharged Pantry Pasta. This delicious dish is made with minimal ingredients that are not only shelf stable, but also for those concerned about budget, it’s affordable, coming in at just $3.80 per serve.

There are so many reasons to fall tortellini in love with it.

The ingredients are part of my 14-day Healthy Guide to Stockpiling your Pantry which you can find here. The list contains enough ingredients to cover you for 14-days if you’re self-isolating, so there’s no need to panic buy or hoard unnecessary items, allowing everyone to have access to what they need. I’ve included a bunch of tips on what foods work best for the pantry, fridge and freezer, how to get the kitchen organised and lots of some enticing meals your whole family will enjoy. Ones I hope will turn into family favourites.

Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be sharing more tasty and affordable recipes too, ones that require just a short walk to your pantry and a handful of non-perishables.

I really hope that this helps you and brings you and your family some comfort during these scary and uncertain times. Social isolation can make people feel cannelloni, so I hope this dish will lift your spirits. I also hope you don’t mind my silly jokes, its just a way to try and stay positive amongst everything.

Just because you’re armed with only a few pantry ingredients, doesn’t mean that meals have to taste bland and boring. Why not take this opportunity to stir things up in the kitchen and make a delicious meal that you haven’t tried before?

Pasta is the ultimate soul food, and a perfect lockdown recipe. I’ve used earthy lentil pasta here, but you can use any variety you have in the cupboard. It complements the tuna and is freshened and zinged up with the melting sweetness of the rich tomato sauce, which is high in vitamin C.

Garlic is a wonder ingredient for your immune system and onions contain quercetin, which is responsible for the protection and healing of damaged cells. Onions are not only flavour providers, they also help to balance the natural acidity of the tomatoes.

Enjoy this simple and filling dish full of protein, fibre and flavour, it really is a beautiful thing. Make it and let me know what you think in the comments below. 

Watch a video about how it is made here.

Tuna and Red Lentil Pantry Pasta

Serves 3

Tips to supercharge it even further:

  • To boost the flavour even more, add a diced anchovy or some capers
  • To make it gut friendly, stir in a spoon of Love Your Gut powder (it has no taste, so it goes in nicely with your cooking)
  • If you have carrot or celery at home, dice them small and simmer them in the sauce


  • 2 TBS olive oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 large can tuna
  • 1 packet pasta of choice
  • 1 tinned tomatoes
  • 1 TBS tomato paste
  • Handful of sage leaves or use any dried herbs in the pantry- basil, rosemary, sage, Italian herb mix


Heat the oil in a pan on a low to medium heat

Add garlic and onion and stir and let cook until softened down and translucent

Flake tuna and add to pan, cook for 30 seconds stirring

Next place tinned tomatoes in and stir

Add tomato paste and stir again

Add sage leaves (tear them and place on top) or any dried herbs

Add a good pinch of salt and a generous swipe of pepper, then place lid on and let simmer for 10 mins

Take off the lid and let it reduce, it will become concentrated and thicken up

In the meantime, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and your pasta and cook according to the packet instructions

Rinse pasta, add to bowl and place sauce on top.

Lee xo

Retreatment Botanics By Olivia Newton-John

Retreatment Botanics by Olivia Newton-John is my skincare find of the year!

I exhibited my Superchargedfood products at The Green Edit recently, a carefully curated blend of the best and most exciting products in the natural and organic beauty, health and wellness space.

I was really honoured to be there and to be able to share my products and philosophies on health, wellbeing and longevity. It was also an amazing opportunity to discover some incredible like-minded brands and businesses that are creating  gorgeous earth-friendly and natural products.

One product range that really stood out to me was the stunning skincare range - Retreatment Botanics by Olivia Newton-John introduced to me by the skincare experts at Gaia Retreat & Spa in the Byron Bay Hinterland.

Of course, I was eager to learn a great deal more about this all-natural, luxury brand, and I was also super keen to try it for myself!

Retreatment Botanics by Olivia Newton-John is Created without Compromise

One of the things I adore about Retreatment Botanics by Olivia Newton-John is that it has been created totally without compromise. Every facet of this beautiful range has been lovingly thought out and produced with respect to our skin, our planet and the beautiful animals that we share Mother Earth with.

It's so ethical. Firstly, it's Certified Cruelty Free and Vegan which means it isn't tested on animals, but it also contains no animal ingredients whatsoever. What's also wonderful is that none of the ingredients used have ever been tested on animals.

Next, this gorgeous range is Certified Palm Oil Free by the Orangutan Alliance, an independent, industry based, non-profit organisation and registered charity promoting the reduction of non sustainable palm oil in consumer products.

This was so important to Olivia, who has been a champion for the planet and animals since she as a young girl.

“Retreatment Botanics is so close to my heart,” reveals Olivia. “The Gaia team and I consulted with top natural skincare experts and formulated a pure performance skincare range that evokes the luxurious sensual treatments of our beautiful Gaia Retreat & Spa.

It's a product that is gentle on our skin and bodies, calming and uplifting for the spirit, kind to Mother Earth and harms no living creatures."

But Does it Really Work?

The short answer is YES! I've been using it for just over a week now, after I was lucky enough to be treated to a luxury Gaia inspired facial while the team was in Sydney.

I met with the lovely Trudi Jaye, who is General Manager of the brand and who worked super closely with Olivia and her team in the formulation of this stunning range.

Trudi explained to me the detailed and advanced cellular extraction methods they use to harness the goodness of the ingredients.

"We use a unique extraction method called Australian Cellular BioMimicry," explains Trudi. "It’s a new, ground-breaking technology that captures the phyto-compounds from plants as they exist in nature. We know that Australian native plants survive some of the harshest environments on earth. Science has also shown that to survive, they intelligently store high concentrations of antioxidants and vitamins. So, our new Cellular Extraction technology captures these antioxidants and vitamins as they exist in the plant and keeps them stable until applied to the skin. It allows delivery of the plant’s molecular profile to help target skincare concerns and deliver visible results from the very first application."

The Proof is in the Glow!

My skin looked and felt so much more radiant after the facial and this has only improved with each and every twice daily ritual. The products not only feel incredible on the skin, but they deliver a truly sensorial experience. Each has its own unique scent, which come from the pure, native Australian botanicals used in each individual formula.

The idea behind the range is not just to give you glowing, younger looking skin for longer, but to bring a slice of Gaia Retreat & Spa to your home.

This where the term 'ritual' comes in. it's not just about daily skincare. Its about self-care and pampering yourself, Giving yourself some love and perhaps even repeating affirmations as you apply the stunning products. Things like, "I am love" or "I am worthy" or "I am strong and capable". Whatever your heart feels it needs on any given day.

I've been doing this and I feel and look so much better - glowing, clearer, brighter and just refreshed and relaxed.

My Favourite Products

Ok, I’m not going to lie - I really, really love all the products, but my favourites are firstly Kakadu Brightening Serum and Restore Serum. They are both heavenly to apply and my skin drinks them in quickly, and glows almost immediately. I apply them both morning and night and just love them. They're the perfect base for make-up, too.

Then, I honestly cannot go past Instant Glow Face Masque. It really does give the skin an instant glow and it leaves me feeling so revived, calm, uplifted and just beautiful!

Wherever you are, you simply should keep this gorgeous earth-friendly skincare close by. It's the perfect antidote to our modern world and the best thing I've used on my skin in ages!

To find out more about the range you can go here.

Also if you' like to try the range yourself for your self-care days, we have a special discount code for Supercharged Food users.


You can order here...

Lee xo

How to have a healthy ‘work from home’ life during the coronavirus

image via tumblr

This week I’m going to give you some healthy home-work to do!.

As businesses are changing their working arrangements across the globe due to the coronavirus and more people now have the flexibility of working from home, there are a few ways that you can set yourself up at home during these uncertain times. By looking after your physical and mental health, whilst still having motivation and fulfilling your tasks, you can still be business as per usual.

Have you ever noticed that some days in the office you’re always on, hyper-paced, needing the dopamine hit of news and activity and planning your next meeting or task? That may seem super productive, however, there are other times during the day when you need your respite and rest for your own physical and mental health.

Studies have shown that it's far more beneficial to take proper regular breaks which has been proven to make us happier and more productive workers.

When it comes to working from home, setting up a few ground rules will make all the difference to your day to day. It may seem very unfamiliar, whether you’re an introvert who recharges their batteries at home or an extrovert who needs interaction from others, but with careful planning, you can really embrace the swing of this new rhythm of life.

Think about the positives too, no rush hour commute, the ability to work in your comfy home clothes and you don’t even need to show up for face to face meetings unless you do video conferencing.

As someone who has worked from home for the past eight years, I’m sharing some of my tried and tested tips that you can apply to your own home based office to ensure you’re in top-notch shape for the weeks ahead.

Create a welcoming workspace

Make your workspace an oasis and aim for a space with natural light; if it’s gloomy or dark you’ll be less inclined to want to stay there. Bring a few outdoor plants indoors, light a candle, or play some gentle meditation music or if you’re an extrovert play some beats if you want to feel a buzz. You can also place your favourite photograph where you can see it, one that makes you feel happy.

Opt for a strong chair, one that is both comfortable and provides you with good back support. You could also try standing more than sitting – consider a standing desk if it's available to you. A stand up desk for office spaces will reduce fatigue while working.

Try and make the space relaxing, have some herbal teas and drink them in your special cup and stay hydrated by always having water on your desk.

                                          Image via Brook and Peony

Set some healthy boundaries

Maintaining your own boundaries is a crucial element of self-care, and it's good to know how and when to switch off and on. It also helps if you live with others, or have friends who want to hang in the ‘new office’. It’s important they understand your boundaries and real working hours, so that you can limit distractions.

Re-evaluating your personal boundaries might be worth looking into in this new set up, maybe it’s not to meet with or take calls from clients outside of your “office hours” or not putting clients needs before your own family and yourself on weekends or outside hours.

A lack of professional boundaries can sometimes create feelings of overwhelm, anger or resentment. Boundaries that demarcate a clear distinction between your work life and your personal life are helpful when working from home and also having a defined time as to when to clock off!.

Stick (as closely as you can) to your usual routine

If you’re used to waking up at a certain time when the alarm goes off, just stick with it. Try and do things in the same order as you normally would, shower and get dressed and if you walk to work, go for a walk around the block, being mindful of your distance from others, if you usually read on the bus, do some reading from a book you would normally take on the journey to work with you, this will help you mentally prepare and get you into the right mindset.

If you're used to an chinwag and regular chats with colleagues, keep these going and stay in contact with people so you don’t feel confined or  reclusive.

Take regular breaks

Taking a proper lunch break will help to clear your mind and bring a new perspective. It’s a chance to recharge your batteries and give your brain a rest. We underestimate how important it is to take a break.

Eating at your desk is not great for digestion and can lead to overeating, possible reflux and indigestion. Crumbs and spillages also make your desk a playground for bacteria.

When you get up from your desk and have lunch, try and do it in a different area of the house or outside if you have a garden, place your bare feet on the earth and ground with nature.

If you always walk at lunchtime you can still take a short walk or listen to a podcast or meditation on the way. Just do as you normally do as much as possible.

If you’re prone to falling asleep at your desk, throughout the day stand up and stretch, and of you can, try and stand up every hour.  It's good to go outside and get some fresh air too. If you can’t leave the house, try some peppermint oil – it’s a natural stimulant, light a candle or do some breathing or meditation.

Just take two minutes, close your eyes and listen to your breath, even if it is just breathing for five minutes or being mindful of your breath whilst washing up your cup!.

Yoga Poses

During breaks exercise can be beneficial, so why not try stretching or yoga? There are specific yoga poses called asanas to help energise, lengthen, restore and rest the body. Just don't forget to put on your yoga shoes before you start working out.

A standing forward bend will help clear the mind. If you’re feeling drained, lie down and place your legs up the wall, settle in a child’s pose, or lie down on your back with the soles of your feet together, this can help you release the stored stress in your hips (where a lot of stress is hidden). If you need an invigorating pose to increase stamina try warrior pose above. You can also learn more about chakra meanings and how to balance them with this chakra guide.

If you're struggling at home, utilizing self-help groups online or reaching out to people within your workplace if you need someone to talk to, can make you feel less isolated.

Love Your Gut Capsules

Stay healthy with Love Your Gut Capsules

Place your wellbeing at the top of your priority list!

Self-care is a priority and necessity, not a luxury in our current times. Create a wellness toolbox of things that you can do if you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

One of the keys I’ve found to working from home is to tune into the way that you think and make sure you’re giving yourself encouragement and positive self talk, especially if you need to get out of a slump. It helps to remember that the tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected is not productive, maintaining a sense of humour can be a great antidote during those times.

If something is not going your way, try not to compare yourself to others, be kind and gentle with yourself and let results happen in their own time. It’s your choice to maintain a sense of control over your own work responsibilities. You do you!

Writing down your to-do-list the night before can alleviate night time anxiety. Some people find mantras or positive affirmations useful.

If you don't feel comfortable reaching out to people within your workplace, you may benefit from speaking with online professionals, such as the licensed therapists at BetterHelp.

Practice Mindfulness

To help you remain calm and effective in high-pressure situations, and help avoid long-term stress problems, mindfulness can help, aim to zone out twice each day for 10 minutes. You can go directly to your mind, as a large percentage of stress you deal with is actually just in the mind. Resting and relaxing your mind will help you with concentration, energy and alleviate mental fatigue, bringing less stress to your body.

Mindfulness is becoming aware of what’s around us here and now. In fact, it’s the exact opposite to what we normally do: going through our endless tasks, thinking about what we did or didn’t do, worrying about what is still to be done. To be in the here and now, body and mind unified, means that we're no longer thinking about what is causing our stress, so we can start to enjoy what we are doing right now.

How do we reach mindfulness?

  • Sit on a cushion on the floor or in a chair
  • Let your shoulders relax and focus on your breath
  • Focus on the sounds around you, all the things you see, all the things your body feels and focus on the air coming in and out of your lungs
  • Pay attention to the voice inside your head, that constant chatter that carries negative thoughts and comments, doubts, worries and judgments
  • Choose to let go of the thoughts that are unhelpful and return to focusing on the breath
  • Don’t judge yourself or try to ignore any external distractions, your job is just to notice your mind has wandered and return to the breath
  • Try and do this twice a day for ten minutes. The more you do it the easier it will become

To help you manage your stress, I've created a meditation audio for you. It’s a relaxation guide that will help you unwind and combat feelings of stress and anxiety.

You can find the guided meditation here, let me know what you think of it and if it has helped you.

Eat nutritious foods even if you’re sitting closer to the fridge!

Balanced nutrition plays an important role when you're in a different environment or under stress, sometimes stress will make you forget or skip meals and not eat properly, or perhaps you'll increase your coffee  intake to keep you going if you have an important deadline.

This is where good food and nutrition comes into play. Make your meals something you look forward to and don’t forget to eat. And just because you're right next to the fridge doesn’t mean you need to keep on opening it!

Working from home can make constant eating a temptation, regularly picking at foods or eating the wrong foods can affect your blood sugar and weight.

Try and have a selection of healthy snacks, nuts or fruit on hand for morning and afternoon tea and set regular times for eating. Some snack options for mid morning and afternoon tea include;

When you’re working from your new home office, for lunch aim to eat a balanced diet with good fats, protein and vegetables and good sources of carbohydrate; a balanced plate. During this time you might want to increase your intake of ‘immune system enhancing’ nutrients and foods. Never underestimate the power of water, around 8 glasses a day is optimum.

Include some of these gut-immune system strengthening foods

  • Energy boosters – salmon, bananas, almonds, oatmeal and greens
  • Immunity savers – broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach and bone broth
  • Spice up your life – turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, rosemary and dill
  • Cut up veggies – 4/5 Australian’s don’t reach their fruit and veg recommend intake!
  • Omega 3 rich foods for brain function – chia seeds, salmon, avocado, walnuts, flaxseeds, tuna and egg yolks

Remember to eat mindfully and slowly – set a 20 minute timer and enjoy your lunch within this time so you chew mindfully and not rushed, ideally you want to get your body into rest and digest mode at lunchtime.

Avoid scheduling meetings over the lunch period or having your phone with you to check emails, don’t mix screen time with chewing time!

Some other lunch options include the following;

If you’re at home for a 14 day period and can’t get to the shops regularly here’s my 14-day Healthy Guide to Stockpiling your Pantry, Plus Shopping List.

Let me know how you go working from home I would love you to reach out to me.

Lee xo

Coronavirus 14-day Healthy Guide to Stockpiling your Pantry, Plus Shopping List

As more people are staying at home in light of the novel coronavirus it’s probably a good time to get your pantry in order. That doesn’t mean you have to go crazy and buy out the whole store or fight over toilet paper (we’ve all seen THAT video). Ok rolling on…

As a minimalist, neat freak 😉 the idea of stockpiling to me is a tough one, personally I try to live with just one of everything. However, I also think about the many people who can’t get out to the shops regularly, people who are not well and need certain ingredients and medications. The last thing we need is for the elderly or people in need to be out of supply of their everyday essentials because others are buying and hoarding unnecessary amounts.

I’ve had some requests from clients this week for a plan and shopping list, so I’d love to show you how to stockpile your pantry for a 14-day period in case you need to be at home due to quarantine reasons. I’ve based it upon feeding a family of four. Just halve the amount for couples or quarter for singles.

You don’t need to be a doomsday prepper to get into stockpiling, it’s really a case of being prepared and having things on hand when you need them, and by the way, I don’t just mean 12 cans of pre-made pasta sauce, 14 tins of spam and oodles of pasta shells.

I’d love to give you some ideas on healthy and affordable meals you can make at home too. I understand that budget is also a concern for some but if you buy the basics in bulk, you can have a healthy stockpile whether you’re a large family or a cash-strapped student.

Another way to think about the potential of being at home and getting your pantry sorted is the way that you look at food itself. When you think about food, look at it as investment in your life and family, with smart meal planning and budgeting, these acts can become a simple yet beautiful source of fulfillment in your life. Cooking is a wonderful activity to get the whole family involved in, and a nice return to a more grounded and simple way of life.

Food is part of our everyday lives so it’s important to make eating well as easy and enjoyable as possible during this time.  Whether you’re a meat-eater, flexitarian, keto enthusiast, paleo, vegetarian, vegan, gut lover or somewhere in between, don’t worry I’ve got you, I’ve created a shopping list that can work for everyone, it just takes a little bit of mixing and matching.

Traditionally in emergency situations, basic general needs come into play, but that doesn’t mean you need to live off bland and boring food. If you make a plan, you can enjoy a great variety of colourful foods that are high in nutrients and ones that will make you feel good AND look after your health.

So where to start? There’s nothing worse, and I mean nothing, than a chaotic spread of every ingredient lurking in the pantry. The very idea of it makes my skin crawl! That being said, first thing’s first, let’s get the hard thing out of the way.

I need you to go through every single item in your pantry and fridge and bin anything that’s past it’s use-by-date or likely to give you food poisoning! Then put things back in date order if you can with supplies you need to use first at the front and then staples and longer use items at the back. I personally love the idea of a ‘one ingredient pantry’, where everything is a single spice, herb, grain or other food item.

Next up it’s all about meal prep, meal prep, meal prep! Figure out your meal plans for the 14 days and plot in when you’ll be cooking and eating specific recipes. Take note of everything from breakfast to dinner, including any herbal teas or snacks you may like to have on hand. There are a bunch of easy recipes here on the blog from Shepherd’s Pie to Moussaka and Savoury Mince too. I’ve also got my Top Ten Sit Down Family Meals.

A little bit of prep now makes your whole day a lot easier later on; trust me! You can read more about meal prepping here. This way you’ll fill your kitchen with everything you need, without needing to worry about breaking your budget and wasting purchases. If you're on a budget it helps to do a quick price comparison and check the prices at your supermarket or local grocer and think about bulk options that are available in your area.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll need to make time for food preparation, just think of it as a fun activity and get the family involved. Do you need to make your own bone broths or buy them? Are there times you wont be able to cook dinner, requiring a batch-cooking session beforehand? Note all these subtleties, so your meal planning helps you rather than acts as a burden.

Think about where you do the majority of your food shopping. It may be the time to consider local producers, co-ops, buy in bulk stores and services that offer the best price and quality ingredients before you go out on your stockpiling spree.  Sometimes, online grocery shopping can be even cheaper than your usual store and as an added bonus; it's delivered straight to your door. How easy is that? Plus, online stores often have special offers so keep an eye out for them.

I’ve got the two-week shopping list ready for you below, so maybe print it off and check off the things already in your pantry, fridge and freezer. This will totally change the productivity of your household food gathering. It’ll ensure you’re fully prepped.

The best place to start when looking at the pantry is with your non-perishables and we’ll start with…

Grains, Seeds and Pasta

An absolute staple, grains, seeds and pasta are among the most affordable ingredients you can add to any meal. Using brown or basmati rice (healthier than white), quinoa and buckwheat (if you’re gluten free) and oats will enable you to create some hearty and nourishing dishes. Each one is versatile, budget-friendly and will last for months sealed in a jar in your pantry.

If you plan to reheat a dish that you’ve made the night before, add some brown rice or grains to bulk it up and allow it to serve the whole family – and at the same time it makes it even more affordable. Repurposing last night’s roast meat or vegetables into a fried rice is super-fast and makes for a tasty and convenient lunch the next day. Brown rice is full of fibre and a great way to satisfy your tummy.

Quinoa has become more popular over the last 
few years and it’s a more affordable and versatile ‘powerfood’ of today. The versatility of quinoa is good as it can transport you from breakfast to dinner.

Buckwheat has also become a go-to grain substitute in recent times, and is a scrumptious alternative to rice or can be made into porridge for a warming breakfasts, good for autumn in Australia.

Oat porridge is a perfect way to start a cooler autumn day. Tasty and tremendously satisfying, oats are high in fibre and a perfect way to ensure the family is satisfied. Or try this Quinoa Porridge with Cinnamon and Apple.

For a 14-day period for a family of four, buy the following, in bulk if possible:

  • 1 x 5kg bag of rice
  • 2 x 1 kg bag of quinoa
  • 1 x 5kg bag of oats
  • 1 x 1kg bag buckwheat
  • 3 x bags pasta

Have Your Fingers on the Pulses

Pulses (or legumes) will play a key role in your supercharged stockpiling. Stocking chickpeas, cannellini beans, lentils, split peas and other pulses is a convenient and inexpensive way to jazz up the leftover vegetables from last night’s dinner. You’ll be able to create a lentil curry, a totally dahl-icious Supercharged Dahl or Chickpea Marrakesh Casserole, or make mouth-watering dips. Split peas are great to add to soups or casseroles and make dishes last longer.

Pulses provide protein, complex carbohydrates and several vitamins and minerals that give sustained energy throughout the day. They’re known to lower blood pressure and reduce LDL cholesterol levels, adding a supercharged kick to any meal.

Unopened raw pulses can last for years in the pantry, reducing the chance of waste, and are really simple to prepare. Once you’ve cooked up a batch of your favourite pulse, you can store any unused portion in the fridge for up to five days as a quick and easy addition to your remaining week’s meals.

Throw the following in your trolley:

  • 1 x 5kg bag red or green lentils
  • 1 x 2 kg bag of split peas
  • 1 x 1 kg cannellini beans

Stock Up on Healthy Flavour Providers

Onions and garlic, both from the Allium genus of plants, are
 two of my favourite flavour accompaniments to use in cooking. They don’t just play an important culinary role; they also provide a plethora of health benefits.

Onions can stay fresh for well over a month in your pantry, and garlic can last for more than three months, so you’ll have your flavour friends right by your side for a good length of time.

Shine a light on these bulbs:

  • 7 x garlic bulbs
  • 8 x brown and red onions

Flavour Up with Dried Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are a dream come true in the kitchen; there’s hardly a dish that doesn’t benefit from including them. You can grown them or buy them fresh or dried. If you have fresh, to keep them longer, dry or dehydrate them yourself and store.

Some tasty herbs to use in your kitchen everyday and incorporate into your menu planning are ones such as mint, which can be used as a tea too or in salads, vegetables and lamb dishes.

Sage is good too. It’s a herb often used by herbalists as a remedy for respiratory infections. The oils and tannins in Sage have astringent, antiseptic and irritant properties, helping to loosen up congestion, treat coughs and soothe sore throats. You can flavour meats, roasts and vegetables with sage.  I love making crispy sage leaves you can find out how here.

Rosemary is an anti-inflammatory and restorative herb that has a soothing effect on the nerves. It’s lovely when paired with oven roasted vegetables and meat dishes.

Oregano is another good herb to stockpile. It’s known as a strong antiseptic as it’s high in Carvacrol, a type of phenol known for its potency and its perfect with fish and Italian dishes.

For some spice add some Cayenne pepper into the mix. It’s made from the dried pods of chilli peppers. It helps the body to create hydrochloric acid, which enhances digestion and assimilation of protein too. During the 14-day period, pop it in your stir-fries, curries, Asian inspired dishes and soups.

The next herb to put on the list is Basil, as it’s very high in antioxidants, especially when used in the form of an oil or extract. Incorporating Basil into your diet will assist in reducing occurrences of common colds and the flu. Basil also holds antibacterial properties and can be used to disinfect surfaces. Add to salads, pizza and pasta dishes.

Tick Turmeric off you’re stockpiling list, it can be used widely to flavor foods. I like to sprinkle it on oven-roasted cauliflower, and use in soups and curries. You might want to try this anti-inflammatory toddy recipe.

Grab some Ginger as it helps to stimulate the body’s circulation, providing relief for people with poor blood supply to the hands and feet. Ginger is beneficial if you’re experiencing a fever as it induces sweating, working to cool the body temperature. Try a cup of Ginger tea or use in Asian dishes, relishes, dips and soups.

It’s also great to include other flavor providers such as Cumin, Coriander, Curry powder and Chilli. You can read my tips on how to build a spice rack here if you’re keen to get one going.

So on your herbs and spices list if you don’t already have them, add the following:

  • Mint
  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Basil
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Cumin
  • Coriander
  • Curry powder
  • Chilli

Spend some Dough on Flours and Baking Essentials

If you like to cook and enjoy baking there are a number of flours and ingredients that last the distance in your pantry. Flours such as gluten free flour, almond meal, rice flour, spelt flour or coconut flour can be used to create delicious bakes for the family. Golden flax meal (or grind up your own flaxseeds) is also a good one to have on hand to add to smoothies, porridge, yoghurts and desserts.

It’s handy to have some other baking items such as baking powder, bicarb of soda, desiccated coconut, rice paper wrappers, vanilla, cacao powder for healthy muffins too. If you don’t like baking or not keen to make your own bread, stock up on your favourite bread or wraps and place them in the freezer.

Add these to your pantry if you like baking

  • 2 x 1 kg Almond Meal
  • 1 packet Gluten Free flour
  • 1 packet Rice Flour
  • 1 packet Flaxseeds
  • 1 x Baking Powder
  • 1 x Bi Carb of Soda
  • 1 packet Desiccated Coconut
  • 1 packet Rice Paper Wrappers
  • 1 x Vanilla Essence
  • 1 x packet Cacao Powder
  • Bread- 6 x loaves/wraps for freezing

Stack Up Tinned Fish and Eggs

Making your own quick and tasty meals is easy when you store tinned sardines, tuna and anchovies in your pantry. Bursting with anti-inflammatory properties, these little guys are budget- friendly and tremendously convenient to keep on hand if you prefer preparing fresh meals swiftly but don’t want to sacrifice flavour. Eggs are a great source of protein too and are fantastic when making frittatas with frozen veg, so stock up on those they come in very handy.

Reach for the following:

  • 9 x tins Tuna
  • 5 x tins Sardines
  • 1 x jar Anchovies
  • 3 x dozen Eggs

Think Tasty Tinned Tomatoes

From pasta sauces to vegetable bakes and soups to casseroles, there’s no limit to what trusty tinned tomatoes can do for your kitchen, especially if you don’t have fresh on hand. They add a richness of flavour to many a meal, and are a versatile product. When transforming a roast into a stew, or converting unused vegetables into pasta, tinned tomatoes are essential for simple but flavoursome cooking.

  • 7 x tinned Tomatoes

Dress Up Your Dishes with Dressings, Oils and Vinegars

To add some instant flavour and bring your ingredients together, maintain stocks of a few basic dressings, oils and vinegars. Start with wheat-free tamari, apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Wheat-free tamari is a thicker, less salty, fermented soy sauce that can be used in Asian and non-Asian cooking to add a full, savoury umami flavour to your dishes.

Originally used as a food preservative, vinegar is a must-have condiment for flavour and acidic balance. Apple cider vinegar, is delicious as a marinade or salad dressing, and is known for its vast list of medicinal benefits, including supporting digestion and providing an energy boost.

Extra virgin olive oil is a necessity in a supercharged stockpile, and you may find yourself using it daily. The ‘extra virgin’ refers to the oil being of the highest quality, harvested when the fruit is at its peak and processed straight away. Extra virgin olive oil is completely natural, and it tastes so rich and charming its no wonder the Italians add it to everything!

  • 1 x bottle apple cider vinegar or balsamic
  • 1 jar real mayonnaise
  • 1 x bottle good quality extra virgin olive Oil
  • 1 x bottle flaxseed oil
  • 1 x bottle wheat-free tamari
  • 2 x cartons of stock (if not making your own)

Get Cracking on Seeds and Nuts and Cereals

These are some of the most adaptable ingredients, adding a crunchy texture and earthy flavour to your sweet or savoury dishes. They also taste great on their own as a nifty little nibble. Keep on hand almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts, pine nuts and pistachios.

If you haven’t experimented much with seeds, try chia and linseeds (flaxseeds). Sprinkle chia seeds over your breakfast or fruit salad for some added protein and fibre. You can eat flaxseeds whole – sprinkled over your breakfast or used in homemade muesli bars. Another way to use them is in breads and muffins, after grinding them to meal using a high-speed blender (or you can buy them ready-ground at the supermarket).

Nut and seed butters are a scrumptious and filling spread to stockpile, peanut is great and so is a nut mix. A favourite of mine
 is tahini, made from ground sesame seeds. It’s also handy for transforming dishes: added to casseroles, roasted vegetables or even smoothies, tahini lends a thick and creamy texture.

A few boxes of your favourite cereal will keep you going if you don’t feel like making your own granola but if you do I have a great Supercharged Granola recipe here or some Golden Gut Granola Clusters.

Choose these nuts and cereals:

  • 1 x kg nuts of choice
  • 1 x jar tahini
  • 1 x packet chia seeds
  • 1 x packet flaxseeds
  • 3 x boxes of cereal

Milk and Udder Types (Dairy or Non-Dairy Milks)

Stock up the pantry with long-life milk, natural nut milk, oat milk, coconut milks, rice milk or seed milk (hemp!). These are all great options to add to your breakfast muesli or porridge. If you’re extra-handy in the kitchen, you can always make your own. When creating curries, soups, casseroles or stews, or even thickening up a sauce or gravy to pour over meat, coconut milk is a close friend. Purchase milks in the carton and store in your pantry until you’re ready to use. Once opened, the carton should be stored in the fridge and used within a few days.

  • 10 litres x milk of choice
  • 4 cans coconut milk

Sweeten Your Meals Naturally

Alternatives to refined sugar and artificial sweeteners include rice malt syrup, raw honey and fruits. They’re a good way to satisfy your sweet tooth while protecting your waistline, particularly if you aren’t getting much exercise or you’re not out and about.

  • 1 x jar honey or rice malt syrup

Long Life Vegetables

These vegetables have a longer lifespan and will stay fresh in your pantry. Store them in a cool dry spot with your garlic and onions.

  • 2 x Pumpkin
  • 1 x Cabbage
  • 1kg x Carrots
  • 2 x Celery
  • 2 bags x Potatoes
  • 1 bag x Sweet Potatoes


The fridge is also an important component of any supercharged kitchen. To add an extra hit of flavour and get really creative with your cooking, here are my favourite fridge-friendly foods.

Hey Pesto! Tomato Paste, Pesto and Olives

These ingredients are always in my fridge, and I use them 
on pizzas or pasta, or in dips or winter casseroles. Having them on hand ensures that when the time comes to transform meals, you’re all set to get crafty without any time wasting. They offer a very convenient opportunity to convert unused vegetables into spiralised pasta with a fresh pesto or marinara sauce in just minutes. I also find capers are a great addition to any savoury dish.

Place these items in your basket:

  • 6 x tubs Tomato Paste
  • 3 x Pestos
  • 1 x jar Olives
  • 1 x jar Capers

Fam Favourites, Cheeses and Yoghurts

Having cheese on hand allows you to jazz up vegetables, pizza or even on toast. Yoghurts can be used to craft a creamy yet light dressing for a salad or simply enjoy them with some berries and granola or seeds scattered on top.

  • 2 x blocks Cheese of choice or one grated variety
  • 2 x Goats Cheese or Soft Cheeses
  • 2 large tubs plain Greek Yoghurt


Contrary to popular belief, 'fresh produce' doesn’t always necessarily mean it’s really fresh. The fresh fruits and vegetables you buy at your local supermarket may already be a week old by the time they’re put on display. If you don’t have access to fresh, it’s not a bad idea to opt for frozen. Frozen produce might sometimes be even healthier because they’re frozen immediately which locks in all the essential nutrients.

Depending on the size of your freezer, some of the essential freezer nitty-gritties to have on hand are homemade stock, and frozen veggies and fruits. Other odds and ends that can keep in your freezer are ginger, dough or batter, veggie burgers, edamame (soya bean pods), nuts, flaxseed meal, flours and muffin mixes.

Peas Please, Frozen Vegetables

Having some packets of snap-frozen vegetables in your freezer will get you through. They’ll come in handy when you need a quick satisfying bite. Then all you need do is open your pantry and add your choice of pulses and tinned tomatoes or a pre-made sauce, and voilà! You have everything you need to create a home-cooked meal.

  • A mixture of frozen vegetables, peas, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower (rice) corn, spinach. (I also grow my own kale and rocket and freeze them for smoothies). See how much room you have in your freezer.

Icy Slicys, Frozen Fruits

A final must-have for your freezer is frozen fruits. I know their list of health benefits is as long as your arm, but they’re also delicious. Instead of wasting those sweet fruits, keeping frozen fruits on hand avoids waste. And they make a convenient solution for an uplifting smoothie or a refreshing breakfast, scattered over a granola or yoghurt. Try mixing frozen fruits into your next sweet dessert. Buy green bananas and let them ripen naturally, then when ready eat them and pop the rest in the freezer

  • 1 x packet frozen Mango
  • 2 x packets frozen Blueberries or Berries
  • 14 x green Bananas, ripened, eaten then the remainder peeled and (frozen)

Don’t Be Paltry with Red Meat, Fish and Poultry

If you’re eating red meat, chicken or fish, these can be stored in the freezer depending on space.

Select beef, lamb, mince, chicken, and fish based on your family’s preferences and needs, and store them in the freezer. When dealing with fish, it's essential to adhere to the best practices for freezing fish to ensure both quality and safety.

For convenient and delicious homemade meals, stock up on tinned sardines, tuna, and anchovies in your pantry. If you're a fan of fresh fish, following the best practices for freezing fish will guarantee that you can savour high-quality seafood whenever you desire.

Once you start emptying the freezer you can then move perishables into the freezer and others from the pantry to the fridge so that you have a continual fresh supply. Look at it like a kitchen rotation. A fab way to rescue vegetables and fruit is by dehydrating them. Check out my guide to dehydrating here.

I hope this has given you a few ideas if you need to stockpile your kitchen. And a few last minute tips from me, have plenty of teas and coffee so you can enjoy your time at home, plus they fill you up between meals.

Try our Love Your Gut powder to keep your gut health and gut immune system strong, it also helps to keep you regular if you’re not doing your usual exercise routine. Use the time at home to start something new, perhaps try intermittent fasting twice a week or do an online yoga class or practice meditation! Please enjoy my free Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Stress.

And remember, stockpiling your pantry doesn’t mean that you can’t have flavour in your meals. Use this time to try out a few new recipes, no need to go stir crazy at home, just stir it up in the kitchen instead, and you never know, you might even find some enticing meals your whole family will enjoy and ones that will turn into family favourites.

The Supercharged Stockpiling Your Pantry 14-Day Shopping List

Download your FREE PDF here.

How to get rid of worms naturally + Garlic and Herb Crackers

Do worms make you squirm? Are tapeworms a sticky subject? Pinterest-ed in Pin Worms?

If you’ve been going down the same wormhole for years, I’m here to help you see the light.

One of the most regularly asked questions I get is; how do I get rid of worms naturally? And if you think you’re immune, worms aren’t just happening in our kids, adults can have them too.

Kids and worms are fairly well linked and this can be due to children being less diligent about hand washing, sharing items and the close contact and rough and tumble in the school playground. An annoying truth of the childhood worms experience is that once a child is infected, other members of their household are also likely to get them unless strict hygiene practices are observed.

People who travel can also pick up worms. Adults can pick up worms from who-knows-where. They're not openly discussed much but they're everywhere. Simply put, intestinal worms, or parasitic worms, are organisms that feed off the human body. Common varieties are tapeworms, hookworms and pinworms (threadworms) but there are other varieties too. You can read more specifically about pinworms here.

Some of the common signs and symptoms of intestinal worms include loss of appetite, itchy bottom, fatigue, disturbed sleep, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, weight loss and an upset stomach. In very rare cases, intestinal worms could lead to severe blockages in the intestine, causing constipation and pain.

There are a number of foods which can be helpful to eradicate existing infestations, one of these is garlic. Garlic can kill existing eggs and prevent female pinworms from laying more eggs. Try my Garlic and Herb Crackers below, or this Vegetable and Garlic Soup, A Roasted Garlic Bisque, or my Prebiotic Tray Bake with Garlic and Tahini. Another ingredient to include in your arsenal is coconut oil which has antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral properties. Using a teaspoon internally and externally daily can help. You might like to indulge in my Turmeric Fudge one bowl masterpiece here.

Some fibre rich foods such as leafy greens and carrots when eaten raw can help promote bowel movement especially when used with coconut oil which can help flush worms from the body, You might enjoy my Warm Beetroot, Carrot and Pear Salad. However all of these helpful foods work better combined with a natural solution to kill the eggs and sweep them gently from the body.

Currently, scientific data doesn’t support the use of natural remedies for worms, however anecdotally many people have had great success with Love Your Gut powder (diatomaceous earth) and eradicating different types of worms from their systems. We have many of wonderful and very positive testimonials from people, along with their graphic photos ha!

The microscopically small powder particles in Love Your Gut powder gently clean your gut and through a process of negative ions the powder attracts worms and helps to flush them out of your body and straight down the toilet!

We recommend taking the powder daily for a month as the infection can be contagious for three weeks following treatment due to existing eggs hatching so a consistent approach is best. Our naturopaths recommend cycling it for one month on and one month off. One teaspoon of diatomaceous earth taken by an adult, once a day for seven days, can be extremely effective for killing parasites. And to keep them from worming their way back into your life and gut, you can keep using the powder daily. 

To prevent re-infestation, frequent hand washing after going to the toilet with soap and warm water is best, keep your nails short and avoid sharing food, cutlery or drinking from other peoples cups. Vacuuming the house often can help remove eggs at home; small pinworm eggs can live on surfaces, linen, towels and toys for up to three weeks.

Love Your Gut powder is easy to take. There's no taste or aroma. Still, kids (and some adults) can be fussy. Here are a few ways to take that they'll never know.

A clean, well-working gut and microbiome can also help the body naturally deal with worms. You can our Love Your Gut diatomaceous earth here.

Enjoy these garlic and herb crackers, made from just a handful of ingredients. They’re the perfect stand-in for traditional crackers. Top them with avocado and tomato or a delicious dip and you’re good to go.

Garlic and Herb Crackers

  • 125 g (41/2 oz/11/4 cups) almond meal
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
80 g (23/4 oz/1/2 cup) sesame seeds
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped mixed herbs
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 organic egg
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Preheat the oven to 175oC (345oF/Gas 4) and grease a baking tray.

Combine the almond meal, salt, sesame seeds, herbs and garlic in a bowl. Whisk the egg in a small jug, then slowly whisk in the olive oil. Pour the egg mixture into the dry ingredients and mix to combine, then knead the mixture with your hands to form a smooth dough. If necessary, mix in a little water to bring it together.

Roll the dough out on a sheet of baking paper to a thin rectangle measuring about 35 x 25 cm (14 x 10 inches). Trim the edges.

Place the prepared baking tray face-down over the dough, then invert the two together so the dough is now on the top. Peel off the baking paper.

Using a sharp knife, cut the dough into 5 cm (2 inch) squares. Bake for 12–15 minutes, or until golden, turning the crackers over halfway through. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before serving.

The crackers will stay fresh in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days.

Makes about 35 crackers, have a crack at them and let me know what you think in the comments below! 

Lee xo

How to feed a thriving microbiome plus banana flour pancakes

Are you feeling the resistance against starch? With the rise of the Ketogenic diet comes the decline of fibres essential for our digestive system. In France, I’m sure they’d call it: Le starch de résistance.

Sacré bleu!

If you’re cutting out carbohydrates to make way for fat loss, I urge you to reconsider. Carbohydrates, particularly fibre, resistant starches, and prebiotic rich foods are essential for optimising the health of our digestive system.

One of the best ways to support a thriving gut microbiome is to feed it.

Just like teeny weeny, microscopic babies with wide open mouths, your gut microbes await your feeding, and just like humans, they can be fed junk or they can be breast-fed with the foods that they were created to thrive on—prebiotics, the special carbohydrate molecules non-digestible by humans that survive our digestive tract and reach our colon intact before selectively feeding specific strains of bacteria.

There are three classifications of prebiotics:

Non-starch polysaccharides—such as inulin and fructooligosaccharide, soluble fibre – including psyllium and acacia fibres, and resistant starch.

Resistant starch is a type of starch that isn’t digested in the stomach or small intestine, but reaches the colon having “resisted” digestion. There are different four types of resistant starch:

  • RS Type 1 found in grains seeds and legumes, where the fibre is bound up in the fibrous cell walls of the plants
  • RS Type 2 which is starch with high amylose content. This is indigestible in its raw state; which includes potatoes, green bananas and plantains which when cooked the resistant starch is removed and it becomes digestible to us. This can also include plantain and green banana flour which is now more readily available in supermarkets.
  • RS Type 3 which forms when type 1 or type 2 is cooked and then cooled below 54 degrees Celsius. Heating these foods back up to high temperatures will again convert the starch into the digestible form, where it will not last to feed the bacteria in the colon. Examples include cooked and cooled lentils, cooked and cooled potatoes or cooked and cooled rice.
  • RS Type 4 is the synthetic form of RS which would include hi-maize resistant starch, which is not recommended. This is one particular ingredient that sends my gut into summersaulting spiral curls! Hi-maize resistant starch can be found in a growing group of commercial products, such as bread, pasta and snack bars.

The first three types of RS are your friends and consuming them will allow your good microbes to “feed” on RS and produce short chain fatty acids through fermentation.

The most significant of which are acetate, butyrate, and propionate. Butyrate is of special importance due to its beneficial effects on the colon and overall health- entering the bloodstream through the colon and having an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, as well as decreasing intestinal permeability and the effects of leaky gut.

Let’s chat fibre. While we all know we need fibre to help with trips to the bathroom, a lot of us aren’t consuming a sufficient amount. As a population, we require approximately 30g of fibre per day, which the majority of us aren’t receiving.

Dietary fibre consumption, as well as carbohydrates, can protect against non-communicable diseases and reduce weight gain. According to the World Health Organisation, non-communicable diseases, known as chronic diseases, can be categorised into four subtypes: “cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes”. The low content of fibre in the modern diet may be a contributing factor towards the development of these diet-related chronic conditions.

Research has been conducted about the health benefits of fibre for over a century. It’s been indicated that fibre-rich whole foods retain their structure once they’re transported in the gut, helping to increase satiety and help with weight control. Professor Jim Mann also explains that the “breakdown of fibre in the large bowel has additional benefits, including protection from colorectal cancer” (1).

A diet high in fibre can help reshape the microbiome, creating an abundance of microbial species that reduce blood sugar (2). This means that a high-fibre diet may be able to prevent and treat diabetes.

Foods rich in fibre include whole grains, vegetables, fruit and pulses.  Root vegetables are also just so easy to root for. Starchy root vegetables, like sweet potato, yams, jicama, yacon, turnips, parsnips and squash are easy-to-digest and cleansing for the body. They contain fibre and nutrients, meaning that they help keep you satiated.

Whilst these vegetables tend to be sweet in taste, they have a low level of natural sugar and a low glycemic index level. Foods with a low glycemic index are less likely to cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Root vegetables in general are also high in vitamins A and C so great boosters for the immune system. Learn more about how to kick start the immune system and get my Roasted Garlic Bisque recipe here.

Cleaning the gut is important too, so that you can have a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria.  My Love Your Gut powder gently cleans the gut (it's best to avoid harsh cleanses and detoxifiers) so you can gently benefit from a clean and toned gut.

Resistant starch is a type of fibre that makes its way through the stomach and small intestine undigested, eventually reaching the gut where it helps feed the friendly bacteria. This increases the production of short-chain fatty acids, lowering the pH of the bowel and making it harder for pathogens to live there. Studies indicate that resistant starch can benefit heart health and weight loss, improving blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity and digestion.

Foods high in resistant starch include oats, rice, whole grains, legumes and potatoes. Try my Oat Flour Waffles here. While cooking and heating foods can kill off resistant starch, you can reignite its life by consuming them after you’ve let them cool. To optimise their benefits, cook them and then enjoy them cooled.

Another fabulous source of resistant starch are green bananas, also found in banana flour. This resistant-starch rich food increases our friendly gut bacteria, reducing our inflammation and decreasing our ‘bad’ gut bacteria. It also acts as a brilliant flour replacement. If you’re looking for a scrumptious way to include more resistant starch in your life, I’ve got just the recipe for you.

These banana flour pancakes from my book Supercharge Your Gut are oh-so-hard to resist. Packed full of banana flour and other goodies, they’re just what the resistant-starch doctor ordered!

Banana flour pancakes

Serves 2

A great way to feed your microbes and encourage a healthy diversity of bacteria, these tasty banana flour pancakes also deliver a hit of resistant starch to increase the production of short-chain fatty acids, which lowers the pH of the bowel, making it harder for pathogens to live there — and all while you enjoy your pancakes! Super simple to make, these pancakes will be enjoyed by adults and kids alike.

Try topping with coconut yoghurt or whipped coconut cream, fresh or fermented fruits or berries.

1 tablespoon extra-virgin coconut oil, plus extra for greasing


  • 75 g (21/2 oz/1/2cup) green banana (plantain) flour
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 11/2 teaspoons baking powder (gluten- and aluminium-free)
  • 1 teaspoon alcohol-free vanilla extract or vanilla powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons Love Your Gut powder
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey or rice malt syrup, or 6 drops of liquid stevia (optional)
  • 60 ml (2 fl oz/1/4 cup) non-dairy milk of your choice


Combine all the pancake ingredients in a large mixing bowl. The batter should be thick, but pourable; add extra milk if it’s too thick. Allow the batter to rest for a few minutes.

Melt the coconut oil in a frying pan over medium–high heat.

Add about 60 ml (2 fl oz/1/4 cup) of the batter to the pan. Cook on each side for about 2 minutes, or until browned. Transfer to a warm plate and keep warm while cooking the remaining batter.

Stack the pancakes high and serve warm, with your favourite toppings. You can also let them cool and have them for afternoon tea.

(1) https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)31809-9/fulltext

(2) https://www.the-scientist.com/the-nutshell/high-fiber-diet-shifts-gut-microbes-lowering-blood-sugar-in-diabetics-29977

Homemade Berry Crumble

When your tummy is rumbling, why not get it crumbling?

You don’t need be rugged up around the lounge freezing your socks off to enjoy a delicious crumble. Berry crumble is something that you can serve any time of the day and in any kind of weather.

I love this crumbly piece of heaven best when served warm, alongside coconut cream, or yoghurt.

While most crumble recipes include the usual refined white sugar, this recipe uses rice malt syrup, which can be switched out for coconut sugar if you prefer.

Flavour it up! You can also supercharge the flavour by adding a tablespoon of raw cacao or maca powder to the topping as it comes out of the oven. It will give you a delicious malty chocolate taste and enhance the taste.

Did you know that adding a pinch of sea salt to your sweet recipes acts to further draw out the sweet tastes?

Serve this crumble warm straight from the oven with a generous dollop of chilled yoghurt or whip up a batch coconut cream. If you whip it up from chilled it’s easier and if left in the fridge, the thicker and creamier it becomes as the healthy saturated fats congeal. You can even use electric beaters to whip chilled coconut cream into soft peaks that form a whipped cream consistency.

Never let crumble leave you feeling guilty and bloated again, why not try this delicious healthier version.

And if you want to impress the pants off your friends and family then serve this after your home cooked meal. It tastes so devilishly naughty that no one will believe it’s made from nothing but natural, wholefood ingredients.

Berry Crumble

Serves 5—6


  • 160 g (53/4 oz/1 cup) almonds, roughly chopped
  • 75 g (21/2 oz/1/2 cup) pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
  • 75 g (21/2 oz/1/2 cup) sunflower seeds
  • 55 g (2 oz/1 cup) unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 75 g (21/2 oz/1/2 cup) hazelnuts
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons rice malt syrup or 2 TBS coconut sugar
  • 1 TBS Golden Gut Blend (Optional)
  • Pinch of sea salt


  • 60 ml (2 fl oz/1/4 cup) rice malt syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla bean powder, or one scraped out vanilla pod
  • 1 tablespoon tapioca flour
  • zest of 1 lime
  • 600 g (1 lb 5 oz) mixed berries (see note)
  • Optional for serving: A dollop of chilled coconut cream or natural yoghurt


Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4) and line a baking tray with baking paper.

Place all the topping ingredients in a bowl and use your hands to combine well, ensuring all the ingredients are well coated.

Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking tray and bake for 15–20 minutes.

Remove and set aside to cool – it will get its crunch once it cools down.

To make the filling, mix the rice malt syrup, vanilla and tapioca flour with the lime zest.

Place the berries in a saucepan and pour over the syrup. Mix gently to combine, taking care not to break up the berries. Cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes.

Transfer to a 20 cm (8 inch) pie dish and sprinkle over the topping ingredients. Serve warm or cold.

This will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 5 days.

Note: If berries aren’t in season, try substituting the same quantity of other fruits.

Seven prebiotic rich foods to include in your diet plus my Macadamia, Garlic and Parsnip Soup

Sundays and pancakes. 

Harry and Megan.

The Bachelor and conversations about the couple’s love journey. 

What do these things have in common?

Without one another, they’d be lost. 

And when it comes to gut health, the same goes for prebiotics and probiotics.

While probiotics receive a lot of media attention and have a greater awareness, prebiotics do a lot of the heavy lifting. If we didn’t have prebiotics, probiotics would have a poor chance of survival, as some of them depending upon the strain, only last hours in our digestive systems.  Prebiotics help promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

An easy way to think of prebiotics is that they are like a really good meal for probiotics, helping them to grow robust and strong. With the rise of diets such as the ketogenic diet, many people are bypassing their prebiotic rich foods, and their gut health is suffering. You can read my thoughts on Keto diets here.

The other improvements prebiotics are responsible for are metabolic health, and they can also help to alleviate digestive issues such as bloating and gas and boost the gut immune system to keep you protected from bugs.

If you’re keen to get ahead of the gut game, include these purposeful prebiotic-rich foods into your life. Also, if you're new to gut health, you might like to read Gut Health 101 for a gut overhaul.

The first up prebiotic rich food to be aware of is chicory root, and happily for us it's one of the best alternatives to coffee out there. Not only that, it also offers antioxidant compounds and beta-carotene, protecting the liver from oxidative damage.

Chicory root contains up to 47% of the prebiotic fibre known as inulin, helping to nourish our probiotics and improve the symptoms associated with digestive disorders, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Irritable Bowel disease. As an added extra, chicory root also helps you to digest fat effectively. I love having chicory and dandelion root tea as an alternative to coffee in the morning. You can buy it is your local supermarket too. 

While the name suggests this vegetable hails from the Middle East, it's found and loved around the world. Packed with B-vitamins, Jerusalem artichokes are great for boosting energy and mood. They’re loaded with dietary fibre, helping to control cholesterol levels, boost the immune system, and balance blood glucose and blood pressure. They’re also high in thiamine and potassium, contributing to nervous system health and muscle function.

I love roasting artichokes in the oven, boiling them or stuffing them with my favourite proteins. Try this Tray Bake here, where you can also read about my personal debunking of popular diets. 

Artichokes provide a wonderful source of fibre, which can increase your friendly gut bacteria. Artichokes contain inulin, a type of fibre which act as a prebiotic. Artichoke extract may also relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as bloating, nausea and heartburn.

My third prebiotic rich gem is sweet sweet garlic, some love it, some hate it and others praise the ground it grows in. Personally, I love the taste, smell and feel of garlic. It acts as a prebiotic in the gut and can help prevent disease-promoting bacteria from spreading. It’s also rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, including manganese, vitamin C, choline and magnesium, helping boost your immune system, improving the functioning of your nervous system and managing your cholesterol.

In a world full of garlic haters, why not stand out from the crowd? I love adding garlic to dressings, cooking it in a tray of roasted vegetables, or making it the star of the show in my Immune Boosting Roasted Garlic Bisque.

There's a beautiful Macadamia, Garlic and Parsnip soup below, which is the perfect way to get your dose of garlic goodness and gut-loving. It's a warming and nourishing soup filled with cooked vegetables to ease your digestion and keep you satisfied. 

Next up we have Leeks, a wonderful source of prebiotics with the fibre inulin, helping to promote healthy gut bacteria and break down fat. Leeks are also high in vitamin K and flavonoids, which are good for your blood, bones and heart health.

While they’re part of the same family as onions and garlic, they impart a sweet and subtle taste. Leeks frequent my roasted vegetable tray and I love them in this Roasted Vegetable Stock

Whole oats contain a beautiful prebiotic grain that contain large amounts of a fibre known as beta-glucan, as well as resistant starch. Studies show that the consumption of whole oats can help reduce total low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, (This is the one we want less of). They’re also effective in healing your gut bacteria, controlling blood sugar levels and maintaining energy levels. Just a spoonful of porridge a day can indeed improve gut health.

I love to start the day with my GutmealGolden Gut Granola Clusters or by using oat flour in baking such as these delicious Waffles.

And now, for the final event: root vegetables. Root vegetables are just so tasty; they make it so easy to root for them! Starchy root vegetables like sweet potato, yams, turnips, parsnips and squash are easy-to-digest and cleansing for the body. They contain nutrients and fibre to help keep us satisfied and our guts happy.

While they tend to be sweet in taste, root veggies have a low glycaemic index, meaning they don’t spike your blood sugar levels. They’re also high in vitamin A and C and so, are great boosters for our skin and immune system.

Why not try throwing all of these great vegetables together in a Prebiotic Tray Bake here. It’s pimped up with a tangy garlic tahini dressing and is sure to make your gut, taste buds and fridge sing with joy.

Macadamia, garlic and parsnip soup

Macadamia nuts make a brilliantly creamy dairy-free milk, adding a dreamy smoothness and mild flavour to bring this soup together. Many studies are showing that nuts are great for feeding the gut and increasing the growth of beneficial bacteria. When blended in soups, nuts can be easier on the gut.

Serves 2-3


  • 3 large parsnips, peeled and cut into 2 cm (34 inch) rounds or dice
  • 10 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 1 large brown onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, plus extra (optional) for drizzling
  • 155 g (512 oz/1 cup) macadamia nuts, soaked in warm filtered water for 30 minutes, plus extra (optional), chopped, to serve
  • 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cups) vegetable stock or filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 tsp Love Your Gut powder
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • thyme sprigs, to serve


Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F).

Spread the parsnips, garlic and onion in a roasting tin, add the olive oil and toss to coat. Roast for 25–30 minutes, until the vegetables are tender and lightly browned.

While the vegetables are cooking, drain the soaked macadamias

Transfer the roasted vegetables to a large saucepan and add the macadamias, stock, apple cider vinegar, herbs, salt and pepper. Bring to the boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Allow to cool slightly, then add Love Your Gut powder and purée in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy.

Serve immediately, topped with extra chopped macadamias and a drizzle of extra olive oil, if using, black pepper and thyme sprigs.

 Supercharged tip:

You can make this soup extra delicious by topping with small parsnips sliced lengthways and roasted.

DIY Valentine’s Day Collagen and Flax Chocolate Bars

Valentine’s Day is almost here and I have a very important question for you. What would you rather, roses or chocolate?

If you answered chocolate you’ve come to the right place! I’ve even got loved-up heart emoji eyes just thinking about it.

If you’re the giving kind, why not shower your loved ones with a gift from the heart this Valentines Day. Nothing says I love you more than a homemade chocolate treat!

Ok it might be a little unconventional but this heart centred offering made with your own hands is bliss with every bite! Don’t you find that making your own recipes brings an incredible sense of grounding into your life, a smile on your face and love in your heart? Or maybe that’s just me. There go those heart shaped eyes again!

Why not avoid the fixed priced evening out or take-away runs and get into the kitchen to make chocolate at home. And by the way, you don’t have to be coupled up to make chocolate, enjoy it with your friends or family or make it for yourself.

After all chocolate is love!

Please enjoy my delicious DIY Valentines Day Collagen and Flax Chocolate Bars and have a happy day lovers!

Lee xo

Makes 14


  • 3 tablespoons organic coconut butter
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseeds (linseeds)
  • 3 tablespoons powdered collagen
  • 2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
  • 1 tsp Love Your Gut powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • pinch of Celtic sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons rice malt syrup or raw honey, or sweetener of your choice


Line a very small square cake tin, loaf (bar) tin or dish with baking paper. In a heatproof bowl set over a small saucepan of simmering water,
gently melt the coconut butter and coconut oil, stirring until combined. Place the flaxseeds, collagen, cacao powder, love your gut powder, vanilla and salt in a food processor or high-speed blender and pulse until combined.
Add the melted oil mixture and your chosen sweetener and whiz again, adding more flaxseeds if needed; the consistency should be like a paste. Spoon the mixture into your lined tin or dish and refrigerate for 1–2 hours, until set.
Cut into 3 x 10 cm (11/4 x 4 inch) bars to serve.
The bars will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 4–5 days.

How to Boost Your Immune System + an Immunity-Boosting Edible Smoothie

Now is the second best time to boost your immunity! The best time was yesterday, but I prefer not to live in the past, so lets get into it!

As with the whole body, the health of your immune system is heavily reliant upon the state of health of your digestive system.  Immune cells that are located within the gut’s immune system are allies for good gut flora and they both work together to keep you healthy and strong.

If you’re keen to stay on top of your immunity, there are some natural ways to bulletproof your immune system, which I’d love to share with you. Don’t worry about doing everything all at once, it takes time to boost your immunity, it’s not an overnight thing, but try these and let me know what you have tried and what works for you in the comments below.

If you’ve noticed more throats becoming scratchy or noses more sniffly and more and more jumbo boxes of tissues being used on your morning commute, now is a good time to look after yourself and boost up your natural defence system.

Rather than relying upon regular cold and flu medication, which can weaken your immune system’s ability to respond naturally to illness, finding natural ways to boost immunity and fight off colds, flu and bugs is a good long-term approach.

The first place to begin boosting your immunity is in your gut, where 70-80% of your immune tissue resides.  Because your gut is often the first entry point for pathogens, you’ll want to ensure that you have a good amount of good gut flora to prevent pathogens and infections from being absorbed through the gut lining.

Including foods that soothe and rebuild the gut lining such as gelatin, aloe vera and slippery elm can also assist in nutrient absorption, helping you to feel more energised.

The best way to ensure a robust immune system is to increase microbial diversity in the gut by eating a balanced diet filled with anti-inflammatory, fibre-rich, antioxidant rich, nutritious, prebiotic and probiotic rich foods.

Some of my favourite immune-boosting foods and ingredients in each of these specific areas include;


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for our body to avoid foggy brains, helping to produce energy and strengthen our immunity. Flaxseeds are full of Omega-3 fatty acids and high in fibre to promote regular bowel movements.

It’s no secret that oily fish like salmon, sardines and tuna are overflowing with omega-3 fatty acids but, our fishy friends can also raise dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. Dopamine improves circulation and blood flow, to keep active and serotonin, our happy hormone is sure to put a smile on your dial!

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that increases the level of immunity-boosting proteins in our bodies. These proteins help fight bacteria and viruses when they try to attack. Turmeric is also a natural anti-inflammatory and painkiller.

Fibre Rich

Fibre is important for digestion and getting the right kind of fibre in your diet will give you the best chance of creating a healthy community of gut bacteria and smooth digestion.

Soluble fibre dissolves in water, and is slower to digest
 as it attracts water to form a gel. Types include oatmeal, psyllium husks, acacia fibres, berries, lentils (soaked for easier digestion), fruit and vegetables.

Insoluble fibre doesn’t dissolve in water. It passes through the digestive system relatively intact and speeds up the passage of food waste through your gut. Sources include grains, nuts, seeds, beans, fruit and vegetables.

While insoluble fibres are great for flushing out pollutants from the body, an excess of these fibres can be irritating. Too much roughage can also bind to minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron, preventing their absorption. Soluble fibres, on the other hand, are the ones you can focus on for improved gut health.

When you eat the soluble fibres found in whole plant foods, your gut bacteria ferment them into short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate, propionate and acetate, which nourish your gut. This is wonderful for maintaining the integrity of your gut lining, improving digestion, increasing the absorption of minerals and assisting with immune system function.

Healthy sources of fibre include sweet potatoes, carrots and root vegetables, 
green leafy vegetables, berries, nuts and seeds, (I usually try and pre-soak them to make digestion easier).

Nutrient Rich

Vitamin C is a powerful flu-fighting antioxidant which can help to keep colds and flus at bay by enhancing your immune system functioning and increasing the production of necessary antibodies and white blood cells in your body, a key component to warding off infections. Some ingredients to include are mango, blueberries and citrus fruits. Other well-known sources of vitamin C are broccoli, parsley, cabbage, capsicum and dark leafy greens. My Immune Boosting Edible Smoothie below contains a mixture of wonderful Vitamin C rich sources and this is a super simple way to get a high-speed injection of C.

Zinc is an important mineral in the development and functioning of the body’s infection-fighting white blood cells. It’s vital to note that how well we absorb zinc depends heavily on the foods with which it’s consumed. The amount of protein in the diet is a factor contributing to the efficiency of zinc absorption as zinc binds to protein. Women, vegetarians and vegans can often be lacking in zinc, as it’s most commonly found and absorbed from animal products.   Zinc is predominantly found in lean red meat, chicken, eggs, seafood, especially oysters and shellfish and in smaller quantities in whole grains, nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds and fortified breakfast cereals.

Antioxidant Rich

In season fresh fruit and vegetables, are sources of prebiotic fibre and a number of powerful antioxidants to help protect the body's cells against damage and infection. Flavonoids, the natural pigments that give plants their colour, have antioxidant, or cell-protecting, properties.

Beetroot, broccoli, sweet potato, oranges, red capsicum, and pumpkin are high in antioxidants to help immunity.

Prebiotic Rich Foods

Our friendly bugs need to be fed to maintain the survival and proliferation of their colony. This is where prebiotics come in — and in simple terms, they act as a food for our good bacteria, as they’re high in special types of fibre. It’s prebiotics that do all the behind-the-scenes work in our tummies. Without them, probiotic bugs have a poor chance of surviving.

While probiotics are live organisms, prebiotics are the components of our food that are otherwise not easily digested,
but are thoroughly enjoyed by our beneficial bacteria. These 
include oligosaccharides such as oligofructose and inulin, which 
leave behind carbohydrate molecules that are a tasty meal for our microbiome. Good vegetable sources of prebiotics include fresh dandelion greens, Jerusalem artichokes, onions, leeks, chives, garlic, endive, asparagus, radicchio, chicory, shallots, spring onions (scallions), beetroot (beet), fennel bulbs, green peas, snow peas (mange tout) and savoy cabbage.

Prebiotic fruits include avocados, custard apples, nectarines, white peaches, persimmons, bananas, apples, pomegranates and figs. I encourage you to incorporate some of these delicious prebiotic foods into your diet, it’s your body’s best defence to keep you ahead of common bugs and boost your immunity.

Probiotic Rich Foods

To replenish your strains of good bacteria, it’s helpful to try to consume small amounts of probiotic-rich foods at least a few times each week. Good sources include yoghurt or coconut yoghurt, coconut water kefir or water kefir, sauerkraut, kim chi, kombucha, miso paste and natto (a Japanese fermented soybean product).

Probiotics and probiotic rich foods will help contribute to a thriving inner ecosystem that will benefit the wellbeing of your entire body.

Immune Boosting Probiotics

I like to take a probiotic supplement daily, and consume a range of fermented and probiotic foods to widen the diversity of my good bacteria, as different strains have different health benefits, ranging from increased serotonin production to an improved metabolism.

Bioxyne, has a daily probiotic supplement called Prograstrim to assist in supporting a healthy gastrointestinal tract and a healthy immune system. The active ingredient in is PCC®, Bioxyne’s patented strain of the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus fermentum.

Several scientific and clinical studies have shown that consumption of PCC® may assist in maintenance of a normal healthy gastrointestinal and healthy immune system. In clinical trials, Lactobacillus fermentum VRI-003 has demonstrated positive effects on the gastrointestinal and immune systems, including reduced susceptibility to respiratory tract infections, improvement in eczema (atopic dermatitis) symptoms, and boosting of the immune response to the flu vaccine.

Lactobacillus fermentum VRI-003 is of human origin and exhibits superior survival to other probiotics in the acidic (pH 2-4) environment found in the stomach and large intestine. It colonises the human intestinal tract and stimulates the areas of immune tissue in the small intestine.

I previously interviewed molecular biologist Dr Peter French, on the blog and we spoke about the connections between atopic dermatitis (eczema) and the gut, as studies also show that this strain can reduce the symptoms of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (eczema) in infants. If you know of anyone suffering from eczema you might like to send him or her this link.

To find out more about Bioxyne, the latest research on the gut microbiome and its effect on our health read on here, or if you are interested in reading more in-depth information about Lactobacillus fermentum VRI-003 you can find it here.

And now for my ultimate Immune Boosting Edible Smoothie!

Edible smoothie bowls are thick and creamy smoothies you can eat for breakfast, topped with delicious add-ons. Do you remember those thick shakes you may have enjoyed as a child? You know the ones which you could barely suck through a straw without getting fish face?

Here’s a much more nourishing blend to be enjoyed with a spoon, bursting with phytonutrients and enzymes that’ll give you an easily digested energy boost for the day ahead. This is the ultimate immune boosting bowl! I add it to my repertoire of meal ideas as the flu season kicks in.

Serve it with your choice of toppings — fresh passionfruit, extra flaxseeds or chia seeds, flaked coconut, fresh berries.


Smoothie bowls are simply a thicker version of a smoothie —

  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 2 frozen bananas, cut into chunks
  • 1 fresh mango, roughly chopped, or 1 large handful of frozen mango chunks
  • 2 large handfuls of rocket (arugula)
  • 2 kale leaves, centre spines and stems removed
  • 375 ml/ 1 ½ cups Coconut, almond or oat milk (your choice)
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed (linseed) meal
  • 1 tsp Love Your Gut powder (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon tahini


Place all the ingredients in a high-speed blender and whiz until creamy and smooth. Add more milk to thin the smoothie a little, if necessary.

Scoop into two serving bowls and add your favourite toppings!

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