
earth mask & scrub = Skincare straight from the earth

empromo3_Today I’m taking you on a trip to Lightning Ridge, the spiritual home of my brand new natural skincare product, Supercharged Food, earth mask & scrub.

But first, I want to invite you to explore the notion of lotions and potions that we use on our skin and the abundance of products that lurk on our supermarket shelves. Ones that are often loaded with damaging chemicals, unnatural fillers and questionable ingredients. Although they may show initial promise and improvements, long-term use can contribute to toxic build-up, and unhealthier skin.

Navigating beauty products can be a bit of minefield, especially with so many choices available and even bigger promises made. Like many of our packaged foods, labels on beauty products can appear confusing and tough to decode; unless you have a degree in chemical engineering of course!

A make-up minimalist


A sneaky selfie with my new mask – I took this with #nofilter and #nomakeup #cleanbeauty

I’m turning fifty in a few months, so for me using real ingredients is what I prefer to use on my skin to keep it full of life naturally.  I’ve found the best ingredients for my skin are ones that literally come straight from the earth.

At my core I’m a true make-up minimalist. I want my natural skin to shine through and always look to avoid untrustworthy ingredients that have been proven to be harmful for health.

Fan girling

As you may already know, I’m a raging fan-girl of diatomaceous earth. I’ve been using it for over five years and it’s the key ingredient in my Love Your Gut powder. During that time, almost accidentally, I stumbled across the fact that it’s also an incredible skin healer due to its 90% silica and mineral composition.

The happy accident occurred when I added a couple of drops of water to my powder and found that it created a beautiful natural paste that when applied to my skin had remarkable results. I used it weekly on my face and began to see immediate results such as softer skin and reduction in pigmentation. I also love how it dries as a clay but most importantly it washes off very easily.

This little discovery got my creative juices flowing and I began thinking about how beneficial it would be to be able to create a dual purpose product, one that I could use as a deep cleansing mask and secondly as a gentle facial scrub in the shower more regularly. I also knew that I wanted it to be affordable and cost under twenty bucks!

Lightning bulb moment

I then started to experiment by using the diatomaceous earth as a scrub, but found it to be almost too fine to work with so I knew I needed to combine it with something else. That’s when my “Lightning” bulb moment came in the form of a mineral called Volcamin, which I discovered in a deep underground seam in the iconic town of Lightning Ridge in outback Australia.

So with excitement and a little bit of trepidation, I immediately started packing my bags for a 12-hour train trip deep into the Australian outback.


Becoming one with nature – everything from my soul to my skin was totally immersed in this beautiful earth!

Lightning Ridge is an unforgettable place which funnily enough gets deep under your skin! It’s the kind of town that has a magnetism that seems to keep drawing you back in. Some people travel there and never ever leave and I can understand why.

One of the highlights of Lightning Ridge is a wonderful natural therapeutic Bore Bath with water pumped from the Great Artesian Basin that is two million years old. Almost as old as my (LYG) dinosaur powder!

As I slid into this gorgeous soft and warming bore bath under the outback stars, I started to really relax. The water is naturally hot, about 45 degrees celsius and laden with naturally occurring minerals that are therapeutic for tired and aching muscles. Naturally it felt like I was in heaven.

The Therapeutic Lightning Ridge Spa Baths

The Therapeutic Lightning Ridge Spa Baths

But the next day I awoke to some interesting outback creatures that even a Google search couldn’t decipher. OK. Moving on...

I jumped into a beaten up four wheel drive explored the opal fields and vast desert moonscape. During my time in Lightning Ridge I met some lovely, earthy and grounded people who helped to show me around and spent time with my long time friend Rebel a ridgy didge local.

Unexpectedly, we stumbled across a shaman who had erected a teepee and medicine wheel on her property, after receiving a calling to travel to Lightning Ridge to heal people.   We snuck up to Lunatic Hill too, a landmark after my own heart and ran into Brian McCudden the guy from the bar scene in the movie Crocodile Dundee; boy was he a real outback charmer!

I also ventured down a mine, deep underground to see and feel the minerals first-hand.


The only negative thing that’s a positive

Lightning Ridge Volcamin is a high in silica and it’s also high in negative ions that are a major positive for your skin. Negative ions are a deep skin cleanser because they act like a magnet attracting positively charged dirt, oils, and bacteria. Although its super fine it absorbs water so the particles turn into a fantastic scrub. As an exfoliator, it gently removes dirt, dead skin cells, makeup, and pore-clogging environmental toxins.  It also settles down rosacea with great results.

I made a friend who was just as excited about my new product as I am! Or perhaps he was just being friendly.

Once the minerals and their benefits were discovered I began experimenting with levels and combinations and used myself as a crash text dummy until the formula was perfected. I’m really happy with the results and my skin has never felt younger or healthier.

If you’re keen to get your hands on it, and want to know if this natural skincare is for you, firstly let me share with you some of it’s benefits.

Earth mask & scrub…

  • Supercharges your skin with just two natural mineral ingredients straight from the earth
  • Is rich in sensational silica. Good for softening and tightening skin, giving you a more youthful appearance
  • Is high in negative ions to attract and remove microscopic surface and deep pore deposits of dirt, oils, and dead skin cells
 without causing irritation
  • Helps to reduce the appearance of age spots, rosacea and pigmentation
  • Enhances blood circulation for cell regeneration

  • Reduces pore size for clearer, tighter, more radiant skin
  • Restores your skin’s natural PH balance

  • Is effective for acne, blackheads and pimples

So, the biggest question now – how to use it?

It’s simple! As a mask, just add water to a tablespoon of the mask, apply evenly, leave for ten minutes and then wash it off. As a scrub, work it into a paste with some water and apply it using circular motions, two to three times a week.

After you use it, you’ll notice how soft, glowing and tight your skin feels, along with an overall more youthful appearance.  You’ll be feeling instagram-ready all day, hello hash tags #nofilter #nomakeup #earthmask.

I’m so proud of this new product and can’t wait for you to try it out for yourself! This is skincare at it’s most simple and most pure. Two minerals straight from the earth. And that’s it.

Supercharged Food, earth mask & scrub is available here.

You can watch a quick video about how to apply it here below. (Apologies for the sound quality 🙁 it was windy in the Ridge!).

Lee xo

My Bestest Ever Roasted Vegetable Stock


“Good broth will resurrect the dead,” reads a South American proverb.

Escoffier claimed “Indeed, stock is everything in cooking. Without it, nothing can be done.” A staple and medicinal cure-all in traditional households and the prime ingredient in classic gourmet cuisine, stock or broth made from meat or vegetables is a beautiful meal-base ingredient to always have on hand in the freezer, and has been revered for generations for its ability to nurture the sick and nourish families.

For chefs, stock is the charmed elixir for making soul-warming soups and spectacular sauces.

Vegetable broths made mindfully at home are one of the cheapest and easiest ways to use up leftover veggies, making it a fabulously frugal and environmentally friendly household staple.

If you’re looking to be a more conscious consumer, a homemade stock using up all of your on-hand veggies are the perfect way to enter into the world of frugality, and can help you to justify spending a little extra on quality organic ingredients as you find use for every last skerrick of produce to create delicious meals for you and your family to enjoy.

Beyond adding delicious flavour as the bases of sauces, stocks, soups and stews, they also act as a supercharged “tonic” that are wonderful for adding a dose of healing nutrients that are empowering for health.

Many of the minerals and vital nutrients contained within vegetables are actually bound up within the cell walls of the raw product. Long, slow and gentle cooking actually allows for the breakdown of the cell walls of veggies so that your digestive system can have easy access to the uptake of nutrients.

This is an especially helpful process if you suffer from leaky gut or malabsorption.  Adding broths and stocks is an extra insurance policy to ensure that your body is being flooded with easy-to-digest nutrients and it's one of the staples in my book Heal Your Gut and Heal Your Gut online programs.

I love to experiment with different flavours of seasonal vegetables, herbs and scrap leftovers to create nourishing stocks and tasty, nutrient-rich broths that are both delicious and healing. (more…)

Keep your Teeth Naturally Clean and Sparkling + Tooth Care Product Reviews


Dental care is something that is sometimes overlooked but should't be!  Your mouth is the main gateway between the environment and your body. Taking good care of your pearly whites takes much more than bi-annual dental visits. To avoid bad breath, gum disease and to maintain overall good oral hygiene, you need to be taking care of your teeth daily and the best way to do it is naturally.  

So, how do you go about keeping your teeth looking like a scene out of Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts does a hair flick to reveal a flash of her mega-watt smile; revealing a super white and sparkling grin?

Here are some suggestions for natural dental products that’ll help to get your smile camera-ready and perfect for dazzling friends, family and total strangers…

drTung’s Toothbrush will completely transform the way you think about oral hygiene. While regular toothbrushes clean off some plaque, they often leave a build-up of bacteria in certain areas which can lead to gum disease, cavities and yellow teeth! DrTung’s Ionic toothbrush, brushes away plaque molecules, leaving your teeth clean, your breath fresh and smile sparkling.

drTung’s Floss is a gentle floss that’s clinically proven to remove up to 55% more plaque for a superior clean. It is extremely easy to use, soft on your fingers (so no more finger lines!) and has a delicious natural cardamom flavour, one of my favourite perfumed spices. The floss is made of natural plant and bees wax coating, the container is made with EcoPure and the product isn’t tested on animals, so you can keep both your teeth and the planet super clean!

drTung’s Tongue Cleaner. Why not scrub your mouth clean with this easy yet effective tongue cleaner? It glides on your tongue and removes harmful bacteria, even getting all those hard to reach places! drTung’s Tongue Cleaner is the top choice of dentists and health experts and I certainly can see why. In fact, it’s 5x more effective than tongue cleaning with a normal toothbrush! Tongue cleaning has been talked about in Ayurvedic practices and is said to remove ama (or toxins/bacteria) that accumulate. From an Ayurvedic perspective the removal of ama enables you to enjoy and taste your food even more. Cheers to that!

drTung’s Oil Pulling Solution. In ancient Ayurvedic texts, oil pulling is recommended as part of a daily routine to strengthen teeth and naturally draw toxins out of the body, improving both oral and overall health! I use it daily and love it. It’s a recycled, cruelty-free product made of over twenty-four botanical ingredients, including sesame oil, to detoxify your body, prevent stained teeth and maintain overall balance. Read more about drTungs here.

My Magic Mud Whitening Tooth Powder is a revolutionary product that whitens teeth and improves oral hygiene, leaving teeth clean and polished. This powder is completely natural, made of only activated charcoal and clay, so it’s flavourless and perfect to clean the teeth of all ages. It does get a bit messy to handle so I would recommend using it in the shower. You can find out more about it here.

A Sustainable Christmas + Recipes


image via pinterest

Christmas is a time of joy, the sharing of generous gifts, lavish hospitality and the warmth of celebrations shared between family and friends.

The moment December hits, I feel the anticipation for Christmas rising within me, and a yearning to experience the sensations of the festive season drives me into the mode of planning meals, decking the halls and imagining all the ways that I can express the Christmas spirit through delicious foods, gifts and home adornments.

Have you ever thought, however, about the impact of Christmas on our planet? Christmas is the peak time for consumerism, and sadly many of the gifts that are shared are of the plastic and cheap variety. And purchases that emerge out of our buy-buy-buy culture don’t serve the planet from an environmental point of view.

If you’re buying clothes, some of the outlets have questionable ethical standards, and foods are purchased and consumed in large quantities, out of season, and often wasted.

This is the not so pretty side of Christmas, but how about this year we approach the silly season mindfully, consciously and with sustainability in mind? I believe we can do it!

This year, I don’t have a Christmas present list for myself, but if friends want to bestow presents, I’m letting them know that plants or herbs for my garden are always welcome. I’ve also highlighted a couple of things in the Oxfam catalogue too. By the way, if you’re on the lookout for natural gifts for a healthy lifestyle then you might like to read my Healthy Gift Giving Guide here.

I’d love to share with you a few of my top tips for approaching Christmas sustainably and ethically this year.

Make your own Christmas tree


You might think that sparing a live tree might be better for the environment, but fakies of the plastic varieties generally only last around six years, and you can guess where they end up….. landfill!  The best option for a sustainable Christmas tree is to put your thinking cap on and create something unique, from materials around you. Why not gather driftwood and arrange it as a tree, adorned with hanging seashells? Or pot a native Australian pine? The sky is the limit, and you can create something completely unique that will be a topic of interest for your guests. I make use of the large banksia tree in my garden and decorate it with fairy lights and second hand finds.

DIY gifts

Tamari Nibble Mix

Why not steer clear of the consumerist bandwagon and opt for gifts that are upcycled, homemade or DIY. A fun thing to do is to invite some friends around for a ‘crafternoon’, scouring pinterest for creative gift ideas. Think jars of deconstructed dry-mixes for baked goods such as brownies or cakes, with a handwritten recipe attached, or home made wall hangings, knitted or woven goods, or upcycled trash to treasure items made from op-shop finds. Steptoe and Son style :). You can also tap into the experience economy by avoiding a physical gift, rather opting for workshops, bread baking classes or cooking schools in your local area.

Meal plan sustainably


Avoid the supermarkets as much as possible, rather seeking to support small local businesses. Order organic meats and hams that are grass fed, free range and free of chemical nitrates. Enjoy ocean caught and local sustainable sea foods from your fishmonger. Hit up your farmers markets in the lead up to Christmas and stock up on seasonal fruits and vegetables, or visit co-ops locally to purchase organic nuts, seeds and dried foods in quantities you need. Plan your meals ahead of time. By working off a plan you can avoid food waste, and find ways to re-use the leftovers in the week after Christmas.

My blog and recipe books are full of seasonal delights that will tantalise the tastebuds this Christmas. You can read more about them here.

When it comes to menu planning here are a few ideas to mull around with in the lead up to creating your Christmas lunch or dinner...

To begin, some of my favourite starters include Pistachio Stuffed Mushrooms, Smoked Salmon and Pistachio Terrine or a classic chicken liver pate.  Red Capsicum and Hazelnut and Basil Pesto work well as beautiful dips with Lemony Herb Crackers or Cheesy Star Crackers.


To balance out the indulgence I love to make sure my table is abundant with fresh salads full of antioxidant rich ingredients. My Kale, Strawberry, and Avocado Salad and Warm Beetroot, Carrot and Pear Salad are always crowd pleasers. 

Kale strawberry and avocado salad

For the main course, I can’t go past a classic ham, and this Gluten Free Christmas Ham with Rosemary will drop the jaws of all your guests.

When it comes to dessert, Supercharged Christmas Cake is a after dinner winner, and no Christmas table is really a Christmas table without the presence of mince pies; these Cranberry Mince Pies are to die for. xmas cake LRLast but not least, every Aussie Christmas feast must have a nanna inspired trifle, and my Layered Quinoa Trifle will satisfy your sweet tooth, even after filling yourself to the brim with feasting.

Layered Quinoa Trifle

For my absolute top picks, here are a few of the sustainable and supercharged Christmas courses that will be gracing our family table this year from my eBook The Renewable Table.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy and sustainable holiday season 🙂

And now for the recipes..

Mexican lamb shoulder with cumin, oregano and pomegranate glaze

screen-shot-2016-11-14-at-5-36-22-pmServes 8


  • 4 garlic cloves, chopped 

  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon 

  • 2 tsp ground cumin 

  • 1 tbsp. dried oregano 

  • 1 lemon halved and pips removed 

  • 1 tsp Celtic Sea Salt 

  • 1 tsp black pepper 

  • 2kg bone-in lamb shoulder joint 

  • 2 brown onions, cut into wedges 

  • 1 whole quorn of garlic unpeeled 

  • 1litre pomegranate juice 

  • 1 lemon juiced 

  • 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar 

  • 2 tbsp. rice malt syrup 

  • 250g full fat natural yogurt 

  • Seeds from 1 fresh pomegranate 

  • Small handful mint leaves, chopped 


To make marinade place garlic, cinnamon, cumin, oregano, lemon and rind, salt and pepper and blend until

Place the lamb in a large
baking dish and spoon the
mixture on top and massage
in with hands. Let marinade in
fridge for between 2 and up to
24 hours.

Heat oven to 160°C/140°C
fan/ gas 3. Place lamb into
pan and garlic and onions
surrounding the lamb, then pour
over the pomegranate juice and
lemon and apple cider vinegar.

Cover the lamb with foil
and cook for approx. 4 hrs, checking every hour and re- basting with the juice.

When ready and after four hours, remove
pan from the oven and carefully remove lamb and pour juice into a saucepan on the stove
over a medium heat. Replace lamb into baking tray and place back into the oven whilst you are making the syrup.

Add rice malt syrup and cook until bubbly and a thick syrup is formed adding more rice malt syrup if necessary. This should take about 20 minutes. Once it is ready, remove foil from lamb, pour it over the lamb and return to oven for 20 mins until the lamb becomes crispy on top.

Pistachio minted cranberry quinoa

scvegetarian quinoa saladServes 4-6


  • 1 zucchini (courgette), sliced
  • 1 eggplant (aubergine), cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 4 garlic cloves, whole
  • 80 ml (21/2 fl oz/1/3 cup) cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, plus extra, for drizzling
  • Celtic sea salt
  • 270 g (91/2 oz/1 cup) cooked quinoa
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • 1 bunch of mint, leaves only, plus extra, to serve
  • 1 bunch of coriander (cilantro), leaves only, plus extra, to serve
  • 1 pomegranate, seeds only
  • 2 avocados, peeled, stones removed and sliced into wedges
  • 4 small spring onions (scallions), chopped 125 g (41/2 oz/1 cup) slivered almonds


Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6).

Place the zucchini, eggplant and garlic on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and roast for about 35 minutes.

Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.

Meanwhile, place the quinoa in a bowl with the lemon juice and zest and the olive oil. Combine well.

Place in a salad bowl with all the other ingredients and serve topped with extra mint and coriander leaves.

Festive Almond, cinnamon and rhubarb cake

screen-shot-2016-11-14-at-5-24-39-pmMakes one cake

Firstly make stewed Rhubarb


  • 750gm rhubarb trimmed and chopped into 2-3 inch pieces
  • 75g coconut sugar or sweetener of choice
  • 1 small orange, zested and juiced 1 inch knob ginger grated 1 tsp vanilla bean powder
  • 1⁄4 cup water


Place in large saucepan and place remaining ingredients over the top.

Bring to a boil and simmer gently until soft, about 10 minutes until rhubarb is cooked but still holds it shape.

Take two cups of rhubarb for Xmas recipe and set aside and place remaining rhubarb in fridge for use on Boxing Day.


  • 60g butter 

  • 1 tsp finely grated lemon rind 

  • 1 1⁄2 cups (300g) coconut sugar 

  • 2 eggs 

  • 2 cups almond meal 

  • 1⁄2 tsp baking powder 

  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 

  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon 

  • 1⁄2 tsp grated nutmeg 

  • 1⁄4 tsp sea salt 

  • 1⁄2 cup coconut cream 

  • 2 cups cooked rhubarb 


Preheat the oven to 170°C/340°F Gas Mark 4 and grease an 18cm round cake tin.

In a bowl beat butter, rind, coconut sugar and eggs and stir in almond flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and coconut milk and stir to combine.

Add rhubarb and fold in lightly.

Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 45-55 minutes, or until the cake springs back when pressed in the centre.

Sprinkle with topping mixture.

Let cool and then turn out onto a wire rack to continue to cool. 

Lee xo

Healthy Christmas Gift Guide


Can you smell the festive pine scent of mistletoe in the air?  Christmas festivities are not far away and when it comes to stocking fillers, and gift giving, now is the perfect time to start brainstorming ideas about the best present for your friends, family and loved ones.

While it’s important to enjoy the festive season (so yes, that may mean eating an extra slice of Christmas cake and pudding!) there are lots of fun and quirky presents to fit the bill for people who are excited by a health and wellbeing lifestyle.

If you’re looking to give the gift of health this season, to get the ‘baubles’ rolling, here’s a round-up of what I’ve had my eye on for gift giving this year. Whether it’s a new and exciting cookbook for your partner to roll up their sleeves in the kitchen with, a nifty kitchen appliance for quick and easy family meal making or a natural beauty product for a special person in your life – there’s something Supercharged for everyone this Christmas.



9781743547410Grown & Gathered by Matt and Lentil Pubrick is dedicated to your future garden, full pantry, warm home, celebrations and happy everyday routines. The book begins with observing through the seasons and centres on traditional living made modern.  It’s the perfect pick for anyone looking to learn more about gathering, foraging and preparing food, preserving, growing their own fruits and veggies, raising animals and trying out tasty and home spun wholefood recipes.  For only $45, you can teach a man or woman to farm, cook and eat for their lifetime!  As an experienced chai wallah, I gravitated straight to the Authentic Chai and it was heavenly.  You can find out more how to grow and gather here.


screen-shot-2016-11-29-at-7-40-39-amThe Beauty Chef by Carla Oates truly embodies the philosophy that beauty comes from within.  Oates delivers over 150 recipes that are specially created to transform your health and beauty from the inside, by balancing gut-bacteria and the outside, focusing on recipes for glowing and radiant skin.  Now, who wouldn’t want to feel their best over the holidays and beyond?  As it’s Christmas time, I headed straight towards the gingerbread men, full of digestion–boosting spices; ginger and cinnamon. $49.95.  Pick it up here.



fullsizerenderSpice Health Heroes examines the healing power of spices and how to use them in everyday life! This amazing cookbook includes the history and traditions of spices and includes recipes for everyone’s palate which are contributed by internationally renowned chefs like Yotam Ottolenghi and Peter Gordon.  What I love about the book is that it features a comforting and cleansing broth inspired by the wonderful Hippocrates, truly embracing his famous quote, “let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food,”  The Hippocrates Healing Broth features ingredients that go back to antiquity and it comes with helpful tips like; when you prepare the soup, chop the leeks, onions and garlic at least ten minutes before cooking them to stimulate their active ingredients. $49.95.  Go here for more.


eat-right-for-your-shape-coverEat Right for Your Shape by Lee Holmes I know I’m cheeky throwing one of my own in here but I absolutely love this book!  It’s the perfect prezzie for absolutely anyone: from a newbie in the kitchen to a wholefood Ayurvedic ninja warrior!  Eat Right for Your Shape is more than just a cookbook; it takes its readers on an Ayurvedic journey to good health and focuses on bringing balance back into everyday life.  Featuring over 120 delicious and nourishing seasonal recipes with ingredients that correct your doshic imbalance, in order to create harmony, weight management and health put it under the tree this Christmas. $34.99.  Discover the joys of Ayurvedic cooking here



Jamie Oliver’s Christmas Cookbook is packed with all the classic Chrissy recipes and exciting new meals that’ll wow your guests and fill them with Christmas cheer. Say hello to Roasted Carrot and Avo salad and a whole bunch of interesting and helpful chapters that include cooking for the Main Event, Meat, The Wonderful World of Potatoes, Vegetarian Mains and Scrumptious Veggie Sides, Cute Edible Gifts and Festive Puddings.  The best part is, Jamie finally lets us in on the biggest Christmas secret of them all – what to do with all those Christmas Day leftovers.  Jamie you've got me, hook line and sinker! $38.50. Buy here.


9781743537169pete-evans-2-copyThe Complete Gut Health Cookbook: Everything You Need to Know About the Gut and How to Improve Yours by Pete Evans.  There’s nothing we love more on this blog than gut health!  In his latest book, award-winning chef Pete Evans, alongside naturopath and nutritionist, Helen Padarin, share information on gut-boosting ingredients, healing herbs and over 100 new recipes to cook your way to gut health!  It’s a great book if you’re looking for tasty recipes and ferments to support ongoing gut health once you've healed your gut. My favourite recipe? I was bowled over by the Sesame crusted avocado bowl with chicken and sprouts it’s a good one for when your gut is ready to digest all that yummy goodness.  $39.99.  Read more here

disobedient-gardens-by-michael-cooke-and-brigid-arnott-murdoch-booksDisobedient Gardens by Michael Cooke and Brigid Arnott
is your go-to present for aspiring gardeners who need some real and organic inspiration! Cooke and Arnott will make anyone look at greenery with different eyes, as they acknowledge that gardens evolve in the same way that relationships do; they take time to grow, have a personality of their own and are each uniquely beautiful. The pages are filled with enchanting garden designs that feature aged weathered finishes that only time and patience can achieve. Designs that make use of earthy up-cycled finds, punctuated across secret garden spaces.  $59.99.  Get gardening here.


9781743368916Neil Perry’s Good Cooking is all about using the best quality produce to create simple, healthy and delicious meals. What's cooking good looking? Did someone just say Spicy Barbecued Chicken Wings? Ok now I'm listening!  Perry gives an insight into what inspires his cooking, drawing from his favourite local and international cultures in both his renowned restaurants and his own family kitchen.  The book focuses on using seasonal produce and bringing the joy back into cooking with his special and unique “Neil Perrilicious” touch.  Produce takes the starring role in each recipe. $49.99. Be part of the magic here.



empromo3_Supercharged Food, Earth Mask & Scrub is the best end-of-year present you could get a pal!  This beautiful mask and scrub combines the healing powers of minerals and pure clays from the iconic Australian outback town of Lightning Ridge, to beautify and soften skin, remove dirt and oils, improve age spots and keep the skin full of life.  It works as a facemask and exfoliating scrub, leaving skin cleansed, nourished and glowing; ready to start 2017 in supercharged style. $19.95.  Find out more about it here.


bl-tea-collection1Butter London – High Tea Pack. Everyone’s favourite nail polish, with colours that look good enough to eat, Butter London has created a perfect collection for any occasion.  The High Tea Pack dazzles us with four beautiful colours: deep berry, creamy nude, melon and minty green!  It’ll take you all the way from the tapping of your computer keys in the office to striking a pose at the annual Christmas party. $44.95.  Choose your colour here and be prepared to shine.



Inika Natural Makeup Kit is a wonderful gift for a gal pal, sister or favourite female.  This premium quality gift pack is suited to fair to medium skin tones.  Not only are the products Australian-based, organic, cruelty-free and vegan -  they’re great value for money.  The kit includes a primer, liquid foundation, BB cream, loose mineral powder and a make-up brush, they’ve truly thought of it all!  $49. Find it here.  


badger-sleep-balm-ornament-giftBadger Sleep Balm is a fantastic gift for every adult or child who deserves a good night’s sleep (so, yep, I'm guessing that covers just about everyone!).  This completely natural balm combines calming essential oils to soothe your loved ones to sleep and can even be used as a beautiful scent to calm and relax.  For those of you who travel a lot and want to combat jet lag or catch some sleep whilst on the plane this works wonders.  The perfect little stocking filler or dangle it from the Christmas tree as a decorative ornament. $14.95.  Stock up here.


variant_141858Goodnight Co. Silk Pillowcase ensures Rapunzelesque tangle-free hair and a youthful complexion!  The silky pillowcase is breathable and hypoallergenic, allowing a better night’s sleep and ensuring everyone who uses it wakes up feeling refreshed and revitalised.  The smooth, tight weave of natural silk fabric helps to keep the skin retaining moisture as you sleep.  Think of this as the perfect ME present for the person who never spoils themselves. $69.95.  Indulge yourself here


8-lip-nourish-christmas-gift-box-luk-beautifood-close-up-open-1Luk Lip Nourish.  
Ruby Grapefruit, Peach Melon, Tangerine Pomegranate…No I’m not describing the latest gourmet mocktails…I'm listing the new 100% natural sheer lipsticks from Luk Beautifood.  This Australian boutique beauty brand is based on the premise that beauty is created from the inside with fresh, healthy food. Brimming with delicious, nourishing ingredients we should be eating, the Lip Nourish range supports your body’s natural processes to deliver stunning results. The all-natural, edible Lip Nourish range is rich in antioxidants, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. The menu comes in ten delicious sounding and tasting flavours incorporating organic cold pressed citrus and spice oils. Without additives and nasties, now there is even more reason to go naked this silly season.  Visit the store here.


variant_150687Vanessa Megan Candle. A beautiful and enriching touch for any home, this candle is created from blending five essential oils. The essential candle’s soothing scents (hello lavender, ylang ylang, patchouli, and geranium) will leave everyone who takes in its aroma,  feeling restored and tranquil.  Place it on the by your bed or even on the Christmas table as a centrepiece to invite warmth and togetherness. $49.95.  Pick it up here.


variant_43333Full Circle Cucumber Water Bottle Boyfriend or husband not behaving well? Show him this picture! Ok jokes aside, this is an interesting new water bottle, bringing cucumbers into beautiful spirals for a subtle and fresh take on ordinary water. The bottle comes with a spiralizer, is made of glass and is BPA free. Who doesn’t want to sip on water like they’re sitting at a spa whilst reducing their carbon footprint at the same time?  Perfect for people who love to stay hydrated in the go.  $30.95.  Drink it up here.


hd4514_72-ims-en_auPhillips “Grain Master” Rice Cooker is an automatic rice-cooker with built in settings to ensure quinoa, porridge, lentils and of course, rice, can be cooked to perfection!  This easy-to-use whizz machine keeps food warm for 12 hours following cooking and is super easy to clean – mum’s and dad’s and home cooks everywhere will be rejoicing at the ease and simplicity of use! Put this on the Christmas shopping list for parents or busy cooks and make their life in the kitchen a lot easier. $159.00.  Read more here.


variant_489494The Loqi Reusable Shopping Bag Forest Set contains four reusable bags that are water-resistant and can carry up to
20kg of weight, so are suitable for the gym, the beach, shopping, sleeping overnight and everything in between!  The bags come in funky colours and fold into themselves so are super convenient and with an arty boho look.  Save on supermarket plastic shopping bags and reuse these.  $39.95.  Get shopping here.


variant_479095Dr Bronner's Rainbow Sampler Pack is a beautifully packaged range of Liquid Soap that has over eighteen uses in, on and around the home.  This sampler pack is a great introduction to the range of amazing products, with six cruelty-free, certified fair trade and vegan bottles. $29.95.  Go here to include these in the Santa stocking for the eco friendly friend or relative.



variant_42348Water Co. Therapy Shower Filter Deluxe filters up to 99% of chlorine, maximising youthful skin conditions!  The filter uses Vitamin C and natural sea collagen, to ensure beautiful and firm skin.  The good news for environmentalists is that the filter uses approximately eight litres per minute, which is a whopping one litre less than most water saving filters; saving the environment and your skin, what could be better? $159.  Clean up here.



Fressko Glass Tea Flask is made of double-walled glass to ensure that both hot and cold drinks remain the right temperature for hours on end.  The bottle has an infusion so makes the perfect carrier for chilled fruity iced tea whilst enjoying endless summer days on the beach or to warm up at night with a hot toddy that you can carry around town or take with you on your holiday travels! $49.95.  Get your toddy on here



paderno-spiralizer-4-blade-zPaderno Spiralizer 4-Blade transforms vegetables into noodles, spirals and more!  Its super nifty compact design is perfect for making your favourite ‘zoodles’ ‘coodles’ and ‘swoodles’ (that’s sweet potato noodles for the uninitiated) and salads that look and taste no less than supremely supercharged. At $40.00 you can have endless fun with this machine and make anything from stir fries to salads and beyond.  Pick it up here.






Nevada Fun Face Paint Goody Pack is a face paint with no nasties!  This fabulous face paint is made with only Mica and Zinc Oxide, so is perfectly safe for kids to play and paint with. All that is left is to just add water and your imagination. Included in the pack are: 3 surprise coloured face paint powders, 2 applicator sponges, 2 double-sided brushes and a sheet of tattoos.  $24.95.  Paint the town red here.


cover kids

Supercharged Food for Kids by Lee Holmes.  Me again!  This book will convert even the pickiest eater into one who loves eating delicious recipes that are fully road tested and asked to appear frequently on the weekly menu.  

The book encompasses all the best tips, tricks and shopping guides to get the kids to enjoy their favourite pizza and ice cream spiders but with a couple of ingredients swapped out to make them supercharged.  Oh, and did we mention the healthy chicken nuggets recipe?!  Yes, please! $24.99. Pick it up over here.


variant_480538Natural Instinct Sunscreen for Kids is your best bet for protecting the kids' precious skin from sun damage over our blistering Aussie summer.  The sunscreen is specially designed for young skin with moisturising ingredients and best of all, leaves a white layer on the skin to see where the sunscreen has been applied so that you never miss a spot again! Genius.  Stuff this into the kids' stocking this Christmas.  $19.95. Buy here If you’re looking for other sunscreens for kids, be sure to click this link here too! 


So there you have it my healthy Christmas gift guide.  I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and good luck with choosing the perfect gift for your friends and loved ones. Look out for my Christmas day recipes on the blog too. 

By the way, if all the Christmas food and activity has left you or your children tired and lacking in energy, then why not supplement your diet with a healthy boost for the New Year?

HYG powder image 2


Love Your Gut Powder is an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, gluten-free, vegan, and GMO-free magic carpet ride to wellness.

This natural gut health mineral rich food product makes a remarkable difference in digestion, nutrient absorption and waste removal. Think of it as the perfect present for anyone needing a simple way to kick-start their health coming into the new year! $18.  Pick up your packet here.

Turmeric Tummy Gummies


Happy Thanksgiving  😀 

This recipe is for especially for my American friends. It’s time to throw away those elasticated pants that are synonymous with post thanksgiving feasting, and turn your attention towards my tummy gummies to help target any lingering after-feast bloat.

Thankfully, my gut healing turmeric gummies have arrived just in time, to offer relief from festive over eating and have you and your digestive system back on track quickly.

By the way, if you're still on the hunt for a good healthy pumpkin pie recipe, you'll love this one below which is studded with raspberries with hints of vanilla and a cashew and flaxseed base.


These delicious gummy treats can help to reduce inflammation and settle down your digestive system. They’re loaded with the queen of spices; turmeric, providing a lot more than just boosting colour and flavour; it can also aid in weight maintenance and is a powerful anti-oxidant.

Ginger and turmeric are quite closely related and, like turmeric, ginger also helps to decrease inflammation in the body and serve as a wonderful immunity booster and de-bloater. A dazzling duo, think of this combination as an inflammation-squashing addition that can be sprinkled into your many of your favourite meals and made into soothing hot drinks. Ginger can also reduce nausea, and is an appetite suppressant.

You’ll be surprised at how super quick and easy these gummies are to prepare. Black pepper is included in these gorgeous gummies since it helps to improve the amount of curcumin from the turmeric absorbed by your body (the more the merrier!), and the rice malt syrup helps to counteract the bitterness of the turmeric and the heat of the ginger. Feel free to add another sweetener of your choice like raw honey if you prefer.

Want to improve your gut health?

A gut cleanser is an excellent tool to fight bloating symptoms and feel cleansed, especially after one too many serves of thanksgiving potatoes! My Supercharged Food Love Your Gut Powder ensures you’ll go from a full-on turkey belly to a leaned and toned tum. The mineral-rich, natural, plant-based and vegan food can be consumed in the morning with a smoothie or is great on its own with a glass of water.

If you want to recharge your gut the healthy way, why not consider my Gut programs.

Enjoy gobbling up these healthy snacks…

Turmeric Tummy Gummies

Makes about a dozen

Supercharged Tip: Pour the mixture into moulds for some quirky shapes!


  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tbsp gelatin powder
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp Love Your Gut powder (optional)
  • 1 tsp ginger powder
  • Few cracks of black pepper
  • 3 tbsp rice malt syrup


  1. Place water in a large bowl and sprinkle over gelatin until it starts to bloom, set aside while prepping the other ingredients
  2. Add coconut milk, turmeric, LYG powder, ginger, pepper and rice malt syrup to a pot and heat on a low heat for 5 minutes, and whisk to combine 
  3. Slowly add the coconut milk mixture to the gelatin and whisk to combine, this may take a few minutes to remove any lumps
  4. Pour through a sieve into a plastic or glass container mould and leave in the fridge for 3 hours, or until firm enough to turn out and slice into cubes
  5. Store in an air tight container in the fridge for up to a week

Lee x

Supercharged Poke Bowl

Acai bowls and Buddha bowls step aside! There’s a new nourishing bowl popping up in trendy cafes, instagram feeds and mouths throughout the world – the Poke bowl; pronounced poh-keh.

What is a poke bowl?

Poke is a Hawaiian dish which also has a heavy Japanese influence, and is characterised by the use of raw, sashimi-style fish. Poke originates in Hawaii and can be translated to mean ‘cut or slice’, referring to the way the fish is prepared.

The fish is usually marinated in a variety of fresh herbs and spices, soy sauce and sesame oil, and can be served sprinkled with fresh ginger, sesame seeds and fresh chilli.

In Hawaii poke isn't generally served on top of white rice, but there are different versions of it springing up around the world mainly atop sushi rice and brown rice.   I’ve opted for quinoa in my supercharged version of this coastal dish. Quinoa is gluten free, high in protein, high in fibre and contains magnesium, vitamin B12, iron, potassium, calcium, phorphorous, vitamin E, antioxidants and essential amino acids! I’ve also swapped out soy sauce for a healthier tamari variety.

When you’re buying the tuna, remember that fresh is best! Try and purchase a cut with minimal white lines, as this is connective tissue and can make the tuna chewy. The tuna should be firm to touch, with little to no odour and it should have a deep red/purple hue. The fish offers an array of healthy amino acids and essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fats. Modern adaptations of poke also call for salmon, crab and octopus. 

This wholesome and wholegrain dish is bursting with tangy oriental flavours and enticing aromas and can be enjoyed on a balmy summer evening or by the fireplace on a crisp winter night.

It's healthy and simple and downright supercharged!


2 cups quinoa, rinsed
3 cups water
Few slices of ginger (optional) 
1/4 cup chopped coriander
Optional: add some sliced ginger to the pot at the beginning to infuse throughout cooking.

To cook quinoa:
Add quinoa and water to a pot. Bring to boil and let simmer until fluffy.

Sesame macadamia coconut topping:
1/2 cup macadamias, roughly chopped
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/4 cup coconut flakes

Roast all ingredients in a pan until fragrant and set aside.

1/3 cup tamari
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tbsp chopped shallots
1 clove garlic crushed
Large knob ginger grated 
Zest and juice of half a lime
1/2 - 1 long chilli 
3-4 sashimi grade tuna, cut into cubes

To make poke: 
Combine all ingredients except tuna in a bowl and stir. Add in tuna and toss to coat. Let sit in fridge for 20-30 mins to let the flavours absorb.

To assemble:
Stir coriander through quinoa before serving. Add quinoa to bowl. Add poke on top of the quinoa. Top with avocado, prepared macadamia topping and extra coriander! 

E ʻai kāua!
(Let’s eat!)

Give it a go and let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Lee x

Introducing Our 2-Day Supercharge Your Gut Program

Market Fresh Vegetable Soup

Lights, camera, action...I'm so happy to announce my brand new 2-Day Supercharge Your Gut Maintenance program is now live.

If you're thinking about joining, I want to give you some information to help you decide whether it's right for you.  I've designed this program specifically for you. I want to make it as uncomplicated and achievable as possible.

You'll enjoy simple yet delicious recipes, get help every step of the way and have access to a team of experts as well as information, videos and daily emails to educate and motivate you. 

If you've been suffering with low energy, fatigue, gut issues, weight issues, auto-immune problems, or any condition aggravated by a poorly functioning digestive system this program will really help you to get back on track.

Or if you've already completed our four-week Heal Your Gut eCourse and want to maintain good gut health long term and looking to continue supercharging your gut two days a week, this is the perfect way to do it.  

Think of it as 5/2 fasting with a gut healing twist!

The great part about joining is that it's affordable and you only need to commit two days a week to create and maintain a healthy gut and still enjoy a balanced lifestyle.

You'll also wave goodbye to any existing tummy troubles, pain and bloating forever and learn ways to never feel weighed down or uncomfortable again!

Read some of our current testimonials from happy LYGr's here.


  • It’s not time consuming and is easy to implement into your normal daily routine.
  • You only need to do it two days a week to maintain great gut health. It really couldn't be any easier!
  • It’s not difficult to maintain each week and doesn't require major changes to your life.
  • I know that it will inspire you, motivate you and bring about a sense of true vitality and energy to your body and you'll feel like a new person.
  • It will help with weight reduction and balance if that's an issue for you.
  • You’ll be provided with step-by-step guidance on how to heal and maintain a healthy gut with food to achieve optimum and enduring health.
  • You can enjoy gut healing recipes which are nourishing, tasty, simple to make and easily digestible. All recipes are gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast and sugar free and include wholefood ingredients that can be found in your local supermarket or healthy grocer.


  • The program takes you into account as an individual and we help and guide you every step of the way so that you can achieve your goals.  We also have a team of gut health experts  to call upon with any of your individual concerns. 
  • It's suitable for vegetarians and if you're following a FODMAP diet.
  • You'll learn how to set yourself up for a good gut healing day and how to rectify symptoms quickly if you've eaten something that has troubled you.
  • It's not a strict or restrictive plan and takes into your account your daily nutritional needs.
  • You'll enjoy delicious and nutritious gut healing or gut maintenance recipes tailored to your needs and depending upon the level of improvements you are looking for.


  • Welcome pack
  • Two days of recipes, meal ideas delivered to your inbox
  • Additional gut healing recipes adapted to meet your specific needs
  • Web videos, informative guides and the latest gut health information
  • Unique guided audio meditations to nurture you through the process
  • Daily expert advice and encouragement to keep you on track
  • 24/7 support to answer all of your questions from a team of experts

Make a two day commitment to the health of your gut and you'll be surprised at how good you can feel and the improvements you'll experience in your overall health. 

I hope you'll join me in making your gut healthy and happy today.

Join me in loving your gut and look forward to better health and vitality.

Supercharged Sweet Potato Toast


Gluten free foodies rejoice!

There’s a new trend dominating the foodie world; Be prepared to replace your bland, lacklustre, mundane breakfast toast for.... *drumroll* Supercharged Sweet Potato Toast! 

Sweet potatoes are very versatile vegetables, and it seems that their uses are infinite.  They can be added to baked goods, mashed and coupled with steamed vegetables, baked as a healthy alternative to fries.... and now they can even be used as a nutritious and delicious gluten free alternative to bread. 

Sweet potato is a complex carbohydrate, meaning that the natural sugars that give it that rich, sweet flavour will release a consistent flow of energy into the body all morning long. These inexpensive, orange hued root vegetables are high in fibre and overflowing with essential vitamins and minerals and, best of all, you won’t find that afternoon bloat after overindulging in bread. 

Despite being cooked in the toaster, the sweet potatoes maintain their soft and moist texture, and they can be toasted with their skin on or off depending upon your preference.

The topping opportunities are endless too, with both sweet and savoury options pairing nicely with these golden, guilt free and gluten-less slices of goodness!

I’ve featured some of my favourite toppings that will leave you lusting for sweet potato toast yearlong.

Supercharged Tip: try to buy a nice round sweet potato, as they’re easier to cut into ‘toast’ shapes.

Give them a whirl and let me know what to think in the comments section below.



  1. Slice sweet potato length ways into slices about 0.5-1cm thick (this will depend on how much knife control you have as well as the quality of your knifes!) 
  2. Put in toaster for between 2 to 4 rounds on high, making sure it doesn’t burn

Tip: use chopsticks to manoeuvre them out of the toaster if they get stuck!


Topping #1: Cinnamon Swirl Nut Butter and Berry Chia Jam


  • 3 tbsp Nut butter of choice
  • Cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 1/2 cup fresh Strawberries or raspberries
  • Squeeze of Lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Rice malt syrup or stevia or raw honey


  1. To make the jam, mash berries with a fork for a more chunky jam, or blitz quickly in a blender. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and rice malt syrup or stevia. Stir in the chia seeds and let sit for 15 minutes. 
  2. To make the nut butter, add a good pinch of cinnamon to your favourite nut butter and swirl in
  3. To assemble the toast, spread on the nut butter, drizzle with chia jam and top with fresh berries, toasted coconut and an extra sprinkle of cinnamon


Topping #2: Hummus and Tomato Bruschetta 


  • 3 tbsp hummus 
  • 1/4 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup chopped cucumber
  • 1/2 tbsp chopped red onion
  • Chopped coriander
  • 1 tsp olive oil 
  • squeeze of lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Toss all ingredients except for hummus in a bowl 
  2. To assemble toast, spread with hummus and top with tomato and cucumber mixture


Topping #3: Smavo and Feta 


  • 1/2 a small avocado OR 1/4 of a large one
  • 2 tbsp good quality feta, crumbled
  • Toasted pepitas 
  • Salt and pepper
  • Squeeze of lemon juice


  1. Smash avo with a fork into toast
  2. Top with feta, pepitas, salt, pepper and lemon juice
  3. Optional: Add a poached egg on top!

Enjoy 🙂

Lee xo

Maca and Tahini Latte

maca and tahini latte
I was fiddling around in the kitchen the other day and came up with a new drink that I believe should be on everybody's lips. Move over Golden Mylk (as much as I love you)!  And make way for my Maca and Tahini Latte.

This creamy and warm concoction will support your immune system and revitalise your body, both mentally and physically. It’ll get your metabolism revving first thing in the morning, providing you with more get-up-and-go, reducing fatigue and ensuring your body is functioning at it’s best.

Today’s modern, hardworking men and women can often be seen multi-tasking in the centre of busy cities, hands clutching their morning caffeinated beverage, determined looks upon their faces. For decades caffeine has been viewed as a daily necessity to get you moving in the morning and to ‘switch on’ creativity.

But for many people, caffeine may be doing more harm than good. Overdoing caffeine can cause your blood pressure to swell, burdening your already hardworking heart!

Caffeine and other energy-enhancing supplements can also overload the endocrine system in the body. Since the endocrine system and the adrenal glands are responsible for the release of important hormones into the body, too much caffeine can result in an imbalance in hormones, such as oestrogen and testosterone. Plus I’m sure I don’t need to remind you about the relationship between hormone levels and mood swings. Eeek.

For someone aiming to maximise their gut health, caffeine can impede progress as it can cause indigestion and incontinence not ideal on a busy working day when you are trying your upmost to be fierce! Diuretics can hinder the absorption of vital nutrients by the gut and can lead to the unnecessary loss of healthy gut microbes.

What is maca powder?

Maca is grown in the Peruvian Andes and is packed with vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and phytochemicals. It is the root of the Maca plant that is of the greatest nutritional value and it has been used by the Incas for centuries. Generally used to improve energy levels and revitalise the body it is nutrient dense and has a variety of beneficial uses. It can be ground into flour, added to smoothies and drinks and used in baking too.

What are the benefits of maca powder?

- It’s nutritious and is made up of protein, fibre, essential amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and D, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, sodium, potassium and calcium – oh my!
- Helps to increase energy levels, without causing stress to the endocrine system and key organs in the body
- helps to reduce chronic fatigue
- balances hormones in men and women, as it contains amino acids which are the building blocks for hormones.
- Peps you up! Think elevated mood and a reduction in self perceived anxiety, stress and depression.

My Maca and Tahini latte contains no caffeine, no processed sugar and no pharmaceutical energy enhancers. And this frothy brew boosts energy levels in a balanced and sustainable way, with no stress on the body. Yay for that!


Serves 1


1 cup coconut milk
2 tsp maca powder
1 tsp tahini sesame paste
1 tsp vanilla
To sweeten add 1 tsp rice malt syrup to taste (optional)


Place all ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat and stir, whisking until combined and just warm then pour into a heat proof blender and blend for a few seconds until frothy. Garnish with toasted sesame seeds and a little cinnamon on top.


Lee x

Spicy Lamb Koftas


In need of a little umph and energy?

These Spicy Lamb Koftas from my Ayurvedic bible Eat Right For Your Shape are the perfect energy building food.

Lamb's gamey taste will remind you of the strong blood building qualities of red meat which also helps you build internal heat; a serious requirement of the flighty vata, who tends to feel the cold and become destabilised physically and emotionally. Vatas out of balance caused by a lack of warmth, grounding and digestive fire will be prone to dry skin, poor circulation, muscular aches and pains and arthritis.

Koftas are such a comfort food; even their name is filled with an ultra-cosy vibe. Their hearty nature will warm up your metabolism, so you feel warm from the inside out but can be eaten any time of the year. Rosemary & cumin highlights add to the warmth and spiciness of this rustic and sturdy dish.

Where possible, it’s important to purchase organic and 100% grass fed and finished lamb, which will contain higher amounts of healthy fats including omega-3 fatty acids, bringing another level of wholesome nourishment to build energy and stamina.

Pastured meat’s EPA fatty acid components are also incredibly important for mental health, as EPA is directly linked to brain function and emotional stability.

The fat content in these lamb kofta’s will bring an increase in digestive fire, as will the inclusion of fiery spices like warming ginger and the grounding zing of fresh parsley.

Lamb's natural oily and warming qualities will make you feel capable and maybe even a little competitive. It’ll bring the bounce back to your step, and make you feel more focused and driven.

Enjoy these delightful ayurvedic kofta’s as a midweek meal that’ll be enjoyed by the whole family.

Kids will especially find them fun to eat on their little skewers, and they’re a great way to ground littlies as a trusty witching hour meal to bring them back down to earth!

For busy families, double the recipe for lunch the next day. You can even serve them minus the skewer as a great protein addition to a salad made with seasonal vegetables.

I hope you enjoy them 🙂 Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Spicy Lamb Koftas

Serves 4 makes 8 koftas

  • 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) minced (ground) lamb
  • 1 small brown onion, chopped

  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed

  • 2.5 cm (1 inch) piece of ginger, peeled and grated

  • 1 tablespoon chopped mint

  • 1 tablespoon chopped flat-leaf (Italian) parsley

  • 1 teaspoon mild paprika

  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • Celtic sea salt, to taste

Preheat a chargrill pan or barbecue hotplate to medium.
  To make the koftas, mix all the ingredients in a bowl until well combined. Divide the mixture into eight portions and form each into a short sausage shape. Thread each onto a bamboo skewer and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Place the skewers on the prepared pan or hotplate and cook for 10 minutes, turning halfway through.

Serve with a garden salad in warmer months or roasted vegetables in winter.


Strawberry Teacakes

It’s hard to ignore the growing size of cupcakes and muffins at cafes, bakeries and supermarkets. It seems that many of us have adopted a ‘bigger is better’ attitude towards confectionary.

These monster muffins are often crammed with white flour, refined sugars and added preservatives. Processed carbohydrates and sugars are broken down quickly by the body, causing a rise and then sudden drop in sugar and insulin levels in the blood. This ultimately results in hunger pangs not too long after eating, and a massive drop in energy levels.

Let’s not forget that your gut microbiome isn’t the biggest fan of processing large amounts of sugar, and the outcome of your over-indulgence may linger with you longer than you anticipated.

Conventional sugar-laden treats are all too readily available, making it hard to avoid temptation when you’ve decided to embark on your journey to a healed gut and a zero muffin top.

So what makes my teacakes any different?

Well, I don’t want to burst your muffin bubble, but I do think it’s safe to assume that most muffin and cake recipes out there are more than likely recipes for weight gain! Think of my scrumptious teacakes as a gluten free, fructose free, tummy-loving alternative to those syrupy, lackluster store-bought muffins and ones that are gut health friendly.

Strawberry teacakes taste like the cross between a mini muffin and a scone and the strawberries give a beautiful "jammy" natural sweetness.  And just a note, as we head into berry season, I would recommend using fresh strawberries to give the teacakes a little more moisture if you can.

As a substitute for glutinous white flour, I’ve used almond meal and buckwheat flour, which are released into the blood slowly as an energy source, preventing that sudden peak and then drop in blood glucose levels. You can mix and match whatever flours you have available in this recipe but if you're subbing with coconut flour be sure to add a little more coconut milk.

To make this recipe gut friendly, I’ve popped in my special dinosaur powder, AKA Love Your Gut powder which gently cleanses and sweeps away plaque built up in your gut over time, resulting in reduced bloating and the perfect environment for healthy microbes to flourish.

You'll notice I've included a touch of rice malt syrup as a subtle sweetener as it doesn’t have an overwhelming sugary taste, but you can omit this altogether if you prefer or just use stevia instead.

Coupled with a warm mug of tea, my teacakes are the perfect treat when you’re entertaining guests. It's time to replace stale, greasy treats from the biscuit tin with these.  I guarantee that your friends and family won’t ever taste the difference.

Makes 8


  • 50g/ 3.5 tbsp organic butter, softened
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp rice malt syrup
  • Alcohol free vanilla 
  • 1 cup almond meal
  • 1/4 cup buckwheat flour
  • 2 TBS Love Your Gut powder 
  • 1 tsp baking powder 
  • Pinch salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (or any milk)
  • 1 cup Strawberries cut into quarters or eighths
  • 180c for 18-20 mins


  • Preheat oven to 180C 
  • Whisk softened butter and rice malt syrup in a large bowl 
  • Add eggs and vanilla and mix well
    Add to the bowl almond meal, buckwheat flour, LYG powder, salt and baking powder and stir until just combined
  • Fold in coconut milk and strawberries, reserving some for toppings
  • Spoon into muffin pan that has been greased with butter or coconut oil, or use paper muffin liners 
  • Add extra sliced strawberries on top
  • Bake for 18-20 mins
  • Serve with nut butter/ coconut cream/ yogurt and cup or peppermint tea!

Happy gut-healing!

Lee x

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