
5 Habits That Can Boost and Preserve Your Eye Health

Taking care of your eyes is essential for maintaining optimal vision and overall well-being. Yet, over 13 million people in Australia have one or more chronic eye condition/s, according to the Department of Health and Aged Care. Around 90% of blindness and vision impairment cases in Australia are preventable or treatable if detected early, and government initiatives have since included collaborations with WHO to achieve effective coverage of refractive errors and cataract surgery by 2030.

While government initiatives are important, individual efforts are non-negotiable to boost and preserve your eye health. In this article, we will explore five habits that you can implement in your daily life for healthier eyes.

Practise regular eye examinations

Regular eye examinations are vital for maintaining good eye health and detecting any potential issues early on. Yet, Optometry Australia has found that 35% of people do not get regular eye checks. Eye examinations not only assess vision but also help identify underlying eye conditions such as glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy. Hence, adults are recommended to take a comprehensive eye examination every two years or more frequently as advised by an optometrist.

Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) outlines that exposure to UV levels is consistently higher in Australia due to the country’s proximity to the equator. To protect your eyes, the ARPANSA recommends selecting local sunglasses that comply with the Australian/New Zealand Standard for UV protection or AS/NZS 1067. Otherwise, sunglasses with polarised lenses are a must to reduce glare from reflective surfaces. Models such as the M Frame 2.0 from Oakley with its Prizm lens technology can comply with other Australian standards, such as the AS/NZS 1337 for occupational eye protectors for outdoor workers.

Take regular screen breaks

Excessive screen use can strain the eyes and contribute to symptoms such as dryness, eye fatigue, and blurred vision. The Australian Digital Health Agency recommends practising the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away to reduce eye strain. When you have to look at the screen, you can opt to wear eye protectors such as blue-light glasses. While there’s no high-level evidence to support wearing blue-light blocking glasses for vision protection, the blue-light filter can help influence your circadian rhythm and lead to better sleep that rests your eyes.

Maintain a healthy diet

Consuming foods rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and lutein/zeaxanthin can help protect against age-related eye conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts. For a quick tip, look for orange vegetables that are rich in beta-carotene and vital for eye health, such as carrots and pumpkins. Otherwise, the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating recommends incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, oily fish, nuts, and seeds into your diet.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration can lead to dry eyes, causing discomfort, headaches, and blurred vision. In Australia's often hot and dry climate, it's important to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Otherwise, you can also use a humidifier in your home during the winter to keep the air moist, and stay away from cigarette smoke, which tends to dry out your eyes.

By adopting these five habits, you can significantly boost and preserve your eye health. For more healthy tips, check out our other blogs on Supercharged Food and improve the quality of your life today.

Pantry Prep: A Guide to Delicious Long-Lasting Foods

If you want to be more efficient with your pantry and start storing some longer-lasting items for convenience or even in case of an emergency then this guide is for you. Planning your pantry in advance is a great way to save time, money, and effort when you’re busy but still want an abundance of ingredients.

Today I'm exploring methods and top ingredients for stocking up on that will not only last for a long time but will also be delicious!

First Understand Your Storage Options

Before heading out to purchase your pantry staples it's important to consider the available storage options for your kitchen supplies. While it's nice to not be reliant on technology and buy easily stored items such as bulk beef jerky cheap, with many methods not requiring refrigeration there are some ingredients that will last even longer when chilled or frozen.


Your refrigerator can keep perishables fresh for days as used conventionally, as the refrigerator for vegetables and meat is quite common. Some other ways that it can be used is to extend the life of dry items stored on the shelves for even longer, so you get the most bang for your buck.


If you own a freezer you can effectively store almost anything for extremely long periods of time. While you don't necessarily need to find specifically long-lasting foods in the freezer there are some foods better suited for the freezer than others, generally red meats and poultry can last a while in these mediums of storage.

Pantry Shelves

Pantry shelves are perfect for your general dry goods, think of things like rice, flour, sugar and other grains. They need to be in an area away from direct sunlight and away from any potential moisture, this will ensure that your ingredients last the longest amount of time.

Best Long-Lasting Foods to Stock Your Pantry

If you're not solely focusing on methods such as refrigeration or freezing there are some food that last much longer than others. While most grains can last a while there are also foods that fare better than others, let's take a look at some of the best options.

Beef Jerky and Dried Meats

Beef jerky and other dried meats are a great way to stock your pantry. These delicacies are not only delicious, but they last much longer than most foods. Beef jerky can be stored in the pantry or even in the refrigerator for up to two months without losing its flavour or texture. If you're more adventurous you can also store items such as salami or prosciutto for weeks before they expire.

Canned Tuna or Salmon

Canned tuna or salmon also have an extended shelf life and make excellent sources of protein when added to meals or eaten on their own. They are also very versatile and can be used for a variety of dishes such as pasta, salad and sandwiches for lunches or snacks. These will last several months in your pantry quite easily.

Dried Beans and Legumes

For those looking to include more protein in their diets, then dried beans and legumes can last for ages in your pantry. Things like lentils, chickpeas, black beans and other varieties of beans can last up to a year without any deterioration in flavour or texture.


Honey is a great sweetener that can last forever, if you're looking to keep some honey in bulk it can be a healthy replacement for sugar and even for medicinal purposes since it is antibacterial and antimicrobial. Some even say that honey found in Egypt pyramids was still safe to eat after thousands of years.

Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables

Just like dried meats and jerky, dehydrated fruits and vegetables can be added to your pantry and last for a very long time. They make an excellent snack when eaten on their own or can be added to things like salads, soups and trail mixes.

Preservation Methods for Food Storage

The art of food preservation has been practised in many cultures over the years, not just for longevity but as a necessity when times got rough. Many foods can be preserved through a variety of methods so it's worth checking out some things you can try depending on what foods you want to store.

Whether it's canning, dehydrating, or pickling, preserving food not only extends its shelf life but also creates new and unique flavours for you to enjoy. Mastering these techniques can be a fun and satisfying way to improve your cooking skills, impress your friends, and enjoy fresh food all year round.


Improving your food storage and preparation is a great way to ensure that you always have something to eat and creative ingredients at your disposal. Everything from finding non-perishable ingredients and even special preservation techniques can ensure that you have a variety of foods all year round. Hopefully this article has given you the spark you needed to get more out of your pantry. Enjoy!

Spaghetti with Olive Oil, Garlic and Roasted Almonds Recipe

Liquid Gold

Picture this: an ancient Greek philosopher wandering around, plucking olives from trees, and pondering the secrets hidden within those little green orbs. Fast forward to the present, and we're still obsessed with olives - particularly the golden nectar they produce: olive oil.

Today, we're going to dive into the glorious world of olive oil. That's right, that golden elixir that has been cherished by civilizations throughout history. Not only does it add flavour and depth to our dishes, but good quality olive oil also comes with a plethora of health benefits. So, grab your spatula and prepare for an adventure as we explore the importance of this liquid gold!

Quality Matters

Let's face it, not all olive oils are created equal. Just like choosing a life partner or your favourite pair of socks, selecting the right olive oil is crucial. Good quality olive oil is like finding a unicorn that makes your taste buds dance with joy. Look for extra virgin olive oil, as it undergoes minimal processing and retains more of the natural flavours and nutrients.

A Heart-Healthy Ally

One of the key reasons for the importance of olive oil lies in its heart-healthy properties. Unlike unhealthy saturated and trans fats, olive oil is predominantly composed of monounsaturated fats, which can help lower bad cholesterol levels while increasing the levels of good cholesterol. Regular consumption of olive oil has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, making it an essential ingredient for maintaining cardiovascular health.

The Riches of Antioxidants

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, particularly vitamin E and phenolic compounds. These antioxidants play a vital role in neutralising free radicals, which are harmful molecules that can damage cells and contribute to various diseases and age related conditions. Including olive oil in your diet can bolster your body's defence against oxidative stress and support overall health.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Chronic inflammation has been linked to numerous health issues, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The phenolic compounds found in olive oil possess potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help combat inflammation in the body. Regular consumption of olive oil may contribute to reducing the risk of chronic inflammatory conditions and promoting a healthier, more balanced immune system.

Nutrient Absorption and Digestive Health

Olive oil has a unique ability to enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as various phytochemicals. Including a drizzle of olive oil on your salads or cooked vegetables can help maximize the nutritional benefits of your meals. The other good news is that the healthy fats in olive oil can aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut, supporting optimal nutrient uptake and overall digestive well-being.

Culinary Versatility

Aside from its health benefits, olive oil's culinary versatility is a testament to its importance in the kitchen. Whether used for sautéing, roasting, dressing, or dipping, olive oil adds depth, flavour, and richness to a wide array of dishes. Its distinctive taste profile, ranging from mild and buttery to robust and peppery, complements both savoury and sweet creations, making it a cherished ingredient in cuisines worldwide.

So, the next time you drizzle that golden goodness over your salad or savour the aroma as it dances in the pan, remember that olive oil is not just a condiment—it's a gift from nature that nourishes both body and soul.

Now, go forth and drizzle, cook, and savour the wonders of good quality olive oil. Your taste buds and health will thank you.

Need a yummy recipe?

It’s time to grab that bottle of olive oil, whip up a simple pasta dish, and let the flavours take you to an Italian odyssey. Let's talk about the simple yet soul-satisfying dish of spaghetti aglio e olio, which basically means olive oil spaghetti. It's the culinary equivalent of a warm hug from Nonna.

With just a few ingredients like garlic, chilli flakes, and a generous pour of good quality olive oil, you can create a dish that dances on your taste buds. Plus, it's a quick and easy option for those busy days when you need a meal faster than your delivery app can say “arrivederci.” This recipe has the added crunch of almonds too!

Spaghetti with Olive Oil, Garlic and Roasted Almonds


  • 225g angel hair spaghetti (or use gluten free spaghetti of choice)
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes
  • Salt, to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 bunch chopped fresh parsley or basil
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese (or use nutritional yeast flakes for dairy free)
  • 1/2 cup roughly chopped almonds


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the angel hair spaghetti and cook according to the package instructions until al dente. Drain the cooked spaghetti and set it aside.

While the spaghetti is cooking, heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and chilli flakes. Sauté for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly, until the garlic becomes fragrant and just starts to turn golden. Be careful not to burn the garlic.

Add the cooked and drained spaghetti with the garlic and oil. Toss the spaghetti gently to coat it evenly with the oil and garlic mixture. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. Continue to toss for another minute or two until the spaghetti is well coated and heated through.

Remove the frying pan from the heat and sprinkle the chopped almonds and fresh parsley over the spaghetti. Toss again to distribute the almonds and parsley evenly.

Transfer the angel hair spaghetti to serving plates or a large platter. Generously sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese (or nutritional yeast flakes) on top.

Enjoy your delicious Spaghetti with Olive Oil, Garlic and Roasted Almonds and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Why Hydration Is A Key Component For Longevity

The Link Between Good Hydration and Longevity

Drinking water has its perks. It keeps you hydrated, helps to maintain a regulated body temperature and can aid in healthy digestion. But according to a new study, the level of water you consume may directly impact how quickly you age and your overall longevity. 

Proper hydration levels could be associated with a lower risk of developing chronic diseases or bearing the physical signs of ageing. While further research needs to be conducted to learn the true extent of water's benefits, increasing your natural alkaline water intake will help you reap the rewards sooner rather than later.  

Hydrating Keeps You Healthy

Some professionals believe that those who stay well hydrated are more likely to have other habits like staying active, making healthy food choices and getting enough sleep, ultimately maintaining a high level of physical health. By doing so, they support healthy ageing and help prevent chronic illnesses that can lead to premature death. 

But your hydration level can affect more than just your level of thirst. For example, water has been proven to keep your joints properly lubricated. This allows you to move more without pain, making exercising easier and discouraging a sedentary lifestyle, habits that lead to excellent heart health and better physical well-being. 

Furthermore, dehydration can cause increased blood pressure. It can lead to an imbalance of hormones, minerals and vitamins within the body, which can contribute to organ damage or chronic disease by interrupting necessary body processes. 

Chronic Illness & Ageing

A study by the National Institutes of Health, or the NIH, followed 15,700 people in the United States for roughly 25 years. Data was collected at several points throughout their life, including when participants were in their 50s and between the ages of 70 and 90.

Sodium levels in their blood were measured to determine their levels of hydration and the resulting consequences to their health at the time of data collection. While most participants had levels falling in the average range, the study showed that people with levels higher than average were 21% more likely to have an increased risk of dying younger compared to their better-hydrated counterparts. 

Researchers also found that people with increased sodium serum levels had a 39% higher risk of developing chronic illnesses like dementia, lung disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure. Additionally, it is believed that dehydration causes the secretion of hormones that can negatively affect the kidneys and other tissues in the body, gradually breaking down their intended functions and accelerating the ageing process. 

Finally, adequate water intake has been strongly linked to increased stimulation of blood flow, which helps your body remove toxins and keep the skin properly hydrated, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, dark under eyes, and age lines. 

Start your day with some warm lemon water

Daily Water Intake Recommendation

The basic guideline for water intake has always been to drink eight glasses of water a day. But the truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation, as outside factors like age, sex, lifestyle, physical needs, activity level, and temperature can heavily influence your daily requirement. 

If you are very active, live in a hot climate or carry excess weight, you must compensate for this when drinking water. Additionally, the other foods and liquids you consume throughout the day can either increase or deplete your body of water; further considerations that need to be made. 

Drinking more than three litres of water daily is only necessary if you have been exercising heavily or had prolonged heat exposure. However, if you feel like no amount of water is enough, this could indicate undiagnosed health issues that will require clinical intervention. 

Signs of Dehydration

Dehydration is potentially life-threatening, and understanding the warning signs is incredibly important for your health and safety. The most common symptoms to look out for are: feeling thirsty, not sweating when it is hot outside, needing the bathroom less than usual, dry mouth, dark-coloured and strong-smelling urine and feeling tired, dizzy or lightheaded. 

If you are experiencing these symptoms, do not overload your body with large amounts of water in a short period. Instead, slowly sip water until your body starts to feel normal again, and be aware of how much you drink daily to maintain proper levels. 

Take It with a Grain of Salt

Like most medical research, there is always room for speculation and opportunity for uncertainty to grow. While the study conducted by the NIH has stated that sodium levels indicated one’s level of hydration and therefore staying hydrated may slow down ageing and prevent or delay the development of chronic diseases, some experts see a flaw in the data collected. 

They do not believe the results of the study show casual effect, the ability to prove, with certainty, that optimal hydration prevents severe disease or improves longevity. Because participants were not restricted with their fluid intake or hydration levels during the study, there are many factors than can influence the data when sodium levels were measured. These factors would significantly differ from person to person. 

While the study poses many valuable points of interest and produces information that may lead to healthier and longer lives, people should consider the study's limitations and not jump to conclusions about their own lifestyles without further research being conducted. 


A Vegetable Filo Pastry Pie to Give you a Really Good Filling!

Are you looking for a show-stopping vegetarian dish that will give you a really good filling?

Look no further. My Vegetable Filo Pastry Pie recipe is a true crowd-pleaser, guaranteed to impress even the most hardcore meat eaters. I recently took this pie to a lunch party, and it was demolished in seconds! Everyone asked for the recipe and said it was the tastiest pie they had ever eaten. Packed with a medley of chickpeas, spices, and fresh and vibrant vegetables, this pie is elevated to new heights with a crispy, scrumptious filo pastry on top.

While good old Aussie meat pies have long been a staple, it's time to embrace the deliciousness and numerous benefits of the humble and wholesome veggie pie. Bursting with nutrient-rich vegetables and encased in layers of flaky filo pastry, this Vegetable Filo Pastry Pie offers not only a delightful culinary experience but also a myriad of health benefits. From supporting your overall well-being to providing energy, this veggie-packed delight is a winner on all fronts.

By swapping meat for chickpeas and vegetables, you’re reducing saturated fat and cholesterol intake while increasing fibre, vitamins, and minerals. This switch can have a positive impact on your overall health, supporting better heart health and aiding weight management.

Chickpeas are loaded with essential nutrients that support overall wellbeing. They’re an excellent source of plant-based protein, providing a substantial number of amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth. Chickpeas also contain dietary fibre, which aids digestion, and as you know the gut is the epicentre to health. They’re also rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium, all vital for various bodily functions.

Each vegetable in this pie-tastic recipe brings its unique set of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the table. From the fibre-packed broccoli to the vitamin C-rich tomatoes, every bite of this pie delivers a powerful dose of essential nutrients.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your ingredients, preheat the oven, and get ready to indulge in a truly delectable culinary experience that will have everyone wanting a piece of the pie!

Warning: all die-hard meat pie enthusiasts! Prepare to have your taste buds taken on a mind-blowing journey with this show-stopping vegetarian dish that will make you question everything you thought you knew about pies. You might find yourself licking your fingers and contemplating a second serving (or maybe even a third!).

Vegetable Filo Pastry Pie

Serves 4-5

  • 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1 large leek, peeled and chopped
  • ½ broccoli head, chopped
  • 3 asparagus spears, chopped
  • 100g ripe cherry tomatoes
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 100g butternut pumpkin, peeled & diced 
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 400g tin chickpeas, including chickpea water
  • 1/2 cup oat milk
  • 1 tablespoon whole grain mustard
  • 2 tablespoons ground cumin
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
  • 1 tablespoon ground paprika
  • 8 sheets of (gluten free) filo pastry
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds

Preheat oven to 180C

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat in a large non-stick ovenproof frying pan, add garlic, leek then sauté for 5 mins, stirring frequently.

Add the rest of the vegetables to the pan, stir for 2-3 minutes then add the chickpeas and chickpea water, milk, mustard and spices and stir. Bring to boil then reduce to low heat and simmer for 15-20 mins, or until liquid has thickened 

Remove pan from heat.

Lay filo sheets flat, brush with 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Scrunch the filo up, then arrange it on top of the pan. Sprinkle salt and sesame seeds over the top

Place pan into the oven and bake for 25 minutes, or until golden and crisp.

Give it a whirl and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

5 Proven Weight Loss Tips for Women

Your weight is an important consideration for a healthy and productive life. Being overweight, particularly obesity is an established lead cause of many high-risk health conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. 

While multiple factors influence how many pounds you gain over a set period, like genetics, underlying health conditions, and unhealthy living habits, setting the tone regarding your health is more of a priority than leisure. 

Not only do you feel good, but you also look good and can add a few more years to your life. As such, there is an increased emphasis on lifestyle medicine, which includes healthy habits, dieting, and exercise. But what works well, particularly for women? 

There's plenty of advice online offering numerous strategies for weight loss. However, men and women differ significantly in body composition and physiology. 

So, while the weight loss goal remains the same for both genders, the strategies will vary marginally. This article explores five effective weight loss tips for women. But, first, examine the difference in weight loss between men and women.

How Weight Loss Differs Between Men and Women

The principle of weight loss is to reduce calorie intake while burning excess fat through physical activity. However, the route to achieving this will differ for men and women for two reasons:

  • Body composition: Men tend to have more muscle mass and lesser body fat than women. This implies that men lose more calories at rest (higher metabolic resting rate) than women. Therefore, under the same dieting and exercise program, men are more likely to lose more weight than women.


  • Hormonal profile: Men and women differ in hormone composition, which affects how they store or burn fat. For instance, men have more testosterone than women. Testosterone helps to burn fat and build muscle. On the other hand, women have more estrogen than men, leading to increased fat storage in the hips and thighs.

5 Weight Loss Tips for Women

  • Eat More Protein

Protein supports muscle tissue growth and repair. Eating extra protein might make you feel satisfied for longer, which can help you consume fewer calories overall and aid in weight loss. 

Every meal and snack should have at least one source of protein, such as lean meat, fish, eggs, or beans. Increasing your protein consumption will also help you lose weight while maintaining muscle mass, which is important for a healthy metabolism. You may also consider taking protein supplements to boost your strength. Check out Rave Reviews for product recommendations.

  • Practice Calorie Restriction

Calorie restriction involves reducing your calorie intake while avoiding malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies. The principle behind this calorie restriction is simple: when you consistently consume fewer calories, there will be less sugar in your body. 

Consequently, your body will begin to depend on stored fat for its energy needs, which will cause you to shed weight. You can practice calorie restriction by eating low-calorie foods and intermittent fasting.

Low-Calorie Diet

A low-calorie diet contains between 800 to 1200 calories per day, much lower than the 1,600 to 2,400 calories recommended for women. While a low–calorie diet contains much fewer calories, it still maintains a high nutrient content. 

They include:

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • whole grains
  • lean proteins

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting involves alternating fasting and eating periods. Intermittent fasting for women can be done using several methods, including:

  • Time-restricted feeding: Time-restricted feeding involves eating within an 8-hour window each day.
  • Alternate-day fasting: In alternate-day fasting, you alternate between the days when you reduce your calorie intake and when you eat a regular calorie-rich diet.
  • The 5:2 diet: In the 5:2 diet method, you eat your regular ration for five days a week and eat a low-calorie diet on two non-consecutive days.

Who should avoid calorie restriction?

While calorie restriction can benefit many people, some groups should avoid it.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not restrict their calorie intake, as it can lead to nutrient deficiencies for both the mother and baby. 
  • Children and adolescents should also avoid calorie restriction, as they need adequate nutrition for growth and development.
  • Additionally, people with a history of eating disorders should avoid calorie restriction, as it can trigger disordered eating behaviors. 
  • Those with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or hypoglycemia, should consult a healthcare provider before starting a calorie-restricted diet.
  • Incorporate Strength Training

Strength training is just as vital for weight loss, especially for women, as aerobic exercises like jogging and cycling are for burning calories. 

You can build more lean muscle mass through strength training. Strength training also improves your posture, balance, and general fitness. 

You can undertake two to three strength training sessions per week, focusing on all the major muscle groups, including the legs, arms, back, and chest. 

  • Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for your general health and well-being, and it might impact your efforts to lose weight. Maintaining a good diet and exercise program can be difficult when you don't get enough sleep since it can mess with your hormones, increase your hunger, and sap your vitality.

Aim for a consistent sleep-wake routine and at least 7-8 hours of good sleep each night. A calming nighttime practice (like having a warm bath, reading a book, or practicing meditation) can also aid in helping you relax and be ready for sleep. Consider incorporating a calming nighttime practice, such as enjoying a warm bath, reading a book, or practicing meditation. Creating a relaxing environment with the use of best sleep lights can also contribute to a soothing atmosphere, promoting better sleep hygiene.

  • Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water can help with weight loss by making you feel full. When dehydrated, your body frequently confuses thirst with hunger, resulting in excessive snacking and overeating. You can minimize your overall calorie intake and boost weight loss by drinking enough daily water.

In addition, studies have shown that drinking water can temporarily increase metabolism by up to 24-30%. This implies that after drinking water, the body burns more calories at rest, which might help with weight loss over time.

Final Thoughts

Science and medicine affirm that being overweight is bad for your health, factoring in health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight is essential for a quality life. 

Women differ significantly from men in body composition and physiology, which impacts how they store and burn fats. Therefore, women require specialized plans to achieve their weight loss goals.

That said, women will benefit from more strength training while eating more protein, drinking more water, getting more sleep, and practicing calorie restriction, which includes intermittent fasting.

6 Effective Ways To Pay For CBD Gummies in 2023

CBD gummies have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to experience the benefits of Cannabidiol in a delicious and convenient form. However, not all of these gummies are created equal, and some may not offer the quality and potency consumers seek. That's where the option to pay for premium Cannabidiol gummies comes in. By paying a little extra, you can rest assured that you are getting high-quality, potent gummies made with the finest ingredients and free from harmful additives. So if you're seeking a convenient and delicious way to incorporate CBD Edibles from CBD.co into your daily routine, it may be worth considering paying for premium CBD gummies.

6 Effective Ways To Pay For CBD Gummies in 2023

1. Cash

Cash is a reliable and traditional way of making payments. With the increase in digital payments, it is easy to overlook the simplicity and effectiveness of using cash for purchases. CBD gummies can easily be purchased with cash, making it a convenient choice for those who prefer to keep their transactions offline or cannot access online payment methods. In 2023, cash is expected to remain a vital form of payment, especially for those who value the security and traceability that comes with physical currency. So, if you're looking to grab some CBD gummies, consider using cash for a seamless and hassle-free transaction.

2. Online Shopping with Credit/Debit Card

Online shopping has become increasingly prevalent and convenient, especially with paying with credit or debit cards. This payment method is easy and secure, making it an effective way to purchase CBD gummies in 2023. With the click of a button, consumers can browse various products and deliver them straight to their doorstep. Additionally, paying with a card allows for easy tracking of expenses and budgeting. It's vital to ensure the website is reputable and secure before entering sensitive financial information. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned online shopper, using a card to complete your transaction provides a hassle-free experience

3. Upfront Payment on Subscription Services

Upfront payment may not be the most popular choice when paying for subscription services. However, in the case of CBD gummies, it may just be the most effective option in 2023. This payment method involves paying the full amount for the subscription upfront rather than making monthly payments. Not only does this ensure that you won't forget to make a payment and risk losing access to your favorite Cannabidiol gummies, but it can also save you money in the long run. With a one-time payment, you may be able to score a discount or special offer that wouldn't be available with monthly payments. So if you're a regular consumer of CBD gummies, consider opting for upfront payment to ensure you never go without your go-to treat.

4. Using a Payment App

If you plan on purchasing CBD gummies in 2023, consider using a payment app for a seamless transaction. Payment apps are becoming increasingly popular and offer a convenient alternative to traditional payment methods. With just a few taps on your phone, you can securely process your payment and receive Cannabidiol gummies. Payment apps make purchasing easier and safer as they provide an added layer of security during transactions. Using a payment app, you can ensure that your purchase is completed quickly and hassle-free.

5. Redeeming Store-Specific Rewards for Discounts

If you're looking to save money on CBD gummies this year, one way to do so is by redeeming store-specific rewards for discounts. Many stores offer rewards programs that allow you to earn points or discounts that can be applied to future purchases, including Cannabidiol products. By taking advantage of these programs, you can save money on the cost of your CBD gummies without sacrificing quality. Moreover, these rewards programs often have additional perks, such as exclusive offers or early access to new products. So, before making your next purchase, check if your favorite CBD store offers a rewards program and start racking up those discounts.

6. Gifting or Promo Codes-based Discounts

Looking for an effective way to pay for CBD gummies in 2023? Gifting or promo code-based discounts may be the answer you're looking for. Whether buying these gummies to help relieve stress, promote relaxation, or simply for enjoyment, every bit of savings can make a difference. Gifting or promo codes are a great way to score discounts on your favorite CBD gummies or try out new brands and flavors. By applying a code at checkout, you can enjoy significant savings on your purchases. With the increasing popularity of these products, it's wise to take advantage of every opportunity to save some cash. Start hunting for those promo codes now and shop smarter for your CBD gummies in 2023.

Things To Consider While Paying For CBD Gummies in 2023

As the new year kicks in, many people turn to CBD gummies to promote relaxation and enhance their overall wellness. However, with so many options available in the market, it can be daunting to choose the right product. When paying for these gummies, it's essential to consider several factors:

● First, ensure that the product is derived from high-quality ingredients and is third-party
lab tested for purity and potency.
● Additionally, consider the dosage and concentration of the gummies and opt for a
brand that offers a variety of flavors and strengths.
● Lastly, read customer reviews to learn about their experience with the product.

These considerations will help you choose a reliable and effective CBD gummy product
in 2023.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, paying for CBD gummies can be done in various practical ways in 2023. One can use discount codes, subscribe to companies' newsletters and social media pages, and utilize cash back rewards programs. Additionally, it is vital to ensure that the purchased CBD products are of high quality and have been tested for purity and potency. It is also recommended to check the reputation of the Cannabidiol brand and read reviews from previous customers. With these tips, users can enjoy the benefits of CBD gummies while still being financially responsible.

Budget-Friendly Student Breakfasts: How Not to Waste All Your Scholarship on Food

One predicament a scholar may confront is the problem of balancing their limited financial resources with the necessity of consuming wholesome and nutritious sustenance. However, a meager budget can maintain your physical well-being and taste preferences. By employing astute planning and wise selection, it is possible to concoct delectable and cost-effective morning meals that won't burn a hole in your pocket.

In this article, I'm giving you some pointers and stratagems for optimizing your grant and still relishing a satiating breakfast each day!

Plan Ahead and Shop Smart

Planning is critical to economize on sustenance. Before setting foot in the grocery store, list the provisions you require for the week. Browse through promotional materials and discount vouchers to spot the most advantageous deals. Buy in large quantities, as it can accumulate considerable savings over an extended period. Bread, cheese, and even fruits can endure extended periods of freezing. Consider purchasing generic or store-brand items, as they are commonly more economical than their branded counterparts. This approach promotes monetary savings while preserving the same quality of nourishment.

Simple and Easy Breakfast Ideas

After acquiring a more nuanced understanding of how to shop smart, it is opportune to proceed towards some fundamental yet efficacious propositions for the morning repast that will not cause a rupture in one's financial reserves.

Prioritizing your academic performance before embarking on cooking certain dishes is crucial. When you cannot prepare breakfast due to a demanding workload and feel famished, there's a viable solution - opting for writing services. The internet is inundated with such services. However, you must exercise caution to avoid being scammed by untrustworthy ones. For instance, find out more about this writing company on this review platform. It's advisable to steer clear of sites with low ratings instead of those with high ratings.


Oatmeal, a budget-conscious breakfast option, offers many customization opportunities to suit your preferences. By incorporating a melange of fruits, nuts, or honey, you can add a drop of flavor to your morning meal. Regarding health benefits, steel-cut oats rank the highest among their counterparts, but instant oats serve as an acceptable alternative if you're crunched for time.

Yogurt and Granola

Yogurt and granola are an excellent amalgamation for a practical and effortless meal. Use unsweetened yogurt and add fruits or honey for sweetness. Overproduced granola can burn a hole in your pocket and compromise your well-being, making homemade granola is economical and nutritious.


Eggs are an incredibly multifaceted and can be transformed through numerous techniques. One can pull together a batch of muddled eggs, construct an assortment, or immerse eggs in heated water. To obtain a well-rounded feast, match these creations with slices of nutrient-rich whole-grain bread or an array of succulent fruit.


Smoothies provide a magnificent avenue for incorporating many fruits and vegetables into one's breakfast regimen. A cost-effective approach entails utilizing frozen fruits while supplementing milk or yogurt for added protein content. Should one desire to augment the nutritional value, infusing the smoothie with spinach or kale would be a wise choice.

Peanut Butter Toast

Peanut butter toast is a time-honored option for the morning meal that is economically viable and satiating. Opt for bread made from whole grains and smear it with a generous serving of peanut butter, followed by placing slices of banana on top for a wholesome and delicious breakfast.

Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

While eating within your budget is essential, it's also important to prioritize your health.

Numerous factors can impact one's health, with education being one of the most prominent. When you're feeling anxious and lacking an appetite due to an unfinished task, it's worth considering the information offered by www.writingpapersucks.com. This website endorses trustworthy writing services and highlights unscrupulous ones, thus preventing unsuspecting individuals from falling prey to their deceitful tactics.

Here are some tips on how to eat healthy on a budget.

Choose Whole Foods

Whole sustenance, such as fruit, vegetables, and intact grains, provide salubrious and cost-effective options compared to processed food. Additionally, they supply many nutrients while inducing a sustained feeling of satiation.

Cook at Home

Cooking meals in your abode grants you authority over the ingredients used, a benefit not conferred upon one when dining at a restaurant, where food and beverage costs are often exorbitant.

Use Leftovers

It would be advantageous to refrain from disposing of any remaining sustenance. Instead, one could utilize the leftovers to concoct an entirely novel and distinct meal or preserve them later using refrigeration or freezing. This approach would result in the reduction of food wastage and, ultimately, serve to economize one's expenses.

Avoid Convenience Foods

Convenience foods like frozen meals and packaged snacks are often more expensive and less healthy than homemade meals. Avoid them as much as possible and opt for homemade alternatives.


In conclusion, it is feasible to maintain one's health and satisfy one's taste buds even while on a shoestring budget. It can be achieved by taking a proactive approach, being savvy when shopping, and choosing simple yet wholesome breakfast options. It is crucial to prioritize whole foods, prepare meals at home, use leftovers, and abstain from convenience foods to cultivate a diet that is both beneficial to one's health and budget-friendly. With these hints and tactics, one can effectively capitalize on their scholarship or budget and still revel in the daily delectable and nourishing breakfast fare.

Healthy Snack Ideas for Studying and Late Nights

As we all know, late-night study sessions and busy work schedules often leave us drained and hungry. Fueling our bodies and minds with the right snacks is crucial to help us power through these demanding times. This article will explore various healthy snack ideas perfect for studying and late nights, ensuring you stay energized and focused.

Wholesome Energy Bites

Energy bites are a tasty and convenient option to keep you going during long study sessions. These little morsels are packed with nutrients, providing a quick energy boost when needed. Here are some energy-bite recipes to try:

  1. Oatmeal Peanut Butter Energy Bites: Combine rolled oats, natural peanut butter, honey, and chopped dark chocolate. Form into bite-sized balls and refrigerate.
  2. Almond Coconut Energy Bites: Mix almond butter, shredded coconut, honey, and vanilla extract. Roll into small balls and refrigerate.
  3. Date and Nut Energy Bites: Blend dates, almonds, walnuts, and a pinch of sea salt in a food processor. Roll the mixture into balls and refrigerate.

While energy bars can assist, staying up late at night can adversely affect your health. Therefore, you can find a reliable writing service using write me an essay to efficiently complete your assignments without staying late or websites like EssayShark.com.

Protein-Packed Greek Yogurt Parfaits

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium, making it an ideal snack for late-night study sessions. To create a delicious Greek yogurt parfait, layer yogurt with your fruit, nuts, and honey choice. Some parfait combinations to consider include:

  1. Berry Blast: Greek yogurt, mixed berries, almonds, and honey.
  2. Tropical Delight: Greek yogurt, mango, pineapple, coconut flakes, and a drizzle of honey.
  3. Cinnamon Apple: Greek yogurt, diced apples, walnuts, cinnamon, and honey.

Hearty Whole-Grain Sandwiches

Whole-grain sandwiches offer a filling and nutritious snack that's easy to prepare. Choose lean proteins, plenty of vegetables, and healthy spreads to create a satisfying and energizing sandwich. Some whole-grain sandwich ideas include:

  1. Turkey Avocado Sandwich: Bread, sliced turkey, avocado, lettuce, and mustard.
  2. Hummus Veggie Sandwich: Bread, hummus, cucumber, bell peppers, and spinach.
  3. Tuna Salad Sandwich: Bread, light tuna salad (made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo), lettuce, and tomato.

Sandwiches are a fantastic snack, but you may struggle in the morning if you've had a rough night's sleep. To speed up writing an essay or paper, consider using the free essay database on proessays.net. You can gain inspiration from one of the essays on the site or even order your custom essay to save time. By doing so, you won't have to cook at night, allowing you to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

Crunchy Veggie Sticks and Dips

Vegetable sticks are a low-calorie snack easily paired with various healthy dips. This combination provides a satisfying crunch and a nutrient-rich snack. Some popular veggie sticks and dip pairings are:

  1. Carrots and Hummus: Baby carrots dipped in hummus offer a combination of crunch, creaminess, and a good protein dose.
  2. Celery and Almond Butter: Celery sticks filled with almond butter balance crunch, creaminess, and healthy fats.
  3. Bell Peppers and Greek Yogurt Dip: Bell pepper strips paired with a Greek yogurt-based dip offer a colorful and nutrient-dense snack option.

Nourishing Smoothies

Smoothies present a flexible and stimulating alternative for an evening repast. Opt for an amalgamation of assorted fruits, verdant produce, and protein reservoirs to forge a healthy smoothie. Here are a few smoothie notions for your perusal:

  1. Green Machine: Blend spinach, kale, banana, almond milk, and a scoop of protein powder.
  2. Berry Bliss: Combine mixed berries, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and chia seeds.
  3. Peanut Butter Banana Boost: Blend a ripe banana, natural peanut butter, almond milk, and a scoop of protein powder for a satisfying and energy-boosting smoothie.

Trail Mix with a Twist

Trail mix is a classic study snack with flavors and textures to keep things interesting. Create your custom blend by combining a variety of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and even some dark chocolate for an extra treat. Some trail mix combinations to try are:

  1. Tropical Trail Mix: Mix cashews, almonds, dried pineapple, dried mango, and coconut flakes.
  2. Sweet and Salty Trail Mix: Combine almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, and dark chocolate chips.
  3. Savory Superfood Mix: Combine walnuts, sunflower seeds, goji berries, raisins, and a dash of sea salt.

Baked Veggie Chips

For those craving a crispy and savory snack, baked veggie chips can be a healthier alternative to traditional potato chips. Slice vegetables thinly, season with your favorite spices, and bake until crispy. Some baked veggie chip options include:

  1. Kale Chips: Toss kale leaves with olive oil, salt, and nutritional yeast, then bake until crispy.
  2. Sweet Potato Chips: Slice sweet potatoes thinly, season with paprika and sea salt, then bake until crisp.
  3. Zucchini Chips: Cut zucchini into thin rounds, season with garlic powder and salt, then bake until crunchy.

Healthy Popcorn Options

Popcorn can be a light and satisfying snack when prepared with healthy ingredients. Opt for air-popped popcorn and season with your choice of spices to add flavor without the added fat. Some healthy popcorn seasoning ideas include:

  1. Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn: Lightly spray air-popped popcorn with coconut oil, then sprinkle with cinnamon and stevia.
  2. Spicy Chili Lime Popcorn: Toss air-popped popcorn with chili powder, lime zest, and a pinch of salt.
  3. Garlic Parmesan Popcorn: Drizzle air-popped popcorn with olive oil, then toss with garlic powder and grated Parmesan cheese.

By including these alternatives into your daily routine, you can maintain your vigor, attentiveness, and sustenance around the clock! You can also try other helpful ways when you want to do my assignments online.

5 Easy Recipes for Your Breakfast

The opinion about breakfast as the starting meal of the day differs from person to person. Someone prefers to start the day with just a cup of coffee; others can eat a sandwich; and of course, some people cannot imagine the start of the day without a complete meal that contains eggs, sausages, cheese, cereals, some fruit, and toast with some jam.

It’s ok to decide what is better for you, even if you might be wondering is Chex mix healthy?

The most important thing is to understand the needs of your body. So, there is no sense in trying to persuade other people that their eating habits are different and that you do everything right. Let others decide what is better for them. If you chose, for example, to order essay online on SpeedyPaper and someone tried to persuade you that you should write your paperwork without help, for sure, it wouldn’t change your mind — the same with eating breakfast.

And meanwhile, if you eat breakfast and can’t imagine a typical start of the day without it, we have prepared five easy recipes for you to start your day ideally and get the energy to work the whole day effectively. If you worry that you will lack time to do your homework because of cooking, you can always order an essay by writepaperfor.me and enjoy your morning cooking routine. 

Scrambled eggs

You must whisk two large eggs, 6 tbsp single cream or full cream milk, and a pinch of salt until the mixture has one consistency. Heat butter on a non-stick pan and pour eggs. After 20 seconds, stir the eggs with a wooden spoon. Let it sit for another 10 seconds, then stir and fold again. Repeat until the eggs are soft. Remove from the heat and leave for a moment to finish cooking.


Take a large bowl and mix 200g self-raising flour, 1 ½ tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt. Then add three large eggs, 25g melted butter and 200 ml milk of choice. Whisk everything together and then pour into a jug. Heat a piece of butter and 1 tsp of oil in a large, non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Pour batter in rounds approximately 7cm wide. If you want your pancakes to be of different shapes, you can use a special tool. Pancakes spread when you cook them, so don’t pour them too close. Cook the pancakes for 1-2 minutes on each side. Serve them stacked up on a plate with maple syrup, if you like it, and any topping you have.


The easiest but really tasty breakfast. The night before serving, stir the cinnamon (1/4 tsp) and 100 ml milk into your oats with a pinch of salt. The next day, add some more milk if it’s necessary. Top with the yogurt, berries (50g will be enough), honey, and nut butter (if you are not allergic).

French toast

To cook the tastiest French toasts, put three eggs, 150 ml of milk, one tsp of mixed spice, 2 tbsp of double cream, and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar into a jug and beat to combine, then pour the mixture into a large, shallow plate. Pour the remaining brandy into a cold frying pan, and add 15g of butter and the mixed dried fruit (4 tbsp). Warm over low heat for 3-4 mins until the liquid thickens. Lay the four panettone slices in the egg mixture and flip over to soak. It should be done quickly so they don’t break and be put aside for some time. Do this quickly so it doesn’t break apart. To fry the panettone, use the rest of the butter and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side. Don’t forget to use a lower heat so the outside doesn’t burn while the center cooks. Finally, put the slices on the plates, add crème fraiche (60 g for four toasts), mixed fruit, and a little maple syrup if you like it.


Start with the flour (300 g) and bicarbonate of soda (1 tsp) and put them into a large bowl. Add 100gm coconut sugar, then mix the remainder with the flour and 50g of oats. After making a well in the center, put this bowl apart. Take a separate bowl and mash two bananas in there. When the bananas are smooth, add buttermilk (284 ml), five tbs of light olive oil, and two egg whites and stir until everything is combined evenly. Pour the liquid mixture you dot into the well in the second bowl and stir quickly with a wooden spoon. Don’t over-mix, even if the flour will still be visible somewhere. Add the blueberries, and you can mix one more time. After that, divide the mixture between the muffin cases (you’ll get enough mixture for 12-hole muffin tin). After that, put the rest of the oats and extra coconut sugar at the tops of the muffins. Bake for 18-20 mins in the oven heated up to 180°C until risen and dark golden.


Best Foods to Boost Your Brain Activity

In this modern era of rapidly-paced living, where multitasking and a bombardment of information are commonplace, concerns regarding amplifying brain function have become a pressing matter for countless individuals. Although it is widely known that regular exercise and sufficient rest play crucial roles in maintaining optimal cognitive performance, the strong impact of our dietary intake on brain activity is often disregarded. As a result, it is imperative to recognize the most efficacious comestibles that stimulate enhanced brain function, enabling us to remain astute and concentrated throughout the day.

Fatty Fish

Indubitably, integrating adipose fish, namely salmon, mackerel, and sardines, into one's dietary regimen is an immensely beneficial and prudent determination for advancing one's cognitive health. These magnificent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are unequivocally vital for proper cerebral operation, facilitate the creation of cell membranes within the encephalon, reinforcing cerebral activity and diminishing the tendency toward cognitive degeneration.

Scientific investigation has demonstrated that including omega-3s in one's sustenance can mitigate the adverse consequences of cerebral inflammation, which is frequently implicated in mood anomalies such as depression and anxiety. Consequently, adding fatty fish to one's regular dietary pattern is a simplistic and effective technique for augmenting one's psychological well-being and amplifying comprehensive neurological functioning.


It's worthwhile to articulate that delicious and healthful berries, namely blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, are abundantly filled with flavonoids. These robust phytochemicals have been extensively researched and identified to have exceptional neuroprotective attributes. The studies have divulged their remarkable effectiveness in augmenting cognitive function and memory in older adults, which is an extraordinary feat.

Suppose you're in a rush and require a quick solution to accomplish a task. In that case, it may be advantageous to explore alternative options, even though berries are a fantastic nourishment for brain stimulation. For example, the choice of reading the reviews of EssayHub can help you find a reliable writing assistant and show unreliable sites with low ratings.

Nuts and Seeds

The ingestion of nuts and seeds holds excellent promise in elevating the levels of vitamin E, which in turn acts as a mighty bulwark against the harmful impact of oxidative stress on the brain. It results in a considerable reduction in the detrimental outcomes of this pathological process. It should be noted that vitamin E has also been associated with a significant enhancement in cognitive abilities, especially in older individuals. Moreover, nuts and seeds offer more than just a rich source of vitamin E; they are a treasure trove of proteins and healthy fats that aid in maintaining brain health and deter the onset of cognitive impairment.

Dark Chocolate

Including small amounts of dark chocolate into your dietary regimen has been demonstrated to amplify cognitive function and increase memory retention in elderly individuals. The flavonoids present in dark chocolate are also efficacious in abating cerebral inflammation, which has been inextricably linked to the manifestation of depressive and anxious states of mind. It is prudent to bear this in mind.

However, ‌dark chocolate is a copious source of calories and, as such, should be ingested in moderation. By adopting this approach, individuals can positively impact their psychological well-being and enhance cerebral activity.

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Leafy Greens

Leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli possess an exceptional collection of vital minerals and vitamins that are indispensable for the proper functioning of the brain. These vegetables are loaded with folate, vitamin K, and lutein, which are scientifically linked to high cognitive abilities and memory retention. In addition to their rich nutritional profile, leafy greens exhibit a meager calorie count and can help with shedding excess weight. This weight reduction, in turn, can enhance overall health and diminish the likelihood of cognitive degeneration.

Whole Grains

Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and oats are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, which offer a constant energy supply to the mind. It can improve cognitive function and lessen the danger of intellectual exhaustion. Additionally, whole grains contain large fiber, which can upgrade digestion and diminish the hazard of chronic disorders like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


Eggs represent an exemplary origin of choline, a fundamental nutrient for cerebral well-being. Choline actively constructs the brain's cellular walls, elevating cognitive performance and diminishing the risk of mental deterioration. Moreover, eggs are abundant in protein and salubrious lipids, both of which enhance the cerebral operation and decrease the chances of intellectual exhaustion.


It is an indisputable fact that the attainment of optimal brain health necessitates a comprehensive and tailored method. Each individual's cerebral functions are unique, so what may have favorable results for one person may prove futile for another. Individuals can reinforce their cognitive faculties by including diverse cerebral-enhancing sustenance and lifestyle practices in their daily regimen, ensuring sustained concentration and mental acuity throughout the day. This multifaceted approach has the potential to avert cognitive deterioration and facilitate cerebral longevity.

6 Tips to Get Enough Calcium in Your Diet

When you think of calcium, you probably imagine your bones. This mineral is essential for creating your skeleton, but that’s not its only function. It’s also vital for blood clotting, maintaining normal heart rhythms and preserving neurological homeostasis — keeping your nerves operating as they should.

However, your body doesn’t produce this mineral. You need to consume it through the foods you eat.

Here are six tips to get enough calcium in your diet.

1. Consume More Dairy Products

The most obvious way to consume more calcium is to up your dairy product consumption. Milk and milk products are high in this mineral while providing other benefits. For example, the casein in milk covers your teeth in protective protein, preventing decay, while the magical mineral helps maintain them from the inside.

Enriched dairy foods also contain vitamin D, an essential nutrient for absorption. Without this substance, your body can’t form enough of the hormone calcitriol — aka active vitamin D. Your body takes calcium from your bones if you don’t get a sufficient intake, weakening them instead of vice versa. Fortunately, your body also manufactures vitamin D with adequate sun exposure, but many people don’t get enough.

What if you’re one of the many whose stomach revolts when you drink a glass of the white stuff? Some lactose-intolerant folks can tolerate certain cheeses, such as Swiss, Parmesan, cheddar or feta. Yogurt is another excellent choice, providing a gut-healthy dose of probiotics with your calcium. Many plant-based milks such as cashew milk  also provide a decent amount of calcium.

Considering the potential challenges of incorporating dairy into your diet, especially for those with gut issues, exploring alternatives becomes crucial. If mornings are a rush and dairy isn't your go-to, perhaps a Morning Kick Supplement rich in power greens, probiotics, and ashwagandha could be a convenient way to ensure you meet your daily nutritional needs.

2. Get a Little Fishy

Other excellent sources of calcium and other essential nutrients like vitamin D are fish like salmon, shrimp and sardines. These benefit your body with omega-3 fatty acids, which are also critical for heart and neurological health. You need omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but many people get too much of the latter because of our over-reliance on vegetable oils in processed foods. The unbalance may contribute to various diseases — correcting it can help.

The long summer days make it a snap to wrap some snapper in baking paper with a few lemon slices and fresh herbs from your garden, popping it on the grill for a few moments. You get juicy and delicious perfection without smelling up your house. What can you do during the winter months? Pop a few lemon slices in your Pyrex baking dish with a touch of rosemary to keep odors at bay. You’ll also impart a few extra nutrients and antioxidants in your meal.

3. Think Deep, Leafy Greens

“OK,” you might think, “calcium and vitamin D matter, but what if I practice a vegan lifestyle?” If so, you can still get enough of this precious mineral in your diet from plant-based sources.

One of your best options is deep, leafy greens like kale, broccoli and Swiss chard. These foods also offer rich reserves of vitamin K, another nutrient essential for blood clotting and cardiovascular health. Sauteing vegetables like spinach in olive oil makes this nutrient more bioavailable because it’s fat- and not water-soluble.

You don’t have to do much to get more of these foods in your diet — without living on salad. Add a slice of kale or a few spinach leaves to your lunchtime salad or wrap. Fill your next breakfast omelet with arugula. Make a delicious vegan burger with black beans and dark, leafy greens baked right into the patty, perhaps adding a few hemp seeds for texture.

4. Shop Milk Alternatives

You might also have luck with plant-based milk alternatives. A quick perusal of your grocery shelves reveals scores of brands with more calcium than dairy. Many of these products are enriched with this nutrient, but they can still increase your intake.

For example, many commercial brands of almond milk contain more calcium than dairy. Some varieties, such as hemp and fresh soy without additives, also have hefty doses of vitamin D. Many versions are lower in fat and calories, helpful for those watching their weight.

5. Consider a Supplement

Consider a supplement if you still harbor concerns about your calcium intake. Western minds seem to think more is automatically better for some reason, but this consumerist principle does not apply to the human body. It helps your bones, heart and nervous system, but too much can have the opposite effect. Your best bet is to keep a food and supplement diary to share with your doctor.

You have four choices for calcium supplements:

  • Calcium carbonate: The cheapest form contains 40% elemental calcium, and you can find it in products like Tums. Hello, affordability.
  • Calcium citrate: This form is in many popular supplements because of its absorbability but is less potent.
  • Calcium gluconate: This version is available in prescription strength to fight osteoporosis and some over-the-counter preparations.
  • Calcium lactate: This popular food additive also stabilizes and firms food.

6. Have Your Cake

Let’s end this list on a sweet note. Many of your favorite desserts are high in calcium, so consider finishing your meal with a flourish of delight if you’re concerned about your intake.

Ice cream and yogurt are obvious choices — and you can find non-dairy versions of each if you’re vegan. Many cultures end their meals with cheese and fruit, so get a bit continental and do the same.

Get Your Calcium

Calcium is an essential mineral for several body functions. Are you getting a sufficient intake?

If you’re worried, follow the tips above to get enough calcium in your diet. You’ll enjoy stronger bones and a healthier heart and nervous system.

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