
How to Create the Perfect Home Gym on a Budget

Think about how often you've skipped a workout because you didn't want to go to the gym. Or how often you've been unable to exercise due to a packed schedule. Having a home gym means no more excuses and wasted gym memberships. It's a convenient and cost-effective way to stay fit and healthy from the comfort of your home.

With the right equipment, a little bit of creativity, and a few simple tips, you can create a home gym that will help you reach your fitness goals. This guide will show you how to create the perfect home gym on a budget and enjoy the benefits.

Understanding Your Budget

Setting a budget is the first step in creating the perfect home gym on a budget. This will help you determine what you can and can't afford and make smart decisions about what equipment to buy.

When setting your budget, consider the following factors:

1. Equipment costs

This includes the cost of workout machines, weights, and accessories. Make a list of the equipment you need and research prices to know how much it will cost.

2. Maintenance costs

Remember to factor in the cost of maintaining your equipment, such as replacement parts and regular cleaning supplies.

3. Space costs

Consider any costs associated with converting a room or area of your home into a gym, such as flooring, lighting, and storage.

4. Ongoing costs

Think about recurring expenses, such as electricity and fitness subscriptions, that you'll need to budget for.

Once you clearly understand your budget, you'll be able to make informed decisions about what equipment to buy and how to maximize your space.

Remember, you don't need to buy everything all at once. You can start small and build your home gym over time as you grow and expand your collection of equipment. A full-body workout machine can be a great starting point for your home gym.

Essential Equipment for Your Home Gym:

Once you have a budget, it's time to start thinking about the equipment you need for your home gym. While buying every piece of equipment under the sun may be tempting, focus on the essentials.

Here are some of the most essential pieces of equipment to consider:

  1. Resistance bands: Resistance bands are a great way to build strength and flexibility without adding bulk. They're also relatively cheap and take up minimal space.
  2. Dumbbells or kettlebells: Free weights are essential to any home gym. They allow you to work on multiple muscle groups and target specific areas for improvement.
  1. A full-body workout machine: A full-body workout machine can complete a workout and target multiple muscle groups in one exercise. Consider one that offers adjustable resistance for a challenging workout.
  1. A yoga mat: A yoga mat provides a comfortable, non-slip surface for stretching, yoga, and other exercises.
  1. A stability ball: Stability balls improve stress and target core muscles. They're also relatively cheap and take up minimal space.
  1. A jump rope: A jump rope is a simple, portable, and effective way to get your heart rate up and burn calories.

Making the Most of Your Home Gym

Once you've set up your home gym, it's essential to make the most of it. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your investment:

  • Set goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your home gym and set achievable goals. Write them down and track your progress to stay motivated.
  • Create a routine: Create a workout routine that fits your schedule and stick to it. A consistent routine will help you see results faster.
  • Mix it up: Doing the same home exercises over and over can get boring. Mix your routine by incorporating different movements, adding weights, and changing the intensity.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your workout is crucial for optimal performance.
  • Get support: Having a workout buddy or joining a fitness community can provide accountability and support. You can also join online forums or hire a personal trainer[, and even consider getting an athletic training CEUs to expand your knowledge and] to help you stay on track.


Creating the perfect home gym doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. Following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up a home gym that meets your needs and fits your budget. Whether an early bird or a night owl, you can work out at your convenience and avoid commuting to a gym.                                                                                                        

Valentine’s Day Chocolate Cashew Fudge Recipe

Love is a many-splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is Chocolate Fudge.

Someone recently asked me if I had a date for Valentine's Day. I responded, with “Of course, it's February 14th”. 

Although this date can be polarising, most people, whether they’re lovers or rebels, romantics or cynics, feel some kind of way about it. Whether it’s candy and cupids or time spent with loved ones, to clue you in, how you feel about V-Day might just depend on how you feel about yourself.

However you’re enamoured by it, whether you celebrate Valentines or Galentines or it’s kind of not such a big deal, my smooth and rich five ingredient Chocolate Cashew Fudge is a great way to get a healthy dose of the feel goods!

This recipe is soooo melt-in-the-mouth and makes a delicious treat, plus you don’t even need to turn on your stove, it can all be whizzed up in a matter of minutes.

The usual ingredient of fudge is a truckload of sugar, but, here, I’m switching it out for honey to add subtle sweetness. I’ve also moo-ved away from dairy with the addition of coconut milk for an instant touch of creaminess.

What I personally love about this recipe, is that you only need one piece to truly satisfy your tastebuds and you can stash the rest in the fridge or freezer for when you’re looking to appease your sweet tooth on another occasion.

Whatever you’re up to this Valentine’s Day, I have one essential tip for you… don’t forget the chocolate!

Later taters,

Lee xo

Chocolate Cashew Fudge

Serves 2


  • 1 cup roasted cashews
  • 11/2 cups cacao nibs
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 3 TBS honey


Place all ingredients in the Vitamix A3500i blender and blend on low speed and increase to high until mixed

Add extra coconut milk if needed

Transfer to a small tray lined with baking paper and smooth top over with a spatula

Refrigerate for 2 hours until well set

It tastes delicious!

Medicare and Medicaid: What Do They Do?

Medicaid and Medicare are federally funded health care coverage programs. People who are 65 or older or who are disabled and meet specific requirements are eligible for Medicare.

People who meet Medicaid's income guidelines receive financial assistance. These two programs heavily impact the government budget. If you want to know more, read on to see how every one of these initiatives is addressed.

What is Medicaid

Medicaid is the United States government-run health insurance program for low-income individuals and families. Each state and the national authorities contribute to the program.

Since it is managed on a state level, the scope of services and how they are administered differ significantly between jurisdictions. This program is restricted to households that meet specific income requirements.

People who get this aid are either U.S. citizens, lawful immigrants, or permanent residents. As of September, of that year (2020), Medicaid enrolled about 70.6% of the population.

Individuals cannot receive medical care via Medicaid. As an alternative, it pays for all their medical expenses, such as visits to the doctor, hospitalizations, custodial care, long-term medical care, and more.

Who is covered, what kind of coverage, and how providers and facilities are reimbursed are all matters left to the discretion of individual governments. That's because the Medicaid program is a matter for each particular state to govern and administer.

Depending on the state, there is a statutory baseline of 50% federal match and a peak of 83% federal matching. Participation in Medicaid is voluntary for the states, but all of them provide it.

What is Medicare?

Medical coverage is available through Medicare for anyone 65 or older or disabled and satisfies specific financial and health requirements according to this website. Typically, insurance companies are hesitant to insure anyone over 65.

This is because persons at this age are disproportionately affected by extremely costly medical diseases. In 1965, while Lyndon B. Johnson was president, the federal government started the Medicare program to address this issue.

Medicare was developed as part of the broader Social Security system. The Social Security program, which was established in 1935, offers an income in retirement to those who are 62 or older, as well as to those people with impairments. Medicare is an auxiliary service of the Social Security Administration.

Medicare is an elevated health insurance program that does not require applicants to undergo a medical or financial underwriting process. In general, Medicare does not charge a premium for its covered services. Those who meet the requirements can now participate in the program.

Eligibility to Medicare and Medicaid Programs

There are prerequisites for participating in each course.

Medicare eligibility

Their age determines a person's Medicare eligibility. Eligibility requirements include being at least 65 years old and a permanent resident or a U.S. citizen.

The number of years of Medicare taxation determines both premiums and plan eligibility. Disabled individuals under 65 who meet specified criteria are an exception to this rule.

Medicare recipients typically also obtain Social Security disability or retirement payments. Additionally, Medicare coverage may be expanded to:

  • A widow(er) above the age of 50 who is applying for benefits under the Disability Insurance program
  • Someone who pays Medicare taxes for a certain number of years while at a public service job

Medicaid eligibility

Medicaid qualification is generally income-based. Individuals may be eligible depending on their household income and composition.

Because the required income requirement is the same across the nation, the Affordable Care Act has expanded coverage to bridge healthcare shortages for individuals with the lowest wages.

Eligibility is determined by having an annual income of less than 133 percent of the national poverty line for most individuals under 65. The average cost for a four-person family in 2021 is estimated to be $26,500, while an individual would pay about $12,880 if using Healthcare.gov as a guide.

Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) income limits for families with children vary by state.

Medicaid also has specialized programs that provide health insurance to vulnerable populations, like pregnant women and people with severe medical conditions, who otherwise would not qualify for the program.

Medicare and Medicaid coverage

Medicare coverage

Medicare covers various medical expenses through its many segments.

Inpatient treatment is covered by Medicare Part A, including hospitalization, hospice, skilled nursing, and home health aide services.

Subpart B of Medicare covers medical services received outside of a hospital setting. Outpatient hospital treatment, doctor visits, preventative care, and some medical equipment are only some of the things that are covered.

Medicare Part C or Medicare Advantage is a commercial insurance program that provides the same coverage as Original Medicare (Parts A or B) but is administered by private companies. Dentistry and vision care and insurance for medications may be available under these policies for an additional premium.

Prescription medication coverage is provided via Medicare Part D, administered by approved plans per government regulations.

Medicaid coverage

Medicaid's coverage varies by state, although all offer at least some of the same services.

These include:

  • X-ray and laboratory testing
  • Hospital care for both in- and outpatients
  • Contraception and other forms of family planning assistance (e.g., nurse-midwife care)
  • Nursing home care for seniors and preventative medicine for kids
  • Surgical, dental care is available for adults.

Since Medicaid laws vary from state to state, it's a good idea to speak with a counselor in your area to evaluate your eligibility and assist you with enrolling.

In the United States, Medicaid and Medicare are two government-run healthcare programs available. Medicaid's eligibility criteria mostly center on financial needs, while Medicare primarily covers senior adults and people with specific chronic diseases or disabilities.

A Sustainable Christmas + Roast Turkey with ALL the Trimmings

The festive season has arrived yet again, and boy do I have some ridiculously good sustainable ideas and recipes to grace your table this Christmas!

This celebratory season is all about love, connection and gratitude centred around the best food you'll cook all year. My latest book Supercharge Your Life features lots of festive recipes from decadent grazing platter morsels to gorgeous roasts and potluck favourites to share with family and friends over the Christmas break.

Supercharge Your Life centres around food as the catalyst for pleasure, enjoyment, love and connection. To ramp up the love even further, I’ve put a huge focus on how our food and entertaining choices can be a gift to heal our planet.

The Australian Retailers Association predicts that Aussies will spend approximately $48 billion over Christmas, which results in a massive increase in the waste we produce. The average western country is estimated to throw away around 300,000 tonnes of card packaging, 8000 tonnes/approximately 50,000 trees worth of wrapping paper, 125,000 tonnes of plastic, and 200,000 tonnes of meat!

This doesn’t sit well with me.

So here are some tips straight from my own personal Christmas plans that will hopefully inspire you and your family this year. Why not curate a Christmas experience that will help to save the environment and your wallet, whilst savouring a wholesome feast to delight the senses and warm the hearts of everyone.

Full Tummy, empty bins: Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan! To cut down on waste, be sure to carefully plan your Christmas day spread, being mindful not to over cater. Ask your guests to bring along some containers so that they can take leftovers home for boxing day lunch rather than tossing all that beautiful food in the bin. Compost or worm farm all your food scraps; it’s good for the garden and the planet!. And if you do have a full tummy try my Love Your Gut Synbiotic. It works wonders.

Use brown paper bags and newspaper: Instead of using wrapping paper, opt for leftover newspaper to wrap your gifts. Tie with ribbons or twine (tip- I always save these from gifts and keep them in a special box. This saves me money too!) and poke some foraged flowers, foliage or herbs into the bow. Brown paper bags can be used to bag up cutlery- just tie the top with twine and again pop in some rosemary. Brown paper can also be used to write up menu cards or to gift wrap fresh herbs for your guests.

Forage baby forage! Real plants and foliage offer a free way to decorate your table or create Christmas decorations. Walk through your garden or search for overhanging plants on your street on Christmas morning with a basket and scissors. Snip flowers and/or greenery and place in jars of water. Herbs like rosemary can be tied with string around cutlery or bunched up and given as gifts. Natives like eucalyptus can be woven into a wreath for your front door, or laid out across the middle of the table for a rustic tablescape. Dry eucalyptus leaves can also be used as name tags for your gifts. Simply hole punch them, thread ribbon on twine through them and write the person's name on the leaf for a unique and thoughtful touch.

Ditch the plastic tableware: Straws, cups, plates, and other plastic tableware are simply terrible for our environment and find their way into our oceans; destroying our marine life. Stick to your regular ceramic ware and metal cutlery or invest into some bamboo eco tableware that is more durable and biodegradable. Metal straws and beeswax wraps are widely available now and significantly cut down on single use plastics.

Make a mason jar snow globe: Skip on the plastic Christmas ornaments and make your own out of mason jars and desiccated coconut! Simply glue small ornaments or beautiful small items already available to you into the inside of the mason jar lid. Place a handful of the coconut into the jar, screw the lid on and place upside down for your very own DIY snow globes. Your guests will love the creativity!

Make a herb garland: Herbs are the perfect Chrissy decoration because they reflect the theme of greenery that we all love at Christmas, but they’re also an edible decoration! Weave together herbs like rosemary, oregano, basil, thyme, bay leaf branches, mint, or any others you like. Add red chillies, cherries or garlic bulbs for hits of other festive colours. Give sections of it away as gifts or use them to flavour your meals.

Explore the beach: Hit the seaside with kids and collect beautiful pieces of driftwood, stones, shells and feathers to express a beachy vibe for your Christmas table. Driftwood can be collected in different lengths to be glued together in the shape of a Christmas tree. Sand can also be placed in small jars and topped with a tea light candle.

Buy second hand or recycled: Buy a bundle of unique clothes, accessories, books or retro ceramics from your local thrift store as gifts and invest into the circular economy. Chances are that if they’ve survived one person’s ownership, they’ll be of the quality that can be enjoyed for years to come.

Give thoughtful gifts: Common Christmas gifts like ipads, phones, clothing and fashion accessories are encased in layers of styrofoam and plastic packaging. To eliminate waste, opt for experiences such as tickets to a concert or shout them a cooking lesson. If the kids are into video games, get them off their screens and into a real life experience like a go-karting class rather than giving them more “stuff”.

Use old magazines as placemats: For Christmas last year, I used decorating magazines as placemats. They were the talking point of the table and everyone wanted to take them home afterwards! Simple, creative thoughts like this can be a great way to upcycle things you already have in your home that would simply go straight to landfill.

If you really want to create a show stopper meal this Christmas, get organised, roll up your sleeves and throw yourself into the joy of creating and devouring this gorgeous recipe from my new book Supercharge Your Life:

I hope you have a lovely Christmas filled with good cheer, friendship, family and the kind of food that shares love and brings people together!

Xx Lee

Christmas stuffing balls

{ makes 12 }

These can be made the day before and warmed in the oven while the turkey rests – 10 minutes at 150°C (300°C) should do the trick.


  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 large brown onion, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 2 celery stalks, finely chopped
  • 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) minced (ground) pork
  • 1 tablespoon dried mixed herbs (e.g. sage, rosemary, thyme)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, plus extra to serve
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 110 g (334 oz/12 cup) cooked quinoa or 95 g (314 oz/12 cup) cooked brown rice
  • 115 g (4 oz/34 cup) pine nuts or crushed nuts
  • 100 g (312 oz/1 cup) almond meal
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  • Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F) and grease a baking tray.
  • Heat the olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat, then sauté the onion, garlic and celery for 3–4 minutes, until the onion is translucent. Add the pork, mixed herbs, parsley and lemon zest, then cook until the pork is no longer pink. Add the quinoa and allow to cool.
  • Once cool, add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
  • Roll 60 g (214 oz/14 cup) portions of the mixture into balls, sit them on the prepared baking tray, then bake for 30 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.

Cranberry sauce

{ makes about 500 ml [17 fl oz/2 cups] }


  • 310 g (11 oz/212 cups) fresh cranberries, rinsed and drained, or frozen cranberries
  • 180 g (614 oz/12 cup) rice malt syrup, plus extra as needed
  • 125 ml (4 fl oz/12 cup) filtered water
  • grated zest of 1 orange
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 12 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  • Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a gentle boil over medium heat. Reduce the heat to medium–low and simmer, stirring, for about 10 minutes, until the mixture thickens.
  • Taste for sweetness, add more rice malt syrup if necessary, then cool and seal in a sterilised jar until ready to use.

Roasted whole turkey

{ serves 1012 }


  • 1 × 6 kg (13 lb 4 oz) turkey, giblets removed
  • large handful flat-leaf (Italian) parsley
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 170 g (6 oz) butter, softened
  • grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • large handful thyme
  • small handful sage
  • 3 bay leaves (optional)
  • 2 brown onions, peeled and halved
  • 2 leeks, pale part only, halved lengthways
  • 4 baby carrots, halved
  • 2 celery stalks, halved lengthways
  • 2 garlic bulbs
  • 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cups) chicken stock


  • Preheat the oven to 210°C (410°F).
  • Pat the turkey dry with paper towel. Place the parsley in the cavity. Season the turkey with salt and pepper, and place in a large roasting tin. Spread the butter all over the bird. Drizzle over the lemon juice, sprinkle over the zest, and tuck the remaining herbs under the bird.
  • Arrange the onion, leek, carrot, celery and whole garlic bulbs around the turkey, then pour in the stock. Cover the tin with foil and roast for 45 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 170°C (325°F) and roast for a further 3–4 hours. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil, increase the oven temperature to 200°C (400°F) and roast until the turkey skin is golden brown and crisp, and the juices from the thickest part of the leg run clear.
  • Remove from the oven and set aside to rest for at least 15 minutes before carving.

Enjoy your Christmas and let me know what you think of the recipe in the comments section below.

Three Fruits That Promote Natural Energy

Do you feel like you are constantly feeling sluggish? If so, your eating habits may be to blame. Eating the wrong kinds of food or not eating enough can cause your energy levels to plummet and can leave you feeling exhausted all day.

The good news is that by making a few simple changes to your diet including supplements which you can save on with sites like BuzzRX. Poor nutrition leads to low energy, which in turn affects how we feel both physically and mentally.

Eating more nutrient-dense foods such as fruits provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that help keep our bodies functioning at their best. Reducing processed foods high in sugar and added fats can also help to naturally boost your energy levels.

Apples For Vigor

Apples are a very popular fruit found in many households. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote natural energy. Eating a few pieces of a fresh apple can help to boost energy levels throughout the day. Apples and yellow apples especially, have several health benefits that make them an ideal snack choice for those looking to increase their energy naturally.

They contain no fat or cholesterol and provide dietary fiber which keeps you feeling full longer while also aiding with digestion. Apples also contain iron and Vitamin C which helps your body absorb iron more efficiently.

This is important because iron helps with the production of red blood cells, which in turn distributes oxygen throughout the body. Apples contain B-complex vitamins like thiamin which is necessary for converting carbohydrates into usable energy for your body's cells.

Refreshing Oranges

Oranges are an incredibly nutritious fruit and have been a part of the human diet for thousands of years. Today, oranges continue to be a popular and widely eaten item in many countries as they contain essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

This nutrient-rich superfood is known to promote natural energy levels due to its high content of vitamin C and other active components. The orange has long been recognized for its ability to enhance energy production within the body; which is why it is often included in breakfast menus or smoothies before beginning a day's work or exercise routine.

Oranges also contain vitamin B6, which helps convert food into much-needed energy. Further, their abundance of fiber helps slow down the absorption rate of sugar into the bloodstream while providing lasting energy throughout your day.

Energy Boosting Bananas

When it comes to natural energy, many people turn to caffeine as their go-to. However, bananas are often overlooked as a great source of energy that is also incredibly healthy. Bananas contain two types of sugars (fructose and glucose) which provide an instant, sustained, and substantial boost of energy.

They possess notable amounts of potassium and vitamin B6 which makes them a powerhouse for promoting natural energy. Bananas are a great snack option for those looking to avoid the jitters associated with caffeine consumption.

They also make an excellent alternative to processed snacks like chips or candy bars thanks to their relatively low-calorie count and high nutrient content.


Fruits are also an essential part of a healthy diet, and not only are they good for your overall health. These fruits provide other vitamins including iron and magnesium which both contribute to natural energy production in the body.

Fruits that are rich in vitamin B6, as well as fiber and potassium all help to regulate blood sugar levels, balance hormones, and support digestion. These are all key components in keeping your energy up naturally. It just goes to show that by adding fruits to your diet it can make an impact.

Supercharged Christmas Wreath Salad Two Ways

Want to fill yourselves with good food from the fluffy tufts of your Santa hats to the ends of your mistletoes?

Over at Supercharged Food HQ, we’re turning the yuletide on feeling full, to feeling fabulous with good food and cheer. I've created a new Christmas salad recipe that you can present in two different ways!

These salads are super easy to put together and look very pretty on the Christmas table too!

I hope you'll love them.

Are you ready to get those sleigh bells jingling? See below for the recipe.

In the meantime, I’ll just be over here watching Christmas movies, cue The Holiday! 🍿 🎄

Supercharged Christmas Salad Two Ways

Wreath Style

Serves 4-6


  • 2 Cos lettuces washed and separate leaves
  • 2 cups rocket leaves
  • 2 cups mixed lettuce leaves (options are red and green romaine, red and green oak leaf, chard, endive, radicchio, or other heirloom lettuces)
  • 1 cup Frisée lettuce
  • 2 oranges, peeled, sliced and cut into segments
  • 5 radishes sliced and cut into half-moon shapes
  • 1 cucumber sliced
  • Handful of pecans
  • ¼ purple cabbage, grated
  • 14 x dried orange slices


Find a wooden chopping board or circular cutting board to place the salad onto

Start by placing a bowl of aioli or your favourite dressing in the centre and add an orange slice to it

Place Cos lettuce around the outside and work in towards the middle

Add mixed lettuce to the inside base of the Cos leaves in a circle

Then add Frisée alongside the dressing bowl

Place orange segments into the wreath then add radish, cucumber, purple cabbage and pecans on top

Gently slide the dried orange slices into the Cos leaves


Use a store-bought aioli or make this one

Lemon and Garlic Aioli


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 4 large garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice, plus extra as needed
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 310 ml (103/4 fl oz/ 1 1/4 cups) light olive oil
  • sea salt, as needed


To make the aioli, beat the egg yolks and garlic in a small bowl with a wooden spoon

Add the lemon juice and water and keep beating. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil, beating continuously, until the mixture has the desired consistency

Add more lemon juice and sea salt to taste if needed. (Alternatively, prepare in a food processor) 

Deconstructed Style

Serves 4-6


  • 1 Cos lettuce washed and separate leaves
  • 1 cup rocket leaves
  • 1 cup mixed lettuce leaves (options are red and green romaine, red and green oak leaf, chard, endive, radicchio, or other heirloom lettuces)
  • 1 orange, peeled, sliced and cut into segments
  • 5 radishes sliced and cut into half-moon shapes
  • 1 cucumber sliced
  • 1 cup (cantaloupe) rockmelon sliced
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • Handful of pecans
  • ¼ purple cabbage, finely grated
  • 6 x dried orange slices
  • Coriander leaves to serve


Find a wide mouthed circular bowl place the salad onto

Start by placing a bowl of aioli or your favourite dressing in the centre and add an orange slice to it

Place each ingredient next to one another and work around the bowl

Try to separate the colours so that you can highlight certain ingredients


Use a store-bought aioli or make the one above

The NEW Vegepod Kitchen Garden Review + Offer

If you’re keen to make the move from a more product based lifestyle to a produce based one, there is no time like the present to get your hands dirty.

Gardening is an activity that you can do alone or get the kids involved too. The benefits of growing your own food are enormous, from its taste, right through to its economic and environmental impacts.

The good news is that you don't need a traditional garden space to start gardening. Even if you’re a novice gardener, have managed to annihilate even the hardiest of houseplants or, if you’ve a tendency to neglect windowsill herbs positioned at eye level in the kitchen, I want to arm you with some very important information.

Vegepods are now on the move indoors! Move over paddock to plate, we now have Veges-to-table.

The new Vegepod Kitchen Garden is as cute as a cute-cumber! 

Plus it will do all the hard work for you. From sunshine to good soil that drains well, regular watering, and a little love and kindness. Ok maybe the love and kindness part you might need to help out with ;).

An easy to grow kitchen-garden bursting with flavour is now a lot simpler than you think. Goodbye expensive supermarket herbs that are limp and bedraggled the day after you buy them. The Vegepod Kitchen Garden allows you to enjoy the intense, vibrant colours of home-grown produce, ripened by nothing apart from the air and sun spectrum grow lights, in a beautifully simple growing space that will be a focal point in the kitchen.

Imagine waking up to the unmistakable scents of fresh basil and rosemary that waft up into your nostrils as you put the kettle on each morning.

Kitchen Gardens are a dream come true in the kitchen; there’s hardly a dish that doesn’t benefit from their bounty. With the new Vegepod Kitchen Garden, you can mix and mingle all manner of greens, to enhance your meals and drinks, both culinarily and medicinally.

Vegepod Kitchen Garden gives you the opportunity to grow your food, whenever you want, whatever your climate, irrespective of the space you have, just as nature intended. They come with adjustable light heights, plug, manual switch or timer-controlled app and some effervescent professional grow lights.

I asked Simon Holloway from Vegepod (also my neighbour!) a few questions about the new Vegepod Kitchen Garden and here’s what he had to say;

The kitchen truly is the heart of the home, and the new Vegepod Kitchen Garden ensures the heart of your home will become a supercharged paradise. Why do you think more people are delving into growing their own food and what are the benefits? 

There are quite a few very strong and worthy reasons these days why people are joining our Grow Your Food, each with their own priorities but the benefits are all the ultimately achieved by everyone anyway – better health, better mind, better wallet and better for the planet! Some are growing to combat the cost-of-living pressures, some are all about their health (gut health, physical activity, mind wellbeing), some are all about the flavours and better taste, some are about the convenience of readily available fresh herbs when cooking, some are about reducing waste (both physical wrapping and the carbon footprint of store bought goods) and some are about self-empowerment and education. Whatever the priorities, Vegepod has made it almost failproof and it all combines to a win-win-win-win + a few more wins, anyway! 

Leonardo da Vinci  said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” the design not only has a beautiful simplicity but also for all the kitchen pragmatists out there (guilty as charged ;)) it has a load of practical considerations like signature self-watering reservoirs and full spectrum UV lights that promote ginormous growth rates! Was it a long time in the making and did you encounter any stumbling blocks along the way? 

Yes, it was a really long gestation period for our new baby! Three years in the making from “go to woah” to be exact, from early pencil designs and brainstorming sessions to being produced in our factory. And to be honest, you could also say this has actually been 10 years in the making when you consider that we have always had thoughts on “bringing Vegepod indoors” combined with our studious eyes always checking existing indoor edible technologies and practices. We are so proud of not just our signature quality in growing technology and innovation, but also the aesthetics on this one.  These pieces of ‘growing and lit up art’ have to look damn fine amongst the choosiest of high-end kitchens, designer rooms and other emotionally charged places in the home or workspace. We humbly think we have got the balance right with Kitchen Garden.

The Vegepod Kitchen Garden makes edible gardening even more accessible to all. You guys have a thriving community of Podders around the world that are so loving their Vegepods, myself included. What do you recommend for non-green-thumbs and people who are just starting out and keen to venture into the world of growing their own, from the comfort of their kitchen countertops?  

Just start growing with one thing! Don’t be afraid, just dive in and enjoy the journey. It’s so fun, so meaningful, so fulfilling and so healthy. There is no such thing as a black-thumb or green-thumb - just those who have got stuck in and those who haven’t. Life is too short not to enjoy growing your own food to some degree. Both Vegepod Outdoor and Kitchen Garden do help enormously and make things very easy for whoever, so whether you’re a first timer or an expert, just dig in and get growing. You will not regret it, I promise!

To celebrate the release of the Kitchen Garden, Vegepod have kindly offered a 10% discount to all Supercharged Food readers so you can pre-order now for delivery in December.  Just use the code SUPERCHARGED10 at the checkout here.

For a delicious no waste Pecan and Carrot Top Pesto recipe made with Vegepod Kitchen Garden greens, click here.

Kitchen Gardening + a Pecan and Carrot Top Pesto Recipe (Video)

We've been called for a while now to prioritise more time for the things that we enjoy. Time to slow down a little, appreciate nature and the natural world, and live more in alignment with it. We have an absolutely beautiful planet and I’m continuously in awe of the magical interplay between the order of the seasons and the cycles of nature; our potential for a harmonious relationship with other humans and for nurturing our soil and our earth; and the immense blessing our planet brings us in return.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been prioritising reflection, rest and connecting back into my roots. One of the ways that I’ve found helps me to feel more grounded, is good old fashioned gardening.

And today I’ve got a great NO WASTE recipe for Pecan and Carrot Top Pesto plus a special discount offer for you to get into growing your own from your own kitchen! 

But first, gardening can bring so much joy, when you consider the offering that can exist within even one herb that shoots straight up from the ground, or your first sun-sweetened strawberry fresh off the plant, still warm, with its ticklish external texture and intense burst of flavour juice that tangs your taste buds and stains your lips with a beautiful ruby-red tint.

With our fast paced lifestyles, and love of convenience, food has been transformed from something we were once in tune with, connected to, loved and respected, into a commodity. But the more we connect back to our roots, the more in tune we can be. 

Home grown produce beats the taste of anything that you’ll find on the supermarket shelves. There’s just so much still to learn and to be grateful for in the process of growing, harvesting, gathering, preparing and enjoying the foods that the earth naturally provides for us.

When growing your own produce, being able to control what and how you produce it, from using organic soils that are free from synthetic fertilisers and sprays, to cultivating more traditional methods of growing, means good results for you and the planet.

If you’re keen to make the move from a more product based lifestyle to a produce based one, there is no time like the present to get your hands dirty. Gardening is an activity that you can do alone or get the kids involved too. The benefits of growing your own food are enormous, from its taste, right through to its economic and environmental impacts.

When I made the decision to grow my own food, after seeing my food budget as an investment in our world and wanting to have an effect on stewarding this earth and embracing the community around me, I bought a couple of Vegepods which have been producing the most flavour-packed produce, filled with vital nutrients. It’s actually more economical to eat home-grown, and I’ve also been able to pass on any excess produce to neighbours, family and friends. What I love about having a Vegepod is that they make gardening easy and definitely less intimidating.

If you’re keen to make the switch and swap out regular big grocery shops for fresh bounty from your kitchen garden, the good news is that you don't need a traditional garden space to start gardening. Even if you’re a novice gardener, have managed to annihilate even the hardiest of houseplants or, if you’ve a tendency to neglect windowsill herbs positioned at eye level in the kitchen, I want to arm you with some very important information...

Vegepods are now on the move indoors! Move over paddock to plate, we now have Veges-to-table.

The new Vegepod Kitchen Garden is as cute as a cute-cumber! 

Plus it will do all the hard work for you. From sunshine to good soil that drains well, regular watering, and a little love and kindness. Ok maybe the love and kindness part you might need to help out with ;).

An easy to grow kitchen-garden bursting with flavour is now a lot simpler than you think. Goodbye expensive supermarket herbs that are limp and bedraggled the day after you buy them. The Vegepod Kitchen Garden allows you to enjoy the intense, vibrant colours of home-grown produce, ripened by nothing apart from the air and sun spectrum grow lights, in a beautifully simple growing space that will be a focal point in the kitchen.

Imagine waking up to the unmistakable scents of fresh basil and rosemary that waft up into your nostrils as you put the kettle on each morning.

Kitchen Gardens are a dream come true in the kitchen; there’s hardly a dish that doesn’t benefit from their bounty. With the new Vegepod Kitchen Garden, you can mix and mingle all manner of greens, to enhance your meals and drinks, both culinarily and medicinally.

Vegepod Kitchen Garden gives you the opportunity to grow your food, whenever you want, whatever your climate, irrespective of the space you have, just as nature intended. They come with adjustable light heights, plug, manual switch or timer-controlled app and some effervescent professional grow lights.

I asked Simon Holloway from Vegepod a few questions about the new Vegepod Kitchen Garden and here’s what he had to say;

The kitchen truly is the heart of the home, and the new Vegepod Kitchen Garden ensures the heart of your home will become a supercharged paradise. Why do you think more people are delving into growing their own food and what are the benefits? 

There are quite a few very strong and worthy reasons these days why people are joining our Grow Your Food, each with their own priorities but the benefits are all the ultimately achieved by everyone anyway – better health, better mind, better wallet and better for the planet! Some are growing to combat the cost-of-living pressures, some are all about their health (gut health, physical activity, mind wellbeing), some are all about the flavours and better taste, some are about the convenience of readily available fresh herbs when cooking, some are about reducing waste (both physical wrapping and the carbon footprint of store bought goods) and some are about self-empowerment and education. Whatever the priorities, Vegepod has made it almost failproof and it all combines to a win-win-win-win + a few more wins, anyway! 

Leonardo da Vinci  said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” the design not only has a beautiful simplicity but also for all the kitchen pragmatists out there (guilty as charged ;)) it has a load of practical considerations like signature self-watering reservoirs and full spectrum UV lights that promote ginormous growth rates! Was it a long time in the making and did you encounter any stumbling blocks along the way? 

Yes, it was a really long gestation period for our new baby! Three years in the making from “go to woah” to be exact, from early pencil designs and brainstorming sessions to being produced in our factory. And to be honest, you could also say this has actually been 10 years in the making when you consider that we have always had thoughts on “bringing Vegepod indoors” combined with our studious eyes always checking existing indoor edible technologies and practices. We are so proud of not just our signature quality in growing technology and innovation, but also the aesthetics on this one.  These pieces of ‘growing and lit up art’ have to look damn fine amongst the choosiest of high-end kitchens, designer rooms and other emotionally charged places in the home or workspace. We humbly think we have got the balance right with Kitchen Garden.

The Vegepod Kitchen Garden makes edible gardening even more accessible to all. You guys have a thriving community of Podders around the world that are so loving their Vegepods, myself included. What do you recommend for non-green-thumbs and people who are just starting out and keen to venture into the world of growing their own, from the comfort of their kitchen countertops?  

Just start growing with one thing! Don’t be afraid, just dive in and enjoy the journey. It’s so fun, so meaningful, so fulfilling and so healthy. There is no such thing as a black-thumb or green-thumb - just those who have got stuck in and those who haven’t. Life is too short not to enjoy growing your own food to some degree. Both Vegepod Outdoor and Kitchen Garden do help enormously and make things very easy for whoever, so whether you’re a first timer or an expert, just dig in and get growing. You will not regret it, I promise!

To celebrate the release of the Kitchen Garden, Vegepod have kindly offered a 10% discount to all Supercharged Food readers so you can pre-order now for delivery in December.  Just use the code SUPERCHARGED10 at the checkout here.

And now for a delicious no waste pesto recipe that takes advantage of the Vegepod Kitchen Garden and fresh home grown greens and will have you glowing like a health god/goddess from head to toe.

Pecan and Carrot Top Pesto (No waste recipe)

Watch the video here

This pesto takes a unique angle with the earthy flavours of pecans combined with glowing green carrot tops. Serve on eggs, crackers or flatbread, add to pasta or pizza, or serve as an accompaniment to chicken or fish dishes.

Makes 1 1/2 cups


  • 1 Handful carrot tops
  • 1 cup pecans
  • 4 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
  • 1 tablespoon lemon rind
  • 1 tbs lemon or lime juice
  • 1-2 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • small pinch of sea salt
  • 1 cup handful rocket
  • 1 cup basil
  • Small handful of coriander or flat leaf parsley, whatever you have in your Vegepod or kitchen garden


Place all ingredients in high-speed blender or food processor and blend until you have the desired consistency. Add more olive oil if needed.

Tastes great in a wrap or sandwich, with pasta, salads and roasted vegetables.

Keeps in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 1 week and can be refreshed with an extra splash of extra virgin olive oil.

All About Postbiotics + Homemade Kombucha Recipe

Has gut health gut you curious?

Perhaps I can help with that?

Today, we’re going to talk all about postbiotics, but before we get into the nitty gritty, you have to understand the basics of the gut microbiome, so we’ll start there. 

Hold onto your microbes; it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Why is the Gut Microbiome Important? 

I want you to imagine a new town with various people. While some contribute positively to the environment, others… not so much. The community changes over the years depending on external stressors and travellers, but the population stabilises as a whole. 

When the town’s going well, most people are law-abiding and moral, living harmoniously and doing what they can to support the city. If there are unhelpful people, they tend to be kept in check by everyone else. However, some events may cause these not-so-great people to multiply, leading to a population filled with not-so-good people. 

Now, imagine that town is your gut microbiome. 

In a healthy microbiome, the bulk of microbes are good or neutral, living in harmony to support digestion and nutrient production processes. When disruptive events occur, the not-so-good microbes can multiply and overgrow, which can manifest itself in different ways, such as yeast infections or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).   You can read more about SIBO here.

The good news is that, like our town, it is possible to improve and change the state of the gut. You can improve your gut microbiota and gut health by consuming specific foods, such as probiotics.

What are Probiotics? 

If you’re here, I’m sure you’ve heard of probiotics – the positive live and active cultures that better sleep, improve immune function and promote a thriving digestive system. While the gut naturally produces some strains of probiotics, other essential strains can only be consumed through food or supplementation. Certain foods contain live microbes, such as fermented vegetables, kombucha and kefir. 


What are Prebiotics? 

If probiotics are flowers, prebiotics are the soil and fertiliser. Prebiotics increase the diversity of gut bacteria and promote the growth of probiotics. Prebiotics naturally occur in many plant-based foods, including unripe bananas, asparagus, oats and legumes. 

Need a Prebiotic recipe? my tray bake fits the bill and has all the answers.

What are Synbiotics? 

Synbiotics combine the power of probiotics with the potency of prebiotics to positively impact the digestive system in a supercharged, easily absorbable way. Synbiotics are more than just the sum of their parts, as they contain live microorganisms and substrates to create a health benefit for the host. Synbiotics aid metabolic syndrome, reduce parasites and pathogens, manage irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhoea, atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions.1  

You’re probably eating synbiotics already, but you may not be getting enough; this is where Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder comes into place. Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder will help you repair, restore, and rebalance your gut health from within. It contains 20 billion bits of love for your bacteria in the shape of a unique synbiotic formulation, with plenty of digestive enzymes and a supercharged blast of antioxidants. 

What are Postbiotics? 

So, what are postbiotics?

Unlike probiotics, postbiotics aren’t live microorganisms. They are the waste left behind after the body has digested both prebiotics and probiotics.2 They take the line ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ to a whole new level. Postbiotics contain peptides that help slow the growth of harmful bacteria and short-chain fatty acids, which allow good bacteria to flourish. In this way, they seem similar to probiotics, but they offer additional perks. 

While postbiotics are an emerging and evolving field, they may have anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive, antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.2 Some preliminary research shows that postbiotics boost the gut health of premature babies, young children, and critically ill patients by promoting communication between the gut bacteria and immune system.3

You can help promote the growth of postbiotics by focusing on getting enough of the foods that promote a healthy gut bacterium, including prebiotic-rich foods like asparagus, onion, chicory root, dandelion greens and root vegetables. 

To transform your gut into a postbiotic producing machine, be sure to include Love Your Gut Synbiotic Powder. Simply add one teaspoon of the delicious tasting powder to your water to support your gut in its natural production of postbiotics; you can thank me later! 

There's nothing like homemade kombucha on a hot day

And now I'd love to share with you a simple Homemade Kombucha Recipe.

Kombucha has also been linked to a myriad of other benefits such as improved digestion, fighting candida (harmful yeast) overgrowth, mental clarity, and mood stability. It truly is a tonic rather than simply a yummy beverage.

Don’t be afraid of the fermenting process which can seem like a complex lab operation rather than a kitchen recipe. Honestly, you just have to take the plunge and enter into the world of fermentation to realise that with some basic knowledge of the way bacteria feed on a constant supply of sugars, the process of keeping your culture alive and enjoying it’s wonderful and delicious creations is actually a very straightforward, common sense process that will become part of your daily rhythm.

Once you get the hang of making it, you can flavour it up with ginger and turmeric or even berries. Purchase a SCOBY online or, if you’re very lucky, a friend might give you one. You can buy kombucha online or at a health food store, although once you’ve made your first batch, you won’t need to buy it any more.

You’ll also need a breathable cloth such as muslin (I use a nut bag), a rubber band, and one sterilised wide-mouthed, 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cup) capacity glass jar with a lid (Mason jar).

Homemade Kombucha


  • 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cups) filtered water
  • 2 organic black tea bags
  • 55 g (2 oz/ 1/4 cup) organic sugar
  • 1 SCOBY (see above)
  • 100 ml (3 1/2 fl oz) homemade or store-bought kombucha (see above)


Put the water in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, add the tea bags, and steep for 20 minutes. Remove the tea bags, add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Set aside to cool.

Pour the tea into the sterilised jar, then add the SCOBY and the kombucha. Cover with muslin, secure with a rubber band and write the date on the jar.

Store undisturbed in a cool, dark, dry place for 7 days, then test it to see if it’s ready. It should be fizzy and slightly sour/vinegary. If it’s still sweet, let it ferment for a day or so longer (usually up to 10 days).

Once the kombucha is ready, carefully remove the SCOBY using a clean long-handled spoon and place it on a plate with a little of the liquid to stop it drying out (then use it to make another batch straight away). Pour out 100 ml (3 1/2 fl oz) of the kombucha and keep aside to make another batch, then pour the remaining liquid into a jug through a sieve and then into a clean glass bottle with a lid. Secure the lid tightly and make a note on the bottle of the date. The kombucha will keep in the fridge for 2–4 weeks.

Stay Supercharged! 





Things You Should Discuss With Your Children For A Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things you can give your children. It can help them stay healthy now and in the future. There are lots of avenues you can take to discuss many things with your children to help them lead healthy lives.

So I'd love to share a few things you should talk to your children about for a healthy lifestyle.

Eating Healthy Foods

Talk with your children about the importance of eating healthy foods. It's a good way to open up a conversation by explaining to them that eating healthy foods will help them stay energized, avoid getting sick, and maintain a healthy weight. Teaching them about the different food groups and how to ensure they get the nutrients they need is also helpful. If they are older, you can also teach them how to create healthy meal plans and how to go shopping and compile a grocery list.

The benefits of teaching your children to eat healthily are limitless. Eating healthy foods will give them more energy, help them concentrate better in school, and avoid chronic diseases later in life.

Getting Regular Exercise

You can also discuss the importance of getting regular exercise with your children. Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, improving muscle and bone strength, and reducing stress levels. Help them come up with an exercise routine that they can stick to. Encourage them to participate in activities that they enjoy. This will make it more likely that they will stick with their exercise routine. You can even exercise together as a family which can help bring you closer!

Avoiding Tobacco, Alcohol, And Drugs

As kids mature, it is also essential to have an open discussion the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. These substances are harmful to their developing bodies and can also lead to addiction. Explain the risks involved in using these substances and help them find ways to avoid them, channeling energy into sports or hobbies is a good way to keep your kids from being bored or overthinking.

When your children are aware of addiction they will understand the ramifications and research shows that they will be less likely to start using substances. This means that they can avoid ever having to go to a treatment center to get help for their addiction.

Managing Stress

You should also discuss the importance of managing stress with your children. Stress can harm their physical and mental health. Help them identify their stressors and find healthy ways to manage them. Teaching your children how to manage stress will help them lead happier and healthier lives. It can also prevent them from developing anxiety and depression later in life.

Getting Adequate Sleep

Finally, discussing the importance of getting adequate sleep can be very helpful for your children. Sleep is essential for their physical and mental health. It can help them concentrate in school, avoid accidents, and cope with stress.

Ensure your children get the recommended amount of sleep each night. This will help them function at their best during the day. To ensure they get enough sleep, establish a bedtime routine and stick to it. You can also create a calm and relaxing sleep environment in their bedroom.

Having a good dialogue with your children can really help them to lead healthier lives. Eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, managing stress, and getting adequate sleep are all critical for their physical and mental health. Teaching your children about these things can help them stay healthy now and in the future.

The Top 7 Most Natural Ways To Deal With Stress

Stress. It's something we all deal with daily. But, whether it's work, family, or finances, stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health if you don't know how to deal with it. While there are many ways to deal with stress, not all of them are natural. This blog post will discuss the top seven most natural ways to deal with stress.

#1 Exercise

Exercise is one of the most natural ways to deal with stress. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties. So not only does exercise help to improve your mood, but it also helps to reduce the physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches, body aches, and fatigue. Stress can also lead to stress-eating, which can cause weight gain, but exercise can help combat this, too.

#2 Meditation And Deep Breathing

Meditation and deep breathing are great ways to relax both the mind and the body. When you focus on your breath and let go of any thoughts or worries, it can help to alleviate stress. It's also a practice that can be done anywhere and at any time. There are many apps and YouTube channels that can guide you through meditation and deep breathing exercises. You just need to find the one that works best for you.

#3 Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is another natural way to deal with stress. When you're stressed, your body needs more rest in order to recover. Getting enough sleep helps to reduce the physical and mental effects of stress. It also helps to improve your mood and increase your energy levels. If you aren't getting enough sleep, there are a few things you can try to increase to improve your sleep, such as creating a bedtime routine, taking Delta 9 Gummies, bathing with lavender oils or bath salts, and ensuring your bedroom is a comfortable and peaceful environment. These will help relax your mind and body, leading to a better night's sleep.

#4 Connect With Nature

Connecting with nature is a great way to reduce stress and ground any chaotic thoughts. Going for a walk in a park or hiking in the woods can help clear your mind and give you some much-needed peace and quiet. When you're outside in nature, you're exposed to fresh air and sunlight, both of which have stress-reducing properties. Being in nature can also help to clear your mind and give you a new perspective on any stressors you may be facing.

#5 Spend Time With Loved Ones

You can also significantly reduce stress by spending time with loved ones. When you're around the people you care about, you feel supported and loved. This can help you to feel less stressed and more relaxed. Spending time with loved ones can also help to take your mind off of whatever is causing you stress. Having a solid support system is important for managing stress in a healthy way. A support system can also act as a sounding board, allowing you to process your stress and come up with solutions.

#6 Take A Break From Technology

Taking a break from technology is another great way to reduce stress. When you're constantly connected to your phone, computer, and social media, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by everything that's going on in the world. Taking a break from technology will give you a chance to disconnect from the world and relax in silence. Technology can cause stress and anxiety, so it's important to unplug and give yourself some space from it. This can also help improve your focus and productivity when you do go back to using technology.

#7 Make Self-Care A Priority

Taking care of yourself and making self-care a priority can also aid in reducing stress. This can involve practicing good hygiene, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, finding ways to relax and destress, and setting boundaries in your relationships and responsibilities. Self-care looks different for everyone, but it's important to prioritize your own well-being in order to manage stress. Taking care of yourself is an important aspect of managing stress in a healthy way.

In conclusion, there are many natural ways to deal with stress. These methods can help reduce stress's physical and mental effects while also improving your overall well-being. It's important not to let stress take control of your life and to find healthy coping mechanisms. The seven methods mentioned above are all great options to try in order to alleviate stress. Try incorporating some of these into your life when you're feeling stressed out and see how they help you feel better!

How to put on a special afternoon high tea + recipes

Put your hands pinky fingers up if you’re planning a special afternoon for a loved one soon, but you’re unsure how to celebrate them. If your pinky is currently raised, you’re in the right place.

While having a high tea at a hotel sounds like a beautiful way to honour your loved one, let’s be honest: the food’s usually pretty bland, it can cost an arm and a leg, and you only have a limited number of hours to celebrate. So, rather than heading to a hotel or tearoom, why not transform your kitchen into a high tea palace? Hosting a high tea is a classy and nostalgic way to celebrate your favourite person or friends.

Before you start sending out invitations via dove, boiling the kettle and polishing your soon to be sparkling silverware, follow these simple steps to craft an afternoon fit for a royal friend or member of your family.

Give yourself time to prepare

If there’s one thing you take from this blog, let it be this: it’s absolutely essential to give yourself ample time to plan for the day. If you’re looking at this list on the day of your tea party, it’s already too late (I’m kidding… kind of). Giving yourself time to set up your space, buy what you need, and plan your food will pay off in the final presentation and help you feel a lot calmer on the big day.

Flower time

If your high tea is taking place indoors, bring the beauty of nature inside with a floral arrangement. You may choose to have a big bouquet in the middle or scatter a selection of fresh flowers across your beautiful table or even just go for a small bunch of natives.  I love these pastel pink and white blooms.

Choose the right area

Where’s the best place to host an afternoon tea party, you ask?

It depends on the situation. A garden setting is ideal if the weather allows, but a kitchen or dining area will work if it’s a bit on the hot or cold side.

Dress your area to impress!

Now that you’ve chosen the area, it’s time to dress it up. Whether you’re using an outdoor or indoor dining table, coffee table or kitchen bench, it will be the focus area of the afternoon, so make sure you give it the attention it deserves. Selecting the right cloth or fabric is essential. For a high tea, I recommend using a tablecloth that’s a little plain or just a bare wooden table, to spotlight your crockery and, of course, the tea and food.

Pick your centrepiece

Add some flair to your table by picking the perfect centrepiece. I love a tiered cake stand that captures attention and houses delicious treats and homemade goodies.   

Invest in tableware pieces

Once you’ve chosen your centrepiece, think about the other elegant pieces on your table: plates, a teapot, teacups, saucers, cutlery sets, placemats and napkins. Soft pastel colours and floral patterns lend themselves to the sophistication of a high tea. To turn the elegance of your tea party up a notch, investing in beautiful matching plates with similar designs is oh so worth it.

Put the ‘tea’ in ‘tea party’

Who could forget about the tea?

Not me, ever.

Fill a charming teapot with your favourite tea. My preference is sticky chai tea, here is my own best ever chai recipe but you may choose to use earl grey, mint or chamomile. Bring out classy teacups and matching saucers to really impress your guests.

Set the tone of the day with tunes

Nothing creates a vibe more than a playlist of curated songs. What background music are you going to set the day to? For a vintage high tea, opt for soft jazz, or if you’re going for a royal and traditional tea party, classical music will make for the ideal accompaniment.

What about the food?

Now that you’ve set out your table and created the ambience you’re after, it’s time to think about what food you’ll serve.

The classic: scones

You cannot, and I mean, cannot, host a tea party without the classic, most British tea party food in the world: scones. These delicious baked goods maketh a high tea. These scones are jolly good fun to make and are ready in a jiffy. Enjoy these scones plain, with a bit of butter or add a wee bit of jam. Scones are forever a crowd pleaser.

The must-have: finger sandwiches

No high tea is complete without finger sandwiches. Luckily for us high tea party throwers, they’re the most minimal effort yet high reward foods you can make.

There are endless options of fillings for your finger sandwiches.

Here are some of my favourites:

  • Cucumber with cream cheese
  • Smoked salmon
  • Smashed avocado
  • Tuna salad
  • Curried egg dip
  • Lettuce, sundried tomato, roasted eggplant and fetta

To avoid sad and soggy sandwich-itis, make your fillings in the morning, and assemble your sandwiches just before guests arrive. Say goodbye to soggy sandwiches for good!

Why not go the extra mile and make a loaf of green, gluten-free bread?

The treats: cakes, cookies and pastries

Between you and me, the delicious, sweet treats are the best part of a high tea.

There’s a reason the ol’ French macaron is a go-to for high-tea; they look impressive, fit perfectly on a cake stand, and are downright delicious.

If you want to put an Aussie twist on your tea, why not bake spectacularly spongey and chocolatey homemade lamingtons? These lamingtons always go down a treat.

I also love this healthy Coconut banana bread you can enjoy a slice of this luscious loaf, with an open and conscious mind, and every mouthful will bless your tastebuds.

There’s something about lime tarts that makes everyone who tries them happy. These tarts are so delicious that your party guests won’t believe they’re raw, dairy-free, refined-sugar free and gluten-free when they gobble them all up. Make these lime tarts mini-sized and enjoy one by yourself – take that, dessert stealers everywhere.

Simple and elegant

When putting on a high tea, the two words to consider are simple and elegant. Now, go on then; you’re ready to make a special afternoon high tea.

I’d love to know – if you’ve thrown a high tea before, what are your tricks and tips? Let me know in the comments below.

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