How to Eat More Colour + an Antioxidant Rich Salad
Eat the rainbow; it’s one of the first things I recommend when someone sees me in my clinic and one…
Eat the rainbow; it’s one of the first things I recommend when someone sees me in my clinic and one…
Over 2000 years ago, Hippocrates suggested that all disease begins in the gut, and you know what? I have a…
If you haven’t tried my salmon chowder recipe yet you’re in for a soFISHticated treat. Holy mackerel it’s good. I’ve…
While beans may be famed for being the musical fruit, there’s a lot more to them than meets the ears/nose/eye. …
Does this sound familiar? Sunday: This week, I’ll finally eat healthily! I’ve just done a grocery shop so, I’ll make…
Here at Supercharged Food HQ, we’re no stranger to talking about the best diets for our gut and, well, *clears…
If you want your body to be a lean, mean damage-fighting machine, you need antioxidants in your life. While the…
If you’ve never hopped aboard the ‘zoodles’ (A.K.A zucchini noodles) train but have always secretly wanted to get on board,…
Restrictions are easing, and you’ve decided to ask some friends over for dinner. Amazing! How about you surprise them with…
Let’s preface this by saying that health is so much more than a number on the scale or fitting into…
If you wanted me to, I could give you 100 reasons explaining my immense passion for frittatas. Don’t worry, I…
The first time I heard the term mindfulness, I was at a yoga studio many moons ago. The teacher threw…