Tomato Sauce
Written By Lee On
May 27, 2012
1 kg fresh tomatoes, de-skinned and chopped (7 large toms)
- 3 TBS tomato paste
- 6 drops liquid stevia (optional)
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 1TBS freshly chopped basil and parsley
- 1 red pepper chopped very finely
- 2 TBS virgin olive oil
- 1 brown onion, chopped
- Sea salt to taste & fresh ground pepper
Place onion in heavy deep fry pan with garlic and red pepper and olive oil and cook on medium until translucentNow add the tomatoes, tomato paste, stevia and sea salt to the pan
Bring to the boil then cover and simmer for 20 minutes until thick or if you prefer thinner let cool and strain through a sieve
Stir in the fresh herbs and enjoy
How long can the tomato sauce be kept in the fridge?
It can last for up to two weeks.