
Gluten Sensitivities and Plant-Based Eating: How to Thrive as a Gluten-Free Vegan

Gluten Free Nut Loaf

Food sensitivity technology and other medical advancements are improving individuals’ health and well-being. More consumers are eating low-impact diets as a form of treatment and sustainability. Gluten-free and plant-based diets are more eco-friendly than conventional consumption patterns.

You may attempt to follow a restrictive diet to improve your health and struggle to cut out allergens and meat. There are various ways to consume a balanced and satisfying diet as a gluten-free vegan. Here’s how to identify what foods you should avoid.

What Is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein present in rye, barley, wheat and triticale. Many chefs add it to different foods to help maintain their shape. Wheat is the most common form of gluten, and it causes challenges for individuals following a celiac-friendly diet.

You can find wheat in traditional bread, soups, pasta, sauces, roux, salad dressings and baked goods. Barley is an ingredient commonly found in beverages. According to Beer Snobs, brewers put barley in beer to enhance its flavor profile..

Rye is a less common ingredient in cooking, and it is easily identifiable. The grain appears in rye bread, rye beer and some cereals. It has a unique flavor that’s identifiable in meals. Learn more about what is rye here.

Oats are a more complicated grain because they are gluten-free by nature and at risk of cross-contamination. Many wheat farms also grow oats, which enhances the chance of mixing. Once you understand the common causes of gluten exposure, you can increase your diet’s efficiency.

What Are Plant-Based Diets?

Understanding the implications of a plant-based diet also helps you improve consumption patterns. Vegans eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, beans and legumes. They restrict foods derived from animals from their diets.

Plant-based diets are healthy because they decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Vegan diets also have a significantly lower footprint because they minimize carbon and methane emissions. There are a few ingredients you should be sure to consume as a gluten-free vegan. 

Eggplant, Pomegranate and Minted Quinoa Salad


Dieticians suggest that 25% of your diet should come from grains. Removing gluten from your diet decreases the natural consumption of grains. You can replace traditional pasta, bread and other wheat-based products with quinoa alternatives.

Quinoa is the seed of a Chenopodium plant, and dieticians label it a superfood because of its high vitamin and mineral content. It contains B vitamins, iron, manganese, zinc and other vital nutrients.


Another beneficial additive to gluten-free vegan diets is cauliflower. The plant has zero fat and contains 100% of your daily vitamin C content. You can grind it into rice, make it into pasta, use it as a pizza crust and convert it into other grain-free materials.

Fruits and Veggies

It is essential to eat many fruits and vegetables when adopting a gluten-free vegan diet. You can increase your vitamin and mineral consumption by adding more whole foods to your meals. Fruits and vegetables also improve your oral health.

The natural foods contain more nutrients and less sugar, which protect your teeth from cavities and decay. That means you’ll likely save money on dental care by adopting this eating plan.

Broccoli Soup

Nutritional Yeast

You can add nutritional yeast to your and improve vitamin B levels. People who follow plant-based diets generally are deficient. Nutritional yeast contains vitamins B1, B2 and B6.

It also has high levels of zinc and potassium, which improve your general health. Nutritional yeast has a cheesy flavor, making it an adequate dairy substitute for vegans. The dietary component also supports gluten-free diets by improving low zinc levels.

Start With Testing

It’s a good idea to visit a dietician for an allergy test before adopting a gluten-free vegan diet. Removing certain foods can harm your health, especially if you have zero allergies. Sit down with a clinical nutritionist after receiving your results to develop a sufficient meal plan that supports your body’s vitamin and mineral levels.

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