
COVID-19 Vaccine Protocol

Yes, you read that title correctly. *Cue a protest in the comments section. *

But seriously, your body is truly incredible. Every single day, your immune system fights off hidden bacteria, viruses, and parasites to keep you safe. 

Regardless of how strong your immune system is, it won’t always be able to stop you from getting sick; that’s where traditionally, vaccines have come in. I believe everyone is entitled to their own choices, and I’m not here to judge, but whether you’re pro or anti-vax, the truth is, vaccines are here to stay, so it’s essential to be across what they are and how they work, that way you can make informed choices and decide what is best for you. You can use this protocol whether you are vaccinated or not the choice is up to you.

What is a vaccine, and what does it do to the body?

A vaccine is a biological product that induces an immune response to protect the body against infection and disease. There are a variety of vaccines that work in different ways. 

What are the different COVID-19 vaccines available, and how do they work?

COVID-19 has urged the scientific community to find solutions quickly. Mostly, the technologies used to create these vaccines have been around for several years. Here are some of the more common vaccines you might have heard of broken down simply.

AstraZeneca (viral vector type)

AstraZeneca is a modified, low-pathogenic virus that functions as a vector to shuttle pathogenic antigens into host cells, inducing an immune response against the target pathogen. In this case, the target pathogen is SARS-CoV-2.1

Pfizer (mRNA type)

Pfizer is a nucleic acid-based vaccine consisting of mRNA sequences that help proteins in the body induce an immune response and code for a COVID-specific antigen.

The cells use the instructions contained in the RNA to produce the spike protein (SARS-CoV-2). Immune cells recognise the spike protein as foreign and initiate an immune response against it. 

The data indicates that Pfizer is up to 90% effective by day 21, reducing COVID-19 infections and decreasing symptom severity.3 However the latest research shows that the effects of waning immunity may be beginning to show in Israel and more time and investigation is needed.

Moderna (mRNA type)

Moderna has just been approved in Australia, and Dolly Parton donated $1 million to help fund it, so you know it must be good. Like Pfizer, Moderna is a synthetic mRNA vaccine. It uses a genetic code that triggers the production of the coronavirus’s protein in the body, which helps immune cells fight it.3

Novavax (sub unit protein type)

Coronavirus is studded with spike proteins that it uses to enter human cells. The Novavax uses recombinant nanoparticle technology, which teaches the immune system to make antibodies to the spike protein. So, if someone were to receive Novavax and then get exposed to the virus, the antibodies would lock onto the spike proteins, and coronavirus won’t be able to enter cells, blocking the infection.12

In one clinical trial, adult participants conferred over 89% protection against COVID-19 after two doses of the Novavax vaccine.12

Johnson & Johnson (viral vector type)

Johnson & Johnson is a viral vector vaccine, where a vector enters the cells in the body and uses the cell’s machinery to produce a spike protein. The cells then display the spike protein on its surface, and the immune system recognises it doesn’t belong there. This triggers the immune system to begin producing antibodies and activating other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. In the end, the body learns how to protect itself against future infection. 

Unfortunately, Johnson & Johnson is only 66.3% effective at preventing COVID-19 infections in clinical trials.13 

What are the side effects of the vaccine?

Side effects are common with vaccines and more adverse reactions are being recorded. Most adverse effects associated with these vaccines have been transient, lasting up to 72 hours. They include pain at the injection site, headache, fever, fatigue, and muscle aches and pains.4

However vaccine injury is becoming more apparent. You may have heard, AstraZeneca has been linked to blood clots (thrombosis) and low levels of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia).11 While the risk of either of these is low, it is estimated to be higher in those under 60. 

If you are unsure and want to find out more about the possible risks of vaccinations, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) records and investigates adverse effects. You can read more about it here.

I recommend speaking to your doctor or trusted health professional to find out what method is suitable for you, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions.

What can you do to protect your body before, during, and after the vaccine? 

If you choose to vaccinate, supporting your immune system through specific practices, such as a healthy diet, can enhance the efficacy of a vaccine and reduce your chances of experiencing potential side effects. 

The Weeks Prior: 

To stay well, actively supporting your immune system is essential. Optimising your physical and psychological health every day is the single best thing you can do to help your immune system before a vaccine. 

Gut Microbiome

The state of the gut microbiome can impact the immune system’s response to COVID-19. The research indicates that adverse reactions to the vaccine can be due to an imbalance of bacteria in the gut.5 So, before you receive the vaccine, support your gut health as much as possible. Head here for a gut health 101.

Nutrient-Rich Whole Foods

While there’s not enough research to indicate that a nutrient-rich diet will make the vaccine more effective, in general, eating a nutritious diet supports the immune system. Focusing on increasing your intake of anti-inflammatory foods is vital for helping the immune system thrive. Here’s the 411 on inflammation. 

The Day Before: 

As a qualified clinical nutritionist, one of the most regular questions I’m asked about in my clinic is whether there is a specific protocol for vaccinations. 

My COVID-19 Vaccine Protocol can help prepare your body for any potential side effects. If you choose to go down this road, I recommend implementing the following;

1.     Stay Hydrated 

It’s no secret that hydration is important for your health. Natural side effects of dehydration include fatigue, headaches, and muscle cramps, which are also common side effects of the vaccine. By avoiding dehydration, you can help reduce these side effects from occurring. Aim for eight glasses of water a day, and add one more for every cup of coffee, alcohol, and caffeinated tea.  

2.     Increase Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an integral role in regulating immune function and can help neutralise infections by stimulating white blood cells.6-7 Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher levels of bodily inflammation and fewer antibodies to fight infection, which may exacerbate adverse reactions to the vaccine. 

The best way to increase your vitamin D intake is through spending time in the sun. You can also obtain vitamin D from salmon, egg yolks, sardines, and mushrooms that have been exposed to natural sunlight. I recommend getting your vitamin D levels tested to assess whether supplementation is necessary. 

3.     Prioritise Sleep and Rest

While the jury’s still out on the effectiveness of hitting the hay before the COVID vax, short sleep duration before other vaccinations have proven to result in lower antibody responses to the vaccine, making it less effective.8 Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep before the vaccine. My Pumpkin Almond Bake is mood-lifting and sleep-enhancing, making it a perfect side dish to try the night before vax-day.   

4.     Manage Your Stress

Stress is a no-go when it comes to preparing for your vaccine. While acute stress impacts the liver, which affects our mRNA expression, chronic stress impacts the microbiome, leading to less effective vaccine metabolism.8 Head here for ten of my favourite ways to manage stress.

5.     Zinc is Zinc-credible! 

Zinc is one of the most underrated immune-boosting minerals on the planet. It’s involved in several aspects of the immune system, helping to guide the normal development of immune cells.9 It can also improve the metabolism of the vaccine. 

Unfortunately, zinc is deficient in most modern diets. Increase your zinc intake by consuming oysters, seafood, beans, nuts, whole grains, and seeds or supplement if necessary.

6.     Emphasise Omega-3 

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, which means our body cannot produce it by itself and needs to be consumed through the diet. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that work together to fight inflammation, which may help reduce COVID-19 vaccination side effects. Find EPA and DHA in fish, krill and algal oil supplements and oily fish, such as salmon, herring, and sardines. 

Unlike EPA and DHA, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is a short-chain acid found in flax, chia, and hemp seeds. ALA is not biologically active and must be converted by the liver into EPA and DHA for the body to use. Unfortunately, this conversion process is relatively inefficient, with approximately 5% for EPA and 3.8% for DHA.10 So, consume ALA-rich foods with EPA and DHA-rich foods. 

7.     Favour Fulvic Humic

Fulvic Humic helps carry nutrients into the cells and makes cell membranes more permeable, which may help in improving the metabolism of the vaccine to improve its effectiveness.14 Fulvic Humic also allows for a higher volume and more usable form of nutrients to enter the body, crucial for replenishing the gut microbiome and immune system. As the vaccine causes immune dysregulation, Fulvic Humic Concentrate is a welcome addition.

Current research indicates that Fulvic Humic is incredibly anti-inflammatory and beneficial for the immune system.14 Dilute up to 3 drops of Fulvic Humic Concentrate 3 times a day in your water bottle for maximum impact. 

After experiencing covid or Vaccination

1.     Win With Water

Ensure you’re well-hydrated to reduce any possible side effects. Aim for at least eight cups of water a day. 

2.     Prioritise Sleep and Rest

The vaccine can trigger fatigue, so if you can, take it easy the day after your vaccine and prioritise rest.8 Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep and watch your stimulant intake. If you want more tips on how to up-level your sleep routine, click here

3.     Nourish your Body

Continue to nourish your body with colourful, anti-inflammatory fruit and vegetables. I know you'll love my antioxidant-rich salad.

4. Quercetin and Vitamin C

Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid) which has promising signs when it comes to symptoms. It's safe and in combination with vitamin C, could aid in improving the severity of vaccine side effects. It displays a broad range of antiviral properties which can interfere at multiple steps of pathogen virulence -virus entry, virus replication, protein assembly- and these therapeutic effects can be augmented by the co-administration of vitamin C15.

For the Second Shot:

Repeat this protocol for the second shot. It typically takes two weeks after the second vaccination for the body to build protection against COVID-19, so focus on hygiene and rest. 

As always, this information is general. I recommend speaking to your healthcare practitioner to help you figure out what’s most suitable for you.

  • It’s also important to get tested MyBioSource if you are feeling flu-like symptoms or have recently been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Business owners can do their part by providing business COVID testing in Columbus and other US cities to protect their employees and help prevent an outbreak at the office.

After having covid this year, I used this protocol to recover:


1Rauch S, Jasny E, Schmidt KE, Petsch B. New vaccine technologies to combat outbreak situations. Front Immunol. 2018 Sep 19;9:1963. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01963.

2Zhang C, Maruggi G, Shan H, Li J. Advances in mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases. Front Immunol. 2019 Mar 27;10:594. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00594.

3Mahase E. Covid-19: Israel sees new infections plummet following vaccinations BMJ 2021;372:n338 doi:10.1136/bmj.n338.

4Kaur, S. P., & Gupta, V. (2020). COVID-19 Vaccine: A comprehensive status report. Virus research, 288, 198114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198114

5BMJ 2021;372:n149

6Fisher SA, Rahimzadeh M, Brierley C, Gration B, Doree C, Kimber CE, et al. The role of vitamin D in increasing circulating T regulatory cell numbers and modulating T regulatory cell phenotypes in patients with inflammatory disease or in healthy volunteers: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2019 Sep 24;14(9):e0222313. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222313.

7Manzano-Alonso ML, Castellano-Tortajada G. Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection after cytotoxic chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar 28;17(12):1531-7. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v17.i12.

8Zimmermann P, Curtis N. Factors that influence the immune response to vaccination. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2019 Mar 13;32(2):e00084-18.: 10.1128/CMR.00084-18.

9Braun L, Cohen M. Herbs and natural supplements: an evidence-based guide. 3rd ed. Sydney (AU): Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone; 2010. p. 1037-51.

10Gerster H. (1998). Can adults adequately convert alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3)?. International journal for vitamin and nutrition research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitamin- und Ernahrungsforschung. Journal international de vitaminologie et de nutrition, 68(3), 159–173. 

11Australia’s Vaccine Agreements. Australian Government Department of Health. 2021. 

12Saddof, J., Gray, G., et al. (2021). Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2021, 384.

13Saddof, J., Gray, G., et al. (2021). Safety and Efficacy of Single-Dose Ad26.COV2.S Vaccine against Covid-19. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2021, 384.

14Winkler, J., & Ghosh, S. (2018). Therapeutic Potential of Fulvic Acid in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Diabetes. Journal of diabetes research, 2018, 5391014. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5391014

15 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2020.01451/full

57 Responses to “COVID-19 Vaccine Protocol”

  1. Shannon says:

    Thanks so much for writing this article. I’m an avid health fan and try to do as much as possible the natural way to heal and nourish my body, but with my mum and brother being health professionals, I’m definitely all for modern medicine when required. It is rare to have any one in the natural health space talk about this subject. It important to get the right information out there so everyone can make the right decision for them. I made sure I ate really well, got lots of rest and stayed away from alcohol the weeks I had my Pfizer shots and I was totally fine. Big thumbs up to you Leah xx

  2. Amanda Thompson says:

    Thanks Lee! Due for my first shot this week and will definitely make sure I follow some of your protocol recommendations.

  3. Jen Crawford says:

    Thank you for your informative and science based summary regarding vaccines. I am double vaxxed and proud to be able to support myself, my community, my family, and those vulnerable people unable to receive the COVID vaccine for medical reasons, against this potentially deadly virus. Stay safe and well Lee. Jen

  4. J says:

    This is probbly good for normal vaccines but MRNA vaccines are a whole other level and to say that one can support the body while assaulting it with a MRNA vaccine is highly misleading

  5. Mel says:

    🙌🏾 well done using your platform to promote vital info! 👏🏾

    Just wanted to send love in case the haters come ♥️

  6. Rajesh says:

    Hi Lee, I found a typo in your otherwise well written article. The typo – “the antibodies won’t lock onto the spike proteins, and coronavirus won’t be able to enter cells, blocking the infection.” I assume you mean “the antibodies would lock onto the spike proteins and coronavirus won’t be able to enter cells”.

  7. Michelle Shannon says:

    Which vax did you have?

  8. Cm says:

    Hi, thanks for the above. Trying to have a Bub- does any have an opinion on vacination whilst preg or whilst maybe pregnant? I am not anti vax just cautious.

  9. Tm says:

    I have raynaurds and auto immune dysfunction severe circulation problems and rashes and other skin issues. I am 49 and care for my two teens solo so not keen on knocking myself dead from these things. I would rather catch it. A lifetime of worsened auto immune condition rashes and circulation issues from one jab to be around for my kids not too much to ask?

  10. Dorota says:

    Thank you so much for explaining it all! Very informative and approachable article.

  11. Pat says:

    Very thorough research. In regards to vaccinate, which route did you choose ?

  12. marion says:

    Cannot believe that you would promote these poisonous experimental gene therapies over our immune systems. People are dying from these jabs and it’s being completely covered up, which no doubt you would be aware of. Even our teenagers are now dying. Miscarriages & infertility in women too. The list goes on. Shameful.

    • Lee says:

      I am not promoting them just giving people both sides of the information so they can make an informed choice for them. Lee 🙂

  13. Alex Moss says:

    Thanks so much for this, Lee! Love that you put so much work into this blog and it wasn’t scary to read, just info based and super helpful. Such a fan xx

  14. Effie says:

    No, Lee, you are promoting these toxic death jabs. I’m speechless, you have sold out! If you were “giving people both sides of the information”, why have you not mentioned the multiple deaths, injuries and cover ups, which we know are occurring daily? Are you seriously not aware of what’s really going on, or has your US distributor muzzled you, too? Unsubscribing and throwing out your books. We’ll add your name to the Nuremberg Trials 2 list.

    • Lee says:

      I don’t have a US distributor and I think it’s up to the individual to make their own choices on what is best for them. I am pro choice and here to support everyone with nutritional advise no matter what choices they make for themselves. Thats the oath I took when I became a clinical nutritionist. It’s not for me to agree or disagree with another person’s choices or judge them for how they want to live their lives. I am here to support people.

      • hanna says:

        wow shocking one sided information. Wonder how much u got paid! You are a shame on you. You took an oath ?? than do research and present both sides of the story ! Yey anothet ovetpaid so called doctor. Accounts like that should be blocked

        • Lee says:

          I haven’t been paid? This post is for anyone who chooses to vaccinate or not vaccinate and the advise can be used to support your body irrespective of which route you choose.

          • Ant says:

            Incredibly brave to post this commentary Lee and I applaud you for it. You have chosen a balanced, measured approach while being respectful to those that choose not to. No surprise you have copped the hysterical vitriol that comes comes the delusional and misguided. The research “doctorates” out there with diplomas from the college of Dr Google. Watch how quickly these people flip when they are denied the freedoms that are inevitable with vaccination passports. I wish this never happened, but it has and as you say we have to live with it. Many of those refusing the vaccination will flip, when they cant take their selfies sitting in restaurants, jumping on planes to wonderful destinations etc. Their self absorbed approach to all things will flip.

          • Lee says:

            Thank you Ant 🙂 xx lee

  15. Kate Smith says:

    What a gem you are. Really love your books and have leant on them regularly for years for food as medicine. This is really useful and informative – really appreciate your inclusion of references.

  16. Michelle Terrill says:

    Wanted to echo the other comments commending your hard work and research on the topic! I am all for building immunity with nutrition and exercise and lifestyle, but so thankful for modern medicine at the same time. Your balanced approach is so refreshing as it seems like so many wellness influencers are toeing this party line demonizing these vaccines. Thank you thank you!! xx

  17. Bec says:

    Thank you Lee

  18. Jewel says:

    Thank you Lee for sharing your research ❤ I can see that the nutritional advice you have given is good for supporting our bodies from the vaccine or the virus, and would be setting us up for whatever we choose…

  19. Monica J says:

    This is awesome useful information, Lee. A pity the brainwashed naysayers are attacking you with their own agenda and conspiracies. 💕 Monica

    • Lee says:

      Yes someone threatened to add me to the Nuremberg trials 2 list. I was so flattered. People reading the list would be like Lee Holmes?? Who the hell is he?? And why is he on the list? 💕

  20. Michelle says:

    Wow I was so surprised to read this post Lee. What’s going on? Maybe time to do more research about the recovery rate from this virus amongst other things…like the experimental vaccines.

  21. Cathy Soulsby says:

    I’m truly a bit shocked Lee…

  22. Annoymous says:

    I have been looking for a resource EXACTLY like this. Thank you so much for your diplomatic perspective

  23. Vee says:

    Thanks for your post on this Lee. This virus is here to stay unfortunately, and already it is a terrible toll on our health workers. I live with one, I am doing gut health protocols and your fulvic humic and had a vax. Can’t risk it with the amount of people who are in contact with my partner. I can’t believe patients are dying every night from this right now, imagine those families have to watch them starve of breathe if they go to hospital, it’s tragic.

  24. Clive HODSON says:

    Many thanks for the overview and advice on nutrition in regard to the vaccines and preparation for having them. I am better prepared for my 2nd Astra now I have ready your “balanced” information. The unbalanced side of the equation are the anti-vaxers who are quick to condemn without any form of alternatives or options. Polio, Tetanus, Hepatitis A & B, Rubella, Measles and Pneumococcal Disease are just a few of the diseases the brilliant scientists of the world have successfully created a vaccine for. The speed in which the Covid vaccines have been researched, tested and approved is a credit to the incredible advances in research medicine and science technology.

  25. Andrea says:

    Thank you Lee, you offered a well balanced and researched article that is informative and factual. As always , your advice on supporting the immune system following the vaccination, offers a great guidance on how to nurture our body. I wish I read it when I got vaccinated. I got Pfizer and felt fatigued and pain in the arm. I took zinc, Andrographis, vitamin C and just rested. I was fine in two days.

  26. Jenni says:

    It looks inevitable that here in Victoria we will be forced to have the non mandatory vaccine. Because the novovax has a different makeup is it a better choice to the other vax? I love all this info you have given and passed it on to family.

    • Lee says:

      Thank you. In my research it is the one that I have found has less issues. Hope this helps, if you have pre existing conditions it’s best to talk to your doctor 🙂 lee x

      • Jenni says:

        Just regarding the Fluvic Humic I have been taking it for a couple of days now, it may be coincidence but I have a bit of a headache. Could this be a toxic clean out or not?

        • Lee says:

          Hello, it may be part of a detox reaction, could please ensure you are getting enough fluids, decrease the amount by half. Please let me know how you go 🙂 Lee

  27. debbie duncan says:

    Why do people keep insisting that the vaccines are killing so many people or harming them permanently? I haven’t been vaccinated because I’m terrified every time I read one of these claims. Yet when I look it up, although there have been some deaths as happens with most vaccines I think, it’s clear that the large percentage of those deaths can’t be attributed to the vaccines.

  28. Mirthe Blake says:

    Thank younso much for this well balanced information, which is so hard to come by these days!
    Would you have any idea how much longer it will be until we can get a Novovax, as it would be the one I’d be interested in!

  29. nonni says:

    Boy I just started out looking for a brownie recipe.
    All very interesting as I too have autoimmiune & the myriad of problems that go with it, particularly inflamation.
    To make things worse I also developed mould poisoning.
    I too am waiting for the Novavac as I have many complications & am 82. I have been told Taiga & Biocellprotect before & after vac may help. Do you have any info. on this.

    • Lee says:

      Hello 🙂 glad you found your way here. I am not aware of taiga and don’t have any research on biocell. I think definitely if it’s been recommended by a medical professional it’s worth investigating:) lee x

  30. Cathy Soulsby says:

    I just love it when people say” your dr is the best one to advise on that…” My dr has just refused to see me bcos I’m unvaxxed.. has to be telehealth. And isn’t their hippoccratic oath “firstly, do no harm?” haha

  31. Obayda says:

    What do you recommend for kids before and after immunisation?

    • Lee says:

      I recommend zinc and vitamin C rich foods. You can get zinc from eggs, wholegrains, beans, nuts and seeds and vitamin C from fruits, red capsicum, berries etc

  32. Amanda says:

    Thank you Lee 🙏🏻 X

  33. Courtney says:

    You are absolutely wrong about fulvic and humic acid.. yes, it helps in NUTRIENT absorption and utilization.. a vaccine and what they contain are not nutrients, therefore fulvic acid won’t “make the vaccine work better”… fulvic and humic acid are very strong chelators.. which means they will detox that BS right out of your system. This article is full of garbage.

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