
7 Newest Healthy Food Findings From Scientists

A growing body of evidence in clinical studies shows how different foods affect human health. Based on the food we eat we can keep a healthy body or trigger health issues leading to obesity, heart problems, and accelerated aging.

The understanding of a healthy diet is constantly changing. Whereas, scientists suggest a diet enriched with nutrients, vitamins, and other dietary components to prevent the development of health declines over time.

These are the latest 7 healthy food findings of scientists which define a new pattern of proper nutrition.

Bananas: These are well-known shielded fruits that are present in shops all year round, and carry numerous health benefits besides boosting your mood. These benefits include the prevention of type 2 diabetes and kidney stones. They also provide quick energy, promote digestion, and increase muscle stability and bone strength while aging.

Depending on the ripeness, not only the taste but also the healthy effects of bananas change. Research suggests that green bananas, though hard to peel and chew due to starch, have a low glycaemic index (30) compared to ripe bananas having 58. This feature makes green bananas a healthy fruit for treating or preventing diabetes. Green bananas are also good for promoting the digestion of carbs and vitamin absorption. Enjoy my Green Banana Pancakes

Yellow bananas in their turn are sweet and easy to peel. The starch turns into sugar making them a good source of energy. On the other hand, yellow bananas are good for eye health and may help prevent cancer development.

Brown bananas can be used as a healthy sweetener instead of sugar. These types of overripe bananas contain vitamin B6, folate, potassium, and a trace amount of vitamin C. Also, both yellow and brown bananas are good bioavailable antioxidants.

Mangoes: These fruits fit all dieting patterns and bring various health effects. Mangoes are shown to contain generous amounts of vitamin C and provide you with the Daily Value (DV) of necessary vitamins and minerals.

A recent study with overweight and obese people suggests that the supplies of nutrients in mango play the role of anti-inflammatory agents and provide the body with large amounts of antioxidants.

Mangoes are also rich in fibre and potassium, vitamins A, B12, C, and folate. The latter is necessary to lead a healthy pregnancy. During the study, consuming low-fat cookies as snacks increased body weight and insulin among control group participants. Whereas, people snacking on mangos demonstrated reduced cholesterol intake, low inflammation levels, as well as, better glucose control.

Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are the best-known vegetables from the cruciferous family. These vegetables contain vitamin K and folate, dark cruciferous vegetables are also rich in vitamins C and A. The health properties of these vegetables protect your DNA from damage and act as antioxidants. To understand your DNA find DNA test kits.

Studies suggest that cruciferous vegetables may lower the risk of developing different types of cancers including breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic, bladder, lung, and prostate cancers.

According to recent scientific findings, broccoli and cabbage are also considered NMN foods because they contain a generous amount of this health-supportive molecule. NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) is a molecule that is generated in all living forms and can be obtained through food or supplements. It is also gaining popularity due to its anti-aging properties and numerous positive effects on neurodegenerative disorders.

Coffee (In moderation): If you start your day with coffee and sip it during the day to keep agile, you may also get to know its health benefits. Despite controversial opinions about the restorative effects of this drink, the moderate consumption of coffee is demonstrated to promote cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, oxidative stress, and inflammation.

A couple of cups of high-quality dark coffee, like the one from Twisted Goat Roasters, without added sugar or other ingredients, has been shown to significantly lowers the risk of developing age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s disease.

For some coffee enthusiasts, the acidity present in traditional coffee blends can cause digestive discomfort or exacerbate existing gastrointestinal issues. Fortunately, low-acid coffee offers a delicious alternative that allows you to enjoy your favorite beverage without the unwanted side effects.

Its reduced acidity content helps preserve the natural antioxidants found in coffee beans, which can help combat free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. Moreover, low-acid coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of enamel erosion on teeth due to its less corrosive nature. Consider giving low-acid coffee a try - it may just become your new go-to morning pick-me-up!

Seeds and spices: The antioxidant properties of seeds and spices are long known.
Cumin, turmeric, black paper, curry, coriander, and mustard add not only color and flavor to your meal but also make it healthy fighting chronic diseases and inflammatory conditions.

Interestingly, scientists showed the healthful effects of spices on respiratory disorders, types of cancers, and heart diseases. A handful of sunflower and pumpkin seeds, in their turn, provide RDI (recommended daily intake) of nutrients for maintaining healthy skin, nourished hair, and muscles.

Fermented food: For many years people used fermentation as a means to better and longer preserve food. This is a process of yeast and bacteria breaking down the sugar in products. Hence, turning them into healthy foods, that rescue bone health, muscle endurance, better digestion, and even assist in weight loss.

Kefir, Greek yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, famous Japanese miso, and natto made from soybeans, and kimchi are types of fermented foods scientifically proven to bring numerous health effects. As a healthy addition to your balanced diet, fermented foods rich in probiotics may improve your digestion, increase immunity and play as strong antioxidants.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms are fungi that have been eaten alone or added to numerous meals for decades. They are known to benefit your health in many different ways without adding fats, sodium, or undesired calories. Due to their chewy and meaty texture, contained nutrients, mushrooms are also a good alternative to animal meat.

Studies found that eating 18 grams (two medium mushrooms) a day may reduce the risk of cancer development by slowing down cellular damage. Also, being low in cholesterol, mushrooms help you keep a balanced BMI (body mass index) and reduce the risk of obesity. Another research with participants eating golden, oyster, shiitake, and white button mushrooms demonstrated a low risk of cognitive decline.

Besides containing Selenium which helps your body make antioxidants, vitamin B6 which protects from DNA damage, and vitamin D reducing inflammation, Crimini mushrooms are known to contain enough amounts of NMN to boost your health and longer lifespan.

Consider boosting your well-being by adding these types of food to your balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

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