
Do You Have Gut Issues after Having Covid-19? I Have Answers + a Coconut Oatmeal

Has a post-COVID belly got you down?

If you’re experiencing lingering digestive issues after having Covid-19 you’re not alone. Post-covid gut issues are something I’ve seen a fortune of in my clinic recently – from bloating, reflux and flatulence to constipation, diarrhoea and leaky gut. So, I’m here to help. 

The gut is the body’s epicentre to health. It’s central to many of the body’s systems, including the immune system, so it isn’t surprising that the aftermath of COVID can come in the form of a range of digestive issues. 

Some of the most common gut symptoms associated with the virus include vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, a lack of appetite, abdominal pain, flatulence, distorted taste and nausea. If you’re experiencing any of these during or after catching COVID, no, it’s not a coincidence or your body playing tricks on you. In fact, up to a whopping one-third of people with COVID have experienced gastrointestinal symptoms.

Why does COVID impact the Gut? 

While the jury is still out on this one, it’s clear that although COVID is primarily a respiratory illness, more evidence suggests that the GI tract is involved in this disease.  

The Gut Lung Axis

It turns out that the gut and the respiratory tract share an immune system, known as the gut-lung axis.1 This axis is bi-directional, which means if the gut is affected by bacteria, the lungs will be impacted too, and vice versa.2

There are also around 100 times more receptors in the GI tract than respiratory organs, so the gut may be able to house more viruses when it acquires an infection. 

In COVID, when pro-inflammatory cytokines enter the body through the lungs, it causes all-over body inflammation. Once these cytokines reach the gut, the virus can travel through veins that drain blood from the digestive tract, impacting the all-important vagus nerve.

Once this occurs, the disease impacts the gut barrier, altering bacteria within the gut, increasing its permeability and causing more inflammation.3

Increased intestinal permeability, which is also known as leaky gut, allows the bacteria to circulate, exacerbating the illness. When this happens, we can experience a range of digestive discomfort symptoms, like bloating or flatulence.  

To make matters worse, the medications taken for other symptoms of COVID can cause side effects like nausea and diarrhoea.

What Happens to the Microbiome?

The gut is the largest immune organ in the body, and its bacteria influence immune responses. The variety of the gut’s bacteria may influence the severity of COVID and the body’s response to it. Imbalances and inflammation in the microbiome may be implicated in persisting symptoms, known as ‘long COVID’.4

Increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut hinders the body’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients, making it harder to fight off an infection.

Who is Most Likely to Experience Gut Symptoms with COVID? 

Unfortunately, people with pre-existing GI conditions, such as ulcerative colitis or IBS, may experience the disease more seriously and have adverse complications that's why it's so important to look after your gut health both prophylactically and on an ongoing basis.

What’s the Bottom Line?

More research is needed to understand the full extent COVID has on the body, but it is clear that the gut is involved.  

My Top Tips for The COVID and Post-COVID Gut 

A Gut-Friendly Diet 

Focus on a gut-friendly diet filled with omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, soups and smoothies. A gut-friendly shopping list should include anti-inflammatory turmeric, gut-healing gelatine, omega-3-rich fish, protein, gut-loving slippery elm and supercharged Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder.

The Synbiotic Powder helps repair, restore, and rebalance and reignite your gut health from within.

It contains 20 billion bits of love for your bacteria in the shape of a unique and completely natural synbiotic formulation, with plenty of digestive enzymes, dietary fibre and a supercharged blast of antioxidants. You can find out more here. 

Incorporate foods that not only make it easier for your gut to digest but will make you feel lighter and possibly less fatigued.

Some of my favourite gut-loving meals are steamed, sautéed, stewed or roasted vegetables, bone broths, fibre-rich foods and gluten-free grains. There are load of recipes here.

Avoid triggering foods

If you are experiencing lingering health issues, help restore your gut by avoiding or reducing caffeine, alcoholic beverages and refined sugar. Giving your gut a break can allow the gut lining to heal and help reduce inflammation, too. 

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is required to help move things through the body. Water can help hydrate the kidneys, improve digestion and reduce fatigue.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Shift the balance of unhealthy microflora to a microbiome that can generate energy for the body by eating more pre and probiotics.

Probiotics are live microorganisms found in yoghurt, kimchi and sauerkraut that add healthy microbes to the gut. Prebiotics, found in artichokes, asparagus, and chicory root, act as food for the gut’s good bacteria. Prebiotics can improve immune function, reduce inflammation and even help weight loss. Prebiotics and probiotics work harmoniously to help the gut microflora survive and thrive. 

Probiotic Foods:

  • Kefir 
  • Kimchi
  • Miso 
  • Sauerkraut
  • Yoghurt 

Prebiotic Foods:

  • Banana 
  • Cassava
  • Chickpea flour
  • Chicory root 
  • Garlic
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • Leeks 

Gut Toolkit 

Fulvic Humic Concentrate (FHC) is a great ingredient to include in your gut toolkit. It supports the integrity of the gut lining and strengthens its tight junctions, which replenishes microbiota, nutrients, and enzymes after viruses. It also helps to stimulate energy production, and improves oxygen levels. 5

Fulvic acid has a number of studies for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Test-tube studies have shown that it may limit the release of inflammatory substances like tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). 6, 7

The other ingredient to add to your toolkit is Love Your Gut powder. This powder helps to gently sweep the gut and carefully wipe it clean of bad bacteria. Love Your Gut Powder enables you to absorb nutrients by removing built-up plaque, allowing you to absorb more from your food and improve digestion.

If you're feeling tired and depleted, having a soothing and filling breakfast can help. My Coconut Oatmeal on a cold morning is like a warm hug for your insides. Oats are one of the most magical gut-healthy foods around, boosting beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, and relieving issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.

Oats are a good source of resistant starch which is not digested in the stomach or small intestine and reaches the colon intact. This oatmeal is such an easy way to squeeze in some gut-healing benefits first thing in the morning.


Serves 2


  • 50 g (1 3/4 oz/1/2 cup) gluten-free organic rolled (porridge) oats
  • 250 ml (9 fl oz/1 cup) filtered water
  • pinch of Celtic or Himalayan sea salt
  • pinch of ground cinnamon, plus extra for sprinkling
  • 125 ml (4 fl oz/1/2 cup) Coconut Milk
  • 1 handful of mixed fresh berries
  • mint leaves, to garnish


Combine the oats and water in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer
and cook for 12–15 minutes, or until the oats are tender, stirring regularly.

Stir in the salt, cinnamon. Mix the coconut milk through until creamy and smooth.

Serve topped with the berries and mint, and an extra sprinkling of cinnamon.

I'd love to know: have you experienced any digestive discomfort with COVID?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep well!

Lee x  


1 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.765965/full#B26

2 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.765965/full#B31

3 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34177935/

4 https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/make-up-of-gut-microbiome-may-influence-covid-19-severity-and-immune-response/

5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2876922/


7 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19131228/


7 Newest Healthy Food Findings From Scientists

A growing body of evidence in clinical studies shows how different foods affect human health. Based on the food we eat we can keep a healthy body or trigger health issues leading to obesity, heart problems, and accelerated aging.

The understanding of a healthy diet is constantly changing. Whereas, scientists suggest a diet enriched with nutrients, vitamins, and other dietary components to prevent the development of health declines over time.

These are the latest 7 healthy food findings of scientists which define a new pattern of proper nutrition.

Bananas: These are well-known shielded fruits that are present in shops all year round, and carry numerous health benefits besides boosting your mood. These benefits include the prevention of type 2 diabetes and kidney stones. They also provide quick energy, promote digestion, and increase muscle stability and bone strength while aging.

Depending on the ripeness, not only the taste but also the healthy effects of bananas change. Research suggests that green bananas, though hard to peel and chew due to starch, have a low glycaemic index (30) compared to ripe bananas having 58. This feature makes green bananas a healthy fruit for treating or preventing diabetes. Green bananas are also good for promoting the digestion of carbs and vitamin absorption. Enjoy my Green Banana Pancakes

Yellow bananas in their turn are sweet and easy to peel. The starch turns into sugar making them a good source of energy. On the other hand, yellow bananas are good for eye health and may help prevent cancer development.

Brown bananas can be used as a healthy sweetener instead of sugar. These types of overripe bananas contain vitamin B6, folate, potassium, and a trace amount of vitamin C. Also, both yellow and brown bananas are good bioavailable antioxidants.

Mangoes: These fruits fit all dieting patterns and bring various health effects. Mangoes are shown to contain generous amounts of vitamin C and provide you with the Daily Value (DV) of necessary vitamins and minerals.

A recent study with overweight and obese people suggests that the supplies of nutrients in mango play the role of anti-inflammatory agents and provide the body with large amounts of antioxidants.

Mangoes are also rich in fibre and potassium, vitamins A, B12, C, and folate. The latter is necessary to lead a healthy pregnancy. During the study, consuming low-fat cookies as snacks increased body weight and insulin among control group participants. Whereas, people snacking on mangos demonstrated reduced cholesterol intake, low inflammation levels, as well as, better glucose control.

Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are the best-known vegetables from the cruciferous family. These vegetables contain vitamin K and folate, dark cruciferous vegetables are also rich in vitamins C and A. The health properties of these vegetables protect your DNA from damage and act as antioxidants. To understand your DNA find DNA test kits.

Studies suggest that cruciferous vegetables may lower the risk of developing different types of cancers including breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic, bladder, lung, and prostate cancers.

According to recent scientific findings, broccoli and cabbage are also considered NMN foods because they contain a generous amount of this health-supportive molecule. NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) is a molecule that is generated in all living forms and can be obtained through food or supplements. It is also gaining popularity due to its anti-aging properties and numerous positive effects on neurodegenerative disorders.

Coffee (In moderation): If you start your day with coffee and sip it during the day to keep agile, you may also get to know its health benefits. Despite controversial opinions about the restorative effects of this drink, the moderate consumption of coffee is demonstrated to promote cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, oxidative stress, and inflammation.

A couple of cups of high-quality dark coffee, like the one from Twisted Goat Roasters, without added sugar or other ingredients, has been shown to significantly lowers the risk of developing age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s disease.

For some coffee enthusiasts, the acidity present in traditional coffee blends can cause digestive discomfort or exacerbate existing gastrointestinal issues. Fortunately, low-acid coffee offers a delicious alternative that allows you to enjoy your favorite beverage without the unwanted side effects.

Its reduced acidity content helps preserve the natural antioxidants found in coffee beans, which can help combat free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. Moreover, low-acid coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of enamel erosion on teeth due to its less corrosive nature. Consider giving low-acid coffee a try - it may just become your new go-to morning pick-me-up!

Seeds and spices: The antioxidant properties of seeds and spices are long known.
Cumin, turmeric, black paper, curry, coriander, and mustard add not only color and flavor to your meal but also make it healthy fighting chronic diseases and inflammatory conditions.

Interestingly, scientists showed the healthful effects of spices on respiratory disorders, types of cancers, and heart diseases. A handful of sunflower and pumpkin seeds, in their turn, provide RDI (recommended daily intake) of nutrients for maintaining healthy skin, nourished hair, and muscles.

Fermented food: For many years people used fermentation as a means to better and longer preserve food. This is a process of yeast and bacteria breaking down the sugar in products. Hence, turning them into healthy foods, that rescue bone health, muscle endurance, better digestion, and even assist in weight loss.

Kefir, Greek yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, famous Japanese miso, and natto made from soybeans, and kimchi are types of fermented foods scientifically proven to bring numerous health effects. As a healthy addition to your balanced diet, fermented foods rich in probiotics may improve your digestion, increase immunity and play as strong antioxidants.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms are fungi that have been eaten alone or added to numerous meals for decades. They are known to benefit your health in many different ways without adding fats, sodium, or undesired calories. Due to their chewy and meaty texture, contained nutrients, mushrooms are also a good alternative to animal meat.

Studies found that eating 18 grams (two medium mushrooms) a day may reduce the risk of cancer development by slowing down cellular damage. Also, being low in cholesterol, mushrooms help you keep a balanced BMI (body mass index) and reduce the risk of obesity. Another research with participants eating golden, oyster, shiitake, and white button mushrooms demonstrated a low risk of cognitive decline.

Besides containing Selenium which helps your body make antioxidants, vitamin B6 which protects from DNA damage, and vitamin D reducing inflammation, Crimini mushrooms are known to contain enough amounts of NMN to boost your health and longer lifespan.

Consider boosting your well-being by adding these types of food to your balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

11 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea


Tea is a plant-based drink that many people regularly consume because of its sweet flavors and soothing aroma, but it also has some genuine health benefits. Let’s discuss the various tea categories and how they can positively affect your bodily functions.

Colored Teas

Colored teas share the same source: Camellia sinensis, a plant with many antioxidants that grows in China and India. The most noteworthy antioxidant is EDCG, which attacks a number of ailments, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and late-onset issues like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Along with these antioxidants (also known as flavonoids), Camellia sinensis has noticeable caffeine and theanine contents, both of which help with mental alertness and give you a temporary energy boost. Let’s take a closer look at the most prominent colored teas.

1.   Black Tea

Black tea has the highest caffeine content, making it the go-to mixture for those who drink their tea to replace coffee or energy drinks. Some studies also suggest that it limits the effects of cigarette smoking and reduces the risk of stroke.

2.   White Tea

White tea is the purest tea in this category, with no curing or fermentation process. As a result, its antioxidants remain in their natural state and have been shown to limit cancer cell growth and protect healthy cell DNA. However, if you’re looking for taste, we suggest trying something else.

3.   Green Tea

Green tea is the most closely observed tea because it contains the highest ECGC levels. We have strong evidence that it stifles cancer growth in many areas, including our digestive and respiratory organs. It also has the ECGC benefits mentioned earlier.

4.   Oolong Tea

Oolong tea has a specific effect, reducing abnormally high cholesterol levels in animal studies. It’s unclear whether humans experience the same effect, but it has a large group of believers who use it as a weight-loss supplement.

5.   Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh tea is a solid tea only made from aged, fermented leaves. The leaves are pressed into small cakes, creating a filling low-calorie snack that helps with weight loss and gives you a significant energy boost. It’s considered a type of black tea, but it doesn’t have the same anti-smoking effects.

Herbal Teas

We produce herbal teas from herbs, roots, fruits and seeds. They don’t have the same antioxidant and caffeine levels as green teas, and the effects largely depend on the ingredients. Overall, they tend to have more soothing and pain-relieving effects. Health experts recommend drinking herbal tea to curb cravings during addiction recovery and settle the stomach.

A wide variety of herbal teas are consumed around the world, but the following teas have the strongest track records and are the most popular.

1.   Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is considered the most effective herbal tea at improving sleep quality and alleviating chronic sleep issues like insomnia. However, scientists are divided on whether the effects are genuine or simply a placebo. It also has anti-inflammatory effects on your digestive system and could alleviate symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.

2.   Peppermint Tea

Although we haven’t performed tests on humans, several animal studies show that peppermint tea has significant positive effects on the digestive tract, alleviating nausea, constipation and stomach ulcers. It even reduces spasms in the lower intestines, relieving irritable bowel syndrome. This tea is the recipe to try if you’re dealing with digestive issues.

3.   Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is perhaps the most similar to the colored teas in the first section, with powerful antioxidants and flavors. The main ingredient is a proven immune system stimulant,  reducing inflammation and alleviating nausea. Ginger ale is also a popular sick-day drink for this reason. Some

4.   Hibiscus Tea

According to some studies, hibiscus tea is primarily known for its tart flavor and bright coloring, but it also may balance high blood pressure and lipids. In any case, the unique taste is undeniably relaxing and will help you manage your stress levels. Stress management helps lower blood pressure, so perhaps this is the connection the researchers found.

5.   Echinacea Tea

Some studies have shown that echinacea tea helps the immune system fight the common cold and other minor ailments, but the evidence isn’t expansive or detailed enough to make a firm conclusion. Still, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to drink a cup of echinacea tea when you’re feeling under the weather. Sometimes a hot liquid is all you need to soothe a sore throat or clear your sinuses.

6.   Rooibos Tea

This tea from the fermented South African red bush plant has been a popular natural remedy for the country’s occupants for hundreds of years. Unlike other herbal teas, it contains flavonoids that may have the same anti-cancer effects as colored tea. Some studies have also shown that it improves bone density and prevents heart disease, acting as a blood vessel constrictor similar to some blood pressure medications.

Add Tea To Your Daily Diet

Tea comes in many forms and has a wide variety of health benefits, as you can see. Colored teas lean more on the side of proactive, energetic effects, while herbal teas are more calming and preventative. They all taste delicious (though everyone has their preferences).

Even if some of the teas we discussed don’t have conclusive evidence, the overall soothing sensation of a hot cup of tea is enough to justify consuming the beverage on a regular basis. Add tea to your daily diet and reap the rewards!

7 Good Foods to Help Avoid Low Blood Sugar

To stay healthy, you need to find the proper diet. You want foods that help you maintain low blood sugar. Too high blood sugar can cause heart disease, stroke or kidney problems. So, here are seven foods you should incorporate into your next meal.

1. Try Some Whole Grains

Whole grains help regulate your blood sugar levels by not causing extreme spikes. These foods aren't digested quickly due to their high fiber content. So, when you eat sugary food, the sugar is absorbed slower, so your glucose levels don’t rise too fast.

Eating fiber also reduces constipation and bacteria buildup in your intestines​​. In addition to fiber, whole grains can lower your risk of diabetes. There are multiple whole grains, from barley to buckwheat. So, grab a piece of whole-grain toast or a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Plus, skipping meals can cause your blood sugar to drop and release cortisol.

2. Increase Your Fruit and Vegetable Intake

Fruits and veggies are rich in fiber and carbohydrates. You should get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day to maintain a healthy diet. When choosing your fruits, go for less ripe ones. These have a low glycemic index, which raises glucose levels more slowly. Also, eating skin with fruit can increase your fiber intake.

In addition, go for fresh or frozen fruit that has less-concentrated sources of natural sugar. Starchy vegetables like potatoes are higher in carbohydrates. So, eat these in moderation.

Some examples of fruits and vegetables to add to your diet include:

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Blackberries
  • Broccoli
  • Beans

3. Have Some Nuts

Nuts are low on the glycemic index, high in fiber and a healthy source of fat. This helps regulate blood sugar levels, keeping you full and preventing extreme spikes. Nuts also contain nutrients and vitamins, omega-3 and magnesium, improving heart health.

This food is perfect for a midday snack. You can bring a pack of trail mix to work to hold you over in the afternoon. They also are a great quick snack for kids before they head off to their activities.

Here are a few types of nuts to add to your diet:

  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Peanuts
  • Pistachios

4. Enhance Your Dishes With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra-virgin olive oil is perfect for any salad. It helps reduce the impact of high-glycemic foods. The dressing helps stabilize the blood glucose response. It also reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Olive oil helps to protect against inflammation and heart disease as well.

You can add it to various dishes or use it as a cooking method. For example, the oil can add flavor when sauteing vegetables or meats. It also works well in Italian bread, like pizza crust.

Here are a few more ways to add olive oil to your meals:

  • When baking
  • In your seafood dishes
  • When dipping bread
  • Sprinkled on soups or pasta
  • When grilling meat

5. Mix in Some Legumes

Legumes, like beans, lentils and peas, are high in fiber and protein. The protein can help repair muscles and bones, keeping your body strong. These foods are also low on the glycemic index, preventing insulin increases.

Plus, legumes can reduce cholesterol levels, helping to maintain good cardiovascular health. Legumes provide antioxidants and lower the risk of developing diabetes as well. You can incorporate them in various ways, such as following a Mediterranean diet.

Here are a few more legumes to include in your next dish:

  • Chickpeas
  • Peanuts
  • Black beans
  • Green peas
  • Lima beans

6. Add Some Seafood to Your Diet

Seafood provides plenty of protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These can help regulate blood sugar levels. The protein slows your digestive system and keeps your sugar levels under control. Also, it reduces overheating which is essential for healthy blood sugar levels.

In addition, vitamins can improve the body's responsiveness to insulin. Eat foods like fatty fish, such as salmon, to help improve your blood sugar regulation.

Here are a few more ways to add to more seafood to your diet

  • Cod
  • Trout
  • Shrimp
  • Tilapia

7. Enjoy Some Yogurt

Yogurt is a fermented dairy product that can enhance blood sugar control. Eating some each day can improve your post-meal insulin levels. Also, yogurt contains probiotics that support a healthy gut microbiome. These can impair blood glucose control and lead to Type 2 diabetes when unbalanced.

Yogurt has other health benefits, such as strengthening your immune system and heart. Yogurt is the perfect morning meal with some cereal. It is also great to pack for the office. It's a light snack that you can easily consume on your break.

7 Good Foods to Help Avoid Low Blood Sugar

Controlling your blood sugar is critical, especially if you have diabetes. Finding the right food can sometimes be tricky. So, consult this list before your next shopping trip. To further support your low-sugar prevention efforts, incorporating fiber supplements into your routine can be beneficial. Klinio offers high-quality fiber supplements that can help regulate blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and enhance overall gut health. Adding these supplements to your daily regimen can be an effective strategy in managing blood sugar levels and promoting overall well-being.





💕 NEW Love Your Gut Products at Supercharged Food

Just quietly, I wanted to let you in on a little secret. I've been working behind the scenes to create a brand new range of gut friendly products for you.

We’re quietly launching a number of  gut-loving essentials on our superchargeyourgut.com and Supercharged Food online stores!

The products have been developed by me, a qualified clinical nutritionist, and I have ensured that every single ingredient is handpicked and scrutinised. There is full transparency that exists within our sustainable supply chain, including the steps from the sourcing of ingredients to production of the final product, which is an integral part of our sustainable goals as a business.

When bringing out any new products, I really try to keep the pricing as low as possible for our customers and our suppliers, you will never find any added brand tax or superfluous packaging. When your gut health products reach your doorstep, you can be assured that they are made with you and the planet in mind. The prices have remained the same since Love Your Gut powder launched in 2014. 

I pride myself on being a women led business and these products are designed especially for you, but they are also good for men and the whole family, as they are based on food and nutrition principles and not medication, which is the cornerstone of the supercharge your life philosophy.

Supercharged Food is still a family operated business, I don't have big offices or fancy premises, I work from home with my daughter and niece who both work remotely. We are not a big brand company, conglomerate or a multi-national, and we believe that the benefit of that is each of these products are personally produced with you in mind.

I've brought my gut health nutritional expertise to each one of these new additions and personally backed them.  My mission is really simple and that is to help people regain their health and live healthy and fulfilled lives.

You won't find any corporate strategy here or the hiring of management consultants.  Supercharged Food is based on me working with clients from a clinical perspective, gaining their individual feedback and needs and then supporting them with food and nutritional ingredients that are backed by science and ethically produced. We’re all about sharing the stunning results of looking after your gut health and want as many people to be able to access our products as possible.

Please send me your feedback and reach out to me, as I truly value it and appreciate your suggestions, and your support of our range of gut friendly products. We always have your best interests at heart and believe in nature and nature's law. We believe that authenticity and intention is important and what you put in, is what you get back.  Your wonderful and kind emails, testimonials and health transformations are what continue to drive us. 

We are just doing small-runs to start with and exclusive to superchargeyourgut.com and superchargedfood.com so stocks are limited. We do have even more Supercharged products in the pipeline, so stay tuned!

I love my job as a clinical nutritionist. Love, love it! I get to read, try and research so many wonderful foods and food formulas that can help almost every imaginable health condition. I also really enjoy tinkering around in my clinic, making healthy concoctions for my clients and my friends.

As I mentioned, I’ve been working on a number of, what I like to call ‘gut essentials’ products. Now on the site are the fruits (and vegetables) of my labour.

We have the following new additions:

Protein + Fibre formulas - very yummy vanilla and healthy chocolate

Get on the vegan protein pro team! This blend of supercharged ingredients is great for your gut health and the health of your whole body.

 Good Gut Health:

  • 18g of bio-fermented plant protein per serve
  • Pea protein is a source of vitamins B6 and B2, niacin, molybdenum, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium and choline
  • Natural energy
  • Nutrient dense
  • Aids assimilation and absorption of nutrients
  • Low carbohydrate
  • Less than 100 calories per serve
  • Prebiotic fibre and digestive enzymes
  • Feeds your microbiome

Fast Facts:

  • Natural chocolate flavour
  • All natural
  • No fillers, no soy, no synthetic ingredients or sweeteners 

Read more about them here: very yummy vanilla and healthy chocolate

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar capsules

The Mother of all apple cider vinegar (ACV) capsules. Supercharge your health with organic apple cider vinegar and protect your teeth with our ACV capsules. Each capsule contains the mother and is packed full of goodness for your gut, including probiotics, enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants.

Good Gut Health:

  • Contains the gut friendly mother
  • Certified organic nutrition
  • Aids digestion and weight management
  • Prebiotics and digestive enzymes
  • Creates an environment for microbiota to thrive

Fast Facts:

  • Protects your teeth by delivering ACV in vegan capsule form
  • Made in Australia from at least 90% Australian ingredients
  • Read more about them here: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar capsules

awesome Greens, Mushrooms, Protein and Adaptogens powder

The easy way to get your daily greens (protein, mushrooms and adaptogens!). Great for your gut and the functioning of your body. A unique blend of supercharged ingredients including organic greens, medicinal mushrooms, protein and adaptogens.

Good Health:

  • Natural energy
  • Nutrient dense
  • Adaptogenic herbs (help the body adapt to stressors of all kinds)
  • Prebiotics and digestive enzymes
  • Feeds your microbiota
  • Vitamin C

 Fast Facts:

  • Super greens like chlorella, spirulina, yerba mate and gotu kola from sustainable, organic growers
  • Adaptogenic herbs including; ashwagandha, holy basil, turmeric, chaga and cordyceps mushroom
  • Good tasting with natural flavours

Read more about them here: Greens, Protein, Mushrooms and Adaptogens.

I hope you’ll like them and find them useful on your health journey.

All the new products are vegan and free of all the bad stuff like preservatives and fillers.

By the way, thank you so much for all of your feedback on our new Love Your Gut Synbiotic which is a probiotic, prebiotic, dietary fibre and digestive enzyme formulation.

Here is some feedback from a recent happy customer 🙂

I've always suffered from bloating after meals and more recently I noticed bumps on my tongue that result from poor digestion and an imbalanced gut.

I started Synbiotic and after about 6 weeks, I noticed my energy levels were better, I bloat far less, and the spots reduced significantly and are almost gone!

I highly recommend using Synbiotic every morning!

Rosanna L

Please let us know your feedback after using our products, we would love to hear from you. You can email me here: lee@superchargedfood.com

Lee xo

How to live in alignment with nature + my favourite plant based recipes

Do you ever think about how some mammals undergo a hibernation process annually? When winter comes, mammals rest, restore and slow down. 

I actually think they could be onto something. 

The modern-day demands that we work harder every day, hustle, be continuously connected, and hyper aware of everything going on most of the time.

In this past year and a half, my focus has been on living more in alignment with nature, taking rest periods to recalibrate and disconnecting when I need to.  I have stepped back and have been living in a more attuned way, using innate wisdom to intuitively connect and embrace all that nature has to offer. Living off the land, growing my own vegetables and herbs, catching fish for dinner, hiking and exploring my local environment and taking care of animals.

I’m not going to say that once we get the first hit of a chill, we should all quit our jobs, relocate to a cave and sleep for months on end (but hey, some days, that sounds pretty good). However, it is becoming more obvious that modern life’s current fast pace, can’t be maintained, as it fundamentally goes against Mother nature’s intentions.

After the past 18 months of living simply and in a more aligned way, I believe that nature and the natural world has to be our focus now and forever, it's the fix that is needed in this current landscape and one that should be nurtured. 

What has become evident is, that once you get in touch with the cycles of nature and all they have to offer, you can start to think more clearly, be more present and show up in ways that you never thought quite possible. 

I've always been drawn to this way of life since childhood, as I write in my book Eat Clean Green and Vegetarian. "I grew up in England in a rickety house on a railway line at the bottom of an uncultivated bramble infested quarter acre plot. Within a year we had transformed it into a beautiful vegetable garden that we would disappear into, tackling nature head on and coming out triumphantly with purple stained hands clutching fistfuls of rhubarb or makeshift buckets bursting with juicy seasonal berries."

Growing up I was immersed in nature, being a part of the changing seasons and witnessing the circle of life; from watching the emergence of seedlings poking their first leaves out of the earth to observing the culmination of plants reaching their full potential, it was profoundly nourishing.

I'd love to share with you are ten things I’ve been engaging in, to help me fully align with the rhythms of nature. If you like you can take them one at a time, stick with what resonates and leave the rest. You do you, as nature intended. 

My Ten Tips for Living in Alignment with Nature

1. A morning routine. Sticking to a semi-regular morning routine has helped me set up my day in a calming state and check in with how I feel before going into whatever the day may bring. While I don’t have a strict morning routine, I like sleeping without my curtains fully closed to wake naturally with the sun. I then check in with how I’m feeling and feel into what I need, whether that’s savouring a warm cup of tea in bed, writing down how I’m feeling or taking a few deep breaths before I start the day. I make sure I get some early morning sun to help wake my body and brain up for the day too.

2. A regular meditation practice. Unfortunately, our schedule-oriented world has made us believe we’re meant to be busy every second of every day. If that’s you, you might want to add meditation into your routine. After introducing Vedic meditation into my life, I can honestly say it’s made a world of difference. It’s inexpensive and is one of the most natural things a human can do – experience a feeling of calm and peace. Meditation, for me, has helped me feel closer to nature on a fundamental level and returns me to a balanced state. It also has the ability to reach into the cobwebs and dust out past traumas or life events (samskaras) so that you can feel them and then heal from them.  You can read more about my journey Vedic Meditation, here.

3. Filling my home with plants. Yes, I know I’m a crazy plant lady, but having greenery around the house helps you feel more aligned with nature and clears the air at the same time! It has been proven that indoor gardening can help relieve stress, boost your creativity and focus.  You don't need to just crush them and use their juices, indoor plants can help with mental health and promote a better mood. If you own cats or dogs like me, make sure to avoid peace lily and florist’s chrysanthemum as they can be toxic to animals.

Flowers also make beautiful get-well gifts! There are so many weekly and monthly flower subscription services that can definitely help you with the freshest seasonal flowers. A reliable flower subscription shop should, however, offer ethically harvested and sustainably grown flowers. Just one thing to bear in mind!


6 Potential Health Benefits of Eating More Nuts

Whether you’re eating a handful of nuts as a snack or tossing them into your food or over a salad, nuts are jam-packed with nutrients your body needs to function properly.

Although nuts have a somewhat bad reputation for being high in fat, they primarily contain monounsaturated fat, which studies have suggested improves heart health, insulin, and blood sugar levels.

Some of the most popular nut varieties include cashews, pecans, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, and pistachios. Peanuts are technically legumes. However, they’re often considered part of the nut family due to similar nutritional characteristics and texture.

If you’re looking for a tasty, nutrient-dense snack, here are six potential health benefits of adding more nuts to your diet.

1.   Rich in Antioxidants

In addition to being an excellent source of folic acid, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and other essential minerals, nuts are a vital source of antioxidants.

A diet rich in antioxidants fights free radicals and oxidative stress, which could play a role in developing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, cognitive decline, and age-related macular degeneration.

Research indicates that walnuts are most effective at reducing oxidative stress, ultimately decreasing the risk for cell damage and cardiovascular dysfunction.

2.   May Aid in Weight Loss

Despite their high calorie levels, nuts may help you lose weight. Recent investigations have determined that tree nuts could improve weight loss and may make you feel fuller for longer.

One study analyzed 95 overweight or obese individuals between 30 and 68 years of age. Each had to follow a weight loss management program and were given a daily 1.5-ounce snack of tree nuts or pretzels over 12 weeks. A significantly lower body mass index (BMI) and lower heart rate were reported in those given nuts.

Furthermore, a research team from the University of Toronto found that eating a proper handful-sized serving of nuts was not associated with weight gain.

3.   Could Help Reduce Inflammation

Nuts contain substantial omega-3 fatty acids, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation occurs when the body tries to protect itself from pain and disease. However, long-term inflammation could be consequential for the body’s organs and make you sick.

According to various studies, eating foods with omega-3s could dramatically reduce inflammation biomarkers in diabetes or heart disease patients. One particular study with 67 participants between 50 and 65 years of age found that eating nuts improved plasma concentrations associated with body inflammation.

Walnuts are exceptionally high in omega-3s and are recommended as part of a diet to reduce arthritic inflammation and joint pain.

Chocolate and Coconut Rough

4.   May Aid in Addiction Recovery

Research shows that long-term substance abuse may adversely affect a person’s nutrient intake, hormones, and body composition. As such, a nutritionally balanced diet is critical during addiction recovery.

Certain foods could be beneficial for those recovering from opioid addiction. Nuts may be a good option since they contain an abundance of healthy oils and fats, providing the necessary nourishment for the body.

Since walnuts and almonds have significantly higher nutrient absorption than pistachios, they may be the best nuts for improving gut health during treatment.

5.   Could Help Lower Cholesterol

As previously mentioned, nuts contain monounsaturated fats that may decrease harmful cholesterol levels.

Pistachios have 13 grams of fat, of which 11.5 grams derive from monounsaturated fat, making them one of the most beneficial nuts to eat for lowering cholesterol.

Different studies also uncovered that almonds promote healthier cholesterol and triglyceride levels, particularly in people with metabolic syndrome.

6.   May Reduce Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is several conditions that could increase one’s risk of heart attack, stroke, or developing diabetes.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 11.3% of Americans have diabetes and 96 million people over 18 are pre-diabetic.

Because nuts are low in carbohydrates and have a minimal effect on blood sugar spikes, they could be among the most suitable foods for people with metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.

Nuts also contain essential nutrients, minerals, phytosterols, and dietary fiber that are beneficial for stabilizing and improving heart health associated with metabolic syndrome.

Nuts: Delicious Snacking for Better Health

Although research continues to dig deeper into the benefits of eating nuts, plenty of evidence already proves they’re one of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet. Rather than grabbing a bag of chips during your midday slump, opt for a handful of mixed nuts to nourish your body with essential nutrients.

How to Spruce Up a Boring Salad

Salads have gotten a bad rap for being limp, soggy and boring, but they can actually be bowls of delightful deliciousness — if you know what you are doing, that is. If you are tired of making the same mediocre salad over and over again, we are here to help you transform your salad into your new favorite meal with just a few simple tips, from making your dressings with flavored vinegars to quick pickling your vegetable toppings.

Switch up your salad greens.

If you always pick up the same bag of mixed greens from the grocery store, that is the first thing you should change about your salad. Every type of green has a different taste and texture, and since they form the base of your salad, choosing the right ones is absolutely essential. Most grocery stores carry only a limited selection of greens, and your best bet for the freshest, most unique greens is probably your local farmers market or a food co-op. In fact, you can even get really adventurous and ditch the typical salad greens altogether in favor of grains like quinoa and farro or a bunch of vegetables.

Try a new protein.

After you have sorted your salad greens, the next thing you should consider is the protein. Beginner Food shares that using a different protein will immediately change the texture and flavor of the salad, automatically making it more interesting. Get creative and do not be afraid to explore non-meat proteins such as eggs, tempeh, tofu, beans, legumes and more. You can also switch up the way you fix the protein — for instance, if you always add plain, baked chicken to your salads, try marinating the meat and grilling it before adding it to your salad.

Make your own dressing.

If you are tired of working your way through the same bottle of salad dressing for weeks at a time, try making your own at home. It only takes a little time and effort and means that you can make a different batch for every single salad for endless variety. We recommend keeping a set of several different olive oils and flavored vinegars (such as The Essential Capsule from Brightland) on hand so you can whip together a new dressing whenever you feel like it.

Do not forget the fruit.

Vegetables, proteins and dressings are not the only things that can go in a salad. Fruit is also an excellent addition, especially if you are looking to add a touch of sweetness. Berries are popular salad toppings (and sometimes do not even require slicing), but experimenting with other fruits such as apples, oranges, peaches and more is totally worthwhile. If you are not already putting fruit on your salads, you are really missing out.

12 Easy-To-Make Meals For Your Next Outdoor Adventure

Preparing meals during camping can be challenging. You have a limited food supply and, in many cases, even more limited kitchen equipment

Because of this, you can resort to simple ways of preparing food, such as boiling, grilling, and blanching. Apart from this, you can prepare easy-to-make meals to maximize your time outdoors.

Supposedly, you’ve faced difficulties deciding what meals to prepare during camping. In that case, you may need to research meals that only require a few steps, ingredients, and utensils. 

For that purpose, here’s an article to help you with that. Read on to find out more!

  1. Johnnycakes

They are pancakes with added cornmeal. This meal is a perfect partner with a good coffee while camping. You’d only need flour, eggs, milk, water, and baking powder in preparing the meal. Add salt to taste. In a bowl, combine and stir all of the ingredients. Then, grease a hot grill or a pan. Pour the mixture into the skillet or pan until golden brown the johnnycakes. This carbo-rich meal is ideal for breakfast.

  1. Grilled Bread With Tomato

Otherwise known as pan con tomate, grilled bread with potato is done by preparing a long, rustic loaf with sliced tomatoes, olive oil, and garlic. In most cases, you’d season the bread with salt while being ready to enhance its flavor. You may cook it in an oven or heat it in a pan to cook it.

  1. Tomahawk Cowboy Steak

Cook the meat over a campfire or a two-zone fire on a charcoal grill. Before that, you may need to season it with two teaspoons of kosher salt. Lastly, you’d need to grill the steak for around 30 minutes.

  1. Grilled Salmon With Sweet Peppers

You need to prepare a one-pound skin-on salmon fillet, one tablespoon of olive oil, one-pound sweet mini bell peppers, and some quartered onions for the ingredients. Drizzle the salmon with oil and season it with salt. Sprinkle onions and peppers to add flavor. Cook it on a charcoal grill or in a pan over a campfire.

Yet outdoor wok burners can help maintain a constant high heat for cooking dishes like this outside.

  1. Grilled Beef And Vegetable Kebabs

You may need a one-pound trip-tip-trimmed sirloin steak, button mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, one cup of balsamic vinegar, bell peppers, and whole-grain mustard. Cut the steak into chunks and skewer it with mushrooms, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Grill over your campfire, then turn each side regularly until the kebabs are cooked to your liking.

  1. Dutch Oven Mac And Cheese

While boiling the macaroni pasta al dente, fry some bacon strips in the Dutch oven. Then, mix milk, cheese, and spices into a bowl. Stir the mixture properly until all of the ingredients have melted and combined. Set aside the bacon strips. After that, pour the pasta and the mixture into the Dutch oven. After simmering, put back the bacon strips to the Dutch oven.

  1. Cheesy Potato Packets

Cut your potatoes into thick wedges. Then, mix them with scallions, pepper, salt, oil, and garlic powder in a bowl. Place the mixture on a reusable BBQ grill mat. Let it cook over a campfire. When cooked, open the foil and sprinkle cheese bits over it.

  1. Campfire Banana S’mores

Prepare four twelve-inch foil pieces. Slice each banana lengthwise, just enough to fill it in but not too deep to cut it completely. Fill each fruit with chocolate chips, cereal, and marshmallows. Wrap the bananas with the foil wrappers, and cook them directly over coals.

  1. Camping Chicken Quesadillas

Combine the cooked and chopped chicken breast, black beans, and chili powder in a bowl. Then prepare four twelve-inch foil pieces. Fill in half of the tortilla with the chicken mixture. Fold the tortilla in half before placing it on a piece of foil. Cook the foiled quesadillas over a campfire.

10. Garlic Butter Campfire Corn

In a mixing bowl, combine butter, chives, garlic, pepper, and salt. Rub the mixture over the husked, medium-eared corn. Cook above the coals. Turn each occasionally until it becomes tender.

11. Sweet Potato Peanut Stew

In a mixing bowl, combine diced sweet potato, peanut butter broth, and chickpeas. Pour the ingredients into a heated pot. Mix it thoroughly until it simmers down. Let it cool until it’s ready to eat.

12. Grilled Vegetables 

Combine asparagus, peppers, zucchini slices, mushrooms, spices, and salt in a bowl. Then, place them over the coals.

Wrapping Up

Suppose you’re going out for your next outdoor adventure anytime soon. In that case, you may need to know some easy-to-prepare meals for your activities. 

You may refer to the eleven meals you can quickly prepare with a limited food supply, such as herbs and spices, and even more limited kitchen equipment. This way, you have the needed energy boost to keep yourself going in your next outdoor adventure.

Sea Salt, Fresh Raspberry & Slivered Almond Chocolate

Sea salt, slivered almond and fresh raspberry chocolate bark, come at me!

The world would be a different place without chocolate, and what better time to indulge than Easter.

It’s time to let go of production line chocolate bunnies and create a homemade chocolate bark that is super easy to whip up and even easier to share. Once made, you can just snap off a piece, enjoy and share around.

My sea salt, slivered almond and fresh raspberry delight has the addition of sea salt and raspberries, that adds brightness and a salty finish with every bite.

Officially approved by the Easter Bunny, so please be sure to give them a go!

Sea salt, fresh raspberry and slivered almond chocolate

{ MAKES ABOUT 150 G (512 OZ) }

  • 60 g (21/4 oz) coconut butter
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 55 g (2 oz/1/4 cup) grated cacao butter
  • 1 heaped tablespoon raw cacao powder
  • 2 tablespoons rice malt syrup or any sweetener of choice
  • generous pinch of sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter (optional)
  • handful raspberries, halved handful slivered almonds, toasted


Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Melt the coconut butter, coconut oil and cacao butter in a bowl sifting over (but not touching) a bowl of very hot water and whisk to combine. Add the cacao powder, rice malt syrup, salt, vanilla and peanut butter, if using, and whisk to combine.

Pour into the prepared tray and scatter over the raspberries and almonds. Place in the freezer for at least 30 minutes, or until solid. Remove from the freezer and break into shards or chop into squares. Store in an airtight container in the freezer.

Give it a whirl, and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Happy Easter!

Lee xo  

10 Foods for Sensitive Teeth

The insurance industry may treat teeth like a luxury, but they play a critical role in your overall health. Oral pain can make it challenging to eat, impacting your ability to get the nutrients your body needs.

However, you can’t always get to a dentist right away. Sometimes, you need to save the required cash. Waiting on devices like crowns can likewise leave you with a sore mouth. Here are ten foods for sensitive teeth you can enjoy in the meantime, providing you with nutrition while going easy on your pearlies. 

1. Oatmeal

Your intestinal microbiome plays a crucial role in your overall health. Your gut bacteria feed on fiber and researchers have found an association between adequate intake and positive outcomes. However, chewing on an apple may prove impossible if you have sensitive teeth.

Oatmeal offers oodles of filling fiber. Plus, it’s so gentle on your teeth that dentists recommend it after implant surgery when you need time to heal as your devices fuse to your jaw. Oats are safe for most gluten-sensitive people as long as you read the label. Some brands cross-contaminate products by using the same machines for various grains, so look for those products labeled gluten-free.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes make a healthier alternative to plain mashed — which are also good for sensitive teeth. What elevates them above your standard russet is their impressive beta-carotene content.

Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in your body. This antioxidant helps you maintain visual and eye health, boost immune function and add luster to hair and skin. Even the fries are soft, and taste divine dipped in aioli.

3. Seed Pudding

Pudding benefits sensitive teeth because you don’t have to chew it. Furthermore, it’s not as cold as ice cream, handy if temperature extremes make you wince. However, store-bought versions often contain little besides sugar, which isn’t kind to your teeth.

However, chia seed pudding delivers a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, crucial for neurological health. While you only need two ingredients to whip up a basic batch, you can add cinnamon for flavor and better blood sugar control or cocoa for extra antioxidants. On the other hand, for individuals with difficulty swallowing, the pudding consistency diet for dysphagia can be a suitable option. The texture and smoothness are easier to manage while still providing a healthy and nutritious diet

4. Nut Butter

Nut butter is a fabulous way to get plant-based protein when chewing on almonds is out of the question. Fortunately, you can find no shortage of varieties lining store shelves. Look for versions without oodles of excess sugar, which can cause cavities, further damaging your teeth. A PB&J with soft bread and all-natural preserves makes a mouth-friendly lunch in a jiffy.

5. Hummus

Hummus also scores high in plant-based protein. While you might think of this dip as one for carrots, you can spread it on softer stuff.

For example, spread hummus on a flour tortilla and roll up some easy-to-chew pan-fried veggies like mushrooms and cabbage. This makeshift vegan street taco tastes amazing, no cheese or beef necessary.

6. Chopped Salad

Your body needs various phytonutrients and antioxidants from plants. Science hasn’t even finished classifying all of them, which is why popping a vitamin helps but isn’t sufficient.

A chopped salad minimizes how much you need to chew. When selecting toppings, stick to softer nuts like walnuts if you must have a bit of crunch, passing on croutons and harder nutmeats like almond. Likewise, give berries a pass as they can stick to tooth surfaces and make it tough to chew.

Vegetable Quiche

7. Quiche

Many vegetarians eat eggs, and they offer the carnivorous set another protein alternative when chewing chicken breast causes a toothache. A quiche makes an elegant dinner for the whole family that’s gentle on your mouth.

Get even more protein in this spinach, feta and mushroom version. Stick to soft, vegetable fillings, staying away from bacon or sausage crumbles.

8. Tuna Salad

Tuna salad is another excellent protein choice. You can omit the celery from your usual recipe to make it easier to chew. Although keep it if you can tolerate it. It provides a fiber and hydration boost.

Fish like tuna offers one of your best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, crucial substances for brain health. If mercury causes concern, stick with light tuna versus albacore, which typically has lower concentrations.

9. Healthy Fried Rice

Fried rice has a bad rap thanks to processing and additives like MSG. However, you can make a healthier version at home. Including soft lentils and peas gets you plant-based protein.

The trick? Use brown rice instead of white. Manufacturers don’t remove the bran and chaff from brown rice, preserving the fiber and nutrients.

10. Zucchini Boat Pizza

Are you concerned about your carb intake despite your sensitive teeth? You’re wise to do so. Some nutritionists implicate highly processed products like white flour with skyrocketing cases of Type 2 diabetes, so it’s wise to reduce your intake.

However, that doesn’t mean going without pizza. This recipe may delight your sensitive teeth as much as your waistline. Zucchini boats aren’t nearly as chewy as thick wheat crusts, letting you indulge in your favorite Friday treat even before seeing your dentist.

Foods for Sensitive Teeth

Having dental pain is tough. You need to find ways to meet your nutritional needs while waiting for professional help.

Turn to these ten foods for sensitive teeth. You’ll nourish your body and preserve your health.

Six Ways to Support your Energy Naturally

It’s 2 pm.  

You skipped your lunch break to work to a tight deadline, and suddenly, your eyelids become heavy, the stress is building, and your stomach is grumbling. You scurry around for something quick to eat and find a bar of chocolate stashed at the bottom of your bag. 

Do you:

A)   Grab the bar of chocolate and carry on working.

B)   Take a break, eat your packed lunch and get back to work once you’ve eaten.  

If you chose option B, you’re on your way to feeling more energised. If you chose A, don’t be surprised if you end up feeling more tired and stressed thirty minutes later. 

If you’re looking to avoid the afternoon slump, I’ve got your back.

Below are my six top ways to naturally support your energy.

  1. Prioritise Sleep:

While sleep seems like the most basic of solutions, nearly half (48%) of all Australians have sleeping difficulties.(1) No wonder so many of us complain about being tired all of the time!

If you are feeling tired, please, please, for me, prioritise your sleep.

I recommend setting a sleeping schedule, watching your stimulant intake and creating a sleep-friendly bedroom.

If you want more tips about optimising your sleep, head over here. 

  1. Eat Regular Meals:

Unless you’re intermittent fasting, I recommend consuming regular, nutrient-dense  and iron rich meals and snacks throughout the day.

At each meal, aim to have a source of protein, healthy fat and fibre to stabilise your blood sugar levels. 

As you get older, you may start to find that your energy levels dip and you feel fatigued much more easily. The idea of cooking nutritious meals every day may even seem exhausting to you. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to forego eating wholesome, healthy foods; there are a number of different options you can explore.

As you age a reputable NDIS Provider can help you with day to day chores around the home, such as cooking healthy meals. They can also support you in cleaning up the kitchen, doing laundry and other jobs that you may not have the energy for. If you feel like this is something you or an elderly family member could benefit from, you can get in touch with a local home care provider.

  1. Move Regularly: 

I know after a poor night’s sleep, the last thing you want to do is head to a HIIT class, but regular exercise is excellent for fighting fatigue.

I recommend mixing up your movement to fit how you’re feeling -  as I get older (I'm 55 this year), I love a mix of hiking, yoga and reformer Pilates, but find what works for you. 

  1. Fulvic Humic Concentrate: 

If you’re eating all the right things and still feeling tired, it may be time to consider incorporating Fulvic Humic Concentrate (FHC) into your routine. Fulvic and Humic, known as shilajit in India, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 3000 years as a revitaliser, sleep regulator and mood stabiliser.

FHC helps naturally remove toxins, metals and bacteria from the GI tract to support healthy immune system function, reduce oxidative stress and strengthen our cells.

Modern research indicates that it relieves fatigue, increases oxygen flow to the brain for improved alertness and assists energy metabolism.   

  1. Check in With Your Stress:

Chronic stress can disrupt sleep and lead to fatigue and low moods. So, how are you feeling, and how stressed are you? Are you doing anything to support your stress? 

As a yoga teacher and clinical nutritionist, I’m always looking for different ways to help people manage their stress. Some of the practices I recommend are listed here.

Last year, I took up Vedic Meditation to help manage my stress and deal with what I was experiencing at the time, and it’s made an enormous difference to my mental health and energy levels.

If you feel stressed, I encourage you to seek professional help from a doctor, therapist or psychologist.

  1. Assess Your Nutrient Deficiencies:

If your energy is feeling depleted, consider checking out your iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D and thyroid levels with a trusted doctor.

These vitamins and minerals are essential for optimal energy and can quickly become deficient in vegetarians, vegans, menstruating women, people who have chronic stress or issues with nutrient absorption.

If you’re looking for a hit of minerals, FHC contains over seventy trace minerals. 

It’s time to check in – how are you feeling, and what do you need?

Let me know in the comments below!

Lee xx

(1) https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/risk-factors/sleep-problems-as-a-risk-factor/summary

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