
Golden Gut Oatmeal Cookies

I don't know about you, but sometimes, when I go to do my weekly grocery shop I'm in such a rush that I'm running around and miss a few vital foods on my list. 

What can I say? I'm only human.

So, I often have to make my embarrassing way back to the shops and, I must admit, get a little distracted and often deviate from my list. Who can walk past brightly-coloured raspberries and not buy them?

I often think to myself, hmmm, did I buy enough zucchini for the week? Are there any avocados left? Do we have enough bananas?

The answer is no. Always no. 

In my house, you can never have enough bananas. I always think we need more. So obviously, I listen to my gut, and buy a few more bananas. 

And that is the story behind why I always end up with one too many bananas.

But anyway, back to food blogging... 

When these potassium-rich fruits start to go a bit brown, don't panic! You can always freeze bananas for a smoothie bowl, or my famous mint choc chip smoothie

This time, instead of just freezing my bananas, I experimented with something a little different.

I've used a few extras to create something I’ve been craving of late:

Golden Gut Oatmeal Cookies.

You know when you're drinking a cup of tea (or chai in my case) in the afternoon and you longingly wish for the perfect, crunchy, yet chewy cookie to dunk in your cup? These are the cookies. They're full of the wonderful spices cinnamon, ginger and of course, turmeric (if you can’t tell… it’s my favourite) because of their anti-inflammatory properties and delicious tastes. 

To make adding ALL of these spices, plus my Love Your Gut powder, to recipes, as easy as possible for you and, to add a little bit of bang for your buck, I've created a beautiful product that I'm so excited to share with you. I just knew these cookies would be the perfect way to do it! Because I mean... cookies... hello?. 

I’m using my brand new, golden gut blend to make these cookies as simple to throw together and as good for you as possible! Golden gut is a raw whole food powder that’s gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, low in fat, paleo and vegan. It contains organic food-grade diatomaceous earth naturally de-bittered organic turmeric, certified organic ginger, certified organic cinnamon and certified organic black pepper! It can help improve nutrient absorption, digestion and regulation PLUS it’s full of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties because of my favourite golden spice. It’s basically magical fairy dust, you can read more about it's magical powers and ambidextrous nature in the kitchen here

These cookies also contain gluten-free rolled oats which help lower your cholesterol levels, keep your bowels regular and your blood sugar levels low. Instead of regular white flour, we're using almond meal. Almond meal acts as a great alternative to normal flour because it’s gluten-free, low in carbohydrates, high in fibre, rich in good fats and adds a hefty source of plant-based protein.

Lo and behold, I’ve combined my love of sweet foods with my adoration of spice with these golden gut oatmeal cookies.

These cookies are high in fibre, healthy fats, protein and anti-inflammatory properties.  Looks like I'm going to have to keep buying one too many bananas more often... 

Golden Gut Oatmeal Cookies

Makes 12 



  • Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius
  • Place baking paper on baking tray 
  • Place oats, almond meal, golden gut blend, and sea salt in a bowl and mix
  • In a separate bowl add egg, banana, honey, butter and vanilla and stir
  • Add wet ingredients to dry and mix with a wooden spoon adding more almond meal if mixture is a little wet.
  • Scoop handfuls of dough together and roll into balls
  • Place them onto baking sheet then press down with a hand or spatula to make a biscuit shape about 5 cms thick 
  • Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 mins until golden (longer if you are making bigger cookies).
  • Once ready place on a wire rack to cool.

Give them a try and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Supercharge your pantry, fridge and freezer + four recipes

Have you noticed a lot more articles popping up about food waste and frugal living and the effects it can have on healthy eating?  Me too....so I today figured I’d share my thoughts on eating well on a budget. It is possible!

Being thrifty doesn’t mean we need to compromise on health or taste.  Often, frugality means not splurging on organic groceries and choosing the home brand when it comes to stocking up on necessities because their organic counterparts are jaw-droppingly expensive. But, eating well shouldn’t be expensive or difficult. Food is part of our everyday lives so it’s important to make eating well as easy and enjoyable as possible!  

Whether you’re a meat-eater, flexitarian, keto lover, paleo, vegetarian, vegan or somewhere in between, there is a way that healthy eating can work for everyone. 

So, how do we begin?

Let’s start in the kitchen, by supercharging your pantry, fridge and freezer!

Every Sunday morning, I take stock of what I have in my kitchen. I then make a list of the ingredients I need to buy so I can use up what’s already in there. If you're on a budget it helps to do a quick price comparison and check the prices at your supermarket or local grocer and think about bulk options that are available in your area.

With the busy lives that most of us lead, we tend to do many of our tasks online. We catch up with our friends online, shop for clothes online, order products online, and now, we can do our groceries online!

Sometimes, online grocery shopping can be even cheaper than your usual store and as an added bonus, it's delivered straight to your door. How easy is that?  For busy people, (working moms and dads I’m looking at you!) switching over to online shopping means you'll also avoid the hustle and bustle of the supermarket.  Plus, online stores often have special offers so keep an eye out for them. 

Depending on how often you cook and how many people you're food shopping and prepping for, you might find it worthwhile to invest in an annual membership at stores such as Sprout Market which allow you to buy natural groceries at cheaper prices. Who doesn’t love a bargain?

When I'm cooking, I like to cook simple recipes from scratch and use natural foods, herbs and a range of oils such as olive and avocado which are great for seasoning a variety of foods. When you cook yourself, you avoid buying ready-made foods which can often be loaded with unwanted ingredients and lacking in taste. So the trick to economise is,  supercharge your pantry and use economically-friendly ingredients, then choose simple recipes that make meals last the distance.  To get into this flow, all it takes is a little upfront planning.  Today I'm going to share four recipes that really go the distance from my eBook The Renewable Table, a way of eating that produces less food waste, saves money and is healthier than the average convenience meal. I call it continuum cooking.

Like good wine and cheese, some foods only get better with age (but not too much age!). Foods that improve with taste the following day have an important commonality; they consist of a multitude of herbs, spices and ingredients that add loads of flavour to a dish – think onions, garlic and peppers! Yum! 

Here is how I like to supercharge my pantry fridge and freezer with the basics so I always have options on hand to create quick, easy and affordable meals.

Herbs and spices

Keep a wide range of herbs and spices lined up in your pantry to lend a punch of flavours to your dishes. Adding an alluring blend of your favourite herbs and spices will ensure your dishes taste even better a day or even three after you’ve prepared them.

The herbs and spices you keep on hand will depend upon your particular tastes and preferences. Start by looking through the recipes that spark your interest and check to see which flavours you’ll need. They all add a delicious aroma to your meal in addition to loading your dish up with health- promoting properties. These are some of my favourite herbs and spices:

Always stock some good quality sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, which you’ll find packed full of minerals to add even more nutrition and great flavour to your cooking.

Flavour providers

Onions and garlic both from the Allium family are two of my favourite flavour accompaniments to use in cooking. Onions and garlic don’t just play an important culinary role; they also contain a plethora of health benefits.

When you start by sautéing onion or garlic at the beginning of your cooking, you’ll find they’ll unleash a powerful flavour that lends itself to releasing the aromas of other ingredients in your dish.

When continuum cooking, this is a really important first step, as the strong flavour combinations will only increase the longer you wait to eat it. This is perfect for renewable dishes you plan on reheating in a few days’ time.

Both onions and garlic can play a vital role in protecting your immune system and keeping you feeling strong and well. Onions can reduce the symptoms of bronchitis and the common cold. Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can strengthen your immune system overall, making you less vulnerable to contracting infections.

Some of my favourite flavour providers:

Grains and Staples

An absolute staple, grains, are one of the most affordable ingredients you can add to any meal of the day. Use grains and seeds such as brown rice, quinoa, and quinoa flakes to create hearty and nourishing dishes.

Each one of these grains and seeds is versatile, budget- friendly and last for months, sealed in a jar in your pantry, alleviating the need for excess waste.

When reheating renewable meals, add some brown or green rice to bulk up the dish, allowing it to serve a larger group of people whilst at the same time, becoming even more affordable. Both brown and green rice are full of fibre and a great way to satisfy your tummy when you’re famished or in need of an injection of B vitamins.

Re-purposing last night’s roast meat or vegetables into a fried rice is super-fast and makes for a tasty and convenient work lunch.

Quinoa has become more popular over the last few years and is one of the more affordable and versatile ‘powerfoods’ of today. One of my favourite renewable sequences that you’ll enjoy going on a culinary adventure with is my garlic and lemony chicken roast, and then the following day, turning the uneaten portions into a chicken quinoa meal with roast vegetables.

Supercharged Tip: Be sure to soak your quinoa the night before. This century-old process of soaking helps to break down the anti-nutrients and hard-to-digest components of the seed to avoid tummy upsets or bloating.

Buckwheat is another grain that has become popular in recent times and is a scrumptious alternative to rice or made into porridge for a warming winter breakfast. Diets that contain buckwheat have been linked to lowered risk of developing high cholesterol and high blood pressure. If you’re feeling adventurous, try scattering some activated buckwheat grains over your berries or yoghurt to add to your daily nutrient needs and for added texture.

On a cold winter’s morning, creating porridge with oats is a perfect way to start the day. Affordable, tasty and tremendously satisfying, oats are high in fibre and a perfect way to ensure the family are ready and alert for an energised day ahead.

If you’re gluten intolerant, you may find discomfort with ordinary oats, so look for the gluten-free oats or use organic quinoa flakes, to ensure your tummy has a pleasured experience and not an excruciating one.

Tinned Tomatoes

From pasta sauces, to vegetable bakes, soups to casseroles, there’s no limit to what trusted tinned tomatoes can do for your kitchen.

Adding a richness of flavour to your meal, tinned tomatoes are a versatile and low-calorie product imperative to have on hand in your pantry.

When transforming a roast into a stew, or converting unused vegetables into pasta, tinned tomatoes and tomato puree are essential for simple and budget-friendly continuum cooking.

Dressings, oils and vinegars

To add some instant flavour and bring your ingredients together, maintain a few basic dressings, oils and vinegar. Start with wheat free tamari, apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.

Wheat free tamari is a thicker, less salty, fermented soy sauce and can be used in Asian and non-Asian cooking to add a full, savoury, umami flavour to your dishes.

Originally used as a food preservative, vinegar is a must-have condiment in your kitchen to add flavour and an acidic balance to your dish. Apple cider vinegar, different to apple cider is delicious as a marinade or salad dressing, and is known for its vast list of medicinal benefits, including balancing blood sugar levels, promoting heart health, aiding weight loss, supporting digestion and providing an energy boost.

Try adding two tbsp of apple cider vinegar to 1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil, crushed garlic and pinch of sea salt as a delightful dressing to drizzle over your next salad or vegetable dish.

Extra virgin olive oil is a necessity in a renewable kitchen and you may find yourself using this tasty condiment daily.

The “extra virgin” refers to the oil being of the highest quality and usually has to pass a large number of tests and meet a range of strict standards to be classed as extra virgin. It should be produced by olives that are disease-free, harvested at the right time and processed immediately.

Extra virgin olive oil is completely natural, very high in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory qualities, making it a nutritious addition to your dish. Plus it tastes so rich and charming; no wonder the Italians add it to everything!

Other Dressings and Oils I'm loving at the moment include: 

Seeds and nuts

Nuts and seeds are some of the most versatile ingredients, adding a rich flavour to your sweet or savoury recipe. When creating a renewable table, the addition of nuts or seeds can transform the texture of your next meal while adding a boost of nutrients to help you meet your daily nutrition quota. They also taste great on their own as a cheeky little nibble.

Keep on hand almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts, pine nuts and pistachios. Each of these nuts contain essential good fats that promote skin and heart health and are a good source of plant-based protein.

If you haven’t experimented much with seeds, try chia and flax seeds. Sprinkle chia seeds over your breakfast parfait, or simply scatter over a fruit salad for some added protein and fibre.

When handling flax seeds (sometimes referred to as linseeds) you can eat them whole, sprinkling over your breakfast or using them to create homemade muesli bars – a great afternoon snack for the kids. 

Another way to consume flaxseeds is by blending them into a meal, or you can buy the flaxseed meal already blended at your local supermarket or health food store; this is a handy grain-free ingredient for creating breads and muffins.

Nut and seed butters are becoming more popular and are a tasty and nutritious spread to add to biscuits or for dipping vegetable sticks. A favourite of mine is tahini, which is made from ground sesame seeds. You can purchase hulled or unhulled tahini; however the unhulled version is more nutrient-rich, with more than ten times the amount of calcium.

Other nuts and seeds I'm loving:

Non-Dairy Milks

For those who are dairy intolerant or looking to reduce dairy intake, start celebrating for the vast selection of non-dairy milks now available. A natural nut milk or oat milk is a delightful non-dairy option to add to your breakfast muesli or porridge. If you want an extra treat, I'm going nuts over hazelnut chocolate milk and the almond-chocolate milk. If you’re extra handy in the kitchen, make your own!

Natural sweeteners

An alternative to refined sugar or artificial sweeteners, natural sweeteners like rice malt syrup or raw honey, are the perfect solution to satisfy your sweet tooth whilst protecting your waistline.

Creating fun recipes like my Coconut Banana Bread will enable you to stay on track and avoid binge eating or ice cream remorse that can often accompany a overdose of processed sweet stuff.

After a natural sweetener with zero calories? Try stevia, which is a sugar substitute extracted from the leaves of the plant species stevia. Add a pinch of stevia to your tea or in place of other sweeteners while creating sweet treats. As stevia is much sweeter than natural sugar, you only need to use a fraction of stevia. For example, for every tsp of sugar, you only need a pinch of stevia. Taste as you go, and then add more according to your liking. If stevia's not your thing, coconut sugar and coconut syrup are a great alternative. 

Fresh vs. Frozen 

Contrary to popular belief, 'fresh produce' doesn’t always necessarily mean it’s really fresh. The fresh fruits and vegetables you buy at your local supermarket may already be a week old by the time they put on display. If you don’t have access to a farmer’s market nearby, it’s not a bad idea to opt for frozen. Whilst the texture might not be the greatest, frozen produce might sometimes be even healthier because they are frozen immediately which locks in all the essential nutrients.

You get home from work hungry and tired, and there are no fresh ingredients in the refrigerator but you want to eat something right away. Your first thought might be what’s the number to order in?

The perfect solution is to have a couple of packets of snap frozen vegetables in your freezer. Stock up on edamame peas, spinach, broccoli and green beans. They’ll come in handy when you need a quick healthy bite.

Then all you need to do is fling open the doors of your pantry and add your choice of pulses and tinned tomatoes or a pre-made sauce, and voila! You have everything you need to create a nutritious dinner that takes just minutes to prepare.

Frozen berries

A final must-have for your freezer is frozen berries. Anti-oxidant rich berries assist with aiding weight loss, diabetes management, and lowering blood pressure. Loaded with vitamin C, berries can protect with health of collagen, promote radiant skin and healthy hair, and may reduce the risk of cataracts, arthritis and macular degeneration.

Apart from the extensive list of health benefits, you’ll find yourself eating berries simply because they taste so sweet and satisfying.

Fresh berries are delicious, however if you know you have a busy week and may run the risk of wasting those sweet fruits, keeping frozen berries on hand gives you that sense of security knowing you won’t have a wastage situation on your hands.

Frozen berries are a convenient solution for an uplifting smoothie or a refreshing breakfast idea, scattering berries over a granola or yogurt. Try mixing frozen berries in your next sweet dessert recipe,

So, now we've stocked the cupboards, what's next?

It's cooking time!

I know you’re probably taking out your phone and about to open your favourite delivery app because cooking your own food every day sounds like a hard task but listen up! It can actually be easier AND cheaper to go from takeaway meals to homemade meals.

This may sound like a hard task but when we replace the convenience of buying store bought meals in a bid to be savvy and eat healthy, food choices don’t need to be a challenge.

I have come up with four recipes that are part of a renewable table. This means that we can use base ingredients to create four (yes you heard that right, four!) meals over four days. Have a cooking day on a Sunday and you'll save yourself a lot of time through the week.

Recipe A: Chickpea Curry 

Serves 8



  • Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add chopped onion and cook for 2-3 minutes until onions slightly sweat.
  • Add the garlic and spices, cooking for a further 2 – 3 minutes.
  • Add vegetable stock and tomato, and then bring to the boil and let simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Add chickpeas and let simmer for a further 5 minutes.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Split the mixture into 2 portions, setting aside half to be used for the remainder of recipes in this sequence. Store as per instructions below.
  • Add the cooked brown rice to 4 serving bowls, and top with 1/4 of the chickpea curry in each. Add steamed vegetables and serve.

Once the unused portion of curry has cooled to room temperature, place in a sealed glass container and store in the refrigerator. Curry will last for 4 days in the fridge.

Recipe B: Gourmet Sandwich with Indian-spiced Hummus

Makes 4 sandwiches



Leftover curry from Recipe A above (half of the original curry recipe)


  • 8 slices of gluten free bread or bread of choice
  • 20 slices of eggplant, grilled (setting aside 12 slices for future recipes in the sequence.)
  • 8 cos lettuce leaves
  • 1 large tomato slice.
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Separate the chickpeas from curry liquid. Place chickpeas into a high-speed blender and all other hummus ingredients.
  • Blend until smooth and combined.
    • (Note: save the remainder of the curry liquid as a nourishing drink or as a base for your next curry or stew by storing in a jar and leaving in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, or freezing for up to 2 months).
  • Set aside 2/3 of the prepared hummus for Recipe C and D of this sequence by storing in a tightly sealed bowl and refrigerating for up to 4 days.
  • Prepare sandwiches by laying out 4 slices of bread, spreading hummus evenly across each slice, and then adding 2 slices of eggplant, 2 lettuce leaves and ¼ of the sliced tomato across each slice.  Season with salt and pepper, then cover with partnering slice of bread.

Recipe C: Mezze Plate

Place all of the below recipes onto your mezze plate.



  • ½ of the leftover hummus from Recipe B, with the remaining portion for Recipe D below
  • Drizzle extra virgin olive oil
  • Sprinkle paprika

Parsley, goat’s feta and pine nut dip

(Tip: Make a batch of this on your cooking day to save you time later)

  • 2 bunches of parsley, without stems
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • ½ cup pine nuts
  • 200g goat’s feta (reserve 100 gms for Recipe D)
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra pine nuts and parsley leaves to garnish

Wheat-free Tabbouleh

(Tip: Make a batch of this on your continuum cooking day to save you time later!)

  • 70g quinoa, rinsed
  • 80g flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • 1 handful mint, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 80ml lemon juice
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 small Lebanese cucumber, diced
  • 4 vine-ripened tomatoes, diced
  • 3 spring onions, sliced



  • Add leftover hummus to a serving bowl and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
  • Sprinkle with paprika.


  • Chop 4 slices eggplant into squares and sprinkle with sea salt.

Parsley, goat’s feta and pine nut dip

  • Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix until combined.
  • Place into a serving bowl and sprinkle with extra pine nuts and parsley leaves to garnish.

Wheat-free Tabbouleh

  • Cook the quinoa in a saucepan of simmering water until tender, about 15 minutes. Set aside to cool.
  • In a bowl, place the parsley, mint, garlic, salt, lemon juice and zest, olive oil, cucumber, tomatoes and spring onion, mixing all ingredients until well combined.
  • Season with freshly ground black pepper.
  • Stir through the quinoa and mix thoroughly.
  • Place 2/3 of the mixture into a bowl to serve. With the remaining 1/3, set aside for Recipe D below, placing into a sealed container and storing in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Recipe D: Baked Falafel Burgers with Tabouleh and Spicy Hummus

This the perfect mid-week dinner, or a mouth-watering lunch meal that’s easy to store and take to work. With most the elements already prepared, you’ll effortlessly create this gourmet burger with plenty of time to sit and enjoy.

Makes 4 burgers


Falafel balls

  • 75g sunflower seeds
  • 80g cashews
  • 1 tbsp organic nut butter, softened
  • 2 tbsp basil leaves, chopped
  • ½ tsp ground cumin
  • 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp chopped coriander leaves
  • 2 tbsp chopped red capsicum
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • ¼ shallot, chopped
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 40g toasted sesame seeds, for coating


  • 8 x slices of gluten free bread/quinoa bread/rosemary and flaxseed bread to make 4 burgers
  • Leftover Hummus
  • Leftover tabbouleh
  • Leftover eggplant slices
  • 8 crispy lettuce leaves
  • 100 gms leftover goat’s feta
  • Pinch of sea salt to taste


Falafel balls

  • Preheat oven to 220 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  • Place all falafel ingredients, except sesame seeds, in a food processor and pulse until thoroughly blended.
  • Use a spoon to form 4 falafel balls, flattening out the ball to form patty shapes.
  • Coat in the sesame seeds, transfer to the baking tray and bake for 15 minutes until crispy.


  • To build burger, heat each slice of bread under a grill for a few minutes to slightly heat and colour the top.
  • Lay out 4 slices and spread hummus on each.
  • Stack the 2 slices of eggplant, goat’s feta and falafel patty on top, place crispy lettuce on the plate and spoon in some tabouleh.  Top sandwich with the second piece of bread to form the burger.

I hope this has given you a few ideas to supercharge your kitchen and meals!

Lee xo

Two Upcycled Zoodle Soups

Here in Sydney we're in the midst of a cold snap.  Food-wise, soups are one of the most popular winter meals for chilly nights. They’re warm, simple, nourishing and oh-so-satisfying. And they’re healthy too.  Creating a homemade soup can increase your intake of veggies, water and fibre which can help relieve that sluggish feeling that often accompanies the colder weather.

When you think back in time to your favourite winter soup, do you dream fondly of grandma’s homemade chicken noodle soup, or a massive bowl of fragrant Thai noodle soup?.

Today I’ve recreated these favourites with a modern zoodle twist.   If you’re attempting to satisfy your cravings for your grandparent’s famous soup by picking up quick takeaways like pho or ramen all winter long, I’ve got an easy trick for you to make your own healthy versions, minus the additives and sugar and double the taste!

I’ve modernized two of my favourite old school noodle soups and they do indeed, feel like a cuddle for your insides. They’re as warm and nourishing as they are delicious and perfect for the cold weather. I’ve created a Chicken, Edamame and Zucchini Noodle Soup plus a Thai Prawn and Peanut variety.

But first, I bring you – Zoodles.

If you’re unfamiliar with zoodles, they’re zucchinis, or courgettes, that’ve been spiralised into a noodle-like shape and texture. Spiralizers are inexpensive and super handy. You can spiralise so many vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, carrots and even cucumbers! If you don’t have a spiralizer and aren’t sure you’re ready for the commitment yet, you can try improvising with a peeler or mandolin.

For those of you avid noodle fans who think that zoodles are just an impasta, you may be rolling your eyes and not willing to try out zoodles but hear me out! Zucchini’s are high in fibre so they’ll keep you fuller for longer and help get things moving on the inside. They’re also known to help you lose weight and boost the nutrient value of your diet. Zucchini’s are high in vitamin C and vitamin A which means they’re great for your overall immunity, heart and eye health.

It’s so easy to zoodle your way through winter with some delicious zoodle soups! They’re just like grandma used to make, only upcycled.  

Chicken, Edamame and Zucchini Noodle

There’s a reason mum used to make chicken soup when you were sick! Chicken soup is satisfying and the perfect meal to help cure a cold and supercharge your winter.

Ginger, garlic and onion, are full of wonderful flavours and anti-virals that help reduce inflammation, stimulate circulation and boost the immune system. The edamame beans are the perfect swap for your regular croutons because they’re high in protein, don’t raise blood sugar levels and may help to lower cholesterol.

Serves 4


  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • 1 brown onion chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 5 sage leaves
  • 1 inch knob ginger grated
  • 2 celery ribs, diced
  • 1 large carrot, diced
  • Pinch smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 4 chicken thighs, bone-in
  • 7 cups chicken broth
  • 1 lime juiced plus 1 tsp zest
  • 2 TBS coconut aminos or tamari sauce
  • ½ cup edamame beans
  • 3 medium zucchinis spiralised


  • Sauté the onions, garlic and sage leaves in the olive oil in a pot on medium heat.
  • Once the onions become transparent, add ginger, celery and carrot. Sauté until browned
  • Add in the paprika, thyme and oregano and cook for another 1 minute, stirring frequently.
  • Place chicken thighs into the pan and add broth, lime and zest and bring to the boil then simmer for 25 minutes
  • Add the coconut aminos or tamari, edamame beans and zucchini noddles and cook for a further 5 minutes being careful not to over cook the zoodles.

Thai Prawn, Peanut and Zoodle

Why order takeout Thai when you can enjoy the pure flavours of this exotic zoodley soup? Prawns provide you a filling source of protein, whilst zucchini noodles (zoodles) offer a more easily digestible option to wheat and white rice noodles that send your blood sugars on a rollercoaster. Enjoy as a light lunch or dinner, or throw in a thermos and savour at the office.

Serves 2


  • 1 tbs coconut oil
  • 1 TBS green curry paste
  • 2 TBS smooth peanut putter
  • Thumb sized piece of ginger cut into matchsticks
  • 4 kaffir lime leaves
  • 2 anchovies chopped (optional)
  • 1 400 ml can coconut milk
  • 200 ml fish stock
  • 2 TBS wheat free tamari
  • Juice one lime
  • 1 red chili finely sliced
  • 200 gms prawns washed and patted dry
  • 2 zucchinis spiralised
  • Handful of coriander


  • Heat oil and add curry paste, nut butter, and sizzle for one minute
  • Add ginger, lime leaves, anchovies if using, coconut milk and stock and bring to the boil stirring for about five minutes. Add tamari, lime, and chilli and cook for one minute
  • Stir in prawns and zucchini noodles and cook for a 4-5 minutes until prawns are cooked and zucchini is softened but still aldente
  • Serve with coriander

Give these soups a whirl and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Photography (Blue Rust Images). 

Prana Chai Review

Some people can't wake up without their latte fix, others are addicted to their bulletproof coffee and I, well, I swear by my Prana chai.

For any real chai lovers out there, you’ll agree with me when I say a good cup of chai is more than just a good cup of chai. Chai warms you up from the inside out and feels like a million gentle hugs, cuddling your insides. If home had a taste, it would be chai. My ultimate motivator for finishing my morning walk is a daily cup of home-made chai and it helps me reach the finishing line every morning 

I’m not sure if it’s because of my Indian roots or if it’s because I like to add some spice to my life but if you can't already tell... I’m a little bit obsessed with chai.

So, I can say honestly, as a qualified chai enthusiast, there’s nothing worse than ordering a chai at a café and spying a teabag (#anglo-Indian girl problems) or even worse, the instant powder (just a whole bunch of sugar and additives), scooped out of a tub to serve.

Nothing can quite compare to the silky-smooth texture and aromatic delightful taste of a home-made chai.  

Prana Chai is made with that in mind. It's hand-made each day in Melbourne with only the best natural spices, mixes and of course, love by the owners, Vincent Conti and Mario Minichilli. After travelling across the globe, they, like myself and many others, fell in love with chai. Upon returning home, they worked on developing a chai blend inspired by their travels and love affair with India. This is when they met Koray Gencel and I guess you could say, the rest is chai-story!

I try to be humble with everything I do, but there’s one thing I’m certainly not humble about; I make a very good chai, one of the tastiest in the world. I’ve achieved the equal blend of froth with spice and I just couldn't make chai the way I do without my favourite Prana Chai.

So, what is Prana Chai? The word Prana, originating from Ayurvedic medicine, links to the idea of life-giving force or vital force, which is why it's the perfect name for this chai range. Prana Chai is an honest product with nothing artificial; only love, tea and whole spices.

Masala Chai, which is my favourite of Prana’s range, originates from Ayurveda, the traditional healing medicine system of India. It's a beautiful mix of black tea, aromatic Indian spices and milk. 

If you'd like to get your hands on some chai, be sure to go to Prana Chai's beautiful website here or check them out on instagram here.

If you’ve never made chai before, you need to chai it out! It’s so simple to make and will boost your senses!

Just follow these instructions down below:

  1. Place two or three heaped teaspoons of Prana Chai into a pot
  2. Fill with one cup of your favourite milk (or I do half water half milk)
  3. Heat over the stovetop until it’s been brought to the boil.  Turn off and let steep for five minutes.
  4. Strain and pour into your favourite tea cup
  5. Relax and let that chai take over your whole body!

Golden Gut Blend

Clear some room in your tea cupboard and move your spice rack a little to the left. My brand new Golden Gut Blend is here to brighten up your life. 

If you're keen to get your daily dose of gut-loving golden spice and everything nice, then you've come to the right place.  Golden Gut is a versatile blend that can be used to create delicious fudge, gooey gummy bears, slurpable smoothies, toasty lattes, soothing nice cream, and even the most memorable curries and heart-warming casseroles for the whole family. And if that's not enough, you can also sprinkle it on soups and porridge!

So you may be asking, what powerful ingredients have I included in the Supercharged recipe and why is it helping people to win the gut-healing race?

In essence, Golden Gut Blend is a combination of tasty turmeric, spices and super premium 'Love Your Gut' diatomaceous earth. It contains organic food-grade diatomaceous earth, naturally de-bittered organic turmeric, certified organic ginger, certified organic cinnamon and certified organic black pepper! 

It’s a beautifully delicious, gut-loving addition to any drink or meal, plus it ticks all the boxes, as a raw whole food that's gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo, low in fat and vegan-friendly with no added sugar or caffeine.

Wondering why you need Golden Gut Blend in your life?

If you've become accustomed to feeling lethargic, low on energy or find yourself feeling just plain worn out, my Golden Gut Blend may just be what you're looking for. It's high in absorbable iron to help boost your overall energy levels, brain function and immune system. It's also rich in minerals, particularly silica, which is great for strengthening your skin, nails and hair. 

The diatomaceous earth component helps to improve nutrient absorption, digestion and regulation. Golden Gut offers a super natural approach to gut health so you can say goodbye to indigestion, and embarrassing symptoms for good. Get ready to say goodbye to bloating and hello to that tummy you've always dreamed of!

Ready for your skin to glow? Golden Gut Blend contains curcumin, the active constituent found in turmeric. Curcumin has a range of anti-inflammatory properties and can offer a huge boost to your immune system. Turmeric can be extremely beneficial in weight-loss, lowering insulin resistance and activating fat-burning genes. 

Turmeric works wonders for pH levels and helps to create a healthy alkaline environment within the body, boosting your energy levels and making you less prone to over-acidity. I've also included organic pepper to help us absorb all of turmeric's goodness to to add a little spice.

I know what you're thinking - this is great and all but HOW do I use this magical gut-loving blend in my everyday life?

You can use the blend in smoothies, lattes, nice cream, roasted veg bowls, eggs, curries and casseroles, sprinkle it on soups and make delicious fudge and gummy bears with it too! Drink it. Blend it. Mix it. Sprinkle it. Bake it. Love it!

Let's start from the very beginning of the day, always a good place to begin.

I like to kickstart the day with a digestive shot - so just use 1/2 tsp of powder in a little shot of warm water before meals to aid digestion.

For breakfast, you can add the powder to scrambled eggs or tofu, sprinkle it on top of poached eggs, or even add 1 tbsp to smoothies. If you have a sweet tooth (guilty!) and the weather is warm, "nice cream" may be the perfect way to start your day. Just use 1 tbsp of powder with 2 frozen bananas, 2 tbsp nut butter and 1/4 cup of chilled coconut milk. Too easy!

When you're in need of a mid-morning pick-me-up, I have the easiest Turmeric Latte recipe for you. Just mix 1 tbsp of powder with your favourite hot milk. You can strain if preferred but it's absolutely not necessary, as the blend mixes easily with no clumps, then drink up!

Moving onto savoury foods... I love to sprinkle my blend into curries, stir fries and even baked veggies. Or, if you're looking for something hearty with a little sprinkle of golden magic, my Spicy Lamb Koftas are the perfect comfort food. They're great for a mid-week dinner and are sure to help put a spring in your step. 

In need of a tasty dessert? I've got a ton of deliciously golden gut-healing recipes! Try out my insta-famous One-Bowl Turmeric Fudge  or have a go at my favourite break-apart turmeric tummy bark. Yum!

This powder is made in Australia with the finest imported ingredients.

Storage: keep it dry, below 30 degrees Celsius and away from direct sunlight.

Gut ready for Golden Gut! You can order and find out more about it and it's benefits here

Two Fast Fish Recipes Perfect for the Weekend

It’s been a long and laborious day at the office. You’re already peeved because you had to stay overtime to finish up some work. This means you’re coming home late to a messy house, hungry tummies and a glaringly empty fridge, standing there staring back at you.

You’re oh so tempted to dial in a cheap takeaway but your internal dialogue is torn. Then again, you’re way too tired to prepare a gourmet, organic three-course meal for you and the whole family. To even think about what to make feels like way too much hard work! Still you want to enjoy a healthy meal with all the right nutrients, but without a lot of effort required on your part.

Sound familiar?  If this feels like you, I'm giving you a chance to win the internal debate with two deliciously simple fish recipes from my book Fast Your Way to Wellness. I don’t want you to have to do one ounce of thinking, or over preparing for your meal to appear on the table in a flash.

These are a couple of my favourite go-to weekend recipes that have come to my rescue on many occasions during an "I-need-something-tasty-and-fast" crisis.

What I love about these recipes is that they’re super simple, healthy and don’t take more than 25 minutes each. The first one is the ultimate dinner winner!

Sautéed scallops with mushrooms and spinach

If you’re looking for something light for a dinner for two, this is a great recipe that not only tastes delicious, but also can be on the table in ten minutes.  Shellfish such as scallops are a beautiful source of fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin D. Always buy shellfish fresh from your local fishmonger and eat as soon as possible.

Serves 2

179 calories per serve (749 kJ)


  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 200 g (7 oz/10 small) scallops, rinsed and patted dry
  • Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 140 g (5 oz) mixed mushrooms, whole or sliced
  • 1 teaspoon fresh or dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 200 g (7 oz) baby English spinach leaves
  • Splash of apple cider vinegar
  • Chopped parsley or rosemary sprigs, to serve
  • Lemon wedges, to serve


Heat the oil in a medium frying pan over medium heat.

Season the scallops with salt and pepper, sear in the pan for 1–2 minutes on each side, until golden brown, then remove from the pan and set aside.

Add the garlic, mushrooms, rosemary, thyme and oregano to the pan, then cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes.

Add the spinach and apple cider vinegar, then cook for 1–2 minutes, until the spinach just begins to wilt.

Return the scallops to the pan and cook for 1 minute to heat through.

Serve topped with the parsley or rosemary and with lemon wedges on the side.

When you crave a lazy weekend and want to bring the fancy cafe Buddha bowl into the comfort of your own home, here's your go to recipe.  A bowl overflowing with protein-rich, and low cost lentils, chlorophyll-filled greens and deliciously smoked salmon brimming with omega-3s will provide a lunch of stately standards.  Whilst the lentils are cooking you can take off your shoes and put your feet up on the couch, then all you need to do is serve it up and add your other elements.

For those of you who find lentils hard to digest and you want to gain maximum nutritional value and make them more digestible, you can sprout them by placing them in a fine-mesh sieve or a sprouting jar and rinsing a few times a day for 2 days before you cook them. The lentils will grow little tails! Now there's a great weekend project.

Smoked salmon living lentil bowl

Serves 2

181 calories per serve (758 kJ)


  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 small brown onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 50 g (13/4 oz) brown lentils, rinsed
  • 375 ml (13 fl oz/11/2 cups) chicken stock or filtered water
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 handful coriander (cilantro), chopped
  • 2 tablespoons capers, rinsed
  • 100 g (31/2 oz) baby English spinach leaves
  • 100 g (31/2 oz) smoked salmon
  • 35 g (11/4 oz/1/2 cup) snow pea (mangetout) sprouts
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste (optional)
  • Squeeze of lemon juice


Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat.

Add the onion, garlic and ginger, then cook for 3–4 minutes, until softened.

Add the lentils, stock or water and cumin.

Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20–25 minutes, until the lentils are tender and the liquid has been absorbed.

Stir through the coriander and capers.

Arrange all the ingredients in serving bowls, then season with a grind of pepper (if using) and finish with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Enjoy your weekend 

Lee xo


Acure Organics Travel Pack and Cleansing Towelettes

A common theme around wellness is that we are what we eat.

If this really were the case, I’d be a kale omelette with salmon and avocado... which I’m perfectly okay with!

But this had me thinking; how does this philosophy apply to the skin we are in?

If we feed our skin with a bunch of chemicals, pesticides, synthetic colours and fragrances – what’s our poor skin going to look like in the long run?!

I don’t know about you but I’d rather my skin look fresh and vibrant like a punnet of berries than a chemically-operated science laboratory.

There's no denying that we all feel our best when we consume healthy food, so when it comes to our skin, the same rules apply. 

ACURE Organics is a product range that’s pure and driven to provide you with the best and most organic experience possible. The brand is loved globally and is the #5 natural skin care brand in the US.

Unlike many organic brands, ACURE Organics has an incredibly diverse range of high-quality skin, hair and baby products that are gentle on the body and won’t break the bank.

All of their products are free from gluten, mineral oils, parabens, sulphates, harmful preservatives and artificial colours. However, ACURE Organics is so much more than what they exclude in their products – it’s about what they put in. Their products are made from pure essential oils and plant-based natural ingredients. This means they’re high in antioxidants to protect our skin from damage and ageing *insert collective cheer here*!

ACURE Organics uses powerfully potent nutrients that are good enough to eat. They've created a Certified Organic Curoxidant Blend as the foundation for each product, and it's food based and features acai, pomegranate, blackberry, rosehip and rooibos – I'm getting hungry just thinking about it…

They're also leading the way with plant-stem technology, figuring out how to isolate and amplify a plant’s benefits up to one thousand times their natural bioavailability. This is revolutionary in the tech world!

All of their products are pH balanced to match our skin’s natural acidity, helping to prevent damage. Everything is toxin-free and not tested on animals. One of the other things I love about ACURE Organics is that they're a sustainable brand that uses green packaging, recycled materials and biodegradable ingredients and packaging where possible.

By buying ACURE Organics, you're not only helping save the planet, you're also supporting charity. With every purchase, you're also supporting two wonderful charities – Unite for Her (a non-profit breast cancer support organisation) and Turning Green (a student-led sustainable movement).

Their new on-the-go product line makes beautiful travelling that much easier. The ACURE Organic’s travel pack combines a mini 30g size of their hydrating shampoo and conditioner, brightening facial scrub and day cream. The travel pack's a great idea if you’re scared of committing to big bottles and want to test it out for yourself first! They're so easy to pop into your toiletry bag and travel with.

They’ve also created biodegradable towelettes which are vegan, sulfate-free, paraben-free and cruelty-free. These towelettes contain glycolic and zinc to clear the skin of dirt, grime and oil. You can choose your destination when it comes to their smell - either clean your face and body with Fragrance Free or, my favourite, Coconut + Argan Oil (because who doesn’t want to smell like a tropical island?).

ACURE Organics  offers high-quality, and effective organic products for low prices. Could you ask for anything more for the health of your skin?

Supercharged Dahl (It’s Totally Dahl-icious!)

I think we all know those people who love and embrace everything about India, the sights, the culture, the colours and especially the FOOD!

Some of them take trips every year, stay at a minimalist yoga retreat and come back totally ‘spiritual’, #cultured and a changed person. 

If you're one of those people or anything like me, half Indian and half English and living between two cultures, or if you're just looking for a gentle reminder to get your 'Eat Pray Love' on, then you’ve come to the right place! 

If an Ashram sounds a little too hard-core right now, I’ve got the perfect dish that’ll make you feel as if you’re ‘connecting to your core’ and being healed internally by the local medicine man.

Transform your kitchen into an Indian land of spices with all of the aromatic colours and flavours of this beautiful country. I’m helping you put the authentic back into Indian food with a DAHLiciously easy dinner that is equally warm, comforting, wholesome and supercharged!.

Indian food has a way of catering to everyone’s food preferences – whether you’re gluten-free, vegan, sugar-free or anything else-free, this dahl can be catered to suit your needs. It’s Indian cooking made easy and people-friendly.

So, what is Dahl (or daal or dal)? It’s an Indian dish of curried, spiced lentils. It’s one of my favourite meals to make when I’m in a CURRY because it’s quick and simple. I’ve included anti-inflammatory turmeric, high-fibre lentils, antioxidant-rich garlic, nausea-relieving ginger and digestive-improving cumin to make this dahl rich in nutrients and perfectly grounding. This superb combination is warming and immune-boosting to help fight off colds all year long.

Growing up with my Indian background, lentil dahl has always made me feel at home.  If you want to know more about my ever-evolving love of India and Ayurveda, you can read about my Indian adventures or check out my Ayurvedic-inspired book, Eat Right for Your Shape

Let’s talk about the star of this Bollywood show - Lentils!

Lentils aren't just a good option for plant-based enthusiasts. These legumes punch way above their weight when it comes to protein, iron and nutrients.

Lentils are a low-calorie, nutrient-packed legume with a nutty and earthy flavour. They contain a great source of prebiotics which means they benefit our existing gut bacteria and feed our communities of healthy flora to keep  everything running smoothly :oops:.  Lentils also contain dietary fibre, protein, iron, B1, zinc, potassium and more!

Because they're high in insoluble fibre, they can help prevent constipation and even relieve irritable bowel syndrome.  They're a plant-based source of both protein and iron that can help lower cholesterol, stabilise blood sugar and look after heart health. These little legumes can also help with weight loss because they’re high in nutrients like fibre, protein, minerals and vitamins and low in calories which means they keep us full and satisfied - Bonus!

Just remember, lentils aren't everyone's best friend. They can increase flatulence so if you're trying them out for the first time, I suggest eating them with close friends or family or soaking them beforehand. 

Supercharged Dhal

Just like fine wine and cheese, there’s something about dahl that only gets better with age. This dahl makes for the perfect lunch the next day. That's, if you haven’t finished it before then!


  • 2 cups red lentils rinsed
  • 4 cups vegetable stock or water
  • 2 tsps turmeric
  • 2 knobs unsalted butter
  • 2 tsps cumin seeds
  • 3 cardamom pods lightly crushed
  • 4 cloves
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely sliced
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 fresh green chilli deseeded and finely sliced
  • 1 inch piece ginger grated
  • 1 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
  • 1 inch cinnamon stick or 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • pinch sea salt


Place the lentils in a pan add stock or water to cover and bring to the boil (skimming off any scum that rises to the top).  Once boiled turn heat down to a gentle simmer and add turmeric and 1 knob butter. Cover with a lid, and let simmer (about 15 mins) stirring occasionally and adding more liquid if required.

In a small frying pan, over a medium heat place a small amount of butter and add cumin seeds, cardamom pods, cloves and fry for about a minute until fragrant (the seeds may pop).

Remove the tempered spices from the pan and set aside in a small bowl.

Melt remaining butter in the same frying pan over a medium heat and fry garlic, onion, chillies, grated ginger and tomatoes, add the cinnamon, coriander and tempered spices and cook until onion is translucent.

Remove from the heat and set aside until lentils are cooked through, then stir through spice mix.

Season to taste, ladle into bowls and serve with fresh coriander.

Slow cooking is the key to a healthy winter + Rosemary and Thyme Chicken Stew Recipe

It's time fire-up those kettles into full gear, keep the soup spoon handy and pull the fluffiest blanket out from the back of the cupboard – winter is here!

Winter is a time of hibernation, where we crave comfort foods and warming drinks. But we're usually so busy keeping warm, we tend to spend more time eating, less time cooking and even less time working out - which inevitably adds to that extra winter pudge! (Hello... Love Your Gut powder!)

But it's important to keep in mind that winter is also one of the best times of year to stock up on those essential nutrients and eat healthy.

My winter menu generally rotates between comforting soups, spicy stews, crispy stir fries, perfect porridges and spiced teas - all of which can be packed full of nutritional whole foods. Curries and stews are perfect for packing in your veggies and protein, but the misconception is that these delicious wintery meals take a lot of time to cook.

Enter your new best friend: the slow cooker!

Basically, a slow cooker does all the hard work for you, and they're easy to clean - which I know will have most home cooks cheering! If you're time-poor in the evenings, find some slow-cooker recipes - lamb shanks, curries and stews are perfect - throw the ingredients into the cooker, and it'll be ready for you at dinner time.


Mr Perkins Wellness Cleanse

I'm not sure about you, but I don’t love the idea of a fruit juice cleanse. After day one, I often feel deprived, lethargic, cold from all the juices and a little bit moody!

I'm a big believer in eating with the seasons so sitting by the fire-place and shivering whilst sipping on a pineapple juice for my 'health'. It just doesn't make sense to me! 

That's why I was thrilled when I found out about Mr Perkins' new Wellness Cleanse.

Mr Perkins, the latest health hub in Bondi Beach has a philosophy that I really love and try to live by myself – ‘cooked slow, served fast’. They turn the idea of 'fast food' on it's head with that one! Everything they serve is made in-house daily with locally sourced and fresh ingredients. Think hearty soups in winter and delicious smoothies and beautiful salads in summer. 

They've just released their official cleanse which is completely plant based, rich in fibre and designed to help heal and promote wellness. The cleanse is designed by Mr Perkins’ resident nutritionist, Jessica Rutledge, from the Greenery Clinic. 

Unlike many juice cleanses on the markets, Mr Perkins Wellness Cleanse acknowledges the seasonal changes and knows we don’t want to be drinking juice for dinner all winter long! It includes juices, smoothies, soups and broths to keep us satisfied whilst promoting detoxification. The body requires nourishment and warmth to maintain our wellbeing and this is what Mr Perkins does so well!

The cleanse allows us to step away from foods that are often inflammatory and, emphasises the goodness of vegetables, fruits and seeds.

If you’ve never done a cleanse before, don’t worry – it’s suitable for all levels. It works for people who’ve never touched a detox in their life to the juicing ninjas among us.

You can experience either a one-day, two-day or three-day cleanse depending on you.

Not yet convinced?

I’m giving you a sneak-peek into their delicious menu below!

Start the day off with a green smoothie, filled with avocado, banana, coconut milk, spinach and spirulina. This smoothie is energising and just delicious!

For lunch, you can enjoy a mineral-rich Shiitake broth filled to the brim with vegetables.

Need a pick-me-up? The Strawberry Gazpacho aids detoxification and is bursting with fresh flavours. It’s the perfect afternoon treat.

Now for dinner: their Green Soup with broccoli, leek, coconut milk and cumin is a real winner!

I love the Berry Chai Parfait for dessert. It’s a wholesome way to end the day, helps promote detoxification and is full of antioxidants and healthy fats to keep us going.

For more information, visit their website here or you can check them out on Facebook and Instagram @mrperkinsbondi 

Three Supercharged Workout Meals + Pear and Walnut Oatmeal, Hemp and Tahini Bliss Balls + My Ultimate Roasted Veg Bowl

This one's for all you exercise and gym lovers and likers, hikers and bikers, buffs and bunnies.

If you're planning to fit a workout into your daily schedule, nourishing your body with the right foods is essential.

It can be difficult to find a pre or post workout meal with just the right amount of nutritious ingredients to make you feel satisfied AND energized.

If you're pressed for time or honestly can't be bothered after a long day at work (it’s alright, we've all been there), having a few supercharged ingredients on hand can make a real difference to your motivation levels.

Before we begin, I’m going to have to break a bit of a myth that’s circulating about how to build or tone specific muscles in the body. There’s no miracle food that can tone your physique or build specific muscles. What I can tell you however, is that by eating supercharged foods, with an adequate amount of protein, healthy fats and unrefined carbohydrates, and a great exercise regime, you can be on your way to #breakingtheinternet with your fabulous body.

Supercharged foods are everyday super foods full of antioxidants that are easily accessible and relatively affordable. It’s all about making it easier for you to make healthier food choices so your mind and body don't fall into temptation and undo all your hard work.

That's why I’m a huge fan of bowl food. Personally, I find that eating food out of a bowl has made me more conscious and mindful of what and how much I'm eating. Plus, it’s quick and easy to make and you can come up with as many healthy combinations as possible. It's the best motivation for smashing out another set of squats! 

Usually I opt for a healthy mix of protein, vegetables and grains. It’s nutritious and a great way to exercise portion control. More importantly, the great thing about bowl food is its convenience. You can easily whip up a meal by using whatever you have sitting around in your fridge and pantry.

Did you also know that food eaten out of a bowl can trick your mind into feeling full? Studies have shown that when we're exposed to various sensory stimuli, this can impact our perception of flavour – including how full we feel after a meal.

Eating heathy meals served in bowls simply because they seem to taste better and eating smaller portions sounds like a win-win situation to me!

And now I've concocted three new reps to add to your repertoire!

Carbohydrates are a go zone when it comes to helping to build muscle, especially if we’re burning through energy while exercising. Carbohydrates help keep our energy levels steady and fuel our muscles so we can be twerking the night away.  Some of my favourite carbohydrates are brown rice, quinoa, pumpkin, sweet potato and fruit. Just be sure to stay away from refined products like pasta, pastries and white bread to keep your butt looking fab instead of drab.

If you plan to workout in the morning, the Pear and Walnut Oatmeal bowl is a great option. Pears are in season now so I've included them in this recipe but the best part is that you can swap them out for other fruits and they’ll taste just as good! 

I try to stock up on oats, nuts and seeds when I can. Sometimes I use fresh supercharged foods such as berries in my breakfast bowl but oats and nuts are a great alternative and non-perishable so you don’t have to worry about them turning to mush within a week.

Pear and Walnut Oatmeal bowl

Serves 2



  • Place pear, vanilla, cinnamon, nut butter and milk into a medium saucepan and heat to medium high, cook stirring until pears are softened and milk has reduced to a thick sauce, about 10-15 mins.
  • Add oats to a small saucepan and add water and salt and bring to the boil then simmer until the water is absorbed and oats are cooked.
  • Scoop oats into a bowl, top with caramelised pears and top with walnuts and pumpkin seeds and cacao nibs

I've also included a simple bliss ball recipe, as an on the go snack so you have all your bases covered.

Hemp and Tahini Bliss Balls

Makes 10 large



  • Place nuts, almond meal, hemp seeds, coconut flakes and coconut milk into food processor and mix

  • Add honey, almond nut butter and tahini and continue to mix until combined

  • Chill the dough in the freezer for 20 minutes
  • Remove the dough from the freezer and using hands, roll into balls and placeon a flat tray

  • Place extra hemp seeds in a bowl and roll balls to coat the surface

  • Refrigerate and enjoy. These can also be kept in the freezer

If you truly don’t have the time to make your own bliss balls, Sprout has quite the selection, including gluten-free, paleo or vegan-friendly options.

Now that you're finally done with the daily grind and your workout, it’s time to nourish your body with the good stuff. The urge to eat a big old bowl after a workout can be strong and why not? You deserve it. Reward yourself by eating smart and opting for the Ultimate Veg Bowl, which allows you to not only avoid undoing all your hard work but also tastes delicious at the same time!

The Ultimate Roasted Veg Bowl

Serves 2


  • 2 whole eggs
  • 2 cups cooked quinoa
  • ½ butternut pumpkin cubed
  • 2 zucchini sliced lengthways and quartered
  • 4 yellow squash quartered
  • ¼ cup hemp seeds
  • 3 TBS extra extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ cauliflower chopped into florets
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • squeeze of lemon
  • small bunch broccolini
  • ¼ cup tahini
  • 2 tbs tamari
  • ¼ cup water
  • 1 avocado quartered


  • Boil eggs and set aside
  • Make quinoa and once cooked fluff with a fork and set aside
  • Place pumpkin, zucchini, squash, on a roasting tray and drizzle with 2 TBS olive oil and sea salt, sprinkle pumpkin with hemp seeds
  • Place in oven 210 degrees for 35 mins
  • Meanwhile coat cauliflower with turmeric and remaining olive oil and a squeeze of lemon and place on a smaller tray in the oven for 20-25 mins
  • Place broccolini in a tray drizzle with oil and place in oven for 15-20 mins
  • Mix tahini, tamari and lemon with water to create a pourable dressing
  • Once roasted layer all ingredients into a bowl and top with tamari and tahini dressing
  • Add avocado and egg and top with extra hemp seeds

Totally Totable Recipes for Workdays + Supercharged Bento Box and Nori Rolls Recipes

I know that after a busy day at work, the last thing that most people want to do is figure out what they should have for dinner, let alone lunch the next day!  Working for hours on end and trying to be healthy may seem like two things that don’t necessarily go together but I’m here to show you that healthy eating doesn’t have to be time consuming or over complicated. I’ve got some great recipes for you to take to work with you that are fast and easy to prepare.

Sometimes, the thought of picking up something on your lunch break from the local food hall or fast food chain might seem like the only available food option. However, pre-preparing healthy food for work can not only save you money, but it can also save you time in the long run so that you can sit down and enjoy your lunch that has already been made by you. 

Eating healthily and preparing meals to nourish can also help to improve your work performance, and it can be simple to prepare healthy food the night before so that you can just grab it and go in the morning. If you’re reading this and it seems to you like an impossible feat, I’m here to show you that healthy lunches can be an achievable change in your workdays and really, it all comes down to mindset. 

The number one word I’m going to use here is preparation.  Preparing food, the night before or even preparing a few meals on the weekend, can save a lot of time and unnecessary stress in the morning. I’ll often cook more for dinner and take the rest as a takeaway. For example, if I’m making a salad, I’ll take some out before serving and put it in a container, and then dress the rest. This means the next morning it will still be fresh and delicious for the day and then all it needs is a protein source like a can of tuna in olive oil which I put in my bag and I’ll take a lemon with me to work (I work from the local library) and then at lunchtime, I'll dress the salad from there.

I’d love to share with you two of my favourite "Totally Totable" recipes from my latest book Fast Your Way to Wellness.

The first is a scrumptious Bento Box and secondly my Vegie Nori Wraps which are fun to make. Not only are these meals simple to prepare and delicious, they’ll also make all your co-workers extremely jealous by how good they look! They’re easy enough to transport to work and will help keep you focused for the day ahead.

The Supercharged Bento Box is a combination of everything to satisfy you fully! There’s a section packed with protein, another filled with complex carbohydrates, the third with vibrant veggies and of course the last one has a sweet little treat. I like to keep my meals balanced and like most, love having dessert to look forward to.

Nori is the main star of my Veggie Nori Wraps. Nori is an edible seaweed that is low in calories and rich in protein, iodine and fibre, making it a perfect lunchtime mix. Nori is packed full of B vitamins, especially B12, which is hard to find in vegetarian foods. This simple seaweed is also high in minerals and amino acids to maintain health as it controls everything from the immune system to mood.

Supercharged Bento Box

421 calories per serve (1763 kJ)

Serves 1

This meal has saved me time and time again! It’s a little bit like a throw-all-the-good-contents-from-the-fridge-into-a-container and it will no doubt taste delicious kind of meal.  This is easiest to eat from a bento box or lunchbox with four separate sections. Once it’s assembled, just refrigerate it for lunch the following day. Easy!

Sesame slaw with tahini and orange dressing

  • 15 g (1/2 oz/1/4 cup) shredded green cabbage
  • 15 g (1/2 oz/1/4 cup) shredded red cabbage
  • 40 g (11/2 oz/ 1/4 cup) grated carrot
  • a few mint stalks, chopped
  • a few parsley stalks, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped spring onion (scallion)
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, toasted in a dry frying pan


Combine all the slaw ingredients except the sesame seeds and put in a section of the box. Combine the dressing ingredients, adding filtered water as needed, then pour over the salad. Top with the sesame seeds.

Sardines with Lemon and Pepper

  • 45 g (11/2 oz) tinned sardines
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 lemon wedge

Drain the sardines and place in a section of your box. Season with pepper and add the lemon wedge.

Zesty Quinoa

  • 110 g (41/4 oz/1/2 cup) cooked quinoa (make this the night before or on the weekend and store in fridge)
  • finely grated zest of 1 lime
  • Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Combine the quinoa and lime zest, then season with salt and pepper.

Transfer to a section of your box.

Sweet treat

Put a small handful of berries in the last section of the box for dessert.

Vegetable Nori Wraps

181 calories per serve (758 kJ)

These wraps are satisfyingly simple. Feel free to make them your own – add any additional veggies you like to the mix! Packing these nori rolls for lunch will keep your nourished and grounded when you’re on the go.

Serves 2

  • 1 tablespoon wheat-free tamari
  • 2 teaspoons rice malt (brown rice) syrup or raw honey
  • 2 nori sheets
  • 1 tablespoon nut butter (cashew nut butter works well)
  • a few handfuls of baby English spinach leaves
  • 40 g (11/2 oz/1/2 cup) shredded red cabbage
  • 1/2 large carrot, grated
  • 100 g (31/2 oz/about 1/2 large) avocado, sliced
  • small handful of coriander (cilantro), chopped

Note; You can add a protein source to this recipe too, tuna or salmon is nice!

Combine the tamari and rice malt syrup in a small bowl. Lay one of the nori sheets on a clean work surface with a long side facing you and the shiny side down, then evenly spread half the nut butter over it, leaving a 3 cm (11/4 in) border on the top side.

Spread about one-third of the tamari mixture over the nut butter. Spread a tiny bit of tamari on the top side to help the wrap stay rolled up.

Put your desired amount of spinach on top of the nut butter and tamari layers, followed by half of each of the remaining ingredients. Be sure not to pile on too much or the wrap could break when you roll it up.

Roll the nori up away from you until sealed. Cut into three. Repeat with the remaining ingredients. Wrap in plastic wrap, seal in an airtight lunchbox and refrigerate until ready to eat.

I hope you enjoy these totally totable work day recipes.  Make them and let me know what you think in the comments section below.

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